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Onyx Watch / Men of the Watch [OW] Crafts
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All Onyx Watch (OW) Crafts with their ingame description.

Mainly made this guide due to me having problem finding this information on the wiki.
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Welcome to the Onyx Watch / Men of the Watch!
I created this guide because before i started playing From the Depths i could not find a place where you could see all the crafts of the diffrent factions. Even the wiki is lacking in that aspect. So here we go, A guide of all OW Crafts*, Categorized in order of difficulty and branch.

As such you will find crafts from both campaigns featuring:

Onyx Watch
The faction is named this if you play the Neter campaign, and uses mostly boats and thrustercrafts.

Men of the Watch
The faction is named this if you play Ashes from the Empire campaign, and uses only land vehicles.

The craft shown in this guide uses the standard OW color scheme. So how you see them here is how they appear ingame.

*I have left out (to my best knowledge) crafts that aren't used in the game but are still in the factions list, and crafts that are used as meme crafts, such as all the diffrent type of Maruder crafts.

As such you will only see crafts that you can actually encounter in adventure mode and campaign.
Want to check out the other factions?
Check back here, once i complete the guide for the seperate faction, their name will be turned into a link to said faction.

About the Faction
Onyx Watch is a mostly peaceful faction, and is the second choise the player can attack in the beginning of the game.

The onyx watch is a trade faction, and as such they hoard materials, they tend to have slow firing weapons and se fast firing weapons as a waste of resources.

Their designs are built in two styles, their pre-technology breakthrough ships looks like old sail ships.
After their technology breakthrough they started to create Castle-Ships and Castle-Tanks, vehicles that looks like medieval castles with heavy armour and slow firing cannons.

The Onyx Watch relations to other Factions at the beginning of the game.

  • Player: [+40] Friend
  • Deepwater Guard: [-100] Hated
  • White Flayers: [+20] Like
  • Twin Guard: [-50] Hated
  • Lightning Hoods: [+30] Like
  • Steel Striders: [+15] Neutral
  • Gray Talons: [+10] Neutral
  • Scarlet Dawn: [-30] Dislike

Ashes from the Empire
The Men of the Watch relations to other Factions at the beginning of the game.

  • Player: [+20] Like
  • Dustwind Gangs: [-20] Dislike
  • White Flayers: [20] Like
  • Twin Guard: [10] Neutral
  • Lightning Hoods: [10] Neutral
  • Steel Empire: [-30] Dislike
Onyx Watch [Neter]

Background Information
Though the merchants of the Onyx Watch are more commonly known for their famous trading fleets and far-reaching explorations to distant lands, the men of this ancient kingdom find the raging seas of Neter untrustworthy at best and would rather keep their feet on dry land. In fact the majestic sailing ships and the cumbersome floating castles pale in comparison to the massive land armada of the Watch, who have excelled in ground combat since the ages past.

Unlike the other factions who rely on more modern active protection and camoflage to survive on the battlefields of Neter the men of the Watch trust in three things that have carried them trough the centuries: Size, cannons and good steel. Compared to modern MBTs typical tanks employed by the Watch are massive beasts of iron that dwarf anything employed by their rivals in size. The sheer destructive power and the impressive manufacturing capabilities supplying them have kept these relatively outdated designs effective on modern battlefields.

Though still under the vassalage of the Steel Empire the Onyx Watch has kept out of the fighting due to being subject to intense raiding from the raider clans of the south, though some of the more cynical citizens of the Empire claim that they haven't fought either side in fear of losing future trading partners.

Corporations of Onyx Watch
  • Black Powder Antiques
  • Lochforge Industrial Marine

Men of the Watch [Ashes from the Empire]

Background Information
Though the merchants of the Onyx Watch are more commonly known for their famous trading fleets and far-reaching explorations to distant lands, the men of this ancient kingdom find the raging seas of Neter untrustworthy at best and would rather keep their feet on dry land. In fact the majestic sailing ships and the cumbersome floating castles pale in comparison to the massive land armada of the Watch, who have excelled in ground combat since the ages past.

Unlike the other factions who rely on more modern active protection and camoflage to survive on the battlefields of Neter the men of the Watch trust in three things that have carried them trough the centuries: Size, cannons and good steel. Compared to modern MBTs typical tanks employed by the Watch are massive beasts of iron that dwarf anything employed by their rivals in size. The sheer destructive power and the impressive manufacturing capabilities supplying them have kept these relatively outdated designs effective on modern battlefields.

Though still under the vassalage of the Steel Empire the Onyx Watch has kept out of the fighting due to being subject to intense raiding from the raider clans of the south, though some of the more cynical citizens of the Empire claim that they haven't fought either side in fear of losing future trading partners.

Corporations of Men of the Watch
  • Black Powder Antiques
  • Lochforge Industrail Marine

And now, to the crafts of OW.
As stated before, they are categorized by branch and difficulty level. And every list is from smallest to largest craft in said branch and difficulty level. Enjoy!
Ships - Easy [1/2]

Ingame description:
The Telemachus was essentially contracted as a mobile shield that other ships of the Onyx Watch fleet could advance behind, protecting the rest of the fleet from the large shells of the Marauder bobardment.

Armed with high explosive cannons, the Telemachus are able to heavily damage the wooden hulls of the Marauders once they get in close.

Ingame description:
After Lochforge Industrial Marine's success with the Clydesdale, the manufacturer was given the green light to start production of a dedicated military navy.

The first ship off the production line was the Bastion, which was designed as a light escort frigate.

Its design marked the beginning of the Onyx Watch's new era of ships, which became known as Castle-ships.

The switch from massed hull mounted cannons of the merchant navy to larger turret mounted cannons allowed for the Onyx Watch gunsmiths to excel in their craft and produce fearsome fire-power over greater firing arcs.

With the introduction of the Bastion, the Onyx Watch caught the Deepwater Guard completely by surpise.

Ingame description:
A truly versatile ship, the Spear is able to handle a vast range of task from unloading a Kingstead to defending trade fleets. Due to its versatilty, the Spear is often used as a disaster response vessel, making it a valuable addition to combat and trade fleets alike.

Ingame description:

The Conestoga is an amphibious vehicle, as such it can travel on both water and land.

Ingame description:
Durning the development of the Castle-Ships, differnt experiments were made as to improve the effectiveness of Sail Ships.

One idea, which had a single vehicle commissioned, was to make the hull made out of two sections: The lower one being made up of a weak material, but protected by the water. It was made sloped and shallow in order to give vehicle a better hydrodynamic profile. Above water, the section was completely covered with iron armour, giving it great survivabilty against the shells of the Deepwater Guard.

It was also heavily sloped, which gave the iron more effectiveness against horizontal shells. The design was very effective, however, the sailors of the Onyx Watch did not like the lack of homely comfort or very thick armour, and it was soon discontinued.

Ingame description:
Some of the Onyx Watch supply lines for iron are very long. The Grendel was designed to take advantage of the long travel times.

It has a large furnace mounted in the centre of the hull, which smelts iron while the craft travels through the Cold Loch.

This saves a lot of time that would usually need to be spent smelting and refining the iron, after the cargo ship had returned.

This way, the iron that is delivered by the Grendel is already ready for usage. It's a favourite of shipwrights.

Ingame description:
After a Deepwater Guard fleet scrapped the Head Admiral's prized galleon collection (they were in mint condition too), he commissioned into service an experimental ship with a MASSIVE cannon to enact revenge against the DWG for his hurt pride.

Ingame description:
This ship was hastily crafted durning the split from the Steel Empire, and larger guns were mounted to give the craft a better chance of penetrating the thick armour of the Steel Empire's ships.

Battles involving this craft often resulted in both sides taking significant damage, with no clear winner. This wat due to its very weak armour but strong firepower.

Ingame description:
The Deepwater Guard's reaction to the Bastion was to take to the air, leaving the Onyx Watch vulnerable to hit and run attacks.

While the regular Castle-Ships were able to take the odd pot shot at the Deepwater Guard's aircraft, only a rare and lucky hit was able to ensure teh safety of both the mercantile fllet and military fleet.

This led the Onyx Watch to pressure Lochforge Industrial Marine and Black Powder Anitiques through a rushed series of prototypes tentatively named the Halberd and Glaive to combat the new air threat and provide safety against incoming hit and run missile attacks.

Later iterations of the Halberd included the ability to track incoming ships as well as aircraft, making it an overall formidable force on the water.

Ships - Easy [2/2]
Ingame description:
When Lochforge Industrial Marine was looking to supplant Black Powder Antiques as the Primary Onyx Watch military contrator, two prototype vessels were built in secrecy to perfect the technologies for their new line of Castle-Ships.

The larger one became known as the Clydesdale, the smaller one was called the Warrior.

The Warrior was more commonly produced, but its original prototype was much weaker in weaponry, diluting its purpose to patrolling the waters around shipyards.

However, a massive Steel Striders assault was carried out, destroying any resistance in the outer waters. With the heavier ships still in inoperable condition, the Onyx Watch proposed a quick response: The local Warrior ships were quickly upgraded in weaponry and deployed to defend against the assault.

They showed unparralleled success as they repulsed the Steel Strider assault, and just like a promotion, the upgraded Warrior became part of the standard Onyx Watch Force.

Ingame description:
After the split from the Steel Empire, the Onyx Watch were in urgent need for new warships - among the many ships they refitted asa stop-gap was the Diamond, a former monster-hunting ship.

Replacing some of her boats with more cannons, and part of her cargo hold with more ammo-storage, she was renamed Greenfield and pressed into service against the Deepwater Guard. While still far from a true warship, her speed and size have kept her alive on escort missions since.

Ingame description:
The Straussland is favoured by the more entrpreneurial captains in the merchant fleet due to its mixture of speed, agility and fire-power.

This flexibility comes at the cost of durability, but it is not to be underestimated.

Ingame description:
The Huskarl is a very large sail ship, armed with huge broadsides of large cannons.

It was designed to inflict massive and crippling damage on Deepwater Guard flagships. which other smaller capable of.

Ships - Medium [1/2]

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
Sister ship to the Ironclad. Whereas the Ironclad was devised as a test bed for sloped armour, the original purpose of the Proctor was to test gun turrets.

Despite its small size, it carries battleship grade artillery, powerful enough to reduce the most fortified bunker to rubble.

When the Steel Striders encountered the Proctor for the first time, they laughed and dismissed it as a "cheesewheel on a raft". Minutes of fierce bombardmet later their laughter had been silenced, permanently.

Ingame description:
The Partisan sailing ship is, in retrospect to its name, a partisan to the Onyx Watch forces; this unusual sailboat features a massive frontal cannon that can strike from well over a kilometer away with ease, disrupting opposing fleet formations and even causing casualties against unwawry foes from afar.

Whenever its foes are in a much closer range, the Partisan can unleash its 12-gun broadside to tear enemy boats asunder.

Ingame description:
The Lance was one of the final hybrid ships in their development.

The idea for this was to make the hull ribbed, so as to significantly reduce the cost of production.

This idea was successful, and the cost for the Lance in both money and time was far smaller than of later Castle-Ships, but the odd shape of the Lance caused sailors to not feel as comfortable, and the ship was far slower for its odd shape then it should have been.

Due to this, only a few were commissioned before the model was completely discontinued.

Ingame description:
The Wintersday was an earlier prototype of the Ironclad experiment.

It was the first show of the Onyx Watch using the idea of protecting the weak part with the water, and up-aromour everything else.

Unfortunately, the Wintersday was produced durning a particularly cold winter, and the notorious Sailor Ninjin had been spreading lies about an eternal winter.

The sailors were concerned by this, and demanded the Wintersday be given extensive insulation and homely elemts.

Paddles were used instead of more propellers as to save on engine power, and a heavily sloped bow was used to reduce engine power usage.

All of the excess engine power is allocated towards the internal heating, earning its nickname from some sailors, the "Summersday".

Ingame description:
The Stalwart is a newer style of ship developed by Lochforge Industrial Marine that has gone through an evolving design.

The current model focuses on firing at enemies all around it, in addition to supplying extra firepoewr against ships in front of it.

Ingame description:
While the Pioneer is small and not the most heavily armoured design, it was a design that set the Onyx Watch on their trail of developing, producing, and becoming synonymous with their Castle-Ships.

The Castle-like design of the Pioneer gave the sailors safety in traditional armour rather than flimsy evasion or speed like with sail ships, allowed mounting of stronger guns as recoil was not as big an issue, but most importantly, a safe and sturdy method of transporting precious cargo.

This made it an immediate favourite, apart from those within the Deepwater Guard.

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
After another success with the Bastion, Lochforge Industrial Marine continued their string of successes by building a larger, more heavily armed and armored light destroyer, The [n]Cauldron[/b].

The Cauldron was designed with versatility in mind, featurig an experminetal LAMS and an AA Turret, three heavy missile turrets.

The Admiralty was impressed by the craft's ability to destroy shore targets while also shooting down enemy bombers, so it quickly made it into mass production.

Ingame description:
With the new military Castle-ship navy well underway, Lochforge Industrial Marine (LIM) was commissioned to produce a fire support vessel to assist in area denial, extreme range, and repairs durning combat.

The Firing requirements posed a serious problem for LIM until the proposal of a battery variant of the Halbard's anti-air cannons.

While this limited the ship's firing arc to directly forwar, it was deemed acceptable in its role of support with two modifired Bastion turrets on the rear sides to cover its blind spot.

The ship, which became known as the Warden, quicky gained a reputation against slow vessels and fortifications, leading it to be a well-recognized target priority for enemy fleets if they hoped to survive a prolonged engagement.

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
Made in tandem with the highly successful Halberd for combating against the Deepwater Guard aerial assaults, the Glaive is a dedicated anti-air ship that is armed with a standard cannon, but more importantly, laser batteries that destroy and disintegrate any aircraft that fly over it, and it definitely shows that true potential of Black Powder Antiques in modern warfare.

Ingame description:

Ships - Medium [2/2]

Ingame description:
The Harlech was based on the concept of a tank on water, It was built with enhanced hull armor and improved defenses allowing the Harlech to act as a mobile shield that moves in close to the enemy and bombards it with powerful mortars.

Ignoring the imposing Harlech as it maneuvers its way directly into the line of fire is nearly impossible and foolish if you do.

Ingame description:

Ingame description:

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
While Halberd and Warden were exceptional successes within the Onyx Watch Force, the need for a heavier multi-role support ship became apparent for large battles against the Steel Striders.

Lochforge Industrial Marine surprised the Onyx Watch Council by announcing they already had several prototypes ready to fill that role. Extremely pleased by Lochforge's announcement, full production of the Alcazar heavy support cruiser began the very next day.

Ingame description:
Lochforge Industrial Marine's largest trade vehicle, the Kingstead is a mixture between the old and new world of the Onyx Watch.

It serves multiple roles, including large scale trade of vital resources, safely transporting diplomatic-high ranking officials, resource processing, and fleet command.

The Kingstead is the closest craft to an aircraft carrier the Onyx Watch have and should rarely be left without an escort of supporting vessels.

Ingame description:

Ships - Hard

Ingame description:
One of the first Castle-Ships to ever set sail, the Claymore class ironclad was also the first ship of the Onyx Watch to equip a prototype version of what would become the famous and potent Bastion cannon.

Ingame description:
Lochforge Industrial Marine's first ship, now known as the Clydesdale, was originally named the Clandestine and was designed as a precursor to the newer Castle-Ships currently produced today.

Due to the very nature of the Onyx Watch's shift in combat focus and away from their old manufacturer Black Powder Antiques, the Clydesdale was developed in near secrecy.

The captains who sailed her, however, found that she was more of a no fuss workhorse, and the nickname Clydesdale quickly became the unofficial moniker and then later the official designation of the ship.

Ingame description:
The Palisade, Formerly known as the Wheat Miller, used to be a large, luxurious cargo ship for the Onyx Watch, but with pressure being heavily applied by the Deepwater Guard and Steel Striders, the Palisade's heavily armoured hull and vast cargo hold proved to be perfect installation of verticle launch heavy missiles, turning it into a battle barge that is a force to be reckoned with.

As it scraps apart its enemies, it continues one of its original purposes: Milling the wheat used for some of the best foodstuffs within the Onyx Watch.

Nothing is better than bread imbued with the essence of war, or so they say!

Ships - Godly

Iron Cordon
Ingame description:
The Iron Cordon was designed and produced very hasitantly.

While the need for avery sturdy and heavily armoured ship was needed, to hold the defensive line against the new battleship of the Deepwater Guard, the Crossbones, the resources required to produce the Iron Cordon was very high, and it was more than overkill for the weak armour of the Deepwater Guard.

The thought that the resources could be used on investing in trade instead, and developing their supply lines, kept the Iron Cordon very limited in size and strength.

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
The Steel Striders, recognizing their folly in neglecting the Onyx Watch province, finally returned with expeditionary forces to reclaim the region and squash the uprising.

What was originally planned as a blitzkrieg attack faltered into an unexpected siege battle with the heavy defense forces of the Onyx Watch.

The arrival of several new intimidating Lochforge Industrial Marine Bulwark Battleships so severely demoralized the Steel Striders fleet that the siege was shattered and borken within hours.

Ingame description:
The Steel Striders use of Laser Anti-Munition Systems (LAMS) left a large portion of the Onyx Watch military fleet crippled after a large battle. This was due to the LAMS stopping any Onyx Watches advances.

The Trebuchet was created to have faster shells, as to move faster than the LAMS could feasibly detect and shoot them down.

A damaged Ransack hull, recently stolen from the Deepwater Guard, had its guns studied meticulously, due to their fast fire rate.

The Onyx watch managed to reverse engineer those shells, except making them far larger, forming the Trebuchet's main, and very scary, armament.

It was rumoured that in the first battle the Trebuchet was ever in, she was ambushed by Steel Striders forces, without any screening escorts. And in this fabled battle, her mighty guns beat not only the Gannus and her screening ships, but heavily damaged a passing Tyr battleship.

Ingame description:

The stronghold is easily the largest ship in OW arsenal, costing almost 1.5 million materials.

Thrustercraft - Easy

Ingame description:

Thrustercraft - Medium

Ingame description:

Ingame description:

Thrustercraft - Hard

Ingame description:

Thrustercraft - Godly

Ingame description:
The Onyx Watch saw the need for a blockade runner to allow them to enforce diplomatic and trade embargoes in a covert or rapid response fashion.

As a result the Eyrie was the first vehicle designed in secret by Lochforge Industrial Marine since the Clydesdale, not to mention the first ever thrustercraft of the Onyx Watch.

It quickly became clear that if an Eyrie is in the battle-space, then something critical is riding on the outcome of the battle. Buidling costs, maintenace, and fuel use limit the Eyrie to mission specific engagements since regular Castle-Ships are more efficient for day-to-day military operations.

Installations - Easy

11B Oil Refinery Platform
Ingame description:
The 11B Oil Refinery Platform is ISO124320 accredited and has had 15 days since its last accident.

Ember Forge
Ingame description:

Installations - Medium

Ingame description:
A direct upgrade to the Smelter, the Furnace combines greater extraction and processing of raw materials with being a direct trade hub for incoming materials and the mercantile fleet.

The Furnace also received a significant upgrade in defence to maintain safety of resource process.

Onyx Throne
Ingame description:
The Command & Control centre for the Onyx Watch, the Onyx Throne is heavily fortified to withstand enemy sieges and safe guards the Onyx Watch's home turf.

Like the resource gatherers the Onyx Throne is a resource processor in its own right and a trade hub.

This facility houses all of the high ranking Onyx Watch craftsmen and Lochforge personal.

Security is paramount, the destruction of the fortress would mostly liekly herald a collapse of the Onyx Watch.

Structure - Easy

OW Small House
Ingame description:

OW Large House
Ingame description:

OW Radar Tower
Ingame description:

OW Watch Tower
Ingame description:

Structure - Medium

Ballistae B
Ingame description:

Ingame description:

The Manor
Ingame description:

Structure - Hard

Cannon Tower
Ingame description:

Structure - Godly

Cannon Tower B
Ingame description:

Tanks - Easy

Ingame description:
The men of the Watch have preferred the brutal charms of close combat since the age of the sword, though the rapid advances in ragned weaponry have rendered such doctrines mostly obsolete.

This proud tradition of melee combat has however made the Watchmen into some of the most feared shocktroopers known on Neter, renowned for being able to clear and capture any city or fortification with tremendous ease.

Lucernes have been designed to carry tehse melee-oriented combatants to battle in relative safety while providing covering fire against anything the ground pounders can't deal with.

The assault tanks are such a common sight durning sieges and breaching actions that a common phrase says that in Cold Loch the castle besieges you.

Ingame description:

Tanks - Medium

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
This gigantic mobile fortress is often referred to as the missing link of the Onyx Watch evolution, being the first floating castle employing propellers for movement.

This not-entirely-new tech was integrated to make sure such a large vehicle was even somehow possible at all: It is so large that no ship could possibly carry it from continent to continent, so it has to rely on its own propulsion to move to new combat zones.

A mobile HQ and an amphibious assault craft in one package, many enemies of the Watch have been scared to submission when one of the massive Castle-ships suddenly beaches and starts heading the assault towards their lines.

It is a point of pride to Lochforge manufacturers that no Treadstone has been ever lost to enemy action either at sea or at land.

Tanks - Hard

Ingame description:
The Onager is an oddity among the Watch forces: Instead of solely relying the gigantic cannons the kingdom is known for, the tank employs two top-secret and revolutionary weapons known as catapults to lob rocket-assisted paylod at long distances with extreme accuracy.

Some of the more concerned members of the Watch have complained that these new weapons are a waste of resources and frivolous new humbug like active guidance is marely a passing fad that will never surpass the already proven cannons firing shells the size of small cars.

Ingame description:
The Sentinel LAARATASPGT (Light Armored Amphibious Recon Anti-Tank Assault Self-Propelled Gun-Tank) is the result of the convoluted politics of the notoriously conservative Watch admiralty board.

Commissioned as a wheeled recon vehicle somewhere after the first Scarlet Dawn Invasion, the rather curiously designated vehicle had a long difficult history of re-designs and new feature were constantly added on the whims of the admiralty.

Contrary to its original intended role the tank become almost indistinguishable from the other tanks of the Watch, yet main desinger of it was quickly promoted by the very pleased admirals on a job well done.

Ingame description:
One of the most common workhorses among Watch forces, the Bison is actually the second tank in the land armada to bear the name.

Its predecessor, the Bison I, was among the first Castle-Tanks built and deployed to service.

The legendary design was known to be completely invincible to the weaponry of its time, a fact that spurred arms industry to take gigantic eaps to remain competetive.

Though the new Bison doesn't have quite as remarkable reputation, it is still an extremely dangerous enemy in combat, capable of holding its own against scores of lesser vehicles.

Ingame description:

Tanks - Godly

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
The heavily-armored Bombard assault gun was designed to replace the earlier Tsar SPG, which suffered tremendous lossed due to its lack of armor.

Though originally designed to bombard cities and to breach fortifications, it quickly fond itself excelling at tank-hunting.

The raiders of the Dustwind Gang have grown to fear the loud crack its cannon makes when firing, as it is often followed by the total annihilation of one of their vehicles.

Ingame description:
Fletcher was designed to combat the increasing amount of planes and airships of the Southern raiders, chief among them the sky-hordes of the dreaded Sven Kno.

Fitted with all manner of modern rangefinders and radars the tank is capable of downing or damaging anything wielded by the raider clans with extreme precision.

Despite its successes on the battlefield the men of the Watch treat it with suspicion, as the rapid-firing autocannon it employs is considered a non-trraditional waste of resources.

Ingame description:
A Castle-Tank stuck in mud or rough terrain is one of the most common sights within the Watch land armada.

The sheer size and weight of their tanks, while coming with their own benfits, often means that the vehicles have atrcious cross-county capabilites while also rendering them incapable of crossing bridges of similar constructions.

To combat this problem the Watch have provided a solution very typical to them: An even bigger combat engineering and recovery vehicle.

The Oxen, as the vehicle is called, can carry a whole regiment of combat enginners, several kilometers of bridge-laying equipment and other commodities that are almost obligatory in making sure the land armada reaches its destination.

The crew of the Oxen are often so diligent at their work that whatever place they fight in will often have better roads after the battle is over than before it.

Ingame description:

The Rhino is OW largest tank, clocking in over 340k Materials.