From The Depths

From The Depths

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Deepwater Guard / Dustwind Gang [DWG] Crafts
By Outcast
All Deepwater Guard / Dustwind Gang (DWG) Crafts with their ingame description.

Mainly made this guide due to me having problem finding this information on the wiki.
Welcome to the Deepwater Guard / Dustwind Gangs!
I created this guide because before i started playing From the Depths i could not find a place where you could see all the crafts of the diffrent factions. Even the wiki is lacking in that aspect. So here we go, A guide of all DWG Crafts*, Categorized in order of difficulty and branch.

As such you will find crafts from both campaigns featuring:

Deepwater Guard
The faction is named this if you play the Neter campaign, and uses mostly boats and flying airships.

Dustwind Gangs
The faction is named this if you play Ashes from the Empire campaign, and uses mostly land vehicles and planes.

The craft shown in this guide uses the standard DWG color scheme. So how you see them here is how they appear ingame.

*I have left out (to my best knowledge) crafts that aren't used in the game but are still in the factions list, and crafts that are used as meme crafts, such as all the diffrent type of Maruder crafts.

As such you will only see crafts that you can actually encounter in adventure mode and campaign.
Want to check out the other factions?
Check back here, once i complete the guide for the seperate faction, their name will be turned into a link to said faction.

About the Faction
The Deepwater Guard tend to be the first enemy the player makes.

Their designs are mostly built in a steampunky or post-apocalyptic way, with paddleboats inspirations. They are pirates, so alot of their better technology is often stolen, and their crafts are built of salvage.

A good represtation would be to think of the DWG in a Mad Max / Waterworld type of way.

The Deepwater Guard relations to other Factions at the beginning of the game.

  • Player: [+13] Neutral
  • Onyx Watch: [-100] Hated Beyond All
  • White Flayers: [+5] Neutral
  • Twin Guard: [+20] Like
  • Lightning Hoods: [+5] Neutral
  • Steel Striders: [+15] Neutral
  • Gray Talons: [+10] Neutral
  • Scarlet Dawn: [-30] Dislike

Ashes from the Empire
The Dustwind Gangs relations to other Factions at the beginning of the game.

  • Player: [+10] Neutral
  • Onyx Watch: [-20] Dislike
  • White Flayers: [0] Neutral
  • Twin Guard: [0] Neutral
  • Lightning Hoods: [0] Neutral
  • Steel Empire: [10] Neutral
Deepwater Guard [Neter]

Background Information
The Deepwater Guard is a scattered nomadic nation that lives in the desert archipelago of Janwall and stretches into the great plains of Eriwick. Due to the lack of rich soil and agricultural knowhow, most of the Deepwater Guard rely on deepwater fishing and whale hunting for food. Over time, the poorest of the nation learned that some of the best ways to get rich is by piracy so many fishing ships and whalers armed themselves and turned to the richer waters of their neighbors.

Nowadays the Deepwater Guard is ruled over by a loose council of four pirate lords who decide on everything from national defense, fishing rights, and which pirates of power control which parts of their territories. Each of the pirate lords have built up their own fleets to support their style of piracy. The Timeworn Lord Riker is among the oldest of the lords and is notorious for his stories of hunting monsters deep in the sea in his youth, though nowadays he's critiqued for his insane designs such as the Angry Chicken. The Prosperous Lord Goldwater is known for his wealth as a pirate and cunning tactics in both battle and affairs. He even claims to have worked with Riker in the days of hunting monsters in the past. The Mad Skylord Sven Kno rules over the skies with his massive airship armada, most of them named after his parents' ships that were used on whaling expeditions. Finally the youngest among the lords is the Humorous Lord Pathos, a former Steel Striders captain who has used his knowledge to create ships more closely to the traditional battleships that excel at far sea raids and land bombardment. Pathos's line of craft are among the most respected in the Deepwater Guard for their resilience and effectiveness.

Despite the lording of the Deepwater Guard, their diplomacy is not rigid and quarrels are common between those lesser in power. This leads to some Deepwater Guard fighting amongst themselves when it comes to lesser matters. If the fighting becomes utter chaos then the pirate lords will have no choice but to intervene. Captains responsible for these incidents are normally stripped of their power.

A lack of metal resources in Janwall means most ships in the Deepwater Guard are built from wood imported from Eriwick. Scavenged, repurposed, or built from scratch, most of them are made from fragile woods and reinforced with metal. Despite this ramshackle approach, you shouldn't let their wooden exterior fool you; the Deepwater Guard are known for their tenacity in the face of overwhelming odds and might surprise you with their unique creations if they catch you unaware.

Corporations of Deepwater Guard
  • Pirate Lod Pathos
  • Pirate Lord Goldwater
  • Pirate Lord Riker
  • Pirate Lord Sven Kno
  • Pirate Lord Fitzgerald

Dustwind Gangs [Ashes from the Empire]

Background Information
The southern lands of Janwall and Eriwick both have a long history of sheltering the scum of Neter. These two barren, inhospitable, and resource-devoid continents were never conquered by the Steel Empire, leaving the whole area a haven for the undesirables of the world. Scavengers, exiles, pirates, mercenaries, and other lowlifes have banded together into great clans and tribes to survive in these dangerous lands, fighting each other for territory and resources.

The recent civil war, as well as the general instability that it heralded, gave the more ambitious clans new ways of surviving. Not only are looters and scavengers enjoying the fruits of the wars of others, but the fractured Empire can no longer protect its merchants, causing the strongest and most brutal tribes to turn to piracy. The Dustwind Gangs, quickly rose to power by harrying the merchants of the Onyx Watch by both land and sea. Their daring raids on trading and support fleets have become legend among those of the southern lands, and hushed whispers tell that their chieftain dreams of the day when he can unite the two continents under one Jolly Roger.

Corporations of Dustwind Gangs
  • Fitzgerald Crypomotors
  • Yellowjackets
  • Crooked Masts
  • Sand Scorpions
  • Gutter Rats

And now, to the crafts of DWG.
As stated before, they are categorized by branch and difficulty level. And every list is from smallest to largest craft in said branch and difficulty level. Enjoy!
Ships - Easy

Ingame description:
The Rat is by far the most strapping vessel in the Deepwater Guard repository and is normally assigned to prisoners who are to "walk the plank in style." To the dismay of the one enforcing such an order, it occasionally survives engagements merely due to the enemy laughing at it instead of blasting the poor little boat and those on board out of their misery.

Sea Viper
Ingame description:
The Sea Viper forms a network of recon vessels spread thinly over the islands of the DWG Navy. Each Sea Viper contains the communications equipment to relay messages back to the DWG Ballon Corp. To summon reinforcements and report on enemy movements.

Ingame description:
The Vanguard is a scout ship of the Deepwater Guard. Designed to travel over long distances whilst offering a cannon capable of long range harassment.

Ingame description:
Although it dosen't look like much, small groups of these craft patrol the shallows of the DWG territory, and sometimes are used to quickly move up and assault enemy shore positions.

Ingame description:
The Scrapper is essential just a larger, dual an version of the Shuriken raiding vessel. This larger size allows it to fit larger, more effective weapons and helps improve the effectiveness of these raids.

Ingame description:
Desperately looking for ways to counter Onyx Watch castle ships. Captain Goldwater had the brilliant idea of mounting some sawn off Maruder main cannons onto a paddlegun esque turret, then mounting that onto an extensively modified fishing boat. The finished product proved to be more than a match for the likes of the Telemachus and the Watch's sailing ships.

Ingame description:
The Marauder has developed around the requirements to fire a 20 gauge fortress buster shell 7km to support DWG operations against the castle forts of the Onyx Watch. Due to its popularity and effectivness it was mass produced by the hundreds.

Over the years, the ships have become out dated and rarely used for real battle. Most are sold off to be used as testing targets for various captains. Some captains rate their own ships by how fast they can sink a Maruder.

This is sort of a meme craft, as the later part of the description say, we (The Players) tend to use the Maruder as target practice and see how fast we can sink it. It is the go to target practice platform to use.

Ingame description:
Upon capturing the Lost Forest of Eriwick, the Deepwater Guard were left with a resource zone away from their main supply lines. They needed a large cargo ship to ferry the resources from that area to their shipyards in the south - And the product of that, was the Walrus cargo ship. It had weak armament to defend itself against smaller foes, but it was usually escorted, and didn't need any significant weaponry.

Jacobs Folly
Ingame description:
The family houseboat of the Jacobs family was extensively refitted by their son after his parents tragically passed away in a freak fishing accident. The young pirate turned the old wooden tugboat into a small death machine with the addition of 6 artillery turrets and a few torpedoes for good measure. He made sure that his parents' legacy would never be forgotten.
Ships - Medium

Ingame description:
The Coyote is one of the many fishing boats that litter the waters of Eriwick that has been repurposed into a small raiding vessel by some overly ambitious fisherman with delusions of grandeur. This one seems to have been fit with some small missiles and additional armor.

Jacob's Scorn
Ingame description:
Old man Jacob was a renowned engineer in Eriwick. He also owned one of the largest scrapyards in the region. He had a passion for reusing bits, scraps and bobs to create new inventions, but was distraught, because of the immense amount of shipwrecks he had to process every single day. His dayjob of dismantling old ships took up all of his time, and he had none left for inventing.

One day, mad with scorn for all the shipwrecks in the world stealing his time and passion, he uttered "Golly! If I can scrap boats before they arrive in my yard, I'd get the work done in a jiffy!" So he found an old riverboat, bolted a steam shovel to the bow, and went off to scrap boatss at sea, when they were not stranded yet.

Ingame description:
This is a converted river paddle ship that is now used as a floating home for several families. Seeing that their all wooden ships was very vulnerable, the DWG salvaged part of the metal hull from a Onyx Watch derelict and mounted it on a metal arm hooked to a turret system.

This allows the metal hull to swing around the front of the ship acting as a shield. Behind the shield is a heat decoy to make sure missile strike the shield and not the vulnerable wooden ship.

Jacob's Treehouse
Ingame description:
Pirate Captain Jacob found himself adding more and more quarters and positions for his growing band of followers aboard his flagship, turning the war vessel into a veritable treehouse crawling with scallywags and boozers.

Ingame description:
Many ships in service of the Deepwater Guard will begin life as conventional ships swiped from under the noses of merchant fleets and navies.

However, cumulative field modifications will transform the vessels into something truly unique and unrecognizable.

Ingame description:
The Kalmar is a repurposed failed prototype of the Moray capital ship that simply never flew.

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
While the Deepwater Guard has access to a sizeable supply of weapons and ships, most hapless folk under their control are forced to make due with whatever is lying around in order to fend off bandits.

In the case of the Smoker, it was derived by using the engine of an old wheeled vehicle and attaching it to a large raft. Though ramshackle in design, it makes up for it with a pair of missiles that can put a dent in just about anything.

Ingame description:
Release the Kraken!

Ships - Hard

Ingame description:
The Corsair is a small escort vessel designed to protect loot convoys from raiders. It's missile turrets provide substantial anti-air coverage and its small size proves to be difficult target to hit.

Ingame description:
The Rapier is a vessel was once sold to civilian fisherman in need of a quick ship to haul their catches to the market.

Now in possession of Pirate Lord Pathos, they are fitted with cannons and missiles and sent to haul his enemies to the Great Beyond.

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
Spotting the distinctive silhouette of the Pilferer pocket-battleship is a terrifying prospect for the captains of the Onyx Watch mercantile fleets.

Armed to the teeth with rapid firing cannons and fast enough to keep up with some of the sail ships, it's no wonder that the few men that come back from a run in with the Pilferer are very quiet when questioned about the incident.

Ingame description:
Inpsired by the school of thought that "Two turrets are better than one", the finished production model of the Paddlegun shows a signficant increase in combat viability over its previous version.

This makes it quite simply one of the most dangerous Deepwater Guard ships of its size class. Its dual vertical turrets can make mincemeat of anything in front, behind, above or below it.

Ingame description:
Pirate Lord Pathos was struggling to find a way to fight off the Onyx Watch menace when a crew under his command returned to port with a captured Steel Striders shipwright.

Seizing upon this stroke of luck, he "convinced" the shipwright to create a blueprint of a modern battleship that could be built out of readily available Deepwater Guard supplies and weaponry.

Utilizing stolen Onyx Watch CRAM cannons for the main batteries and a few anti-aircraft turrets that were lying aroundm the Pluderer Class is a meancing flagship more than capabble of giving the Watch a taste of its own medicine.

Ingame description:
After observing the runaway success of the Barracuda battlecarrier, Pirate Lord Pathos saw the potential in aircraft carrier technology and decided he wanted one to call his own.

Lacking Sven Kno's level of sophistication in heliblade technology, Pathos and his engineers could not manage to get a feasible carrier design airborne.

Nevertheless, the Tortuga is a fearsome force in its own right, wieldign substantial firepower of its own and a whole squadron of bombers to rain death upon its foes.

2x Cormorant Aircraft
2x Razorbill Aircraft
2x Puffin Aircraft

Ships - Godly

Ingame description:

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
The chaotic seas that mark the border between the Cold Loch and the Cauldron of Eriwick were the host of a massive battle against an Onyx Watch battle fleet and the main fleet of the Deepwater Guard.

The conflict lasted for days and eventually ended in a stalemate with both sides withdrawing after taking considerable losses.

Scavengers loyal to the Pirate Lord Pathos scavenged the battlefield for any salvageable wreckage. At the end of the operation Pathos was left with scrap from countless DWG designs.

In typical DWG Fashion, the Pirate Lord figured the only logical course of action was to create the biggest and baddest ship on the seven seas out of the scrap to pillage, plunder and most importantly, to take revenge upon the Onyx Watch.

As the description states, this is considered the hardest ship of the DWG fleet.

Submarine - Medium

Ingame description:
The legendary Pequod class submersible is one of the Deepwater Guard's most dangerous and high tech vehicles, and has long been the bane of the Onyx Watch's trade convoys.

Marely mentioning the name will cause all but the most hardened Watch captains to cringe in fear. Though bristling with deadly weaponry and cutting edge shields, the hull itself is relatively fragile, as sufficient damage when underwater can send it to Davy Jones' Locker.

Submarine - Godly

Ingame description:
Young acolyte Aliquis was a bright spark with a genius idea. Once meeting with Sven Kno, he presented the great Pirate Lord plans for a daring design: A war machine none could escape, a lurking submersible that would ambush its pray from underwater and chase it down from the air.

Impressed by the young engineer, Lord Sven Kno took the boy under his wing, and brought forth all the resources and manpower needed to build a prototype.

Rumors say Captain Aliquis now lies in wait under the surface at the borders of DWG's territory, ready to pounce on Onyx Watch merchant ships, at the helm of his own Loggerhead.

Airships - Easy

Ingame description:

Ingame description:
Fitzgerald Crpytomotors created this sail-powered aerial attack ship to perform behind enemy lines on salvaging missions. If the mission turned out to be a flop the DWG salvagers could rely on a fair wind to get back home.

Ingame description:
The perfect vessel for spiriting away large stores of contraband to the most remote Deepwater Guard outposts. It can defend itself in a pinch.

Ingame description:
Formerly a merchant vessel, the Grouper class airship has found use in quickly transporting supplies between Deepwater Guard Settlements anad building new establishments to expand its supply routes.

Ingame description:
After being told that the Deepwater Guard lacked the manpower and resoucres to build a railway spanning Eriwick, Pirate Captain Riker Redbeard decided to take matters into his own hands and grant trains the power of flight.

Ingame description:
Fitzgerald Crypomotors created the Swordfish as a official guard unit for the mad Colonel Franz Pigeon of the DWG. This design is heavily armed and surprisingly fast.

Ingame description:
The Atlas was the initial desing of Randolph Fitzgerald, founder of Fitzgerald Crypomotors. First designed as a trade envoy it was weaponised to aid in the monster hunts that earned Fitzgerald Crypomotors so much of the Crystal they needed for their light block aided airship designs.

Ingame description:
For when you need to dispose of an enemy ship, "As quickly as possible".

Ingame description:
The Piraiba is a lesser capital ship of the Deepwater Guard. This ship, much like its namesake, is able to devour its opponents with ruthless efficiency with a potent broadside.

Airships - Medium
Ingame description:
An Experimental foray into carrier technology, The Falkenheim is a large zeppelin shaped airship inspired by reports of collosal airborne beasts far to the north-east.

Within its large hangar bay resides two heavily modified duster planes with rotatable wings to combat enemies. Leasons learned from this design would later be used in the constructions of a much larger and more sophisticated aircraft battlecarrier.

One of the heavily modified duster planes launched from the Falkenheim.

Ingame description:
Fitzgerald Crypomotors created the Swordfish for the mad Colonel Franz Pigeon of the Deepwater Guard. Big brother of Wanda and the Swordfish, this terror can rip through shields and tear the largest of boats asunder.

Ingame description:

Airships - Hard
Ingame description:

Ingame description:
The brainshild of the Deepwater Guard's master engineer. Admiral Sven Kno, the Moray class airship has become a terrifying, if not beautiful, capital ship of the Deepwater Guard.

Seen many of times gliding across the skies of Neter accompanied by it's graceful display of cannon fire, which has been called it's kinetic symphony.

The Moray is not lacking in firepower, and has destroyed entier enemy fleets by itself. However, due to the difficulty of acquiring the specific parts needed to build the Moray, not many ships have been completed, and many half finished hulls and weapons parts can be seen dotting the DWG's shipyards, waiting to be re-purposed by the Deepwater's Admiralty.

Ingame description:
The delirious Lord Sven Kno fancied a fantastic new type of particle beam weapon for his new monstrous creation know as the Leatherback. Alas, budget constrained him to a quaint, but fearsome, flak chaingun instead.

Ingame description:
On a dark and foggy night in the sandbacks of Janwall, a mysterious figure going by the name of Rosefall graciously donated the schematics of a massive and powerful airship to the Deepwater Guard for unknown reasons.

The pirates have since repurposed what tehy have come to call the Bucanneer into a flying fortress battleship capable of delivering a huge amounts of firepower onto targets below.

They have also included an onboard pub for relaxing and celbrating their victories.

Ingame description:
The Barracuda - together with the Moray, are the spearhead of the DWG's military-industrial complex.

It has multiple squadrons of fighters and bombers, along with a shore battery class turret for long range bombardment form a safe location.

Due to her high price, only a handful of them are in service.

SuperTweetie Drones. Come in 3 Variants - CRAM, APS and Missiles.

Airships - Godly

Ingame description:
The Albacore is the first (and only) product of a design bounty proposed by the Pirate Council for a fast and heavily armed aerial battlecruiser.

Other designs by competing shipwrights were proposed, but said shipwrights behind them "mysteriously" went missing soon afterwards, leaving this vessel as the sole winner of the bounty.

Ingame description:
The Tarpon is the personal ship of the notorious dept collector Captain Die-Zell. The mere appearance of this massive flying gun platform on someone's property is usually enough to coerce someone to quickly pay what they owe, if its dreadful war horn that can be heard from over a kilometer away wasn't convincing enough.

Airplanes - Easy

Ingame description:
The Duster is an aggressive plane that was designed by Fitzgerald himself on a summer vacation in the sandbars of Janwall. Its missile barrage can make scrap of most smaller vehicles with relative ease.

Airplanes - Medium

Felix Flieger B5 Geier
Ingame description:
The Felix Flieger B5 Geier, often ridiculed for its inordinately long name, is usually brought in to spearhead Shrike bomber divisions.

Its heavier build and tail gunner makes the plane ideal for the task.

Ingame description:
The Shrike is known as the long arm of the Dustwind Gangs and is feared by land and naval forces throughout Neter. Once this column of bombers has flown over there is generally nothing left.

The running joke in the DWG air-arm is that the final Shrike in the column has never actually seen action.

Airplanes - Hard

Ingame description:

Airplanes - Godly

The Flying Squirrel
Ingame description:
Crafted of scrap material left after a previous disasterous fight, Flying Squirrels were made in a desperate attempt to slow down Onyx Watch advancement.

Their sole purpose was just to win some precious tie for DWG to regroup. Instead, the 1st Flying Squirel Squadron won the battle and produced more scrap material which, in turn, was used for production of more Flying Squirrels.

Helicopter - Easy

Casket Bolt
Ingame description:
Wielding a salvaged particle cannon, the Casket Bolt puts on a covincing enough lightshow to be sent to "dissuade" riots in DWG controlled towns.

Coffin Nail
Ingame description:
This strange airship can lay waste to any ship that happens to get in its way with a barrage of cannon fire.

Helicopter - Medium

Monkey Barrel
Ingame description:
Captured DWG deserters are forced to pilot the sucidal Monkey Barrel design alone into combat as punishment for their treachery.

Seen as a joke by many, the Monkey Barrel is only armed with a few bombs and hardly any armor to speak of, not to mention the many barrels of explosive monkeys hidden within.

Installations - Easy

Fish'N a Barrel
Ingame description:

Sinner's Outpost
Ingame description:
The Sinner's Outpost is a ramshackle outpost built out of salvaged natural resource, it is one of the oldest surviving outposts of the DWG and is very derelict.

It still needs workers however, so once a month an election is held. Stones ar eput into a bag, and each member of the faction must take a stone. The one who picks the blodstone gets sent to work on The Sinner's Outpost, alone.

Installations - Medium

The Fishing Hole
Ingame description:
When some fishermen discovered the Eriwick Outlet, the Deepwater Guard scrambled to create a permanent fortress out of old derelict ship wrecks lying around and some spare natural resources.

When it was complete, they claimed ownership of the area and the valuable resource spewing from the bottom of the ocean.

Powerful enough to protect itself and large enough to serve as a port, The Fishing Hole has come to be one of the major trading hubs for the DWG.

Davy Jones Outpost
Ingame description:
The Headquarters of all The Deepwater Guard's Operations and shenanigans.

Structures - Easy

DWG Tiny House
Ingame description:

DWG Small House
Ingame description:

DWG Medium House
Ingame description:

DWG Large House
Ingame description:

DWG Arblast
Ingame description:

DWG Water Tower
Ingame description:

Pigs n' Slop Manure Factory
Ingame description:

Structures - Medium

Seabird Cannon Fortress
Ingame description:

Structures - Godly

Costal Defense
Ingame description:

Airship Gantry: Moray
Ingame description:

Airship Gantry: Atlas
Ingame description:

Tanks - Easy

Ingame description:

Sand Viper
Ingame description:
No other vehicle in the Dustwind arsenal evokes the same kind of dread among the merchant of the Watch than the Sand Viper.

These diminutive tank hunters often lie in clevrely camouflaged positions, waiting to ambush passing trade or supply convoys.

Though small in size and next to defenseless they're hard to spot and a single shot from their cannons can cripple or even outright destroy an unsuspecting vehicle, leaving it as easy picking for the accompanying raider.

The Oil Barons of the Watch have issued a bounty on every Viper destroyed, and any of their crews are sure to face serious abuse from the disgruntled watchmen if captured alive.

Sand Raider
Ingame description:

Ingame description:
Sidewinders are the workhorses of the Dustwind forces, performing a range of roles from recon to raiding.

Combination of a large crew and no protection whatsoever means that these robust machines tend to outlive their owners, and Ratmast's workshops are littered with ones salvage from the battlefield.

Gans of young tribesmen fed up with hitching rides from more experienced raiders often pool their meager crystals together to buy one of these second-hand vehicles as their first ride, which will then carry yet another generation of would-be warrior to the battlefield.

Desert Boa
Ingame description:
Sand and ancient civilzations aren't the only things the dunes of Corsal have gained fame for: just a few decades ago the sands were littered with oil drills as the empire drained the dunes dry.

Eventually the wells dried up and operation moved to the northern tundra, yet countless pieces of equipment were left behind to rust under the sun.

The crafy men who inhabit this inhospitable land have however learned to turn next to anything into something useful, and thus this dilapidated tank truck has found new life as a surprisingly effective weapon of war.

Ingame description:

Tanks - Medium

Ingame description:
Among the many Dustwind tribesmen the wealthiest without a doubt are the salvager-mechanics.

The technically-minded men are in charge of salvage, repair and re-design of the myriad vehicles employed and captured by the tribe, and as the need for both maintenance and new vehicles is constant among the hostile conditions the raiders live in their service are constantly needed.

This constant trickle of wealth and access to enormous amounts of resource is reflected in their personal vehicles: Unlike the rickety wooden contraptions employed by the poorer tribesmen the salvage-mechanics ride into battle in hulking metallic beasts with roaring engines and biggest cannons they can find.

While they appear shoddy and rudimentary to an uneducted observer, peering under the wood and scrap reveals a marvel of engineering and simple practicality - a true testament to the ngenuity of their builders.

Ingame description:
These large contraptions are not so much weapons of war as rolling fortresses.

Capable of containing enormous amounts of resources they often function as headquarters of long-range raids and other expeditions into the desert, and one leaving from Ratmast is often not seen for months before returning back with more-or-less legally gained riches.

Tanks - Hard

Ingame description:
These menacing tank hunters were commissioned by the chieftain after the resounding success of the Sand Viper.

Armed with a reverse-engineered Steel Empire naval cannon the Taipan can punch trough even the thickest armor - something whichoften comes as a surprise to their opponents who have grown used to the dinky weapons used by the gang's other vehicles.

King Cobra
Ingame description:
The sudden civil war has left many of the Empire's armories and stockpiles under a skeleton crew in a panicked dash to muster forces against the insurgents.

The Dustwind raiders are not ones to let an opportunity such as this slip, and captured equipment is starting to become a more and more common sight amongst their ranks.

Not only are most of thes vehicles either seriously outdated or forgotten prototypes, but most of them are in such a sorry condition that they have been completely rebuilt.

Most of these don't quite match their originals in performance or looks, and some have been converted to serve a completely different role altogether. Though unreliable and hard to maintain their crewmen are often more than happy with the additonal protection these looted vehicles bring with them.

Tanks - Godly

Ingame description:

Black Mamba
Ingame description:

Land Marauder
Ingame description:
Marauders have been a common sight among the diffrent raider clans dotting the southern and western seas of Neter since the inception of the castle-ships, and despite being rather obsolete compared to modern warship their ease of construction and immense robustness have made them the favorite of many.

In fact one of the old chieftains of the Dustwind gang loved his so much that when he made landfall on the island he ordered his to be turned into his personal mobile fortress.

Eventually the town of Ratmast grew around it and the peculiar land-ship has grown into a legend among the tribesmen, who insist that it should only be used in combat durning the most dire times.

Ingame description:
Due to their immense cost only a handful of these enormous half-tracks are found within the tribe's arsenal.

Thus they are only depolyed under the order of the chieftain himself, and appearance of one on the battlefield means that the tribe has ended raiding and begun a war instead.

Though commanding one is consider a great honor and a mark of the chieftain's favor, losing one is considered totally unacceptable under the pain of painful death.