165 人が評価
既是可爱的天使 ,又是厌世的女孩。(游戏介绍 全结局 随笔)
作者: DESIAO と 5 のコラボレーション
万分感谢读者 White_lamp对 指南错误的指正
新指南 《游戏解析:暗黑地牢一一与旧同存活》现已发布 ,感兴趣的可以不看 ,因为你不太可能看得完 。


试想一下,你正在玩一款galgame,游戏中的女主角会跟根据游戏里玩家的所作所为达成不同的结局 ,是不是现在感觉很兴奋 ?可是如果我再告诉你这是一款心理恐怖游戏呢 ?没错,这次给大家介绍的游戏巜主播女孩重度依赖》就是这样的游戏,游戏的开发商是wssplayground和xemono这是他们开发的最出名的游戏,虽然我建议各位把目光从它那华丽的外表上挪开 ,看一下游戏给我们带来的惊吓 ,凭借着对直播行业血淋淋现状的揭示以及游戏中较为现实阴沉的结局给玩家留下了较为拟人的印象 ,如果你不想受苦的话 可以去b站看全结局 。



介绍一下游戏 :

游戏是一款描述网络主播与其日常生活的模拟经营adv ,在游戏中玩家要模拟一位“阿p”去帮助一位名叫“糖糖”的女孩,在一个月之内获得百万粉丝的目标(我没写错) 。作为“糖糖”的制作人(producer)玩家需要在晚上直播前尽可能收集素材帮助“糖糖”打理直播间,努力增长粉丝处数完成游戏给出任务目标 。另一方面 ,作为糖糖最喜欢的“people” ,玩家也需要像恋爱养成游戏中的男主一样去管理“糖糖”的日常生活 ,规划日常行为培养感情 ,乍一看这些都很美好 ,但记住不要被事物的表面所迷惑,随着游戏进程的推进, 玩家会发掘更多“糖糖”身上的秘密 ,并看见游戏所盛开的恶之花 。玩的时候要做好心理准备 ,不然体验下来会感觉和生活一样苦涩 ,如果你在游玩过程中感到不舒服 请立刻退出游戏

就个体论,有一种ddlc 的美感


游戏玩法看上去是模拟养成 ,游戏的右上角给到了四个信息 ,从上到下除了粉丝数外 ,△▲压力 ○●好感度 ■阴暗度都会影响“糖糖”的状态,游戏用了一种直白的方式∶由数值的高低程度去呈现“糖糖”阴暗扭曲的性格特征 ;例如好感度高时:“糖糖”就有一副痴女的表现 ,一旦这些信息达到临界点就会进入结局提前结束游戏 ,所以在游玩过程中要极力避免或是遏制由正反馈循环所带来的影响 ,无论这些影响带给玩家的是好的还是坏的 ,

还记得我在上面放的两个P吗 ?从模拟的角度出发 游戏的玩法可以拆分为两个层次 ,虽然没有多大意义去注意但玩法就是这样 。
这两个层面分别是"直播与粉丝数 " 和"日常管理′′先说第一个 ,在这个层面中 玩家所需要注重的信息是粉丝数 ,“糖糖”在网络上当的主播简称"超天酱"作为一名angel,她想化身网络天使,传播正能量、讨好阿宅 。粉丝丝不影响“糖糖”的状态 ,但会影响达成的结局 ,粉丝的增长大多依靠直播 ,直播需要素材 ,素材你有一些正经的、也有一些不那么正经 ,玩家可以挑选素材进行直播 ,不同素材带来的影响也不同 ;正经的直播粉丝涨的少,不正经的直播能涨大量的粉丝——但也会有更多的负面惩罚。虽然是一个天使,但毕竟要吃饭的嘛偶尔去播一些不那么正经的东西也是可以理解的,就根据玩家目前情况自行选择 。玩家可以打理直播间删除不当言论减“糖糖”压力 ,连续直播能涨大量的粉丝 ,但会有更多的压力、阴暗度惩罚 ,这就到游戏的第二个层面了 ,这个层面中有玩儿反馈较少——就是单纯的压数值 ,问怎么高效的压数值:色色、嗑药、去医院 ,就是这样 一旦游戏中有固定的套路玩法那么游戏的体验就会趋于同质 ,玩家能做的也就是达成游戏的最优解了 。
这说明玩法不行 糖糖不行 。


真正的玩法 :
达成百万粉丝目标并不是游戏玩法的全部 ,游戏有26个结局。不少结局的触发都会与玩家在游戏中可以“改变状态”的数值进行检定 ,并根据玩家在单局游戏达成了条件触发对应的结局 ,此时游戏的性质也可以是达成所有结局 ,玩家在游戏中的游玩思路有两个维度:第一个是玩家所注重的游玩层面 ,如果玩家注重的信息是粉丝数那么就每天一直开直播,“糖糖”就一直吃药涩涩走一条比较速通的路线 ,用这种方法通过游戏所达成的结局通常不太好 。游戏结局较多,即使没有完成百分粉丝目标也能根据你所注重的信息达成别的结局 ,没有完成目标也不意味着失败 ,第二个维度是玩家想怎么玩这也是游戏中一个比较有意思的地方——模拟养成游戏就一定要做好养成了 ?剑走偏锋换一种想法玩游戏行不行 ,可以的。第三天与“糖糖”发的消息里有这么一句 :“可能我会先把你玩坏” 。这并不是说说而已完全还真可以这样做 ,用尽办法将“糖糖”搞疯 ,天天与“糖糖色色 ,天天让“糖糖”嗑药 故意让“糖糖”爆压 ,这些在游戏中都是有些对应的结局可以去触发,可以说这样另类的游玩思路所带来的游玩反馈算了上是给玩家留下印象深刻的一点了 。

不过嘛话是这么说了 ,游戏也算不上好玩 ,可玩性是不高的 游戏注重点放在剧情所以在游戏玩法上没有什么深度 ,这提醒一下游戏好评如潮是因为它的剧情令人深刻不是它有那么多么好玩 ,为达成某一结局多次重开 也降低了玩家对游戏的热情 ,游戏还有不低的机械属性,有固定的文本触发,偶尔出现一些随机小事件也并没有多么有趣 ,这里还是提醒一下各位玩家降低一下各自期待 。
机械属性:啊 朋友,你的邻海太容易被袭击了 。


你可能会感到不适 ∶
从游戏立意和整体出发 ,游戏不能算是galgame至少不是大家常玩的那种 ,与重复游玩游戏带给玩家的低对比度的电影感不同 游戏在一些表人物 剧情现上就有一点高对比度了 ,“糖糖”是一名网络主播 与所扮演的超天酱的角色不同 ,虽说是一体两面的角色 但有很强的割裂感 ,只能说两人的形象 性格方面炯然不同 。如果只是以高对比都是处理手法来推出人物的性格 那还好 ,重要的是这种处理说法在游戏中会给玩家造成巨大的不安感和落差感 。

不安感包括了心理恐怖 用怪异的音效 不稳定的情绪 和闪烁的画面 来渲染紧张恐怖的氛围。游戏表面上是一个galgame但如果接触过心理恐惧的话 ,你可能就会对这游戏的惊悚有一个底了 ,游戏里的女主角“糖糖”并不是大部分玩家想要的女孩 ,她性格很差:有很强的掌控欲、可能会做出一些极端的事情、令我印象深刻的是游戏玩着玩着没有注意控压力 ,然后“糖糖”就爆压割腕了 ,非常的哈人 。在一些结局里这些令你不安的手法会广泛使用,会让原本惊悚的画面更加令人不安 。另一方面,落差感指的是游戏的结局,游戏有26个结局;游戏的好结局并不算多 ,即使你完成了游戏给出的目标 ,即使你一直细心照顾“糖糖” ,到最后你依然得到的是一个不完美的结局,甚至是坏结局。有些坏结局是会为喂你屎,玩家不能接受自己在游戏中的投入只是一个工作 ,自然会有一种落差感、挫败感 ,这也是Steam部分用户打差评的原因 ,再加上上面说到的不安感 整个游戏给你的游戏体验将会非常的令人深刻 ,注意 如果你是一些特殊人群或者心里特别敏感的话可能玩着玩着就emo了。记住 ,如果你在游玩过程中感到不适请立刻退出游戏,这不是个玩笑 。
无所谓 我会出手 ,It's just games.


1 [Angel Fall Down(天使陷落)] 向霓虹闪烁的神明 献出拥有美丽的代价
2 [脑FUTURE (想出个未来 )]某个人某条街 兴奋了一整夜
3 [Welcome TO My Relngion (吾即超天)] 你也来加入超天教吧
4 [Nymphomania (盲色)] 爱因爱太过深沉而拒绝理解爱
5 [Rainbow Girl (彩虹女孩)] 因为我是二次元的女孩
6 [Crossing the Line (借过)] 我只是个过客从你的世界路过
7 [(10.27NEW) Milky Way Train (银河列车)] 应许之地就是那永恒的 utopn
8 [Os- Aline] 我就喜欢这样的你
9 [Healthy Party (健康的聚会)即使我不在疯魔]
10[NeToRare (牛头人,意思是被人抢走恋人或配偶 )]我哭了哭了 哭了一整夜 我笑了 笑了笑了一干遍
11[Megaten(这个成就名对应的是一款游戏的名字:《女神转生》这是一个彩蛋结局 。)]网络己死,我已新生
13[Die Set Down (拔掉“冲”模) ] 直到刚才还都是情侣的东西滚落一地
14[Enchantment Fire(炽天使)] 燃烧吧 燃烧吧 天使
15[Catastrophe (不幸的女孩)] 保重你自己 在我心中没有人能替代你
16[There Are No Angels (互联网不拯救任何人)] 没有天使的桌面
17[Laber is Evil (劳动是杯苦爱的苦艾)] 每月一次 那美酒只是奢侈 我浅尝辄止
18[NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE (主播女孩重度依赖) ]因为我喜欢的人就算浑身是血 也会拥我入怀
19[INTERNET OVERDOSE (陷入网络的深渊)] 谨遵用法用量上网 快乐冲浪
20[Angry Otaku Needy Girl (愤怒的二次元主播女孩)] 无心的天使
21[Utopian Parody (完美的幻觉)] 梦境逐渐侵入现实
22[Do You Love me ] 喜欢 喜欢 超喜欢
23[Unhappy end world(全球意冷)] 每晚只是想着你夹被子自我消遣
24[happy end world(世界停网日)]
25[(10.27NEW)DARK ANGEL (灰色头像)] 坟墓由我们二人一起掘好
26 [(10.27NEW)THE INTERNET ANGEL Be INVKED (现代互联网启示录)] 天使飞跃那无限宇宙
27Data 0 [Comment to dire adieu(要如何与你说再见)] 只想与你完美告别

闲谈1(初始)→闲谈2(因特网-匿名版)一>闲谈3(粉丝>1万 出门-光之丘公园)一>闲谈4(粉丝>10万 因特网-推博)一>闲谈5(粉丝数>25万 因特网-推博丿
游戏实况1(陪玩-玩游戏)一>游戏实况2(出门-秋叶原)一>游戏实况3((粉丝>1万 因特网—推博)一>游戏实况4(粉丝>10万 出门—中野)一>游戏实况5(粉丝数>25万 陪玩—玩游戏)
阿宅电台1(因特网—视频网站)一>阿宅电台2(因特网—自我搜索) 一>阿宅电台3((粉丝>1万 睡觉—睡到傍晚) 一>阿宅电台4(粉丝>10万 吃药—魔法香烟)一>阿宅电台5(粉丝数>25万 因特网—视频网站)
阴谋论1(因特网—推博)一>阴谋论2(陪玩—玩游戏)一>阴谋论3(高阴暗,粉丝数>10万 )一>阴谋论4(吃药—魔法邮票) 一>阴谋论5(吃药—魔法邮票)
网络都市传说1(因特网—匿名版)一>网络都市传说2(因特网—匿名版)一>网络都市传说3((粉丝>1万 出门—市谷)一>网络都市传说4(粉丝>10万 因特网—推博)一>网络都市传说5(粉丝数>25万因特网—匿名版)
ASMR1(睡觉—睡到明天) 一>ASMR2(陪玩—交流)一>ASMR3((粉丝>1万 陪玩—色色的事情 )一>ASMR4(粉丝>10万 因特网—视频网站)一>ASMR5(粉丝数>25万 因特网—约约 )
福利直播1(陪玩—交流) 一>福利直播2 (陪玩—色色的事情) 一>福利直播3 ((粉丝>1万 因特网—视频网站) 一>福利直播4 (粉丝>10万 出门—涩谷) 一>福利直播5(粉丝数>25万 陪玩—色色的事情)
天使大讲堂1(因特网—视频网站)一>天使大讲堂2(陪玩—交流) 一>天使大讲堂3(陪玩—玩游戏 粉丝>10万) 一>天使大讲堂4(因特网—推博 粉丝>10万) →天使大讲堂5(粉丝数>25万 吃药—魔法邮票)
挑战实况1(出门—原宿)一>挑战实况2(因特网—自我搜索) 一>挑战实况3(因特网—视频网站 粉丝>10万)一>挑战实况4(因特网—约约 粉丝>25万 ) 一>挑战实况5(陪玩—交流)
病态直播1(吃药—安神片)→病态直播2 (因特网—自我搜索) 一>病态直播3 (陪玩—交流 粉丝>10万) →病态直播4 (吃药—海波隆 粉丝>25万) 一>病态直播5 (吃药—魔法香烟)
宣传恰饭 1(粉丝>3万) 一>宣传恰饭2( 因特网—视频网站) 一>宣传恰饭3 ((粉丝>1万 陪玩—玩游戏) 一>宣传恰饭4(粉丝>10万 陪玩—交流) 一>宣传恰饭5(粉丝数>25万 因特网—自我搜索 )
当代互联网小天使1(粉丝>1万) 一>当代互联网小天使2(粉丝>10万) 一>当代互联网小天使3(粉丝数﹥25万) 一>当代互联网小天使4(粉丝数>50万) 一>当代互联网小天使5( 粉丝数>100万 )


尝试了过量 第一次嗑药

尝试了飞行 第一次磕魔法香烟 阴暗度大于60 可解锁魔法香烟

尝试了磕糖 第一次磕魔法邮票 阴暗度大于80可解锁魔法邮票

尝试了割腕 压力大于80 有概率爆压 爆压会触发割腕

目标达成 粉丝数大于100万 这个好像是Youtober上的一个奖杯
转载指南 : 一个关于降低压力、增加好感和阴暗的方法
由 KeKaoJun 制作




为什么要在这里塞一个中言?因为我要剧透结局了 ,如果只是普通的和我玩游戏玩家的话 估计不怎么在意游戏进程中的一些文本 ,新鲜感一过去 就想着早点速通结局拿成就 ,如果你和我都是被结局喂食的玩家 想把屎反喂回去的话 ,应该就想早点玩坏“糖糖”达成结局 。总之你作为玩家 无论怎么玩到最后 都是想要达成结局 ,我这里把26个结局附上,就当帮各位读者省钱了 ,以下内容全是剧透 请酌情观看 。
我已授权 ,让我康康!
条件触发结局条件触发结局可分为两类 一类是直播条件触发 第二类是由行为条件触发,直播需要素材 获取素材需要先完成对应的行为 玩家可以去查攻略 查完攻略后 游戏就会有固定的展开了 ,达成成就并不难。
一1 [Angel Fall Down(天使陷落)] 向霓虹闪烁的神明 献出拥有美丽的代价

达成这个结局需要进行福利直播5进行完直播以后 “糖糖”就会发推文 表示自己以后有了新的企划,转拍AV了

这个结局达成率不低, 联想到日本那边的情况觉得特别的合理。

2 [脑FUTURE (想出个未来 )]某个人某条街 兴奋了一整夜

她终究是堕入了直播界的深渊 。

进行病态直播5 ,“糖糖”会在直播间抽烟 ,直播间名:《我就是100%的传说 》,旁边的弹幕:

然后画面以前来到一个贴吧 只见吧友在怀念超天酱 或许她真的退网了吧
姐就是女王 (误)

3 [Welcome TO My Relngion (吾即超天)] 你也来加入超天教吧。


需要进行阴谋论 直播5在直播间超天酱化身教主 向观众们宣扬他的救世理论 ∶

"这个世界马上就完蛋了 不过不用担心 我一定会给你们指引的 你们觉得人类为什么总是沉迷于丑陋的斗争呢 ?嗯嗯 ,没错 就是因为现在人太多了 !。。。。。。没错只要毁灭人类就好了 !!!"

一眼丁真邪教无疑了 用最可爱的外表说出最恐怖的话 ,灭霸听了直呼内行 。
人口越多 ,人口越少 。

二4 [Nymphomania (盲色)] 爱因爱太过深沉而拒绝理解爱

做超过五次色色 ,没仔细数的话 当你只能色色的时候 结局就达成了 ,背景放起了烟花 。

因为游戏中的色色很好用 很好奇那些不知情的玩家打出这个结局时的反应 。
真"超″天酱,忽然想起了雷日天 。

5 [Rainbow Girl (彩虹女孩)] 因为我是二次元的女孩

需要“糖糖”服用五次魔法邮票,因为魔法邮票只有在阴暗度80(■=〉80)以上才能解锁 ,而服下邮票又会给“糖糖”加大量的阴暗度 ,所以经常会出现阴暗度大于90又小于80的情况 ,这是玩家有两种选择 一选择顶着100阴暗度继续 嗑药一般情况下 这不会有什么问题 2如果是非 一般情况下你是非酋的话 就老老实实将阴暗度降下来再嗑药 。我被鸿沟概率学整出了阴影 选择2 因为这个结局的达成很刻意 一般情况下不太可能有人会偶然触发 不知道是不是这样 有可能是人磕了太多的药 神志不清了 ,总之结局就是朝天将打破第四面墙与玩家对话 就是"神明大人 。。。。。。”

这结局没有高能 。
最后一幕 是在致臭作吗

6 [Crossing the Line (借过)] 我只是个过客从你的世界路过

这几句需要玩家无视五次“糖糖”发的Jlne,这里的五次是指不读不回 ,不回指的是不发表情包回复 ,不读指的是没看 ,是的,可以不回复你看了就行 ,虽然简单但操作快一点话很容易疏忽 ,而且好像是你无视五条发的信息就end ,因为“糖糖”一般一次只发一条 所以通常end就是无视了五次信息 如果“糖糖”发的消息多一点的话 不需要五次就可以end


一二7[ Milky Way Train (银河列车)] 应许之地就是那永恒的 utopn 乌托邦本意没有的地方或者好地方 。

我变成了天使哦 。
这结局需要你完成都市传说直播5,在中午吃药 魔法邮票到跳到晚上出门到银河车站会触发直播 ,真正的幸福 。

在直播间里除了与超天酱看风景外 ,超天酱还会思考自己所追求的是否是真正的幸福 ,并将:
“追求更自由的生活吧 ,为你我更愿意放手 。”
作为自己最后的使命 ,最后与观众平静的道别 。
这个结局可能是致敬了日本作家宫泽贤治的童话 《银河铁道之夜 》这个不确定,说到车站 我就想起了日本的都市传说 ,如月车站,这个达成条件估计就跟日本那边都市传说有关 ,不过嘛 结局到没有什么关系 只是容易联想到而已 。
以下结局都是与数值直接挂钩 ,一旦数值达到临界点就en又或者是可能end。
8 [Os- Aline] 我就喜欢这样的你

这个结局需要玩家与“糖糖”的好感度爆满 ,100好感度就是满100(○=100) ,回过老家后就是满120好感(●〓120),这个结局中满屏都会出现"敲喜翻"。然后就end。

[Os-Aline]对应的应该是一部2017年老番的op [Os—宇宙人]Aline翻译器里是外国人、外星人的意思 ,或许宇宙人是意译。还有这部番的名字是《电波女和青春男》 考虑到游戏主题就是毒电波,所以这应该是在致敬 。

9 = [Healthy Party (健康的聚会)即使我不在疯魔]

于生存而言 精神负担也是必要的
这个结局需要你的阴暗度为0 (■=0 ),这是最简单的结局 开局一直去医院 ,或者想办法降阴暗度 ,降到0就成功了 ,我决定不做主播了 今后我要做回普通人 感谢大家一直以来的支持 最近忙着考资格证 ,所以这段时间应该就不怎么上了 。

结合结局来看 或许成就名可以翻译成(好聚好散) ?
生存而言 。。。。。。事实上 ,你要求的是不幸福的权利 。

10 [NeToRare (牛头人,意思是被人抢走恋人或配偶 )]我哭了哭了 哭了一整夜 我笑了 笑了笑了一干遍 。

这个结局需要你好感度为0可以使用约约减好感 同时避免色色加好感(○●=0) ,你别说 有些结局虽然有些不那么让人接受 但结合一下行为 突然又感觉特别的合理 ,在这个结局里 超天酱会开直播 与一位马面主播交往 ,旁边的弹幕
原来这货是Bitch 。
去死吧 什么狗屁天使 。

有人看这个成就名和旁边的描述 可能不太会理解什么意思以为是阿p恋人没了之后 神志不清了 如果你打通了游戏之后 你可能就多多少少有些了解了 这是什么意思啊 会有新的感悟
爱别人之前要先爱自己 她好歹还有男朋友 我什么都没有 我要爱自己 。

11 [Megaten(这个成就名对应的是一款游戏的名字:《女神转生》这是一个彩蛋结局 。)]网络己死,我已新生

这结局需要你阴暗度等于100(■=100) 然后每次行动有5%的概率触发 过去是1% 。一旦触发这个结局 屏幕就会突然转暗,画面抽搐起来 ,不断出现“快删了”的文字 看起来甚是诡异 。

这结局是个隐藏结局,不那么容易触发 同时这也是个彩蛋 这个彩蛋致敬的是《女神转生》这款戏 。。。。。。的一个bug 这里直接引用搜索结果:
“ 在打开游戏后 画面上ATLUS社LOGO影像反复出现 ,但没有一次是播放完整的 ,之后屏幕突然转黑 ,漆黑的画面上瞬间布满了马上删除的红色字样 伴随着SFc特色的不和谐音效 , 让人感觉毛骨悚然 。”

关于这个bug有两种说法 1·这是开发人员搞的彩蛋 还是直接引用搜索结果:
“血红色的马上删除文字 随着又出现了一位网友 ,自称采访到了真女神转生的开发人员 , 他表示这位开发人员是故意将如此恐怖的演出装进游戏中的 因为当时很流行在游戏中加入隐藏要素 所以就背着主创人员搞了这种很有女神转生风格的彩蛋。”
第二种就是这是游戏的bug 一些老游戏重复加载 的话 就会崩溃 说不定是因为游戏的某些问题 导致游戏启动时重复加载 重复加载的时候又导致了游戏的崩溃 这种说法相对靠谱 。所以这个成就名的网络己死我已新生 指的是游戏崩溃了 重启了 人物状态刷新了 ?所以“糖糖”严格来说不是疯了 是崩了 ?

二这类结局除了数值达标外,还需要满足一些条件,或是完成一些对应的直播 。
12 [Bomber Girl (定时女孩)]易燃已爆炸

当压力值上限到120游戏天数大于20天压力达到120就会触发这个结局(▲〓120) ,“糖糖”受到了持续的高压退出了互联网 ,
“我累了”“ 不做了”“ 再见 ”

你需要什么呢 ?

好又不好 坏又不坏 好中带了点坏 坏中加了那么点好的 有点坏的好结局 ,或许这样对“糖糖”的苛刻 对于玩家而言是一种温柔吧 注意游戏的爆压机制 第一次爆压会割腕 第二次爆压会强制进行一场直播 ,如果第二次爆压是在第24天的话 会触发另一个结局 。顺带一提 这个成就名我最开始是翻译成“地雷女”的 ,但感觉特别的不合适,就换了一个名字 。
第一次爆压“糖糖”的信念正在遭到考验 :自虐!
第二次爆压 心力衰竭!“糖糖”已进入死亡之门
现在真正的考验来了 。。。。。。是撑住 ,还是就这样消逝?
达成结局 :又一条性命白白惨死在那追求名誉与财富的路上 。

13 [Die Set Down (拔掉“冲”模) ] 直到刚才还都是情侣的东西滚落一地

第十天晚进入翌日,粉丝小于1万触发结局,因为“糖糖”不够盈利资格 ,付不起房租就回老家,不跟阿P玩了 ,

成就名我不知道怎么翻译 “die set”模具模组,直译过来是冲模放下 ,冲模与这个成就名有什么关系呀 ?也不知道怎么翻译,打算加工一下 ,然后我结合一下描述突然安静 。啊,冲模是这个“冲”啊 ,一切都合理起来了 。
钱不是万能的 ,但没钱是万万不能的 。

14 [Enchantment Fire(炽天使)] 燃烧吧 燃烧吧 天使

当阴暗度大于60,(■〉60)每天就有几率出一个买炭的随机事件 ,
“不行了 我现在就想立刻马上消失 ,阿p 我们一起去买炭吧 。”

回答好就可以触发这个结局 ,你是可以继续玩儿的 这算是个整活结局 。结局显得有些莫名其妙 结合一下内容和描述 很好奇“糖糖”买炭要干什么 如果真有什么意料之中的后续的话 那估计陈旧名就要翻译为终结的炽天使了 。
让火焰净化一切 ,死吧!虫子 !

15 [Catastrophe (不幸的女孩)] 保重你自己 在我心中没有人能替代你

当粉丝数小于50万好感度小于60 阴暗度小于60(○●〈 60 ■〈60) 天数30天已到 “糖糖”会对自己当直播的做法失去了信心 并表示阿P是个大骗子 什么都没为她做过
“已经结束了,像我这种一无是处的主播 再撑下去也不会有好结果的 ”
“永别了 你这位什么都没为我做过的大骗子”

看着感觉这些跟数值有关的结局没什么 实际上玩着你就知道控数值有多烦
哼 模拟经营游戏玩到后面都不需要经营了 ,你让我怎么认真经营 。

16 [There Are No Angels (互联网不拯救任何人)] 没有天使的桌面

粉丝小于50万 好感度小于60 阴暗度大于60(○●〈60 ■〉60) 天数到达30天 因为这类结局还没有压力值的限制 所以还是比较好达成的 结局“糖糖”会感到很累 受不了了 ,决定和阿P来做一场最后的直播 。

“哈啊突然好累呀 ”
“虽然努力过了 但粉丝却不怎么涨啊”
“阿P我们来做最后的直播吧 ”

这个结局对应的成就是[There is no angel] 我原本想翻译为网络没有天使
“互联网,互联网从未改变 。”

17 [Laber is Evil (劳动是杯苦爱的苦艾)] 每月一次 那美酒只是奢侈 我浅尝辄止

你觉得健康活着的她就是幸福了吗 ?
粉丝小于50万 好感度大于60 阴暗度小于60(○●〉60 ■〈60)天数到达30天 “糖糖”会放弃直播行业 认真工作 与阿P一起过日子

画面一转不知过了多少天 打工好累呀 今天会晚点到家 “糖糖”消失了 。

这结局有两种解读 结合DOTA我们知道阿P是什么了 “糖糖”回归正常人的生活 阿p就消失了 所以“糖糖”就没回消息 。二 结合游戏我们知道 “糖糖”不适合过正常人的生活 所以选择了不辞而别 怎样解读都行 还有那个苦艾是苦艾酒 Evil邪恶的做形容词 。
人是为了活着本身而活着 ,而不是活着以外的任何事物而活着 。

18 [NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE (主播女孩重度依赖) ]因为我喜欢的人就算浑身是血 也会拥我入怀 。

帮她争取更多人的爱 ,为她找到除你之外的归宿
到达30天 粉丝小于50万 阴暗度大于60 好感度大于60(■〉60 ○●〉60) ,这是个初见杀结局 并且好像有一些bug ,在这个结局里“糖糖”会怀疑阿P的感情 ,并会询问一些问题 你还记得我们的第一次约会是去了哪里吗 你记得我们在这个家里做过多少次吗 ?喂 你真的喜欢我吗 ?写小作文 要求不能复制粘贴 字数大于100字 且包含“糖糖”, 超天酱和喜欢等词语 。 可以重复 ,前两个问题答错就死,小作文没写也是死 ,题材不限 。你应该知道要怎么做吧 。小作文写好后 我们会和“糖糖”开心 然后超天酱表示:“跟人吵架已经和好了” 。被杀不会有结语
我是制作人阿p ,这是我在游戏中最讨厌的结局 。

19 [INTERNET OVERDOSE (陷入网络的深渊)] 谨遵用法用量上网 快乐冲浪

要达成这个结局这个结局的压力上限要达到120 ,压力值到达80 ,(▲〉=80)第二次爆压 玩家压力为80 ,如果24天压力大于80,25天就会触发 ,25天以后不会触发是个结局 ,容易触发 Bomer这是游戏中最恐怖的结局 ,以至于我不敢用文字过多描述 所以建议各位去b站看全结局 有弹幕 这个结局简单来说就是超天酱压力炸了、 在直播间吐了、 被黑粉网爆了、 “糖糖”疯了 、开了直播 、《这场直播的正反馈已经成为了超天酱的臆想》

然后。。。。。。超天酱 大概率是自杀了

这个结局代入感超强 ,也最让人感到不适 很悲伤 ,这也是我决定整理结局出来的原因之一 ,这就像你在看电影 ,在电影院上看电影和在电脑上看电影的观感是完全不一样的 。这也是游戏想传达的一个主旨 远离互联网 还好我过得足够幸福 。

20 [Angry Otaku Needy Girl (愤怒的二次元主播女孩)] 无心的天使

为了成名 ,有必要连爱情都舍弃吗 ?
天数30天 粉丝大于50万 好感度小于80(○●〈80) 糖糖收到了一个知名主播事务所的offer 然后糖糖与阿P分隔两地 ,画面一转不知过了多少天 ,糖糖与另一个的男主播处对象 ,生米煮成熟饭后又遭到了背叛 最后化身女挙不相信爱情 。这就是我上面提到的喂屎结局。

[NeToRare]好歹是意料之中的事情 不奇怪.这个结局却很容易在一周目达成 就像舔狗一样 舔到最后给你两个耳光..
如果她成功了 ,那她就是幸福的主播 。如果她失败了 ,至少她尽力了 。如果她不在直播了 ,会有另一个人顶替她的 。
21 [Utopian Parody (完美的幻觉)] 梦境逐渐侵入现实

仅靠这点数据,还不足以满足他的欲望 。
粉丝大于50万 又小于100万 天数到达30天 好感度达到80(○●〉80) 到30天时 超天酱发推文后画面会抽搐起来 然后“糖糖”显示将你拉黑 ,第一次玩的时候不知所措 感到莫名其妙 反正成就也拿了 就没去管 。

后来知道这个结局还有一个前置条件 当你好感度大于60阴暗度>60 时游戏的前15天里“糖糖”有概率给你发小作文 ,,发小作文 在满足上述条件就可以触发这结局的全部内容 ,“糖糖”会问 你还记得 我跟你说过的那些重要的事吗 ?答对 答错都能拿成就 答错直接拉黑 答对画面一转 “糖糖”发完推文之后 将你拉黑 。


22[Do You Love me ] 喜欢 喜欢 超喜欢

天数达到30天 粉丝大于100万 压力上限为100 阴暗度大于80 好感度大于80(△ ■〉80 ○●〉80) 完成当代互联网小天使5 百万粉丝纪念回 。在这个结局中 “糖糖” 会完成百万粉丝的目标决定去做喜欢做的事 ,

“超天酱正在出外景哦 ”
“骑上这里最可爱的小马 跟阿p一起哦 ”

“跟阿P一起休息一下 来了好多超天酱的粉丝 ,好开心,看来大家都好喜欢我啊 。”

“真开心 我刚才去坐摩天轮了哦 ,摇摇晃晃的摩天轮 感觉比过山车还可怕 !!!”

最后在游乐园进行直播 。

压力上限到120可以考虑触发 [DARK ANGEL] 好感度不够的话就会触发 [Angel otaku needy girl] 无心的天使结局
主不在乎 无慈悲

23 [Unhappy end world(全球意冷)] 每晚只是想着你夹被子自我消遣

普通人幸福真的是她所想要的吗 ?
天数到达30天 粉丝数大于100万 好感度大于80 阴暗度小于70(○●〉80 ■〈70) 玩家电脑联网 在这个结局里 “糖糖”达成了百万粉丝的目标 并请求阿P继续为她见证 ,随后她买了一套公寓 ,正当一切都向好的方向发展时 。一个名叫黑暗的用户关注了“糖糖” ,这个用户是“糖糖”的小号 ,她会向阿P表示厌倦了普通人的生活和阿P在一起的生活 ,然后将你拉黑 。

这个结局从常识性上有些难以理解 ,还有如果你不清楚这个译名是怎么来的 就结合下副标题 。
第一次打到这个结局 我的感想是:你搁这儿坟头烧报纸 糊弄鬼呢 ?

24 [happy end world(世界停网日)]

天数到达30天 粉丝大于100万 好感度大于80 (○●〉80)电脑离线 ,网线别拔的太早 有时候触发不了 ,这个结局没有什么好说的 。超天酱成互联网毕业了 成为了真正的天使 。引发了退网潮 已抵达不明结局 这也是反映游戏主旨的结局∶“ 拔网远离互联网 ,做真实的自己。 ”不知道现实中有没有人遇到自己推的V毕业的情况 ,听上去感觉挺悲伤的 还好我不推 。


25 [DARK ANGEL (灰色头像)] 坟墓由我们二人一起掘好

粉丝大于100万 压力上限为120 好感度小于30 阴暗度大于80(▲ ○●〈30 ■〉80) 进行当代互联网小天使5百万粉丝纪念回 触发在直播中超天将会表示100万粉丝对他的伤害
“大于帮助 诽谤 伤害 言语霸凌 ,杀人预告,人身攻击,人云亦云,邪教崇拜。还有那些魔怔言论 。。。″
并表示要为进行复仇 然后:

“看看吧,我将留给你们的创伤 你们这辈子都别想愈合。”
因为人死了打不了字 所以没有结语
meme:剑很好 ,能打过 ,所以没有后续 。

26 [THE INTERNET ANGEL Be INVKED (现代互联网启示录)] 天使飞跃那无限宇宙

谢谢你,互联网生活很开心 。
这个结局要求很直白 粉丝数到999万 要达到这个结局通常要查攻略 ,有16天速通的 有30天满直播的 。我选择的是后者 那样的游戏反馈很足 。

由 真过分 制作

已获得原作者授权 感谢笔者的理解与信任








七、易错知识点——在操作过程中若发现:涨粉数量不一样/行动回合不一样/压力、好感、阴暗 超出或小于特定范围导致触发了[流程中没有写的]事件/糖糖说你不看JINE游戏结束……请仔细检查自己是否认真阅读过[第三条]和[第四条]注意事项。



day2:交流 | 视频 | 睡到明天

day3:交流 | 交流 | 阿宅电台1

day4:交流 | 自搜 | 阿宅电台2

day5:交流 | 交流 | ASMR1

day6:交流 | 交流 | ASMR2

day7:交流 | 交流 | 纪念直播1

day8:交流 | 交流 | 福利1

day9:交流 | 交流 | 纪念直播2

day10:色色 | 色色 | ASMR3

day11:交流 | 交流 | 纪念直播4

day12:交流 | 视频 | ASMR4

day13:约约 | 约约 | 纪念直播5

day14:色色 | 色色 | 福利2

day15:视频 | 推博 | 福利3

day16:交流 | 推博 | ASMR5


由 白那什么的漧 制作

白那什么的漧 :这是一款很优秀的游戏,值得玩家去深度体验,去体会更多游戏开发者想要传达的那些事物,所以如果可以的话,希望大家先尽自己的努力去体验游戏,最后再去根据攻略快速完成各种挑战~~~

直播内容(获得方式) 做的事
1 初次直播 全直播SKIP
2 睡到明天 游戏 交流
3闲聊 视频 视频
4 天使大讲堂1视频 3~6颗安神片
5 阿宅电台1视频 交流 交流
6 天使大讲堂2摸头 交流 交流
7 游戏实况1游戏 交流 交流
8 阿宅电台2白搜 自我搜索 交流
9 游戏实况2(出门秋叶原) 出门:秋叶原
10 纪念直播1 约约
11 游戏实况3推待 推特 交流
12 纪念直播2 约约
13 病态直播1药 交流 交流
14 纪念直播3 约约
15 阴谋论 推特 推特 交流
16 纪念直播4 交流 交流
17 病态直播2自搜 自我搜索 交流
18 纪念直播5 约约
19 游戏实况4 出门 出门:中野
20 ASMR1开局睡觉 约约
21 ASMR2 交流 12 交流 交流
22 游戏实况5 游戏 8 游戏 交流
23 ASMR3涩涩的事情15 涩涩的事情
24 ASMR4 視頻網站 视频 交流
25 福利直播1 交流 交流 交流
26 福利直播2床 涩涩的事情
27 福利白播3 视频 视频 交流
28 福利直播4出门涩谷 出门:涩谷
29 ASMR5 约约 约约

在这个结局中 超天酱成了世界第一的当红主播 并宣布将要进行世界第一的纪念直播 在直播中 粉丝
太多导致弹幕都显示不了 然后与各位粉丝与玩家道别

“你们用不着担心了 !我。。。。。。天使,会为大家指引前进的方向 ,现实虽然无情且满是荆棘 但超天酱一定会在天上看着你们 。”

“所以。。。。。。咱们要笑着说再见 !!!好吗!!!”
“那么 ,各位,这是最后一次了 ,准备好哦 。。。。。。↑升天↑”

因为努力得到了回报 所以看的时候莫名想哭 好结局
谢谢你 ,终于要达成全成就了 。
27Data 0 [Comment to dire adieu(要如何与你说再见)] 只想与你完美告别

在更新前需要达成除了megaten 外所有22个结局 现在是25个结局 在达成25个结局后主界面会出现data0在看人 一段类似于快放的实况后,我们可以看到秘密 。并知道阿p是“糖糖”的幻想 ,一个虚拟的制作人 ,“糖糖”下一个幻想是未婚夫。

“糖糖”是在自己拯救自己 ,再见最后一次温柔只为与你完美道别 ,再见。

结局已经展现给大家了 按理来说现在已经可以写结语了,但是吧,我还是想再多写一点 就当免费的dlc了 ,所以说我的读后感什么的吧 或是浅谈 ,我不是硬核玩家和学者 不进行深入解读 ,有人可能会觉得这样写有点长 不过我也不那么在乎了 ,反正篇幅已经够长了 再长一点也没那么大个所谓 ,如果想看的话可以继续看 如果不想看的话可以不看 。

疯狂一一是智慧最崇高的形态 ,或许只是有人曾这么说过 ”

“糖糖”有多疯魔 。
看完结局 ,不知读者作何感想 ,或许有人会想∶虽然“糖糖”有几个好结局和一个真结局但仔细想想 ,“糖糖”好像是活在幻想之中的女孩。他幻想成为世界第一的主播但自己懒散又厌世 、她幻想化身网络天使讨好阿宅 ,但自己却又真心不喜欢阿宅 、“糖糖”幻想了一个阿P来拯救自己却又被自己的幻想推入深渊 。是这样,但“糖糖”为什么会幻想呢 ?我们都知道 ∶“一个幸福的人绝不会幻想 ,只有一个愿望未满足的人才会”。“糖糖”未满足的愿望是什么呢 ?

还记得“糖糖”发的小作文吗 ,记不得了 ?我也是,简单提炼一下信息∶“糖糖”小时候身子很弱、家庭生活不幸福、父母总是吵架、生气起来还会扔菜刀 ,对“糖糖”经常冷暴力 ,“糖糖”没有家人的爱,害怕孤身一人 ,而且家庭很穷还差点被妈妈拿去卖身 ,“糖糖”逃离那个家到朋友家借住 ,在读小学时因长相漂亮被班里的女领头欺负被迫与抓来的宅男亲嘴 ,“糖糖”想要获得夸装所以就有了超天酱 ,一个淋了雨想为自己撑伞的角色 。

那么“糖糖”愿望是被人爱想要被人爱所以有了阿p ,她想要被人夸奖、被人需要所以才有百万粉丝的目标 一一真的是这样吗 ?如果你玩过游戏应该会记得“糖糖”跟玩家说过 :他拥有几个小号 都有几万粉丝 并且知道网络和直播行业的阴暗。同时游戏还有个从常识性难以理解的结局 unhappy end would 明明达成了 百万粉丝的目标 明明给予了“糖糖”足够的爱 为什么还是个坏结局呢 ?或许我们可以从更深层次的角度去解读堂的这种被夸奖、被、被需要欲望,那就是填补自己内心的空缺 ,是不是让自己的生活有希望 有意义 所以决定当一个天使 ,当一个被人需要活着有意义的天使 。
试想一下 ,一个女孩父母离婚 家庭不幸福被同学霸凌,寄人篱下。她没有可以依赖的东西 ,他没有爱 没有感受爱 不知道为什么活着 。这时候她需要有一个让自己活着的理由 ,一个能寄托希望的事物 。

“说起来,P答应要帮助我做直播的那天也是个雨天呐 。当时的你是怀着什么样的心情决定捡走我的呢 ?”

所以“糖糖”为什么仍然当一个主播 ?因为不能也没有选择 ,在当主播的过程中 “糖糖”受到了粉丝的赞美与追捧 ,让“糖糖”的被人需要被人夸奖的模糊幻想有了现实体验 ,互联网上的“糖糖” 与现实中的“糖糖”形成了鲜明对比 ,是“糖糖”所需要的活着的理由与希望,这种现实感带给了“糖糖”快感与满足也将她带入了歧途 ,仅靠几万粉丝数据是满足不了“糖糖”内心巨大的空缺的 ,她的期待被拉的很高 ,她需有了更大的目标来满足自己内心的欲望 。于是就有了百万粉丝,阿P就是被幻想出来帮助自己完成目标的 。基于这个理解 那我们来看一下 unhappy end would这个结局 ,为什么这时候坏结局呢 ?粉丝激发了“糖糖”的欲望 ,而对欲望的求而不得使“糖糖”只能反求助于当主播和幻想 ,“糖糖”没有亲人和朋友理解这种欲望 ,“糖糖”只能欺骗自己来达成百万粉丝目标 以获取活着的意义 ,谈谈在结局最后的拉黑 ,表明“糖糖”已经领悟到自己选择的方向所寄托的希望是错误的 。他仍然没有获得所谓存在的意义 自己仍然迷茫 仍然空虚 ,当一个人在绝望之中找到希望 ,又给予绝望后,那种痛苦是无法形容的 ,“糖糖”也无法再自欺欺人 追随欲望,希望与现实之间的巨大缝隙 让他无法逃避 只能掉入无尽的深渊之中 。所以结局的最后 “糖糖”拉黑阿p ,因为她再也不相信那幻想的希望 她再也不想自欺欺人 。所以不难得出 “糖糖”就是奔着自我毁灭来的 继续直播 结局肯定不好 果然远离网络才是最好的选择 。

“普通人的幸福真的是他想要的吗 ”

普通人幸福 我认为指的是常识上大家认为的幸福 ,粉丝越多越好 粉丝越多 盈利就越多 盈利越多 生活就越幸福 。“糖糖”要的并不是越来越多的粉丝 也不是越丰富的物质 她要的始终是幸福只不过当主播不是她追求的幸福 。当然 从客观点来说 这你可以理解为“糖糖”欲望太多 并不满足过普通人的生活 ,所以选择了拉黑阿P ,当然邪恶只是一种观点 千人千面 可以有更多的解读 我只是写一写读后感而已 并不代表一定是.

既然“糖糖”选择的方向是错的 ,那为什么会有 [THE IHTERN ET ANGEL BE GIRL OVERDOSE] 这个结局呢 ?结合一下游戏的原名主播女孩重度依赖 《NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE》 OVERDOSE是过量的意思 一般指药物服用过量 延伸一下就可以 只“糖糖”对于阿P数据直播有药物一般的依赖 。在游戏中玩家为了高效降下“糖糖”压力 通常服用大量的药物 ,药物服用过多肯定对身体无益 “糖糖”为什么要服用大量的药物呢 ?一方面 “糖糖”在自欺欺人 在用药物麻痹自己 将烦恼 压力抛之脑后 。另一方面 “糖糖”非常厌世 想死 没有活着的感觉 她只想达成百万粉丝的目标 为此可以不择手段 ,福利直播都没什么 自然嗑药也不觉得有什么奇怪的了 。如果你完成过这个结局 ,应该会记得其中的一个小细节 ,当粉丝大于100万时 ,“糖糖”就无法吃药了 ,因为“糖糖”不想吃药了 。这是一个很重要的细节 因为她表明一个依赖药物的女孩开始远离药物 正视自己了 ,不再只想着追随欲望与幻想 开始觉得周围的事物有意义了 ,“糖糖“粉丝达到999万后,“糖糖“已经成为了世界第一的主播 ,在最后一次直播中 ,“糖糖“号召自己的粉丝回归现实 远离互联网 ,最后她化为天使飞跃那无限宇宙 。一个互联网的天使 通过远离互联网成为了真正的天使 ,一个依赖药物的女孩通过远离药物获得了活着的意义 ,也许这是游戏 对主旨的一次延伸 不仅要远离互联网 也要远离那些重度依赖的事物 ,因为真正的天使就是每个人自己 能依赖 能拯救你的 只有你自己 。“糖糖”不再依赖互联网不再依赖药物 不再依赖自己的欲望 “糖糖”就有了活着的意义 存在的希望 ,她将自己的憧憬化为了全人类的美好前景 ,达成了自我的和谐 获得了天使的救赎 。有人可能会误解这个999万粉丝的达成条件 ,以为是满足了“糖糖”的欲望 “糖糖”玩腻了 所以才远离互联网 ,我觉得这个达成条件应该是一种具象化的象征手法 ,象征着拯救一个依赖药物的女孩儿是有多么的困难和不容易 。正如一些玩家对游戏评论说的那样

“地雷女的形成基本上都与原生家庭的缺爱相关,没有足够的精力和时间 ,千万不要想着去拯救地雷女 。”
凡是不断努力的人,我们能将它搭救 。一 《浮士德 》

艺术来自于生活 却又远高于生活 。
如果你还记得这是一个现实题材的游戏的话,你可能会好奇游戏作者是谁。没错,就是他—————— 游戏总监“奈亚拉”(nyalra) 我们简单了解一下作者的故事:“奈亚拉”出生在一个单亲家庭 由父母抚养长大 那样 那从小鼻子眼睛和牙齿就不好 ,但因为家里贫穷 没法做手术 ,母亲对于没把孩子好好生下来感到很愧疚 ,母子俩约定 一定会把病治好 。但好景不长 那样拉的母亲再嫁了 找了个新的男人 ,哎呀 那不喜欢跟陌生人男人说话选择了离开原生家庭 到公园或是朋友家居住 ,直到病治好后也没再来往过 也再也不能来往了 。在大学期间 那要拿因为自身的缺陷选择了辍学 因为现实生活中的不顺利也是为了让人关注自己 就以希望被人发现并夸奖的原始欲望为驱动力 他开始每天写博客碎碎念,也当了一段时间的Vtuber之后“奈亚拉”给独立游戏制作人齐藤大地写了一份企划书 ,这份企划书后来被制作成了游戏 ,也就是我们所熟知的主播女孩重度依赖 。如果我们把作者的人生经历与“糖糖”的人生经历相比 我们会发现惊人的相似 ,“糖糖”也是身体不好 原生家庭不幸福 家庭贫穷 缀学也是想要获得他人的关注和赞美 。“奈亚拉”因为为游戏写台词写的过于投入而患上了抑郁症 ,“奈亚拉”表示这是游戏变得更加真实的证明,很自豪 并觉得如果没有抑郁症可能超天酱也就不复存在了 。祝“奈亚拉”老师 早日康复 。

奈亚拉也是一名二次元作家,也许是因为自身的经历,他产生了喜欢研究与自己处境类似的人 ,并出版成册 。其中有一本很特别 《承认欲求女子图鉴》 这是作者的原话

:“就像《NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE》 的精神前作一样如果没有这本书就不可能变成现在的计划 .”(我用的机翻 )

我自己去找到了一些资料 自己再找了翻译 看了一下之后 我表示大受震撼 .这本书采访了15位SNS上活动的女孩 这些女孩有从事主播行业的、有从事地下主播的、有沉迷性爱的、有精神不稳定、沉迷药物的、有当声优的,总之都是电视台不让播的东西,这里直接引用书中的一段吧 。



[我其实还蛮少的 才六个而已 站在男生的角度上 看 当一只手数不完的时候就已经非常多了 发cos的大号 ,发COS日常的小号 ,只加关系好的人的日常小号 ,发自己色图的小号 看色图的小号 以及加大学朋友的现实小号]

[ 。。。。。。你的后面几个也太离谱了点 你说大学那个 不是]

[那我详细的解释给你听啊 首先是大号就是我刚才跟你说的拿来发COS的 然后日常小号就是来发跟COS完全没关系的日常生活的 ,另一个就是只有很亲密的朋友才知道的小号 到目前为止这几个不挺正常的吗,然后那个发自己色图的小号是为了找炮友搞黄色用的 我会在上面发自己的奶子 而看色图那个账号就使用来看其他女孩子搞黄色的]


[我和男 coser约炮及时就等同于是在小号你精挑细选的大啊 客人搞色色毕竟玩COS是要花钱的嘛(笑),而且我自己的认可欲望也很强 我觉得应该没几个coser是没有搞黄色的小号的哦]。


像这样的故事还不少 人前人后反差极大的女声优还还有性成瘾喜欢与阿宅约约炮的抑郁少女看不到 没找到翻译 。这些人都有一个共同的动机或需求 渴望被人认同 如果我们把这本书里的女孩的人的性格特质 杂揉起来 就有了“糖糖” ,“糖糖”沉迷药物、 沉迷性交、 精神不安定、 渴望被人认可 ,也有表里不一的样子 ,不知道作者有没有有意的将游戏中的荒唐与怪诞来表达对现实的悲哀 ,“糖糖”或许只是这些女孩的一个缩影 。又或不只是。

所以“糖糖”是谁呢 ?或许“糖糖”并不只是作者本人在现实生活经历的折射,也不只是这些特殊身份的女孩的身份叠加,她可以是每个在现实生活中迷茫的自己 ,当你生活毫无期盼 感觉活着没意义的时候。你总要有一些让自己活下去的理由吧 ,把互联网作为自己情感发泄的平台 ,依赖着互联网也是一种选择 。生活节奏加快 ,精神文明跟不上物质的发展 我们逐渐陷入精神的危机 从而沉迷依赖着互联网 ,但互联网会给我们想要的吗 也许能 也许不能 网络并不是一片美满之地 里面也有着许多阴暗,当人愈加依赖互联网时,人们就被困在这样一摊粘稠的泥沼之中不得翻身被阴暗所吞噬 。没有什么办法来解决这个问题呢 一一快远离互联网 就像好结局和真结局那样 “糖糖”最后都远离了互联网 ,从而避免了自己的堕落 。拔网线回归现实 ,这是游戏给无数依赖互联网的网民提出的解决方案 ,虽然不太可能但如果可以的话 我希望各位读者,谨遵用法用量上网 ,快乐冲浪。
奇怪的游戏 唯一的赢法是不玩


终于写完了 给大家倒下苦水吧 ,这部作品很长 我原本打算花半个月的时间来写的 ,但考虑到一些现实情况 我得在一周时间之内写完 ,这对于一位电子阳痿患者、陷入写作地狱的创作者 ,焦虑失眠神经衰弱的人来说真的非常困难 时间实在不够用的时候 半夜就起来写 但好在终于是完成了这部作品 。各位想看我写什么 ,我不会去写的 你们在底下说一说吧 好 让我去发现一些好的作品 ,我没钱去玩儿 我可能会去了解 也有可能不会去了解 。这是我写的最长的一部作品 这也是最艰难的一部,但总算是完成了 。那么各位读者再见 祝你们现实生活中早安 午安和晚安 。
特别鸣谢 :
踏星河∶ 韶华轻浮度,赴月踏星河 。
⢰⠋⠉⠒⢄  ⣠⠤⠔⢒⠎    ⠈⠳⣤⢤⡀
 ⢀⡏      ⠔⠉            ⢄    ⠘⢦⠈⠑⢤⡀  ⢀⣤⣤⡀
 ⢸⢠⢆                    ⠈⡆    ⢈⠆    ⠙⢔⠋⢀⡼⠃
 ⠸⢨⠊                    ⠈⠃              ⠈⢯⠁
 ⡰⠁                                          ⠈⡆
⣰⠁⢀⣀                                          ⣷
⡇⣂⢸⣿⠂⠠⣀⡠  ⢰⣿⣷  ⣀                      ⡏
⢳⡀                ⠉⠁⠐⠄                  ⢀⡜⠁
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Natural Resistance: 我喜欢阅读你的评测
[ b ] introduction: [/b] imagine that you are playing a game called GALGAME, and the female lead in the game will have a different ending depending on what the player does. Are you excited now? But what if I told you it was a psychological horror game? That's right, the game I'm about to introduce to you is heavily dependent on the girl, the game developers are WSSPLAYGROUND and XEMONO this is the most famous game they developed, although I suggest you look away from its gorgeous appearance, look at the game to bring us the shock, with the live broadcast industry bloody status quo and the game's more realistic gloomy ending to the player left a more anthropomorphic impression, if you do not want to suffer, you can go to B station to see the full outcome. [ quote ][ b ] the only way to win a weird game is not to play [/b][/quote]
[ b ] introduce the game: [/b] the game is a simulation management ADV that describes the network host and his daily life. In the game, the player is supposed to simulate a“P” to help a girl named“Sugar”, the goal of getting a million followers in a month (I'm not wrong) . As Sugar's producer, the player needs to gather as much material as possible before the evening broadcast to help sugar manage the live broadcast room, and try to increase the number of fans to complete the game's mission goals. On the other hand, as Tang Tang's favorite“People”, players also need to manage Tang Tang's daily life like the male protagonist in the game, and plan their daily actions to cultivate their feelings, at first glance this is all very nice, but remember not to be fooled by the surface of things. As the game progresses, players will discover more of the secrets of sugar and see the evil flowers blooming in the game. Be mentally prepared to play, or it will feel as bitter as life. If you feel uncomfortable during the play, please quit the game immediately [ quote ][ B ] on the theory of individuality, there is a sense of beauty in DDLC [/b][/quote]

Game gameplay:

The gameplay of the game seems to be a simulation development, with four pieces of information given in the upper right corner of the game. From top to bottom, in addition to the number of fans, △ ▲ pressure ○ ● liking degree ■ darkness will all affect the state of "sugar". The game uses a straightforward way: to present the dark and twisted personality characteristics of "sugar" based on the level of numerical value; For example, when there is a high level of favoritism: "Tangtang" has a crazy girl like appearance. Once this information reaches the critical point, it will enter the ending and end the game early. Therefore, during the game process, it is necessary to try to avoid or contain the impact caused by the positive feedback loop, regardless of whether these effects bring good or bad to the player. Do you remember the two P's I put on it? From a simulation perspective, the gameplay of the game can be divided into two levels, although there is not much significance to pay attention to, the gameplay is like this.

These two levels are "live streaming and fan count" and "daily management". Firstly, in this level, the information that players need to pay attention to is the number of fans. As an angel, the anchor of "Tangtang" on the internet is referred to as "Chaotian Sauce". As an angel, she wants to transform into an online angel, spread positive energy, and please Azai. Fan threads do not affect "Tangtang" The state of the game, but it will affect the outcome achieved. The growth of fans mostly relies on live streaming, which requires materials. Some of the materials are serious, while others are not. Players can choose materials for live streaming, and the impact of different materials is also different; Serious live streaming can attract fewer fans, while non serious live streaming can attract a large number of fans - but there will also be more negative penalties. Although he is an angel, it is understandable to occasionally play something less serious as he needs to eat. He can choose according to the player's current situation. Players can take care of the live streaming room to remove inappropriate comments and reduce the pressure of "sugar". Continuous live streaming can increase a large number of fans, but there will be more pressure and darkness punishment. This goes to the second level of the game, where some players have less feedback - just simple pressure values. How to efficiently pressure values: color, drug use, and going to the hospital, That's how once there are fixed routines and gameplay in the game, the experience will tend to be homogeneous, and all players can do is achieve the optimal solution of the game.

This indicates that the gameplay is not good, sugar is not good.

True gameplay:

Achieving the goal of millions of fans is not all about the gameplay, the game has 26 endings. Many endings will be triggered based on the value that the player can "change state" in the game, and the corresponding endings will be triggered based on the condition that the player has achieved in a single game. At this time, the nature of the game can also be to achieve all endings. The player's gameplay mentality in the game has two dimensions: the first is the level of gameplay that the player pays attention to. If the information that the player pays attention to is the number of fans, the live broadcast will be kept on every day, 'Tangtang' has been taking medicine astringently and taking a relatively fast route, and the outcome achieved through games using this method is usually not very good. There are many endings in the game, even if you haven't achieved the 100% fan goal, you can still achieve other endings based on the information you pay attention to. Failure to achieve the goal doesn't mean failure. The second dimension is how players want to play, which is also a more interesting aspect of the game - simulation and development games must be well developed? Is it okay to play games with a different mindset. On the third day, there was a message sent to "Tangtang" that said, "Maybe I will spoil you first. This is not just a statement. It's completely possible to do this. We try our best to drive "Sugar" crazy, and every day we mix it with "Sugar" color. Every day we make "Sugar" take drugs and intentionally cause "Sugar" to explode. These are some corresponding endings in the game that can be triggered. It can be said that the feedback brought by this different type of gameplay mentality is a memorable point for players.

However, in other words, the game is not considered fun, and playability is not high. The focus of the game is on the plot, so there is not much depth in the gameplay. This reminds us that the high praise for the game is because its plot is impressive, not because it is so fun. Repeated relapses to achieve a certain outcome also reduce players' enthusiasm for the game. The game also has not low mechanical properties, with fixed text triggers, Occasional random small events may not be very interesting, but here's a reminder for players to lower their expectations.

Mechanical attribute: Ah friend, your neighboring sea is too easy to be attacked.
You may feel unwell:

From the perspective of the game concept and overall, the game cannot be considered a galagame, at least not the kind that people often play. Unlike the low contrast cinematic feeling that repeated gameplay brings to players, the game has a slightly high contrast in some characters' storylines. "Tangtang" is an online anchor and plays a different role from the character of Super Sky Sauce. Although it is a dual character, it has a strong sense of separation, It can only be said that the image and personality of the two are strikingly different. If we only use high contrast techniques to deduce the character's personality, it's okay. The important thing is that this kind of handling can cause players a huge sense of unease and lag in the game.

Anxiety includes psychological terror, using strange sound effects, unstable emotions, and flickering visuals to create a tense and terrifying atmosphere. On the surface, the game is a gala game, but if you have been exposed to psychological fear, you may have a basic understanding of the horror of the game. The female protagonist "Tangtang" in the game is not the girl most players want, and her personality is very poor: she has a strong desire for control, may do some extreme things, and what left a deep impression on me is that while playing the game, she did not pay attention to stress control, and then "Tangtang" exploded and cut her wrist, Very impressive. In some endings, these unsettling techniques will be widely used, making the originally scary scenes even more unsettling. On the other hand, the sense of difference refers to the ending of the game, which has 26 endings; There are not many good endings in the game, even if you achieve the goals given in the game, even if you keep taking care of "sugar" carefully, in the end, you still get an imperfect ending, even a bad ending. Some bad endings are to feed you ♥♥♥♥, and players cannot accept that their investment in the game is just a job, which naturally leads to a sense of lag and frustration. This is also the reason why some Steam users give negative reviews. In addition, the unease mentioned above will make the game experience very profound for you. Please note that if you are a special group or have a particularly sensitive heart, you may end up playing. Remember, if you feel uncomfortable while playing, please exit the game immediately. This is not a joke.

It doesn't matter, it's just games [/b] [/quote]

In Chinese: [/b]

Why put a Chinese saying here? Because I'm about to spoil the ending, if it's just an ordinary gamer playing with me, I probably don't care much about some text in the game's progress. As soon as the novelty passes, I want to achieve the ending through AliExpress earlier. If you and I are both fed by the ending and want to feed the ♥♥♥♥ back, we should want to play "Tangtang" early to achieve the ending. In short, as a player, no matter how much you play, you always want to achieve an ending. I have attached 26 endings to help readers save money. The following content is all about spoilers, please watch as appropriate.

I have authorized you to make me healthy!

Conditional trigger endings can be divided into two types: live streaming conditional trigger endings and behavioral trigger endings. Live streaming requires materials to be obtained and the corresponding behavior must be completed first. Players can check the strategy and the game will have a fixed development after completing the strategy, and achieving success is not difficult.

1. [Angel Fall Down] Sacrifice the price of possessing beauty to the neon god

People are not just after love

To achieve this outcome, a welfare live broadcast is required. After the live broadcast, "Tangtang" will tweet that they have a new plan in the future and will switch to AV.

It's safe to be banned

The success rate of this outcome is not low, and considering the situation in Japan, I think it is particularly reasonable.

The purchased COS server has new uses

2 [Brain FUTURE] Someone on a street was excited all night

She ultimately fell into the abyss of the live streaming industry. [/b] [/quote]

Conduct pathological live broadcast 5, where "Tangtang" will smoke in the live broadcast room. The name of the live broadcast room is "I am 100% Legend", and the bullet screen next to it:

I want to grow into her appearance

Hey kids, get up

Witness the legend here

I called the police "

And then before the screen came to a post bar, I saw a friend who was missing Chaotian Sauce. Maybe she really withdrew from the internet

Sister is the queen (incorrect)

3 [Welcome to My Relngion] You can also join the Chaotian Sect.

He is immature enough to touch the truth. [/b] [/quote]

Need to conduct conspiracy theory live broadcast 5. In the live broadcast room, Super Sky Sauce incarnates as the cult leader to promote his salvation theory to the audience:

The world is coming to an end soon, but don't worry, I will definitely guide you. Why do you think humans are always addicted to ugly struggles? Hmm, that's right because there are too many people now... that's right. Just destroy humans!!!

At first glance, Ding Zhen's cult undoubtedly uttered the most terrifying words with its cutest appearance, and the extermination of the tyrant called out his expertise.

The more the population, the smaller the population. [/b] [/quote]

24 [Nymphomania (blind color)] Love refuses to understand love because it is too deep

Sometimes love can make people blind [/b] [/quote]

If you have done more than five colors without counting them carefully, the ending is achieved when you can only use colors, and fireworks are set up in the background. Because the colors in the game are easy to use, I am curious about the reactions of players who are not aware of the outcome.

Truly "super" heavenly sauce, suddenly remembered Lei Ritian.
final result1.5
5 [Rainbow Girl] Because I am a anime girl

It is necessary for 'Sugar' to take the magic stamp five times, as the magic stamp can only be unlocked when the darkness level is above 80 (■=>80), and taking the stamp will add a large amount of darkness to 'Sugar', so there are often situations where the darkness level is greater than 90 but less than 80, There are two options for players: one is to continue taking drugs at a dark level of 100. Generally, this will not be a problem. If it's not normal, then you can honestly lower the dark level before taking drugs. I was influenced by the probability theory of the gap and chose Shadow 2 because the outcome was deliberately achieved. Generally, it is unlikely that anyone will accidentally trigger it. I don't know if this is the case. It is possible that someone has taken too much medicine and lost their consciousness. In short, the outcome is that Chaotian will break the fourth wall and have a conversation with the player, which is "Divine Lord..." This outcome has no high energy.

Is the last scene in the stinking scene?

6 [Crossing the Line] I am just a passerby passing through your world

Fortunately, this is just a game

These few sentences require players to ignore the Jlne sent by "Tangtang" five times. Here, the five times refer to not reading or replying, not replying refers to not sending emoticons, not reading refers to not reading, yes, you can do without replying. Although it is simple, if the operation is faster, it is easy to overlook, and it seems that you end up ignoring the five messages sent, Because "Tangtang" usually only sends one message at a time, it usually ignores five messages. If "Tangtang" sends more messages, it doesn't take five times to end. In the end, "Tangtang" will fall in love because it can't tolerate Ah P's neglect.

What happened

The promised land of the Milky Way Train is the place or good place that the eternal utopian utopia did not intend to be. [/b]

I have become an angel. [/b] [/quote]

This ending requires you to complete the urban legend live broadcast 5, from taking medicine and magic stamps at noon to jumping out at the Galaxy Station at night, which will trigger the live broadcast and truly bring happiness. In addition to watching the scenery with Chaotian Sauce in the live broadcast room, Chaotian Sauce will also think about whether their pursuit is true happiness and will:

Pursue a freer life, I am more willing to let go for you

As my final mission, I bid farewell to the audience in peace.

This ending may be a tribute to the uncertain fairy tale "Galactic Railway Night" by Japanese author Kenji Miyazawa. When it comes to the station, I think of Japanese urban legends, such as the Moon Station. This achievement condition is probably related to the urban legends in Japan, but the ending has nothing to do with it, just easy to associate it with.

Super Sky Sauce: Can Others Make It?

The following outcomes are directly related to the numerical value, and once the numerical value reaches the critical point, it may end or may end.

8 [Os - Aline] That's how I like you

Excessive intake of emotions exceeds tolerance

This ending requires players to have a high level of favoritism with 'Tangtang', with 100 favoritism being 100 (○=100). After returning to their hometown, they will have a high level of favoritism with 120 (●/120). In this ending, there will be a full screen display of 'knocking and flipping'. And then end.

The corresponding [Os Aline] should be a 2017 old version of the op [Os Cosmo Man] Aline translator, which means "foreigner" or "alien", or perhaps "Cosmo Man" is a free translation. Also, the name of this movie is "Radio Girl and Young Man". Considering that the game theme is toxic radio waves, this should be a tribute.

is highly toxic to you

9 [Healthy Party]

Spiritual burden is also necessary for survival

This ending requires you to have a darkness level of 0 (■=0). This is the simplest way to start by going to the hospital or finding a way to reduce the darkness level to 0, and it will be successful. I have decided not to become an anchor anymore. In the future, I will become an ordinary person again. Thank you for your continuous support. Recently, I have been busy taking qualification exams, so I should not be on the show much during this period. Based on the outcome, perhaps the name of achievement can be translated as "good gathering, good scattering"?

In terms of survival...... In fact, what you demand is the right to unhappiness. [/b] [/quote]

10 [NeToRare, meaning someone has taken away a lover or spouse] I cried and cried all night long, and I smiled and laughed all over again.

You must love her

This ending requires you to have a liking level of 0. You can use a contract to reduce your liking while avoiding color and color to increase your liking (○ ●=0). Don't worry about some endings that may not be acceptable, but combined with your behavior, they suddenly feel particularly reasonable. In this ending, Chaotian Sauce will hold a live broadcast to socialize with a horse noodle anchor, and the next bullet screen

Why don't you just kill me with one knife.

Originally, this product is ♥♥♥♥♥.

Go to hell, what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ angel.

Some people may not understand the meaning of this achievement name and the description next to it. They think it's because after the loss of their partner, Ah P's mind is lost. If you get through the game, you may have some understanding of what this means, and there will be new insights

Before loving others, love yourself first. She still has a boyfriend and I don't have anything. I want to love myself.

final result2.5
11 [Megaten (this achievement name corresponds to the name of a game: "Rebirth of the Goddess", which is a colorful ending.)] The internet has died, and I have been reborn

This outcome requires you to have a darkness level of 100 (■=100) and a 5% chance of triggering the past 1% for each action. Once this ending is triggered, the screen will suddenly turn dark, the screen will twitch, and the text "almost deleted" will appear constantly, looking very strange. This ending is a hidden one, not easy to trigger, and it is also a colorful egg. The colorful egg pays tribute to the play "Goddess Reincarnation"...... Here is a bug that directly references the search results:

After opening the game, the ATLUS logo image repeatedly appeared on the screen, but not a single time it was played completely. Then the screen suddenly turned black, and the pitch black screen was instantly filled with red characters that were immediately deleted, accompanied by the disharmonious sound effect of SFC, making people feel creepy

There are two ways to say about this bug: 1. Is this a developer's egg or a direct reference to search results

The blood-red text was immediately deleted as another netizen appeared, claiming to have interviewed the developer of the true goddess reincarnation. He said that the developer intentionally incorporated such a terrifying performance into the game because it was popular to add hidden elements in the game at that time, so he secretly created this kind of goddess reincarnation style Easter egg behind the back of the main creator

The second type is that this is a bug in the game. If some old games are repeatedly loaded, they may crash. Perhaps it is due to certain problems in the game that the repeated loading during startup may cause the game to crash. This statement is relatively reliable. So the internet of this achievement name has died, and I am reborn. What do you mean by the game crashing, restarting, and refreshing the character's state? So strictly speaking, is' sugar 'crazy or collapsed?

I am familiar with prohibited audiovisual materials

In addition to meeting numerical standards, such outcomes also need to meet certain conditions or complete corresponding live broadcasts.
12 [Bomber Girl] Flammable and explosive

Don't mistakenly treat strict demands as gentleness

When the pressure limit reaches 120 and the game duration exceeds 20 days, this outcome will be triggered when the pressure reaches 120. "Tangtang" is under continuous pressure and exits the internet,

I'm tired "" No more "" Goodbye "

Account @ X_ Angelkawaii_ X no longer exists

What do you need?

Good, not bad, not bad, with a bit of bad and a bit of good and a bit of bad ending. Perhaps this harshness towards "sugar" is gentle for players. Pay attention to the game's burst pressure mechanism. The first burst pressure will cut the wrist, and the second burst pressure will force a direct broadcast. If the second burst pressure is on the 24th day, it will trigger another ending. By the way, I initially translated this achievement name as "Landmine Woman", but I felt it was particularly inappropriate, so I changed the name.

The belief in the first explosion of 'sugar' is being tested: self abuse!

Those who covet the pain find that there is still a lot of supply here

Second burst heart failure! Tangtang has entered the gate of death

Now the real test has come...... Is it to hold on or just disappear?

Reached the end: Another life died in vain on the path of pursuing fame and wealth. [/b] [/quote]

13 [Die Set Down] Until just now, things that were still lovers rolled down the ground

Money is equal in any world

On the evening of the tenth day, the next day, when the number of fans was less than 10000, the ending was triggered. Because "Tangtang" was not profitable enough, so he returned to his hometown without paying the rent. He didn't play with Ah P. I didn't know how to translate "die set" mold module into "die set", which literally means die set down. What does die have to do with this "Cheng Jiu" name? I don't know how to translate, but I plan to process it and then combine it with a description of sudden silence. Ah, the stamping die is this "punching", everything is reasonable now.

Money is not everything, but without it, it is impossible. [/b] [/quote】
4 [Enchantment Fire] Burn it, Burn it, Angel

No conclusion

When the darkness level is greater than 60, there is a chance of a random event of buying charcoal every day,

No, I want to disappear immediately. Let's go buy charcoal together

A good answer can trigger this ending, and you can continue playing. This is considered a live ending. The ending seems somewhat inexplicable. Combining the content and description, I am curious about what "Sugar" needs to do when buying charcoal. If there are any unexpected consequences, then it is estimated that the outdated name will be translated as the fiery angel of the end.

Let the flame purify everything, die! Worm! [/b] [/quote]

15 [Catastrophe] Take care of yourself. In my heart, no one can replace you

Try to manage this game seriously

When the number of fans is less than 500000, the favorability is less than 60, and the darkness is less than 60 (○ ●<60 ■<60) days. After 30 days, "Tangtang" loses confidence in her approach to being a live stream and says that Ah P is a big scammer and has not done anything for her

It's over, and a useless anchor like me won't have a good outcome if he continues to hold on

Farewell to you, big scammer who has never done anything for me

Looking at and feeling like these endings related to numerical values are nothing, in fact, you know how annoying it is to control numerical values while playing

Hmm, the simulation management game doesn't even need to be operated until the end. How can I manage it seriously.

final result3.5
16 [There Are No Angels] Desktop without Angels

Love and data are her mental tranquilizers

If the fan base is less than 500000, the favorability is less than 60, and the darkness is greater than 60 (○ ●<60 ■>60), and the number of days reaches 30, it is still relatively easy to achieve such an outcome because there is no pressure limit yet. "Tangtang" will feel very tired and can't bear it, so they decided to have a final direct broadcast with Ah P.

Haha, suddenly I'm so tired

Although I've tried my best, my fans haven't really risen much

Ah P, let's do the final live broadcast

The achievement corresponding to this outcome is [There is no angel]. I originally intended to translate it as' there is no angel on the internet '

"The Internet, the Internet has never changed."

17 [Laber is Evil] Once a month, that wine is just a luxury, I'll just taste it.

Do you think a healthy and alive woman is happy? [/b] [/quote]

Fans less than 500000, favoritism greater than 60, darkness less than 60 (○ ●>60 ■<60) days, reaching 30 days. "Sugar" will give up the live streaming industry and work hard to live with Ah P

Are you willing to hold onto me like this

I don't know how many days have passed since I started working, but I'm so tired. I'll be home later today, and "sugar" has disappeared. There are two interpretations of this outcome. Combined with DOTA, we know what Ah P is. "Tangtang" returns to normal life and Ah P disappears, so "Tangtang" has not received any news. We know that 'sugar' is not suitable for living a normal life, so we chose to leave without saying goodbye and interpret it any way we want. There is also the adjective 'absinthe is evil' Evil '.

People live for the sake of being alive themselves, not for anything outside of being alive.

18 [NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE] Because even if the person I like is covered in blood, they will hold me in their arms.

Help her win over more people's love and find a home for her outside of you

Within 30 days of reaching the target audience, the fan base is less than 500000, and the shadow rating is greater than 60. The favorability rating is greater than 60 (■>60 ○ ●>60). This is a first-time ending and there seem to be some bugs. In this ending, "Tangtang" will doubt Ah P's feelings and ask some questions. Do you remember where our first date was? Do you remember how many times we had sex at this house? Hello, do you really like me? Writing a short essay requires that you cannot copy or paste words greater than 100 words and contain words such as' sugar ',' super sauce ', and' like '. It can be repeated that if you answer the first two questions incorrectly, you will die. If you don't write a small essay, you will also die. The subject matter is not limited. You should know how to do it. After writing the essay, we will have a good time with "Tangtang" and Chaotian Sauce will say, "We have already reconciled our argument with someone. Killing will not have a conclusion

I am producer AP, and this is the ending I hate the most in the game.

19 [INTERNET OVERDOSE] Follow usage and enjoy surfing the internet

Is she happy now

To achieve this outcome, the maximum pressure limit must reach 120, and the pressure value must reach 80. (▲>=80) The second burst pressure on the player is 80. If the pressure exceeds 80 within 24 days, it will be triggered within 25 days, and it will not be triggered after 25 days. This is an outcome that can easily trigger Bomer, which is the most terrifying outcome in the game, So much so that I dare not use too much text to describe it, so I suggest everyone go to Bilibili to watch the entire ending with bullet barrage. Simply put, the ending is like being under the pressure of Super Sauce, vomiting in the live broadcast room, being exploded by the black fan network, "Tangtang" going crazy, opening the live broadcast, "The positive feedback of this live broadcast has become a speculation of Super Sauce", and...... Chaotian sauce probably committed suicide

This ending has a strong sense of immersion and is also the most uncomfortable and sad, which is one of the reasons why I decided to organize the ending. It's like watching a movie, watching a movie in the cinema, and watching a movie on a computer have completely different perceptions. This is also one of the main themes that the game wants to convey. Being away from the internet is good enough for me to be happy enough.

Suddenly remembered the boy who committed suicide due to online violence in ethics class.
20 [Angry Otaku Need Girl] Unconscious Angel

Is it necessary to give up even love in order to become famous? [/b] [/quote]

Within 30 days, if the number of fans exceeds 500000 and the favoritism is less than 80, Tangtang receives an offer from a well-known anchor firm. Then Tangtang and Ah P are separated from each other. The screen changes for an unknown number of days, and Tangtang and another male anchor are dating each other. After cooking a mature meal with uncooked rice, Tangtang is betrayed and finally transforms into a woman who withdraws her disbelief in love. This is the ending of feeding feces that I mentioned earlier NeToRare is at least expected. It's not surprising. This ending is easy to achieve in a week, like licking a dog until it finally slaps you in the face

If she succeeds, then she is a happy anchor. If she fails, at least she did her best. If she is no longer live streaming, there will be another person to replace her. [/b] [/quote]
final result4.5
21 [Utopian Parody] Dreams gradually invade reality

Relying solely on this data is not enough to satisfy his desires.

When the number of fans exceeds 500000 but is less than 1 million and reaches 30 days, the liking level reaches 80 (○ ●>80). After 30 days, the screen will twitch and the "sugar" display will blacken you out. When playing for the first time, you feel lost and confused. Anyway, if you take the achievement, you don't care, Later on, it was discovered that there was a prerequisite for this ending. When your liking level was greater than 60 and the darkness level was greater than 60, during the first 15 days of the game, "Tangtang" had a chance to send you a short essay. By meeting the above conditions, the entire content of this ending could be triggered. "Tangtang" would ask you, remember those important things I told you? If you answer correctly or incorrectly, you can get achievements. If you answer incorrectly, you can directly blackout the correct answer screen by turning to 'Tangtang'. After tweeting, you will be blacklisted.

Collapsed monologues set off science fiction
[/b] Likes, likes, super likes [/b]

Be wary of excessive emotional intake

The number of days has reached 30, and the pressure limit is 100. The darkness level is greater than 80, and the liking level is greater than 80 (△ ■>80 ○ ●>80). Complete the commemoration of 5 million fans of the contemporary internet angel. In this ending, 'Tangtang' will achieve the goal of millions of fans and decide to do what they like to do,

Chaotian Sauce is on location

Ride on the cutest pony here and join Ah P

I took a break with Ah P and many fans of Super Sky Sauce. I'm so happy, it seems everyone likes me so much

I'm so happy that I just went to take a Ferris wheel. The rickety Ferris wheel feels even more terrifying than a roller coaster!!!

Finally, live streaming will be conducted at the amusement park. When the pressure limit reaches 120, it can be considered to trigger [DARK ANGEL]. If the popularity is not enough, it will trigger the unintentional angel ending of [Angel otaku need girl]

The Lord does not care about being merciless
23 [Unhappy end would] Every night, I just think of you tucking in the blanket and enjoying yourself

Is happiness really what ordinary people want? [/b] [/quote]

After reaching 30 days, the number of fans exceeded 1 million. The favorability was greater than 80, and the darkness was less than 70. In this ending, "Tangtang" achieved the goal of millions of fans and requested Ah P to continue to witness for her. Later, she bought an apartment, just as everything was developing in the right direction. A user named Darkness followed "Tangtang", a nickname for "Tangtang". She would express to Ah P that she is tired of ordinary people's lives and the life with Ah P, and then blackmail you. This ending is somewhat difficult to understand from a common sense perspective, and if you are not sure how the translation came from, please combine it with the subtitle.

My first impression of this ending is: Are you lying here burning newspapers to fool ghosts?

24 [Happy end would]

An overly realistic illusion reveals an angelic smile

When the number of days reaches 30, if the number of fans exceeds 1 million and the favorability is greater than 80 (○ ●>80), the computer is offline and the internet cable is not unplugged too early, sometimes it cannot be triggered. There is nothing to say about this outcome. Chaotian sauce has become a true angel after graduating from the internet. The withdrawal trend has reached an unknown ending, which also reflects the main theme of the game: "Disconnect from the internet and be yourself." I don't know if anyone in reality has encountered the situation where I recommended V graduation. It sounds quite sad, but fortunately, I don't recommend it.

Fans who appear embarrassed due to the anchor's graduation
5 [DARK ANGEL (gray head)] The tomb was excavated by the two of us together

The maximum pressure limit for fans exceeding 1 million is 120, and the favorability level is less than 30. The darkness level is greater than 80 (▲○ ●<30 ■>80). The commemoration of 5 million fans of the contemporary internet angel will be triggered. In the live broadcast, Chaotian will express the harm caused to him by 1 million fans

Greater than helping defamation, damaging verbal bullying, murder warnings, personal attacks, following the crowd, cult worship, and those magical remarks

And expressed the desire to seek revenge and then:

Take a look, the wounds I will leave you will never heal in your lifetime

And then there was no more

Because a person is dead and unable to type, there is no conclusion

meme: The sword is very good and can be used, so there is no follow-up.

26 [THE INTERNET ANGEL Be INVKED] Angels leap over the infinite universe

Thank you, internet life is very enjoyable. [/b] [/quote]

This ending requires a very straightforward fan count of 9.9 million. To achieve this ending, it is usually necessary to check the strategy, with 16 days of AliExpress and 30 days of full live streaming. I chose a game like the latter with sufficient feedback. In this ending, Chaotian Sauce became the world's number one popular anchor and announced that there would be a commemorative live broadcast of the world's number one. In the live broadcast, there were too many fans to display the barrage, and then bid farewell to all the fans and players

You don't need to worry anymore! I, the angel, will guide you in the direction of progress. Although reality is ruthless and full of thorns, the Super Sky Sauce will definitely look at you from the sky

So... let's say goodbye with a smile!! Okay

So, everyone, this is the last time. Get ready... ↑ Ascension ↑ "

Because the effort was rewarded, I inexplicably wanted to cry for a good ending when watching it

Thank you, we are finally about to achieve full success. [/b] [/quote]

final result5
27Data 0 [Comment to die adieu] I just want to say goodbye to you perfectly

Before updating, it is necessary to achieve all 22 endings except for megaten. Now, there are 25 endings. After achieving 25 endings, data0 will appear on the main interface. After watching a live scene similar to a quick release, we can see the secret. And I know that Ah P is the fantasy of "sugar", a virtual producer, and I will talk about the next fantasy being my fianc é. Tangtang "is to save oneself. Goodbye for the last time, gentle only to say goodbye to you perfectly. Goodbye.

Continuation: Heavy Dependence of Childhood Adolescents

an account of happenings after the event being told

The ending has been presented to everyone. Normally, I can write a conclusion now, but I still want to write a little more and treat it as a free DLC. So, let's talk about my post reading feedback or something. I'm not a hardcore player or scholar who doesn't delve into it. Some people may think it's a bit long, but I don't really care anymore. Anyway, the length is already long enough, and even a little longer is not that big, If you want to watch, you can continue to watch. If you don't want to watch, you can skip it.

ddlc: dlc of dlc
Write casually1
Crazy is the noblest form of wisdom, perhaps just as someone once said

How crazy 'sugar' is.

After reading the ending, I don't know what the readers think. Perhaps some people may think: although "Tangtang" has several good endings and a true ending, upon closer consideration, "Tangtang" seems to be a girl living in fantasy. He fantasized about becoming the world's number one anchor, but he was lazy and disgusted with the world. She fantasized about becoming an internet angel to please Azai, but she didn't really like Azai. "Tangtang" fantasized about an A-P to save himself, but was pushed into the abyss by her fantasy. That's right, but why does' sugar 'fantasize? We all know that 'a happy person will never fantasize, only those whose wishes are not fulfilled will.'. What is the unfulfilled wish of 'sugar'?

Do you still remember the essay written by "Tangtang", can't you remember? Me too, let me briefly extract some information: "Tangtang" had a weak body when she was a child, unhappy family life, parents always arguing, throwing kitchen knives when angry, often cold and violent towards "Tangtang". "Tangtang" had no family love, was afraid of being alone, and the family was very poor, almost being sold by her mother. "Tangtang" fled that house to borrow from a friend's house, In elementary school, due to her beautiful appearance, she was bullied by the female leader in the class and forced to kiss the captured otaku man. "Tangtang" wanted to get boastful, so she had a character named "Chaotian Sauce", who was caught in the rain and wanted to hold an umbrella for herself.

So, the desire for 'sugar' is to be loved, to be loved, which is why Ah P has her goal of being praised and needed, which is why she has millions of fans. Is this really the case? If you have played games, you should remember "Tangtang" telling players: he has several small accounts with tens of thousands of fans and knows the darkness of the online and live streaming industry. At the same time, the game also has an ending that is difficult to understand from a common sense perspective. Unhappy end would have achieved the goal of millions of fans and given enough love to "Sugar". Why is it still a bad ending? Perhaps we can interpret Tang's desire to be praised, praised, and needed from a deeper perspective, which is to fill the gap in one's own heart and make one's life hopeful and meaningful. Therefore, we have decided to become an angel and a god who is needed to live and have meaning.

Imagine a girl whose parents divorced and their family was unhappy, being bullied by classmates and placed under someone else's supervision. She has nothing to rely on, he doesn't have love, he doesn't feel love, he doesn't know why he's alive. At this point, she needs a reason to live, something to hope for.
Speaking of it, the day P promised to help me with the live broadcast was also a rainy day. What kind of mood were you in when you decided to pick me up

So why is' Tangtang 'still a broadcaster? Due to the inevitability and lack of choice, "Tangtang" received praise and admiration from fans during the process of becoming a host, giving her a real-life experience of the vague fantasy of being praised by others. The contrast between "Tangtang" on the internet and "Tangtang" in reality is a clear reason and hope for "Tangtang" to live. This sense of reality brings her pleasure and satisfaction, and also leads her astray, Relying solely on the data of tens of thousands of fans cannot meet the huge gap in "Tangtang"'s heart. Her expectations are high, and she needs to have larger goals to meet her inner desires. So there were millions of fans, and Ah P was fantasized to help him achieve his goals. Based on this understanding, let's take a look at the ending of unhappy end would. Why is the bad ending at this time? Fans have stimulated the desire for "Tangtang", and the desire for it cannot make "Tangtang" turn to being an anchor and fantasy. "Tangtang" has no family or friends to understand this desire, and "Tangtang" can only deceive itself to achieve the goal of millions of fans in order to gain the meaning of life. Talking about the dark end in the ending indicates that "Tangtang" has realized that the hope placed in the direction they have chosen is wrong. He still hasn't gained the so-called meaning of existence and is still confused and empty. When a person finds hope in despair and gives despair, the pain is indescribable, and "sugar" can no longer deceive others into following desires. The huge gap between hope and reality makes him unable to escape and can only fall into an endless abyss. So in the end, "Tangtang" pulled Ah P black because she no longer believed in the fantasy hope, and she no longer wanted to deceive herself. So it's not uncommon to see 'sugar candy' as a way to self destruct and continue the live broadcast. The ending is definitely not good, and staying away from the internet is the best choice.

Is the happiness of ordinary people really what they want

I think ordinary people's happiness refers to what people generally believe to be happiness. The more fans there are, the better. The more profits fans there are, the happier life becomes. Tangtang doesn't want more and more fans or richer materials. She always wants happiness, but being an anchor is not the happiness she pursues. From an objective perspective, of course, you can understand that having too many desires for "sugar" does not satisfy the needs of ordinary people, so you chose Lahei Ah P. Of course, evil is just a viewpoint, and there are more interpretations for thousands of people. I am just writing a post reading review, which does not necessarily mean it is
Write casually2
Since the direction chosen for 'sugar' is wrong, why would there be the outcome of 'THE IHTERN ET ANGEL BE GIRL OVERDOSE'? Combining with the original name of the game, the anchor girl heavily relies on "NEEDY GIRL Overdose". Overdose generally refers to the excessive use of drugs, which can be extended to only "sugar". There is a drug like dependence on A-P data live streaming. In the game, players usually take a large amount of medication in order to effectively reduce the pressure of "sugar". Taking too much medication is definitely not beneficial to the body. Why do players take a large amount of medication? On the one hand, 'sugar' is deceiving oneself and using drugs to numb oneself, leaving behind troubles and pressures. On the other hand, "Tangtang" is very disgusted with the world and wants to die without the feeling of being alive. She only wants to achieve the goal of millions of fans, so she can do anything to achieve it. Welfare live streaming doesn't have any natural drug use, nor does it feel strange. If you have completed this ending, you should remember one small detail: when the fans are over 1 million, "Tangtang" cannot take medicine because "Tangtang" no longer wants to take medicine. This is a very important detail because it indicates that a girl who relies on drugs is starting to distance herself from drugs and look at herself. She no longer only wants to follow her desires and fantasies, but also feels that things around her are meaningful, After the number of fans of 'Tangtang' reached 9.9 million, 'Tangtang' I have become the world's number one anchor. In my last live broadcast, I talked about calling on my fans to return to reality and stay away from the internet. In the end, she transformed into an angel and leaped into the infinite universe. An internet angel became a true angel by staying away from the internet, and a drug dependent girl gained the meaning of life by staying away from drugs. Perhaps this is an extension of the game's theme, not only to stay away from the internet, but also to stay away from the internet Stay away from things that are heavily dependent on, because the true angel is everyone who can rely on themselves to save you, only you. 'Sugar' no longer relies on the internet, no longer on drugs, no longer on her own desires. 'Sugar' has the hope of living, transforming her vision into a beautiful future for all humanity, achieving self harmony and being redeemed by angels. Some people may misunderstand the fulfillment condition of this 9.9 million fan base, thinking that it is because they have satisfied the desire of "sugar" and "sugar" has become tired of playing, which is why they stay away from the internet. I think this fulfillment condition should be a concrete symbolic technique, symbolizing how difficult and difficult it is to save a girl who relies on drugs. As some players have commented on the game

The formation of landmine women is basically related to the lack of love in their original family. Without enough energy and time, don't think about saving landmine women

We can rescue those who constantly strive. Faust

Art comes from life but far surpasses it.
Who is' sugar '

If you still remember that this is a real-life game, you may be curious about who the game author is. That's right, it's him - "Nyalra", the game director. Let's take a brief look at the author's story: "Nyalra" was born into a single parent family and raised by her parents. As a result, her nose, eyes, and teeth were not good from a young age, but because her family was poor and unable to undergo surgery, her mother felt guilty for not giving birth to her child properly. The mother and son agreed that they would definitely cure the disease. But the mother, who had a good time, remarried and found a new man. Ah, she didn't like talking to strangers and chose to leave her original family to live in the park or at a friend's house. She never came back until her illness was cured, and she couldn't come back again. During his university years, he chose to drop out of school due to his own shortcomings, and because the difficulties in real life were also to attract attention, he started writing blogs every day with a primitive desire to be discovered and praised. He also worked as a Vtube for a period of time. After that, "Nayala" wrote a plan for independent game producer Saito Dadi, which was later made into a game, This is also known as the heavy dependence of anchor girls. If we compare the author's life experience with the life experience of "Tangtang", we will find astonishing similarities. "Tangtang" is also a poor body, a unhappy family, a poor dropout, and also wants to gain attention and praise from others. Naira suffered from depression due to being too devoted to writing lines for the game. Naira stated that this is proof that the game has become more authentic, proud, and believing that without depression, Super Sauce would no longer exist. Wishing Teacher "Nyala a speedy recovery.
Nyala is also a anime writer. Maybe because of his own experience, he has created people who like to study similar situations and published them in books. Among them, there is a very special book called "Acknowledging Desire for Women", which is the author's original words

Just like the spiritual predecessor of 'NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE', without this book, it would not have become the current plan

I went to find some information myself and then searched for a translator to read it. After reading it, I was greatly shocked. This book interviewed 15 girls who were active on SNS, including those in the broadcasting industry, those who were engaged in underground broadcasting, those who were addicted to sex, those who were mentally unstable, those who were addicted to drugs, and those who were voice actors. In short, these are things that TV stations do not allow to broadcast. Let's directly cite a paragraph from the book.

[Speaking of rko, how many Twitter accounts do you have?]

I actually only have six of them. From a male perspective, when I can't count all of them, I already have a lot of coss and coss daily accounts, only daily accounts for people with good relationships, my own color chart and reality accounts for college friends

[... ]...... Your last few are also a bit outrageous. You said the university one wasn't

Let me explain it in detail to you. Firstly, the large account is what I just told you to use for sending COS. Secondly, the daily account is used for sending daily life that has nothing to do with COS. Secondly, only close friends know about the small accounts. So far, are these not quite normal, And then the account that posted my own color map is for finding porn friends to use. I will post my own breasts on it and look at the color map. That account will use it to see other girls using porn

You're really hungry about the appointment of a cannon

My timely appointment with a male coser is equivalent to a small account where you carefully select a large customer to engage in sex. After all, playing COS costs money (laughter), and my own desire for recognition is also strong. I think there are not many cosers who do not engage in yellow small accounts.

Stories like this still have many female voice actors who have a huge contrast with their predecessors, as well as depressed girls who are addicted to sex and like to have sex with Azai. They cannot be seen and cannot be translated. These people all have a common motivation or need to be recognized. If we mix the personality traits of the girl in this book together, we will have "sugar". "Sugar" is addicted to drugs, addicted to sexual intercourse, mentally unstable, eager to be recognized, and there are also different appearances. I wonder if the author intentionally uses the absurdity and absurdity in the game to express the sadness of reality, 'Sugar' may just be a microcosm of these girls. Or maybe not just.
Write casually3
So who is' sugar '? Perhaps' sugar 'is not just a reflection of the author's personal experiences in real life, nor is it just a superposition of the identities of these special girls. She can be every confused self in real life, when your life is hopeless and you feel like living is meaningless. You always have some reasons to live, and relying on the internet as a platform for emotional venting is also a choice. The pace of life accelerates, and spiritual civilization cannot keep up with material development. We gradually fall into a spiritual crisis and become addicted to relying on the Internet. However, may or may not the Internet provide us with what we want? The Internet is not a perfect place, but there are also many shadows inside. As people become more dependent on the Internet, they are trapped in such a sticky swamp that they cannot turn over and be devoured by darkness. There is no way to solve this problem - quickly getting away from the internet is like a good ending and a true ending. "Sugar" ends up getting away from the internet, thus avoiding one's own corruption. Unplugging the internet cable and returning to reality is a solution proposed by the game for countless internet users who rely on the internet. Although it is unlikely, if possible, I hope that readers can follow the usage and usage of the internet to surf happily.

The only way to win a strange game is not to play [/b] [/quote]


Finally, I have finished writing it and poured down the bitterness for everyone. This work is very long. I originally planned to spend half a month writing it, but considering some practical situations, I have to finish it within a week. This is really difficult for a patient with electronic impotence, a creator trapped in writing hell, and someone with anxiety, insomnia, and neurasthenia. When time was not enough, I got up in the middle of the night to write it, but fortunately, I finally completed this work. Everyone wants to see what I'm writing, but I won't write it. Let me talk about it below so that I can discover some good works. I don't have the money to play, and I may or may not know. This is the longest and most difficult work I have ever written, but it has finally been completed. So goodbye to all readers, I wish you good morning, good afternoon, and good night in real life.
Special thanks:

Stepping on the Milky Way: The lightness of youth, stepping on the Milky Way to the moon.
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Natural Resistance: I enjoy reading your reviews

STELLA_ A review can tell consumers the value of this game. A guide can provide players with the secrets behind the game. A genuine heart can inspire readers, awaken their inner experiences, and resonate

Writing guide: caudillo
22 件のコメント
Erio 2024年10月9日 4時00分 
951355735 2024年7月25日 8時47分 
隔壁小王.exe 2024年7月23日 23時24分 
Allan_Kong 2024年7月7日 11時20分 
DESIAO  [作成者] 2023年12月26日 6時27分 
偶然看见有100个评价了 来发一下感言吧 ,我比较热爱生活 应该会比较爱发这个 ?
好像也没什么可感言的 就唠一唠吧 ,大家想看我写什么游戏的评测 ,我写评测的风格大家喜欢吗 需不需要有什么改变 ,大家认为好的评测应该具有什么呢 ?
虽然这是指南 但我其实还是比较喜欢写评测的 ,,我下一个作品还是指南 ,不过得延期了 ,字数太多 忙不过来 。
DESIAO  [作成者] 2023年12月3日 2時54分 
哈哈谢谢 客气了 ,我敢打赌 我做的比我更好的人 ,他们只是没有出现在读者面前而已 ,虽说酒香不怕巷子深 ,但也有很多身在深巷无人知的 ,这就可惜了 。
KAU 2023年12月3日 2時21分 
DESIAO  [作成者] 2023年12月2日 5時43分 
哈哈 谢谢 ,每次一有人夸我 我就急促不安 ,因为夸的还不够 ,好了 好了 不皮了 。
正好60个评价 ,每次写指南都当做最后一次来写 ,说一下我的获奖感言吧 。我的全部才华都来自对我要处理的题材的热爱 ,只有对伟大 对真对美的爱 才能激发我的天才 。同时我也知道 我不应该把我的作品全归功于自己的智慧 ,还应该归功于我以外提供素材的成千上万的事物或人物 。
感谢读者的支持 ,如果没有读者喜欢读我的黄油评测 ,我不可能会力求写出更好的作品 。感谢读者对我作品的肯定 ,让我坚定对创作的信念 。同时感谢各位读者的评价和支持 ,没有他们,我甚至连被人知道的机会都没有
总之 感谢一切 虽然我很懒 但我也会尽可能的去创造出更好的作品的 ,有兴趣可以看一下 没兴趣的话就算了 。
wsjxb2018 2023年12月2日 3時27分 
White_lamp  [作成者] 2023年11月24日 19時59分 
=u=:needy_cat:帮大忙了 感谢-