Arma 3
Sullen Skies - Normandy
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Terrain
64.824 KB
2023年7月29日 13時05分
2023年7月31日 14時33分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

Sullen Skies - Normandy

Sullen Skies tweaks the cloud and overcast systems for Normandy.

Cloud grid, cloud grid width and noise resolution values have all been tweaked resulting in a significant increase in cloud volume while retaining cloud detail.

Darker, more turbulent clouds.
Lowers base cloud significantly.
No cloudless skies.

Server key included.
9 件のコメント
VEN3SISX 2023年11月20日 11時47分 
same, Warning Message: Addon 'SullenSkies_Normandy' requires addon 'SPE_Normandy'
Maddog088 2023年9月21日 8時10分 
Getting this error since the last SPE update, and server not trying to bypass it. Mod might need an update?

8:09:26 Warning Message: Addon 'SullenSkies_Normandy' requires addon 'SPE_Normandy'
EO  [作成者] 2023年7月31日 21時50分 
Good to know! :steamhappy:
Wilson [MG] 2023年7月31日 15時24分 
That fixed it.
EO  [作成者] 2023年7月31日 15時01分 
Mod has been updated:

Re-signed and repacked with new server key.
EO  [作成者] 2023年7月31日 13時53分 
Mmm, I'll try resigning and repacking with new keys to see if that resolves your issue.
Wilson [MG] 2023年7月31日 13時31分 
Even when making this a required mod, by calling it via command line switch, we get a key error. I tried a few different ways to resolve it, and verified the client and server keys were identical, but multiple clients with this installed still couldn't connect to our server. I even tried setting "verifySignatures = 1;" in the server.cfg, in case you were using older v1 signatures, to no avail. I'm at a loss, and was forced to remove it entirely.
Johnnyboy 2023年7月30日 14時09分 
Great job EO!
zSrTeus 2023年7月30日 5時36分 
Finally! Thank you!