Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

cp_snakewater_final1 solo achievements with console commands!
由 High-precision Stock trader 發表
How to obtain most skakewater achievements solo:

To my knowledge 5/5 of the snakewater pack achievements are achievable solo with console commands, these include:
-Mutually Air-Sured-Destruction
-Log Jammin
-The Snakeout
-Snakewater Salesman

This way of achieving these achievements is a grey area between doing them in a casual match and using !givemeall or steam achievement manager. So use these methods if you want the achievements and if like me you hadn't got them despite playing normally.

I am no console command expert, please let me know if ANYTHING doesn't work.
Enable console by clicking options-keyboard-advanced-enable developer console.

type ( or copy-paste) in these commands:

// loads snakewater, disables respawn times and autobalance

map cp_snakewater_final1; mp_disable_respawn_times 1; mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0

// join BLU team
Mutually Air-Sured-Destruction
Mutually Air-Sured-Destruction
-'While rocket jumping, use a rocket to kill a rocket jumping enemy who also kills you with a rocket.'

// Play as soldier.
// Use the direct hit and the B.A.S.E jumper


sv_cheats 1; bot -team red -class soldier; sv_cheats 0

// This will spawn a bot on the RED team

sv_cheats 1; bot_mimic 1; sv_cheats 0

// The bot will now mimic your behaviour

sv_cheats 1;bot_mirror bot01; sv_cheats 0

// Stand here:

// If the bot is not staring back at you, type this command:

sv_cheats 1; bot_teleport bot01 541.918640 -271.968750 412.031311 75 -57 0; sv_cheats 0

// Shoot one rocket at the ground.
// Rocket jump as high as you can, the bot should do the same.
// Float towards the bot, so that you are nearly touching, this will guarantee both rockets connect
// Kill him

// If done correctly you will kill the bot and he will kill you, granting the achievement.

// If you miss shoot at the ground to respawn and try again, you can use the mirror and teleport command to reset the bot.
Log Jammin
Log Jammin
-'Kill 15 enemies in the rafters above the central capture point.'


sv_cheats 1; bot_mimic 0; sv_cheats 0

sv_cheats 1; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; sv_cheats 0

stand here:

sv_cheats 1; bot_teleport bot02 520.6 228.5 448.1 0 0 0; bot_teleport bot03 520.6 228.5 448.1 0 0 0;bot_teleport bot04 520.6 228.5 448.1 0 0 0;bot_teleport bot05 520.6 228.5 448.1 0 0 0;bot_teleport bot06 520.6 228.5 448.1 0 0 0;sv_cheats 0

// This will spawn 5 bots here:

// Kill them and teleport them back 3 times
-'Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final control point.'

mp_restartgame 1

- Go Demoman, and lay stickies here on your final point:

sv_cheats 1; bot_teleport bot02 530.297180 208.189377 135.18219 75 -57 0; bot_teleport bot03 530.297180 208.189377 135.18219 75 -57 0 ; sv_cheats 0

// Spawns two scout bots on the middle point.

sv_cheats 1; bot_teleport bot04 -1514.595337 2305.850342 -36.567802 75 -57 0; bot_teleport bot05 -1514.595337 2305.850342 -36.567802 75 -57 0 ; sv_cheats 0

// Spawns 2 scouts on your second to last point.

sv_cheats 1; bot_teleport bot06 -4046.066650 2038.192627 -76.839668 75 -57 0; sv_cheats 0

// Spawns a scout on your final point.
// Detonate your stickies

- Go scout
- Capture all points and win the game
The Snakeout
The Snakeout
-'Wipe the other team with 12 or more players on the server.'

- Restart TF2
- Reload snakewater
- Go Demoman


sv_cheats 1; bot -team blu -class scout; bot -team blu -class scout; bot -team blu -class scout; bot -team blu -class scout; bot -team blu -class scout; bot -team blu -class scout; sv_cheats 0

sv_cheats 1; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; bot -team red -class scout; sv_cheats 0

// This will bring the total number of players to 13

sv_cheats 1; noclip; sv_cheats 0

- Fly to the red team's spawn
- Kill all 6 scouts
Snakewater Salesman
Snakewater Salesman
'Win 141 Rounds.'


sv_cheats 1; mp_forcewin; sv_cheats 0

// This will instantly win you the round and add 1 to your total wins on Snakewater.

- Repeat this command until you obtain the achievement. This will take some time
1 則留言
Marble Pie in Space 2023 年 10 月 9 日 下午 8:51 
The Mutually Air-Sured-Destruction process doesn't work. a friend and I were doing it and did it multiple times successfully but neither of us got the achievement