Aliens: Colonial Marines

Aliens: Colonial Marines

54 ratings
An analysis of weapons and mechanics
By Feormor and 1 collaborators
This is a document with a lot of technical analysis supplemented with observations.
Welcome to a weapons, and mechanics ACM review! This 'guide' is mostly going to be a detailed look at marine weapons, and xenomorph loadouts, as well as some gameplay mechanics.

Forewarning: All of the technical data presented was done by me using audio editing software to determine time lengths, as well as the in game timer. There is human error as well as non ideal conditions present. The data and deviations are provided to give a little insight. If anyone notices any errors, please let me know. That being said, let's get to the main content.
Marine Weapons Section 1
Mechanics Observation
  • The Accuracy stat seems to refer to hip fire. Crouching helps hip fire slightly, but you are the most accurate when you Aim Down Sights.
  • All Silencers, Suppressors, and Barrel Extensions increase accuracy for hipfire (maximum size your crosshair gets is smaller). Other attachments that say they increase the Accuracy stat do not seem to benefit. Likewise it's impractical to tell if the Laser Targeting System is improving this or not.
  • Most default modifications are not that great. I recommend replacing or supplementing them with a different upgrade as soon as possible.
  • Reflex sight is the god tier of all attachments. If your weapon can equip it, I highly recommend it. It reduces horizontal bullet spread while in Aim Down Sights with it (Tactical Shotgun shots included). This attachment single handedly makes the Pulse Rifle and SMG viable medium to medium-far ranged weapons and allows the Tactical Shotgun to be a potent mid ranged weapon as well.

Pulse Rifle

Alternate Fire
Grenade: A one hit kill if a direct hit (unless the Xeno is using Heavy Chitin). Splash is also very strong. Comes with two rounds
Shotgun: A decent alternative, and quite good against whirlwind soldiers. Unfortunately you have to tank the whirlwind hit before they can stand still for you to finish them off with the underslung shotgun. Comes with eight rounds.
Firebomb: A one hit kill against Lurkers and Spitters if a direct hit most of the time (Heavy Chitin plays a role). Not a very effective deterrent since most people use adrenaline to run, or tank right through them. Comes with two rounds.

None (Default): Deals 4 Damage.
Extended Magazine: Provides +20 rounds in the magazine (50% increase), +0.5s Reload Time over Default.
Sound Suppressor: Lose slight damage for quieter shots. Despite sounding the same with standard and accelerated magazine fire modes, it still expels bullets at their respective speeds. Provides -1 Firepower, +1 Accuracy over Default.

Iron Sights (Default): Rear sight wobbles a lot. Without Reflex Sight, bullets tend to fly off target.
Reflex Sight: I would recommend this over both the Laser System and Iron Sights. The Reflex Sights give increase accuracy while in aim down sights mode, also making accurate spraying quite feasible. Provides a red dot sight on top of your gun, and +2 Accuracy over Default.
Laser System: Useful if the enemy has closed the range on you. Provides a red dot on your screen, and +2 Accuracy over Default.

Fire Mode
Standard Fire (Default): Might help control recoil, though with reflex sight, it becomes really easy. Go for the magazine accelerator. Depletes the 40 round magazine in about 5 seconds. 60 rounds in about 7.5 seconds. Averages 8 rounds per second.
Magazine Accelerator: Depletes the 40 round magazine in about 3.75 seconds. 60 rounds in about 5.7 seconds. About 10.6 rounds per second. Gives +2 Rate of Fire over Default.

Difference between fire modes at 40 rounds: 1.25 seconds.
Difference between fire modes at 60 rounds: 1.8 seconds.

40 rounds w/ silencer
Standard: 5.050 seconds
Accelerator: 3.782 seconds
difference of 1.268 seconds, Approximately 1.25.

DPS default: 4*8 = 32
DPS with Accelerator: 4*10.6 = 42.4
DPS with Sound Suppressor: 3*8 = 24
DPS with Sound Suppressor + Accelerator = 3*10.6 = 31.80

Assault Rifle

Alternate Fire
Flamer (Default): Decent close range damage. Must start using it as soon as they get in range. Comes with 50% ammo.
Frag rounds: Usually a one hit kill if you land it near them. Comes with two rounds.
Shotgun: Quite inaccurate; about as accurate as the pump shotgun, but still very strong. Can be a decent alternative to deal with whirlwind soldiers. Comes with eight rounds.

None (Default): Deals 5 Damage.
Absorbing stock: Helps reduce vertical recoil. Very useful for making those 5 round bursts land. Provides +1 Accuracy over default.
Firearm Muffler: What's to say? it is a muffler. You do 1 point of damage less for quieter shots. Provides +1 Accuracy, -1 Damage over Default.

Iron Sights (Default): They're decent, not as bad as the pulse rifle's. All shots land dead center with no recoil control. With recoil control, shots tend to land on the left of the foresight.
Reflex Sight: No real noticeable difference between this and telescopic. Choose whichever one you like best. Provides +2 Accuracy over default.
Telescopic Sight: Shots tend to hit near the center between the left horizontal white line and red triangle, or the top left corner of the red triangle (depending on time between shots). No other real noticeable difference between this and reflex sight. Provides +2 Accuracy over Default.

Fire Mode
Standard Three Round Burst (Default): When you pull down to counter recoil; you end up aiming at the floor rather than your original starting point if you did not compensate enough, meaning you have to aim back up to your target. Useful if they are charging at you. Depletes 30 rounds in about 4.57 seconds, which averages 6.565 rounds per second.
Five Round Burst: Like the Three Round Burst, if you do not compensate enough for recoil, you will be aiming below your original aimpoint. However since there is more recoil to compensate for, this rarely happens. Depletes 30 rounds in about 4.45 seconds, which averages 6.742 rounds per second. Provides +2 Rate of Fire over Default.

DPS 3 Round Burst: 5 * 6.565 = 32.83
DPS 5 Round Burst: 5 * 6.742 = 33.71
DPS 3 Round Burst with Muffler: 4 * 6.565 = 26.26
DPS 5 Round Burst with Muffler: 4 * 6.742 = 26.97

Battle Rifle

Alternate Fire
Shotgun (Default): This is a decent close range option. The spread is just as bad as any other underslung shotgun.
Mine Launcher: Proximity mines. They usually kill if an enemy runs over a pair of them. Comes with two mines.
Grenade round: A one hit kill if a direct hit. Splash is also very strong. It's the same round as the pulse rifle. Comes with two rounds.

None (Default): Deals 6 Damage.
Sound Suppressor: Lose slight damage for quieter shots. Provides -1 Firepower, +1 Accuracy over Default.
Barrel Extension: I did not locate a discernible difference between this and the suppressor in terms of accuracy. Provides +2 Accuracy over Default.

2x Telescopic Sight (Default): Shots land near the middle of the red triangle.
Variable Zoom Scope: An orange dot scope with a zoom. There appeared to be less bullet spread when compared to the Smart Targeting and Default scopes.
Smart Targeting: A fixed zoom scope that allows you to see the location of enemies through walls. Quite useful, but not always dead accurate.

Fire Mode
Standard (Default): Depletes 15 rounds in about 2.4 seconds, which averages 6.25 rounds per second. Default damage is 6, which means 37.5 damage per second. Good all around weapon for two shotting Spitters, as well as spamming against soldiers and lurkers.
High Velocity Rounds: Depletes 15 rounds in about 9.18 seconds, which averages 1.634 rounds per second. Default Damage is 8, which means 13.07 damage per second. Good for one shotting Spitters, not so much for Soldiers and Lurkers due to slow follow up shots. Might need two shots for Heavy Chitin Spitters.

DPS default: 6 * 6.25 = 37.5
DPS with Suppressor: 5 * 6.25 = 31.25
DPS with High Velocity Rounds: 8 * 1.634 = 13.07
DPS with Suppressor and High Velocity Rounds: 7 * 1.634 = 11.44
Marine Weapons Section 2
Sub machinegun

None (Default): Deals 3 Damage.
Extended Magazine: Provides +24 rounds in the magazine, +0.5 seconds to reload time over Default.
Stabilizing Stock: Seems to lessen the vertical recoil. It is quite good with Reflex Sight.

Iron Sights (Default): Terrible
Laser System: I highly recommend Reflex Sight over the Laser System. The bullet spread with hip fire spray is quite atrocious. Provides +2 Accuracy over Default.
Reflex Sight: Definitely a must. It reduces horizontal spread to a controllable and quite accurate spot, making spraying at close to medium ranges feasible. Provides +2 Accuracy over Default.

Fire Mode
Standard (Default): Depletes 48 rounds in about 4.519 seconds, 72 rounds in about 6.757 seconds. This averages to around 10.639 rounds per second. Since it is the same as Magazine Accelerator, choose whichever one you want.
Magazine Accelerator: Depletes 48 rounds in about 4.501 seconds, 72 rounds in about 6.711 seconds. This averages to around 10.696 rounds per second. Since it is the same as Standard Fire, choose whichever one you want. Provides "+2 Rate of Fire" over Default.

I didn't believe the result, so I did a third (and later ,a fourth) retake, and the difference between standard and accelerator 72 rounds was .004 seconds. There is no difference between the two Fire Modes.
Therefore I averaged the rounds per second for both modes: 10.668

DPS Default: 3 * 10.668 = 32.004
DPS Accelerator: 3 * 10.668 = 32.004

Tactical Shotgun

Alternate Fire
Arc Tazer (Default): Pretty good against anything that it hits. Stun duration may be based off distance or button input from the enemy. Sometimes it works for half a second, other times it lasts almost 3. Does not work on the Crusher. Comes with eight rounds.
Incendiary Shells: Decent for lighting things on fire (lurkers, crushers). Most damage comes from the shells hitting, not the burn damage. Comes with eight rounds.
Frag Rounds: Similar to the pulse rifle frag rounds. It underperforms it by doing slightly less damage. Detonates on impact. Comes with two rounds.

None (Default): Deals 7 Damage.
Recoil Dampening Stock: Definitely worth it in my opinion. Without it, the second shot lands about where a third shot would if it had the Recoil Dampening Stock. Much like the Assault Rifle, after pulling down to control recoil, your aim will be lower than your starting point. This is not really an issue since spamming is generally used for close quarter combat, and you would probably be empty anyways.
Magazine System: Reloads all eight of your shells at once in about 1.8 seconds (slightly faster than the listed two seconds). Without this, reloading between shells is about 0.5 second each. The time between the last shot, and the next shot without the magazine system takes about 1.2 seconds. Sometimes I need that 1 extra shell to kill an enemy before it kills me. I also prefer to have the Recoil Dampening Stock over the Magazine System. Provides -2.5 seconds to reload time.

Iron Sights (Default): Pretty decent. It is for a shotgun after all. I recommend Reflex Sights
Reflex Sights: This is hands down the best sight for this gun. It decreases spread tremendously, making engagements at medium range feasible. Provides a red dot sight on top of the Tactical Shotgun.
Laser System: Provides a red dot on your screen, and +2 Accuracy over Default.

Fire mode
Standard (Default): Depletes 8 shots after 1.8 seconds, which averages 4.444 rounds per second
Full-Auto: Depletes 8 shots after 1.3 seconds, which averages 6.154 rounds per second. After the first shot which hits center of your screen, all subsequent follow up shots will land near the tip of the foresight while spamming in Aim Down Sights with the Reflex Sight.

DPS Default: 8 * 4.444 = 35.55
DPS Full Auto: 8 * 6.154 = 49.23

Pump Shotgun

Alternate Fire
Timed Explosive (Default): Similar to Frag rounds, these can bounce off walls. They detonate on impact or after about 1 second. Usually a one hit kill if it is a direct hit.
Flechette Rounds: Quite accurate. Spread is similar to a Reflex Sight Tactical Shotgun fire. Does not seem to benefit from the barrel choke attachment. Comes with 8 rounds.

None (Default): Deals 8 Damage.
Barrel choke: Very slightly helps prevent spread, not really noticeable.
Custom port: Faster reload time is nice too.

Iron Sights (Default):
Alloy Iron Sight: Nothing special is discernable over this, the Laser System, and regular Iron Sights.
Laser System: Provides a red dot in the center of the screen. Provides +2 to Accuracy over Default.

Fire Mode
Standard fire (Default): Depletes 8 shots after about 4.36 seconds, which averages 1.83 rounds per second. Standard fire takes about 0.618 seconds between each shot. Using the expanding shot, there is about 0.7475 seconds between each shot. This means there is about a 0.130 second difference between the two fire modes per shot. So for every 4.75 shots of expanding shot you make, standard fire would have made an extra shot. that's 47.5 damage for expanding shot, 46 damage for standard. A difference of 1.5 Damage after about 5 shots.
Expanding Shot: Depletes 8 shots after about 5.44 seconds, which averages to 1.47 rounds per second. Adds two points of damage for a very slim decrease in firing speed. The spread appears to be the same as Default. Provides +2 Firepower, -2 Rate of Fire over Default.

DPS Default: 8 * 1.83 = 14.64
DPS with Expanding Shot: 10* 1.47 = 14.7

Service Pistol

None (Default): Deals 2 Damage
Sound Suppressor: Not really worth it, even if you are doing a stealth build. Provides -1 Firepower, +1 Accuracy over Default.

Iron Sights (Default):
Laser System: Does not seem to improve bullet spread. Provides +2 Accuracy.

Fire Mode
Standard (Default): Fires 12 rounds in about 2.37 seconds, which averages 5.06 rounds per second. I highly recommend the standard fire mode.
High Velocity Rounds: Fires 12 rounds in about 6.51 seconds, which averages 1.84 rounds per second. I recommend the standard for its faster fire rate in the event you miss, and its higher damage output. Provides +2 Firepower, -2 Rate of Fire.

DPS Default: 2 * 5.06 = 10.12
DPS High Velocity Rounds: 4 * 1.84 = 7.36

Combat Pistol

None (Default): Deals 1 Damage.
Extended Magazine: +9 rounds to magazine (50% increase)

Iron Sight (Default):
Reflex Sight: Like the other Reflex Sights, this sight reduces horizontal bullet spread. Provides +2 Accuracy over Default.

Fire Mode
Standard (Default): Depletes 18 rounds in about 2.2 seconds, which averages 8.18 rounds per second. Depletes 27 rounds in about 3.4 seconds, which averages 7.94 rounds per second.
Full-Auto: Depletes 18 rounds in about 2 seconds, which averages 9 rounds per second. Depletes 27 rounds in about 3.2 seconds, which averages 8.44 rounds per second. Provides +2 to Rate of Fire over Default.

DPS Default: 1 * 8.18 = 8.18
DPS Full-Auto: 1 * 9 = 9
Marine Weapons (DLC)
Hudson's Pulse Rifle

Deals 5 Damage.
Holds 95 rounds

Fires in 4 round bursts.

Depletes 92 rounds in about 17.23 seconds, which averages 5.34 rounds per second.

DPS: 5 * 5.34 = 26.7
Very inaccurate bursts, even in Aim Down Sights.

Hick's Shotgun

Deals 9 Damage.
Holds 6 Rounds.

Depletes 6 rounds in 3.081 seconds, which averages 1.95 rounds per second.
.471 seconds between each shell reload.

DPS: 9 * 1.95 = 17.55
Technically has more DPS than the Pump Shotgun, but it does not come with an alternate fire.

Ripley's Pulse Rifle

Deals 8 Damage.
Holds 95 Rounds.

Depletes 95 rounds in about 11.95 seconds, which average 7.95 rounds per second.

DPS: 8 * 7.95 = 63.6
The flamethrower is completely broken as of the last patch. It animates and drains ammo, but does not deal any damage, or light things on fire.

Plasma Pulse Rifle

Deals 8 Damage.
Holds 4 Rounds.

Depletes 4 rounds in about 3 seconds, which averages 1.33 rounds per second.

DPS: 8 * 1.33 = 10.64
Can one shot just about everything if you land it. Has about a 0.65 second charge up time per shot.

S.H.A.R.P. Rifle

Deals 8 Damage.
Holds 10 Rounds.

Depletes 10 rounds in about 5.59 seconds, which averages 1.79 rounds per second.

DPS: 8 * 1.79 = 14.32
Never really used the thing. Not too terribly reliable due to slow projectile flight.

Sawed-off shotgun

Deals 10 Damage.
Holds one set of 2 Rounds.
Fires both rounds at the same time.

Depletes 4 sets of rounds in about 8.4 seconds, which averages 0.48 rounds per second.

DPS: 10 * .48 = 4.8
Spread is slightly more than the average shotgun. Due to the long reload time, you either kill the enemy in one shot, or you get killed.
Xenomorph Soldier Loadout

#/#/# -> Damage/Speed/Range
(d) -> default
(s) -> shared by all classes, only have to unlock once.
* -> Not shared with Spitter: Heavy Strike is a secondary attack for Spitter requiring another point to unlock.

13 or more damage is required to kill reinforced armor marines. Anything that adds up to 10 will kill a non-reinforced armor marine.

Primary Attack:
Quick Strike(d): 3/8/2
Roundhouse: 5/4/2
Heavy Strike(s)*: 7/5/3
Flurry(s): 4/10/1

Secondary Attack: Whip is hands down the worst attack. Takes 2 seconds to fully charge.
Impale(d): 5/5/5
Bludgeon: 1/1/4
Whirlwind: 7/4/3
Whip: 9/1/3

Dodge(d): Do a dodge in the direction you are moving. This does not give you invincibility. You end up in a vulnerable state most of the time. You can end the vulnerable state by sprinting forwards. Doing a dodge also stops any cooldowns that are in progress (e.g. if you just used whirlwind). Recharges about every 2.5 seconds.
Defense Curl: Hold the button to curl up into a ball indefinitely, gaining high resistance to damage. The resistance isn't as high as you may think it is. Still useful as a distraction though. Explosives and Arc Tazer can knock you out of it. Starts cooldown immediately upon use. It also stops any cooldowns that are in progress (e.g. if you just used whirlwind). Recharges about every 8 seconds.
Escape: Jump really high straight up and latch to the ceiling if you contact with one. Air strafing is limited, and if you don't move around, you land behind where you originally started if no input is done with no ceiling. Can activate it while aimed leap is on cooldown. Recharges about every 5 seconds.
Adrenaline Rush: Start regenerating health and increase movement speed for a short duration. Also increases the distance melee attacks cover that move while attacking. Recharges about every 9.5 seconds.

Standard Carapace(d): Default armor. No bonuses.
Heavy Chitin(s): Increases maximum health.
Hollow Exoskeleton(s): Increases move speed, about 30% faster.
Restoration(s): Regen health. Not sure if this works in combat, but adrenaline rush does, and you also regen outside of combat, I recommend Heavy Chitin or Hollow Exoskeleton.

No Mutation(d): No Bonuses.
Blood Lust: Gain +5 health on hit. For flurry, I believe it is every two hits.
Quick Climbing(s): Climbing speed is significantly increased. A rough approximation would be a 25% increase on walls and ceilings.
Rage: When you lose your original health, you gain some more life that begins to tick down as you 'bleed out'.
Heightend Senses(s): Increases marine detection radius. Probably useless on the Soldier. Just follow the gunshots, or use aimed leap around the map.

Hole Punch(d): Lifts a marine up by the arm pits and jabs him in the chest with the tail.
Constricted: Chokes a marine with the tail.
Rise Above: Impales a marine in the stomach with tail, then tosses him aside.
In and Out: Spin a marine around and impale him through the back.
Speed Bag: Slash the chest repeatedly and finish with a headbutt.

Soldier combos
2 Hit Kill combos for non-reinforced armor marines:
  • 1 Quick Strike followed by Whirlwind (3+7 = 10 damage)
  • 1 Impale followed by 1 Heavy Strike (5+7 = 11 damage)
  • 2 Impales (5+5 = 10 damage)
  • 2 Roundhouses (5+5 = 10 damage)
2 Hit Kill combos for reinforced armor marines:
  • 1 Heavy Strike followed by Whirlwind (7+7 = 14 damage)
  • 2 Heavy Strikes (7+7 = 14 damage)
  • 2 Whirlwinds (7+7 = 14 damage)

3 Hit Kill combos for non-reinforced armor marines:
  • 2 Quick Strikes followed by Impale (3+3+5 = 11 damage)
  • Flurry

3 Hit Kill combos for reinforced armor marines:
  • Impale followed by 2 Roundhouses (5+5+5 = 15 damage)
  • Whirlwind followed by 2 Roundhouses (7+5+5 = 17 damage)

4 Hit Kill combos on reinforced armor marine:
  • 4 Quick Strikes (3+3+3+3 = 12 damage)
  • Flurry
Xenomorph Spitter Loadout

#/#/# -> Damage/Speed/Range
(d) -> default
(s) -> shared by all classes, only have to unlock once.
* -> Not shared with Soldier or Lurker: Heavy Strike is a secondary attack for Spitter requiring another point to unlock.

13 or more damage is required to kill reinforced armor marines. Anything that adds up to 10 will kill a non-reinforced armor marine.

Primary Attack: Spit a ball of acid that does splash damage. Can destroy claymores and other explosives.
Spit(d): 6/2/10
Acid Rebound: 5/2/10
Acid Spray: 7/6/5
Acid Trap: 4/2/10

Secondary Attack:
Quick Strike(d): 3/8/2
Heavy Strike*: 7/5/3
Flurry(s): 4/10/1
Acid Strike: 3/7/2

Dodge(d): Do a dodge in the direction you are moving. This does not give you invincibility. You end up in a vulnerable state most of the time. You can end the vulnerable state by sprinting forwards. Doing a dodge also stops any cooldowns that are in progress (e.g. if you just used whirlwind). Recharges about every 2.5 seconds.
Escape: Jump really high straight up and latch to the ceiling if you contact with one. Air strafing is limited, and if you don't move around, you land behind where you originally started if no input is done with no ceiling. Can activate it while aimed leap is on cooldown. Recharges about every 5 seconds.
Molt: Creates a decoy of the default Spitter model with non-glowing parts. You can move and shoot through it with no obstruction. Works best on a flat surface. Marine projectiles go through it (like underslung grenades). Cooldown is about 5 seconds.
Adrenaline Rush: Start regenerating health and increase movement speed for a short duration. Also increases the distance melee attacks cover that move while attacking. Recharges about every 9.5 seconds.

Standard Carapace(d): Default armor. No bonuses.
Heavy Chitin(s): Increases maximum health.
Hollow Exoskeleton(s): Increases move speed, about 30% faster.
Restoration(s): Regen health. Not sure if this works in combat, but adrenaline rush does, and you also regen outside of combat, I recommend Heavy Chitin or Hollow Exoskeleton.

No Mutation(d): No Bonuses.
Rupture: Detonate in a cloud of acid. Will almost always kill a marine. The detonate itself knocks out half of their life, while the acid on the ground takes the rest. Flurry and Acid Spray is a common combo with this trait.
Quick Climbing(s): Climbing speed is significantly increased. A rough approximation would be a 25% increase on walls and ceilings.
Heightened Senses(s): Provides a longer range on seeing marines. Might be useful for the Spitter.
Smoke Screen: Burst into a cloud of smoke when you die. Useful if you're going to get acid spray. Most people prefer Rupture though.

Acid Rain(d): Climb on top of them while standing and headbite down to their head.
Heart Burn: Grab their head and spew acid over their face.
Chopped Down: Trip from behind with your tail and pimp slap them across the face.
Mouth to Mouth: Pin a marine to the ground and vomit acid on his face.
Hosed Off: Slash the right and left side of the face, finish with vomiting acid on the face.

Spitter Combos
2 Hit Kill combos for non-acid resistant armor marines:
  • 2 Acid Trap hits (direct or as trap).
  • 2 Spits
  • 2 Acid Rebounds
  • 2 Acid sprays
  • 2 Heavy Strikes
  • Any charged Spit + Heavy Strike
  • Acid Spray + Any Secondary Attack

3 Hit Kill combos for non-reinforced armor marines:
  • Flurry

4 Hit Kill combos for any reinforced armor marines:
  • Flurry
Xenomorph Lurker Loadout

#/#/# -> Damage/Speed/Range
(d) -> default
(s) -> shared by all classes, only have to unlock once.
* -> Not shared with Spitter: Heavy Strike is a secondary attack for Spitter requiring another point to unlock.

13 or more damage is required to kill reinforced armor marines. Anything that adds up to 10 will kill a non-reinforced armor marine.

Primary Attack:
Quick Strike(d): 3/8/2
Heavy Strike(s)*: 7/5/3
Flurry(s): 4/10/1
Lunging Strike: 5/4/5

Secondary Attack:
Pounce(d): 10/9/7
Enraged Pounce: 10/10/8
Speed Pounce: 4/9/7
Shockwave: 1/9/7

Dodge(d): Do a dodge in the direction you are moving. This does not give you invincibility. You end up in a vulnerable state most of the time. You can end the vulnerable state by sprinting forwards. Doing a dodge also stops any cooldowns that are in progress (e.g. if you just used whirlwind). Recharges about every 2.5 seconds.
Escape: Jump really high straight up and latch to the ceiling if you contact with one. Air strafing is limited, and if you don't move around, you land behind where you originally started if no input is done with no ceiling. Can activate it while aimed leap is on cooldown. Recharges about every 5 seconds.
Feign Death: Pretend to die and lay on the ground. You cannot look around or do anything. Getting hit by an explosive knocks you out of it. Pressing 'use' gets you back up. Not very useful against experienced players since it plays the same animation every time.
Adrenaline Rush: Start regenerating health and increase movement speed for a short duration. Also increases the distance melee attacks cover that move while attacking. Recharges about every 9.5 seconds.

Standard Carapace(d): Default armor. No bonuses.
Heavy Chitin(s): Increases maximum health.
Hollow Exoskeleton(s): Increases move speed, about 30% faster.
Restoration(s): Regen health. Not sure if this works in combat, but adrenaline rush does, and you also regen outside of combat, I recommend Heavy Chitin or Hollow Exoskeleton.

No Mutation(d): No Bonuses.
Acrobatics: The bread and butter of most Lurker players. It reduces the cooldown on Aimed Leap, increases the leap distance tremendously (3 times +) and it allows you to pounce much further.
Hyper Metabolism: Increases movement speed. It is not by much, but it is very similar to Quick Climbing where the speed on the wall or ceiling is faster.
Heightened Senses(s): Provides a longer range on seeing marines. Might be useful for the Spitter, not as much for the Lurker.
Cloak: Allows the Lurker to be able to move faster without being detected by the motion tracker. Not really sure on the specifics, but I believe it is guaranteed you will not be picked up if you walk. There will be a beep from the tracker, but no indication of distance or location.

The Maw: Lift a marine up and kill him with a headbite.
Breathless: Grab a marine by the head, slash and gorge a marine's neck out with the left hand.
Palate Jack: Impale a marine with your tail from waist to shoulder, and finish with a headbite.
The Impaler: Impale a marine through the pooper to the mouth.
Skull Rattle: Pin a marine to the floor and headbite three times while smashing his head against the floor.

Lurker combos
2 Hit Kill on non-reinforced armor marines:
  • Speed Pounce + Heavy Strike (4+7 = 11 damage)
  • 2 Lunging Strikes (5+5 = 10 damage)

2 Hit Kill combos for reinforced armor marines:
  • 2 Heavy Strikes (7+7 = 14 damage)

3 Hit Kill on non-reinforced armor marines:
  • Speed Pounce + 2 Quick Strikes (4+3+3 = 10 damage)
  • Flurry
3 Hit Kill on reinforced armor marines:
  • Speed Pounce + 2 Heavy Strikes (4+7+7 = 18 damage)

4 Hit Kill on non-reinforced armor marines:
  • Shockwave + 3 Quick Strikes (1+3+3+3 = 10 damage)
4 Hit Kill on reinforced armor marines:
  • Speed Pounce + 3 Quick Strikes (4+3+3+3 = 13 damage)
  • Flurry
4 Hit Kill on any marine:
  • Pounce
  • Enraged Pounce
Motion Tracker and Xenomorph Detection
Motion Tracker Detection
You will not be picked up by the motion tracker while walking unless you possibly walk over an uneven surface (which sucks, but does happen), you change from floor to wall or wall to ceiling, or the following conditions listed below are met:

for Standard, Heavy Chitin, and Restoration Carapaces, as a...
  • Soldier with Quick Climbing and Adrenaline, you walk forward on a ceiling or wall.
  • Spitter with Quick Climbing and Adrenaline, you walk forward on a ceiling or wall.
  • Lurker with Adrenaline, you walk forward on the floor
  • Lurker with Adrenaline, you walk forward on the ceiling or wall.

In summation, just don't use Adrenaline if you don't want to be picked up while walking using these three carapaces. If you want to use adrenaline, just start strafing before you do.

For Hollow Exoskeleton, as a...
  • Soldier, you walk forward on the floor.
  • Soldier, you walk forward on the ceiling or wall.
  • Soldier with Adrenaline, you walk around on the floor.
  • Soldier with Quick Climbing, you walk around on the ceiling or wall.
  • Soldier with Quick Climbing and Adrenaline, you walk around on the ceiling or wall.

  • Spitter, you walk forward on the floor.
  • Spitter with Adrenaline, you walk around on the floor.
  • Spitter with Quick Climbing, you walk forward on the ceiling.
  • Spitter with Quick Climbing and Adrenline, you walk around on the ceiling.

  • Lurker, you walk forward on the floor.
  • Lurker, you walk forward on the ceiling or wall.
  • Lurker with Adrenaline, you walk around on the floor.
  • Lurker with Adrenaline, you walk around on the ceiling or wall.

In summation for Hollow Exoskeleton users, Walking forwards on the floor, ceiling or wall will get you detected. Adrenaline will flat out let you be detected while active (~3 seconds). You can't use Quick Climbing and not be picked up on the ceiling or wall (with the exception of the Spitter, who can still strafe). You practically have to strafe everywhere.

Note: When I mentioned forward, that literally means the forward key. If you hit that key (i.e. forward + strafe, or just forward), then you will be picked up. You can avoid this by strafing instead. This can make for some interesting stealth gameplay. Also the pulse of the Motion Tracker does not matter. As soon as something breaks the movement speed threshold, it will pick it up. Tapping forwards is not very effective as compared to flat out strafing while walking. If you are a Lurker with Cloak, then you can do anything short of falling, leaping, or traversing an uneven piece of ceiling or wall and you won't be picked up while walking. Lurker's with Hyper Metabolism seem to have no effect on their detection.

Sprinting while walking seems to have no effect on your speed. Using adrenaline however, seems to increase it by about 10% while walking (or walk sprinting).

Charging the Whip attack instantly gets you detected on the Motion Tracker.

Xenomorph Detection
There is a fade delay. So if you recently shot a loud weapon or stopped sprinting, you will still be highlighted for a little bit (1-4 seconds). So instantly crouching will not cause you to go invisible. Also weapons sometimes are still visible but the marine is not at the detection ranges. I've found that switching to pistol and back seems to get rid of this.

Soldiers detect marines at ~15m, ~18m if they're sprinting.
Spitters detect marines at ~20m, ~24m if they're sprinting.
Lurkers detect marines at ~25m. ~28m if they're sprinting.
Boilers: TBD
Crushers: TBD

Soldiers detect marines at ~10m when marines are crouched.
Spitters detect marines at ~15m when marines are crouched.
Lurkers detect marines at ~20m when marines are crouched.
Boilers: TBD
Crushers: TBD

With the Spectre Perk:
Soldiers detect marines at ~8m.
Spitters detect marines at ~12m.
Lurkers detect marines at ~18m.
Boilers: TBD
Crushers: TBD

Soldiers detect marines at ~2.5m when marines are crouched.
Spitters detect marines at ~6m when marines are crouched.
Lurkers detect marines at ~12m when marines are crouched.
Boilers: TBD
Crushers: TBD

Shooting an unsuppressed weapon will highlight your marine for the xeno classes at the following ranges:
Soldiers: ~28m
Spitters: ~33m
Lurkers: ~38m
Boilers: TBD
Crushers: TBD

Note: Using suppressed weapons does not highlight you from weapon noise: only from proximity with a xeno. Crouching and/or Spectre Perk does not reduce the distance you will be highlighted from a loud weapon.

Note2: Your weapon flash will highlight your surroundings, that and your tracer rounds will give your general position away, but your marine won't be highlighted if you're using suppressed weapons and have not been in detection range yet.
Damage Values - Xenomorph
Damage Values
These are probably more accurate to go by than the ones in the xeno classes section. These also do not factor in regeneration of health bars.

Quick Strike:
First and Second hit by themselves: .8 bars of health
Third hit by itself: 1.2 bars of health
First and Second hit: 1.8 bars
Second and Third hit: 2.2 bars of health

Quick Strike against Reinforced Armor:
First and Second hit by themselves: .6 bars of health
Third hit by itself: .8 bars of health
First and Second hit: 1.4 bars of health
Second and Third Hit: 1.6 bars of health

Full combo: 2.3 bars of health

Heavy Strike
First hit: 2.1 bars of health
Second Hit: 2.1 bars of health

Heavy Strike against Reinforced Armor
1.5 bars of health

First hit: 1 bar of health
Second hit: 1 bar of health
Third hit: 1 bar of health
Fourth hit: 1 bar of health

Any two hits: 2.1 bars of health

Flurry against Reinforced Armor
First hit: .8 bar of health
Second hit: .8 bar of health
Third hit: .8 bar of health
Fourth hit: .8 bar of health

Any two hits: 1.6 bars of health
Any three hits: 2.3 bars of health

Wall Tail
2.1 bars of health

Wall Tail against reinforced Armor
1.5 bars of health

1.3 bars of health

Impale against Reinforced Armor
1 bar of health

Round House
First hit: 1.5 bars of health
Second hit: 1.5 bars of health

Round House against Reinforced Armor
1.2 bars of health

.3 bar of health
0.5 second 'stun' time

Bludgeon against Reinforced Armor
.3 bar of health

2.1 bars of health

Whirlwind against Reinforced Armor
1.6 bars of health

Lunging Strike
1.5 bars of health

Lunging Strike against Reinforced Armor
1.1 bars of health

Uncharged: 1 bar of health
1 second charge: 1.5 bars of health
2 second charge: 2.8 bars of health

Whip against Reinforced Armor
Uncharged: .7 bar of health
1 second charge: 1.1 bars of health
2 second charge: 2 bars of health

First hit: .6 bars of health
Second hit: 1.6

Pounce against Reinforced Armor
First hit: .5 bars of health
Second hit: 2.2 bars of health
Third hit: Killed

Enraged Pounce
First hit: .8 bar of health
Second hit: 1.6 bars of health

Enraged Pounce against Reinforced Armor
First hit: .5 bars of health
Second hit: 2.2 bars of health
Third hit: Killed

Speed Pounce
1 bar of health
~2 second stun time
Recommended Fatality start time: 1.3s - 1.5s after landing (with both players having about 100 ping)

Speed pounce against Reinforced Armor
.7 bar of health
~2 second stun time
Recommended Fatality start time: 1.3s - 1.5s after landing (with both players having about 100 ping)

.3 bar of health
~3 second stun time.
Recommended Fatality start time: ~2s after landing (with both players having about 100 ping)

Shockwave against Reinforced Armor
.2 bar of health
~3 second stun time.
Recommended Fatality start time: ~2s after landing (with both players having about 100 ping)

uncharged: .7 bar of health
charged: 1.7 bars of health

Spit against Acid Resistant Armor
unchaged: .6 bar of health
charged: 1.3 bars of health

Acid Rebound
1.4 bars of health charged or uncharged.

Rebound against Acid Resistant Armor
1 bar of health

Acid Spray
.8 bar of health from afar
2.1 bars of health close range (less than 1 marine length away)

Acid Spray against Acid Resistant Armor
.7 bar of health from afar
1.6 bars of health close range (less than 1 marine length away)

Acid Trap
1.5 bars of health direct hit or as trap
charged: 1.5 bars of health direct hit or as trap

Acid Trap against Acid Resistant Armor
1.1 bars of health

Acid Strike
First hit: .8 bar of health
Second hit: .8 bar of health

Both hits: 1.6 bars of health

Acid Strike against Acid Resistant Armor
First hit: .8 bar of health
Second hit: .8 bar of health

Both hits: 1.7 bar of health

Boiler Acid Spray (does 3 ticks of damage)
1 tick of damage: 1 bar of health
Total: 3 bars of damage (killed)

Boiler Acid Spray against Acid Resistant Armor
1 tick of damage: .8 bars of health
Total: 2.4 bars of health

Crusher Spawn/Unleash (4m Range in a very narrow cone infront of the spawn. about 15 degrees to the left and right of center)
2.9 bars of damage

Crusher Headsmash Ground Pound
1.5 bar of health

Crusher Headsmash Ground Pound against Reinforced Armor
1.1 bars of health
Damage Values - Marines (TBD)
When I find time and stop being lazy, I'll actually find how much damage each gun does and/or correlate that to the damage values on their charts/stats.
Weapon and Map Spawns
The Flamethrower and RPG take 30 seconds to disappear if they are dropped with ammo. Picking them back up resets the timer. The Smart Gun takes 2 minutes to disappear, and they all take 5 seconds after emptying to respawn, if the default respawn timer has already passed.

Flamethrower takes about 32 seconds to completely empty. It also takes about 1.27 seconds to equip. Each bar of fuel represents 5 single shots of the flamethrower (evident when you bump fire once). One bar is about 2 seconds worth of spraying.

RPG comes with 4 total shots. Depletes 4 shots in about 3.14 seconds, which averages 1.27 shots per second.

Smart Gun has a temperature gauge at the top left of the hud, which ranges from 77K to 120K. There is also a percentage of your ammo remaining at the bottom right. Each bump fire depletes two rounds. Takes about 1.5 seconds to equip without Gunslinger perk. Depletes 150 rounds after about 9.6 seconds, which averages to 15.625 rounds per second.

Boiler spawns at 4:10. Only one can be active at a time. If 1 minute has passed since pickup, the next boiler will be available 5 seconds after death. Taunting plays a boiler taunt sound.

Crusher spawns at 3:10. Only one can be active at a time. If 2 minutes have passed since pickup, the next Crusher will be available 5 seconds after death. Hitting walk while charging ends the charge with a headbutt. Hitting use ends the charge. You can steer with strafe left or strafe right. Taunt uses a regular taunt sound.

Flamethrower and RPG spawn at 3:40. They both take 1 minute 30 seconds to respawn.

Smart Gun spawns at 3:10. Takes 2 minutes to respawn.

Note: All maps have two spawn points for the Boiler and Crusher, unless stated. Also the longer you play (or I guess depending on the map, not sure which ones), the more 'corrupt' or random spawns will be, offsetting the actual spawn times.

Origin has 1 specific spawn point for the Flamethrower, RPG, and Smart Gun.

Excavation has 1 specific spawn point for the Crusher, Boiler, Flamethrower, and Smart Gun. There is no RPG. Smart Gun and Flamethrower spawn at the beginning of the round. Smart Gun does not respawn.

Last Hope has 1 specific spawn point for the Flamethrower, RPG, and Smart Gun.

The Hive spawns two Flamethrowers and two RPGs at set locations at the default time. Also has 1 specific spawn for the Smart Gun.

Adrift has 1 specific spawn point for the Flamethrower, RPG, and Smart Gun.

Grief has 1 specific spawn point for the Flamethrower, RPG, and Smart Gun. The Smart Gun can spawn anytime between the 3:40 and 3:55. Likewise the respawn is anywhere between 1 minute and 25 seconds, to 2 minutes and 30 seconds after pickup.

Autopsy has 1 specific spawn point for the Boiler, Crusher, Flamethrower, RPG, and Smart Gun. Flamethrower, Smart Gun, and Boiler spawn at 3:40: (on time, up from 3:10, down from 4:10). RPG spawn at 3:10: (down from 3:40). Boiler respawn increased to 1 minute 30 seconds: (up from 1 minute). RPG respawn increased to 2 minutes: (up from 1 minute 30 seconds). Smart Gun respawn decreased to 1 minute 30 seconds: (down from 2 minutes).

Shipwreck has 1 specific spawn point for the Boiler, Crusher, Flamethrower, RPG, and Smart Gun. Flamethrower, RPG, and Boiler spawn at 4:10: (up from 3:40, up from 3:40, on time). Smartgun and Crusher spawn at 3:40: (up from 3:10, up from 3:10). 1 minute respawn on Flamethrower and RPG: (down from 1 minute 30 seconds, down from 1 minute 30 seconds), 1 minute 30 seconds for the Smart Gun: (down from 2 minutes).

Fury 161 has 1 specific spawn point for Boiler, Crusher, Flamethrower, RPG, and Smart Gun. Flamethrower and Boiler spawn at 4:10: (up from 3:40, on time), RPG and Smart Gun spawn at 3:40: (on time, up from 3:10). Smart Gun and RPG respawn in 1 minute 30 seconds: (down from 2 minutes, same time). 1 minute respawn on Flamethrower: (down from 1 minute 30 seconds).

Processor has 1 specific spawn points for the Crusher, Flamethrower, and RPG. Two Smart Guns are spawned at the default time.
Extraneous Information
There is no benefit from using the default armor. Nor is there a speed penalty from using Reinforced Armor or Heavy Chitin.

The Crusher's head is impervious to the flamethrower. It will 'light' its body on fire, but it will not take damage. This does not apply to explosives.

I am going to tentatively say that Lightweight armor is about 13% faster than the other armors.

Sprinting then jumping as a Marine limits the maximum distance you can cover, as well as drain stamina. It's good for maintaining momentum to do a 180 degree spin in mid air to attack.

Recovering full stamina takes about 4 seconds from the moment you stop sprinting and start to hear the panting. If you sprint right after panting, you only get 5 seconds worth of stamina. A full recovery is 10 seconds of sprint (without Endurance perk, or jumping).

Any attack can detonate claymores from behind. Lurkers with the Acrobat trait can also leap directly past them to trigger them, since their airspeed is generally fast enough to escape the killzone from the detonation delay.

Not fully charging Spit can cause it to deal the minimum damage. There is no inbetween. You either get the minimum damage, or the full damage. However, some Spits deal full damage regardless of partial or full charge (Acid Rebound, Acid Trap).

The hitboxes on the xenos are very strict. The back spine tubes are not hittable (no hit box) and the tail is hittable but very hard to hit. You can shoot between the legs, but there seems to be a little bit of a hit box sticking out under the chest, not quite yet to the floor. There also does not seem to be a headshot damage modifier (needs more testing).

The flamethrower basically follows the flame that you see on screen. If you aim slightly down and to the right, instead of the center of the screen, you will increase your range, and maximize your effectiveness with it. This does not apply to the Assault Rifle's underslung flamethrower.

Holding or tapping wall transition can allow you to clip through objects you weren't able to before, such as guard rails.

Non-reinforced armor marines at full health glow a light orange-ish color, whereas reinforced armor marines glow a yellow color: both for full health. This is only an estimate on how much health they have left. Sometimes the game glitches and gives you the wrong color. Oh well.
Glitches / Exploits
Ripley's flamethrower is broken (unless you are the host) (or possibly low level? using default/lower settings? needs more testing). It is basically not operable. It normally ignites enemies to your left (about 45-60 degrees), and it also might have to do with the position of the map or position/facing of the xeno, or even the area that you're in (needs lots more testing, do not use the Ripley's Flamethrower for the flamethrower!).

Molt does not work all the time. It most often fails on top of buildings and non flat surfaces.

The different head models actually affect your hitbox. For example, if you wear the Ceratos head loadout for the Soldier Xenomorph, your head will be slightly more hittable from the top and sides.

Lurker pounce can glitch, causing the lurker and marine to be stuck. I notice it happens when I don't charge leap long enough (half a second or more), or if I land a leap from directly above. Also seems to occur mostly from ground floor pounces. Pounces from walls are less likely to cause this to happen (needs more testing, could just be issues pouncing the host).

Dealing damage while pounced: you can damage lurkers by spamming use key and melee (needs more testing, unsure how it is triggered). Sometimes full auto weapons (like flamethrower and pulse rifle) will still go off if you hold it down before being pounced.

If you tap pounce right at the end of a heavy strike animation, you will be stuck as if you were charging the pounce button down.

Double shot tactical shotgun: If you press alt fire right after firing with Tactical Shotgun, you can fire immediately after the primary shot with the alternate fire (Must have Motorized Cycling Mechanism. Works with any attachment: preferably incendiary shells), usually resulting in a one hit kill. There is a brief cooldown where you finish the alternate fire animation, making this a risky move.

If you manage to die and respawn right at 0:00 when the round ends, you can do all the basic maneuvers. However, everyone is invulnerable with you being the exception. Claymores do not work. Genades might..., or that could just be xenos making hit reaction sounds and not taking any damage.

Auto aim gets enabled if you die right before you grab someone doing a fatality (generally the last second of the animation). Your aim will semi drift/snap to a target (not necessarily the closest target, or even the target itself). It ends if you exit the match, or the match ends (not the round). Quite annoying as a xeno if you need to get away. This also usually leaves you running straight at a marine. Leaving and rejoining usually fixes this issue. Might be useful to some people as a marine, especially with shotguns.

There appears to be a leap glitch for the xenomorphs. After getting a kill streak of 3-5, basically your leap starts going further and further. As this glitch progresses, you eventually can bunny hop ala cs 1.6 style, much like sv_airacceleration 400 with regular jumps, or Aimed Leaps. Finally, you slow down to a literal crawl. You start walking and you can't do anything about it, but you can still bunny hop everywhere extremely fast and far. Dying gets rid of this glitch. Uncertain as to whether it affects Lurkers and Spitters.

Crusher spawn point will sometimes be highlighted but not available. Likewise sometimes it will be available but not highlighted. Also sometimes the Boiler spawn will appear but you can't use it. I have yet to check the other spawn locations to see if there are two 'active' boiler spawn points

It is mentioned above, but the Three/Five Round Burst for the Assault Rifle does not aim back at the original point unless you compensate enough for it. It is easier to do with the Five Round Burst than it is for the Three Round Burst. If you do not compensate enough for the recoil, your aim point will now be lower than it initially was from you compensating. Compensate enough, and you will be aiming where your last shot landed.

You can sprint and walk at the same time. This forces your maximum speed to be capped at slightly faster than walking. This ends up using stamina to cover very little ground as a Marine. As a Xenomorph, you move at walk speed if you try to sprint and walk at the same time. Doing this as a Boiler does not provide burst sprinting (max speed after letting go of walk).

Doing a forward sprint usually gets you out of a standing stance as xenos, so if you're trying to get away but find yourself walking on two feet, do a forward sprint and a 180 degree spin after a move (like dodge, or whirlwind). If you were already sprinting, just let go of forward and sprint, then start it up again.

Claymores do not always insta kill: If someone is backpedalling while planting a claymore and a xeno is right infront of him, the xeno sometimes survives the explosion if they're right on top of it. To prevent this, stand still right before you fully plant it, that way they bump into you, and take the full damage.

Claymores also sometimes disappear when you get near, or after they're placed. I've had a couple go invisible on me right before I was about to wall tail it.

You can melee a proximity mine in mid air right after you fire it from the battle rifle.
Easter Eggs / Addendum
Easter Eggs
If you fall for more than about 7 seconds, your character restarts the fall animation.

On escape map Nostromo, if you run to the right hallway into the chamber room that has the smart gun and melee the right wall, run back to the flamethrower on the table, wait 3 seconds, run back to the smart gun room and melee the left wall, then run back to the flamethrower once more, you can see Jonsey running across the hall through a vent or at the very least, hear him with the motion tracker.

Whip is regarded as one of the worst attacks.

If you have a stuttering issue, you can try to to launch the game with -ReadTexturePoolFromIni launch command, and change the PoolSize inside [TextureStreaming] of BaseEngine.ini to your VRAM - 800 MB or so (for both inside the steam ACM folder, and the My Documents ACM folder), and then setting the BaseEngine.ini to read only. This was a Bioshock stutter fix from GiantBomb. Some people report it to have worked.

If your game is restarting after exiting or giving an error, try reinstalling it. If it still persists, try launching the game with texmod.

Due to the nature of collecting this data, I could not test the respawn time of the Crusher except on Origin (due to being able to suicide off the cliff). I'm assuming it is 2 minutes for all the maps.

The Lurker has a neck spike that is visible when its head tilts down.
Curtis Apr 11, 2016 @ 6:46am 
I can confirm the Ripley's Flamethrower to be broken on non-hosts. I watched another person try to use it and the flame hitting animation played at random spots behind the person.
Feormor  [author] Feb 22, 2016 @ 7:00pm 
Sure, go ahead.
=$iriu$= Feb 21, 2016 @ 9:30pm 
Can I translate this article to Chinese?
Redcap Jul 25, 2015 @ 7:05pm 
seriuos thank you on behalf of all the newbees mate, very impressive work.
RealJeffBozos May 13, 2015 @ 5:10pm 
Im hungry.
FuryI6I Apr 16, 2015 @ 9:29am 
OMG, indeed, really impressive & brilliant work (Oo).
Congratulations, hats off to you, [PGC] SeriousSam and Redtachi. Thumb up, thumb up, mates and shared (^^)! Thank you very much for all the information and for sharing that on Steam : )
Shooteroid Mar 27, 2015 @ 11:56am 
S.H.A.R.P. Sticks Rifle is the most powerful weapon after Smartgun in the whole game.It give a total superiority against the enemies on the middle and long distances.Also I find Ripley's flamethrower enough effective,it's always damaged aimed hard.
-P|T- DxeeL Feb 28, 2015 @ 1:17pm 
Good job writing this. Very impressive.
Spartan L16 Feb 23, 2015 @ 2:45am 
I applaud you for your hardwork and dedication to writing this stuff down. :ss13ok:
Feormor  [author] Feb 8, 2015 @ 2:18pm 
Finished Reinforced Armor and Acid Resistant Damage Values. Also fixed the assumption Impale + Heavy Strike would kill a Marine using Reinforced Armor.