SCP: Secret Laboratory

SCP: Secret Laboratory

101 次評價
How To Ignore The Feminine Qualities of SCP-939
由 Puffshroom99 發表
A true guide on how to stay mature during your time playing SCP Secret Laboratory
Have you ever been in a game of SCP Secret Laboratory and you encounter SCP-939 and find yourself being drawn in by its biological structure? You may feel its necessary to call to the anomaly and boast about its female appearance no matter what team you're on. But in this guide, I will show you how to stop this immature behaviour and make sure you and everyone around you have a favourable time.
The most important method is to stay away from the SCP itself (If one has spawned in, of course), after all, the creature itself is merciless and will try to kill you, so its best to play the game the intended way. However, it will be more difficult to avoid SCP-939 if you're an SCP yourself, it'll get tricky as you may need to work together with SCP-939 to take down the human team, the way to avoid inappropriate staring is to stay in front of it, or to plan and communicate at a distance. It is easier to overcome calling out when attempting to neutralise SCP-939, as the heat of battle will make you completely pure and not think about evil temptations.
The Feelings of SCP-939
When attempting to make a comment about SCP-939's appearance, you may need to think about what you are trying to say and how it affects the player playing said monster, it probably wont like the things you say about it, and can drastically affect its mental state, would you like it if someone was always describing your looks, positive or not? If a human harasses the anomaly, it can simply just terminate the player, but if other SCP's harass SCP-939, then what can it really do? It may take effect and ruin the trust or friendship of the player playing as SCP-939.
Bestiality (ft. The Bible)
“Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death." Exodus 22:19
The concept of Bestiality has always been sinful, and yet to this very day, people Still think that it is OK to do (Not naming any names). But the truth is, they don't actually think its okay to do, they are simply tempted by evil desires and Lust, committing sexual immorality against gods plan. Ones moral compass is corrupt and turned towards darkness, they choose this, yet they can be freed from all sin, if they just try. If you are one seeking to displeasure the pure beings around you with your impure intentions, maybe think otherwise, and consider reaching for ones help, as they can guide you to Jesus, and save your soul from the devil's control. Simply by acknowledging this information can easily change your perspective on SCP-939.
The Physical Awareness Of SCP-939 And Helping Others
In the situation you spawn in as SCP-939, you should NEVER boast about your appearance to others, this will be considered as sin of Pride, and shouldn't tempt others into engaging you, even if you decide to not do anything about others. In which case, if the event of someone calling about your biological structure is a human, terminate them without hesitation, if another SCP tries this, simply escape their eye sight, they wont be prompted by anything other than their own thought (SCP-939 can sprint, making escape easy). Other players sometimes wont know any better than to say what they can about you, so if possible, try and inform them that what they're doing is simply wrong (Bonus Tip: You can also tell them about this amazing guide to try and purify them altogether).
While it is hard to convert yourself or others into a more healthy play-style, bare in mind what has been said and keep on trying to use the information and you should eventually rescue yourself from immorality and be free. But sadly, there will always be times where people will snap you back to reality of the world we live in, make sure to inform sinners of these facts and you will help the cause one at a time. If you encounter anyone stubborn enough to have not have mental stability, then just straight up harass them! There's no harm in rough teaching.

52 則留言
thekylemonsta 9 月 7 日 下午 9:47 
invader zim 9 月 7 日 下午 3:54 
i just looked up pics of 939 and they dont look feminine at all bruh:steamfacepalm:
A94 7 月 13 日 上午 1:59 
Wonderful guide.
Derpy 6 月 17 日 下午 11:39 
Duty noted.
And ignored.
Raddboy 4 月 25 日 上午 7:57 

hypothetically, could this mean there can easily be offspring of 939?
Cheese 4 月 21 日 上午 11:03 
i am going to eat 5 grenades and suicide bomb into the SCP 939
76561198225075744 3 月 26 日 下午 11:28 
least mentally ill player
MR. PEEPEE 3 月 11 日 下午 8:40 
nah my pebis is going in that thing and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me
Hubert Moszka 1 月 30 日 上午 10:28 
the comments here prove that this thing could kill in real life with efficiency
Joelfett 1 月 27 日 下午 7:05 
I thank God every day that I have never struggled with this