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"Vanilla Killa" - Flying Tank, Auto 8 Shots, v2.0 - One Machine, All Levels
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Types: Machines
Machine Categories: Advanced
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2023년 6월 20일 오후 1시 42분
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"Vanilla Killa" - Flying Tank, Auto 8 Shots, v2.0 - One Machine, All Levels

The most efficient "All Levels, One Machine" as of 2023? It beats all 55 levels much faster than its predecessor!

Shoots 8 shots with an aim-able cannon, use arrows to aim and {L-Shift} to fire. It can shoot while flying. Deploy tank with {Enter}. Runs over and destroys everything. Climb high with the blimp and bomb stuff accurately using the cameras to aim, wait for the blimp to stop moving first or else it'll self destruct. Or fly the blimp into stuff, it's fast! Use the arm on the blimp to manipulate objects, has an elbow joint and a winch.

See the original:

While this isn’t optimal, time wise, for some levels (Frozen Path, Relict Frost, Ambush), I balanced it to get a fast-ish overall total “Time Taken” for the whole game. Yep, I’ve overthought it and spent too much time on it. Nope, I don’t care. It gave me something fun to do. :P

UPDATE 25th May 2024: This still works and is still a versatile machine which easily beats all levels, but the game's physics have changed, and some of what is shown in the videos is no longer possible. The reload-able cannon is now more unreliable, too. Try adjusting the range of the flamethrower under the cannon wheel to 0.50 - 0.55 or maybe a little more.



Try flying it into stuff for maximum and efficient destruction! hurr hurr blimp go boom

{Y} = Third person camera for blimp.
{RETURN} = Deploy tank and "Rocket League" car, and fire tank's front flamethrowers
{BACKSPACE} = Deploy just the tank, and fire the tank's front flamethrowers - Use the "Rocket League" car as a counterweight
{Pg Up}{Pg Dn} = Increase/decrease altitude
{I}{J]{K}{L} = Move forward/back, strafe
{U]{O} = Rotate left and right


{NUM ENTER} = Detonate blimp and switch to tank's first person camera
{NUM PERIOD .} = Detonate blimp and do not change the camera
{M} = Drop half of all bombs
{N} = Drop alternative half of all bombs


* Climb high with {Pg Up} until the purple rocket (or "flare") goes off - This is your safe bombing altitude where most NPCs cannot reach the blimp, and also aligns the ground view camera
{1-6} = Side bombs
{V}{B} = Middle bombs
* Use {X} to get a birds eye view.
* Use {W} to cycle between your aiming cameras (x2).
* Line up braces as a crosshair on your target
* Use {1-3} or {4-6} to drop bombs
* Press {S} to get a ground view focus camera on what you're bombing when at altitude


Triple gripper head autogrips objects and can carry more than one object at once!

{HOME}/{END} = Internal blimp camera for the arm
{DELETE} = Extend or contract arm
{NUM 8}{NUM 5} = Pivot up or down (Fast!)
{NUM MINUS}{NUM PLUS} = Elbow joint (Slower!)
{NUM 1}{NUM 2} = Reel/unreel winch
{NUM 0} = Release auto grip
{NUM 7}{NUM 9} = Rotate head


{R} = Third Person Camera
{T}{F}{G}{H} = Movement, back, forward, rotate
{Arrow Keys} = Aim cannon, rotates both the tank and the blimp left and right at the same time, even while separated.


* Press {C} for first person mode.
* {Arrow Keys} aim, this can also be done while flying (though it bounces around a lot and is harder to aim, wait between shots).
* {Left Shift} = Hold for a little bit to fire cannon, turret will automatically "reload". Can also fire with {COMMA}, {PERIOD}, below the blimp controls (UIOJKL) to make bounce less when aiming while flying if turning just the blimp and not moving the tank wheels.(complex)
* Wait until the gripper grips with an audible *click* between shots. How fast it does this is governed by the game's mechanics.
* The brace sticking up into the air in front of the canon can be used to help aim, it's more accurate than the original. If the end "block" is covering a close target, the cannons should hit it (most of the time). Try aiming it higher for distant targets.
* {LEFT CONTROL} = Fire all 8 cannons at once!
* {Z} = Fires wildly. Useless for level beating! But fun. :)

NOTE: May snag on itself if aimed too high or too low, try moving the tank before the gripper clicks between shots.


{0} = Decouple, also toggles the flying blocks so that it sticks to the floor, for "Frozen Path" but also useful for other levels.
{MINUS - } (next to backspace) = Camera & steam cannon
{Left Bracket [ }{Semi Colon ; }{Quote ' }{Hash # } = Movement
{NUM 4} = Toggle steam cannon, can be used while still attached to the blimp to beat "Sacred Flame" and "Odd Contraption"

It actually could've beaten "Frozen Path" in 15-17 seconds if I put more spiral blocks on it, but it made it heavy when used as a counterweight for the blimp, and slower times in other levels.