Steam Controller

Steam Controller

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How To Access Old Big Picture (6/15/23)
By Mr. Figgles
Steam has pushed changes that replace the old Big Picture Mode with a new BPM more in line with the SteamDeck UI. The old BPM is still needed for many users who have settings that have not been carried over. Luckily it is still accessible through this method.
Steam has pushed changes that replace the old Big Picture Mode with a new BPM more in line with the SteamDeck UI. The old BPM is still needed for many users who have settings that have not been carried over. Luckily it is still accessible through this method.

For what its worth I actually like the new UI but I have been driven by a need for my steam controller to beep at me violently.

Note I am on windows 11 but win 10 isn't that different.

Please share this guide and spread awareness that there are many features the Steam community use but are not present in the new updates. It's the little details that make steam great to use.
Creating Steam Shortcut With -vgui
If you already have a desktop shortcut skip to 7.

1. Search for steam in the bottom left search bar.
2. Right click the steam app
3. Click on "Open File Location"

4. Right click (Hold shift and right click if win11) Steam in the file window
5. Click create shortcut
6. Drag the new steam shortcut onto the desktop

7. Right click the shortcut on your desktop
8. Click Properties
9. Add -vgui to the end of the target field under the shortcut tab.
10. Apply and launch steam through this shortcut. (Quit steam if it is already running)

Accessing Old BPM
Steam should have launched with the old client layout.

11. Click any of the tabs in the top left corner of the steam window
12. Press ALT and Enter at the same time

13. Enjoy :3
Thanone Jan 25, 2024 @ 2:46pm 
does it work on steam deck :steamsad:
Raymond_ACE Nov 21, 2023 @ 4:32pm 
they are also other more guides on how to change steam UI for thoses that know by pepe good luck
Raymond_ACE Nov 21, 2023 @ 4:25pm 
where theres a wil theres a way. Backup steam "userdata" to save ur screenshots/saves download from wayback machine

after that theres guides to disable steam updates then put this is ur steam shortcut

-forcesteamupdate -forcepackagedownload -overridepackageurl -exitsteam

which is in Target: (example) --> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -forcesteamupdate -forcepackagedownload -overridepackageurl -exitsteam

once its done and updates remove it then put (space) " -vgui" and BOOM :cozyroe: DEATH to that trash UI and big pic mode :cozycastondeath:
Laks Sep 27, 2023 @ 9:42pm 
Yep, Valve killed this method. Hopefully someone can make a mod, if it's possible, because current UI is awful
STARKFAKTORY Jul 13, 2023 @ 5:40am 
indeed doesnt work anymore thanks anyways

trying to make a config for Imperator Rome, even simple changes like assigning keyboard keys to a button don't register very often. A minute ago my saves were wiped and the default WASD template was imposed just AS i was in the middle of some editing. Crazy

The fact that there is no Big Picture navigation config to edit is crazy as well, i hate using the joystick and buttons (Steam Controller with trackpads only is much faster for BP navigation)
JoaoSagrath Jul 4, 2023 @ 7:53am 
I think it's not working anymore
Le chat bleu Jul 2, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
Someone NEEDS to make an unofficial mod to force the old BPM to work, or at least find the source code behind it, since Steam itself certainly is taking notes to try to get rid of it forever.
The new BPM is just bad for my computer, but they don't seem to care about it...
Mr. Figgles  [author] Jun 29, 2023 @ 6:11am 
Leading zero

I have not used Steam Link much but maybe you can close Big picture, use a desktop config on the controller to navigate and get into old BPM?

I dont think we can boot right into old BPM anymore since the launch --oldbigpicturemode launch parameter is gone.
[x] leading zero Jun 24, 2023 @ 6:26am 
Wow that's really cool!
Thanks for the guide, man! :heart:

The only bummer is that when I start Steam Link - the new BPM kicks in anyway.
So I have to go to my PC, exit new BPM from there and then do Alt + Enter there and after that - get back to my TV to play.

Any idea if it is possible to avoid new BPM on Steam Link connect?
Yetiyey Jun 22, 2023 @ 3:15am 
Thank you :steamthumbsup: