Amnesia: The Bunker

Amnesia: The Bunker

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How To Fully Uncap the Framerate
By 7-Avocado-40
I've found a way to uncap the framerate for those with >60HZ refresh rate monitors. Unlike in previous Frictional Games titles, this actually seems to have the intended effect- not just being limited to menu transitions, particles, and other elements outside of camera/mouse movement. Please note this might have unintended effects on physics, but after playing for ~20 minutes with these changes, I don't see a difference beyond smooth-as-butter frames.
How To Unlock the FPS

On Windows computers go to Documents, My Games, Amnesia The Bunker, Main, and open the highlighted file in the picture above. Should be your Steam name, a bunch of numbers, and user_settings.cfg.

There are 2 lines we need to edit. First is Line 7 (in my cfg at least). Change Vsync to "false", RefreshRate to your desired setting as seen in the picture. Vsync can be re-enabled once you start the game and load your save, but it requires running once for the new refresh rate to take effect.

Next line to change is Line 9 in my cfg. Change GameplayUpdateRate to the same setting you chose for RefreshRate (144 in my case), set AllowSlowdowns to "false" if not already, and set LimitFPS to "false". Once that is done, save the file, open the game, and enjoy.

The line below can also be used to change your FOV if desired.

Here is the ingame FPS counter to show it works. Please note that enabling VSYNC can only be done after you load into your save with it off once. After that, it seems Vsync works just fine.

Furthermore this actually seems to uncap the framerate unlike in SOMA and Rebirth, wherein such changes only affected particles and menu transitions. Having played a good 20 minutes or so, the framerate is noticeably smoother as I would expect from 120+ FPS rather than the choppy artificial limit in previous titles.
Known Issues
After some time playing, I've found one or two bugs that result from the uncapped framerate. YMMV but if you uncapped and have an issue listed here, it might be the cause.

  • Generator lever becomes difficult to turn
  • A certain shelf in Arsenal cannot be crawled under. Setting back to 60 temporarily fixes this.
  • Occasionally unable to enter vents
  • Door "weight" is heavier and opens slower- higher DPI/sens fixes this
jhris Nov 11, 2023 @ 1:26am 
they have it capped because of how the physics work.
thats why the physics bug out when you increase the fps cap.
BigThickYoshi Jun 13, 2023 @ 8:22am 
Thank you so much. Incredible that devs still got the guts to keep it at 60.
Sergeant Bad-Touch Jun 8, 2023 @ 10:40pm 
144hz is definitely broken. I haven't been able to enter any of the vents in the game with it locked to that, or unlocked higher.
ArcticFox Jun 8, 2023 @ 2:15am 
PCGamerWiki says something about issues with vents beyond 120? I'm perfectly fine with 75 though, as it's the refresh rate of my monitor
Homeless Monke Jun 8, 2023 @ 1:06am 
the 60fps cap isnt terrible but is an odd choice by frictional but overall thank you very much, i can enjoy this game to its fullest
Poremich Jun 8, 2023 @ 12:06am 
I don’t understand why people are complaining about 60 fps cap, when this game isn’t about reflexes or stuff, I was totally fine with 60 fps on Hard difficulty
Hostel Jun 7, 2023 @ 6:16pm 
I played 2/3 of the game with fps capped to 100 instead of 144, just in case of any problems. No bugs at all. 100 works flawless, I think 120 is safe too.