STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™

STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™

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How to defeat the infamous spawn of oggdo in Jedi Survivor! ;) Early/mid/late game - *NO SPOILERS*
Oleh TheHollowGuy
Welcome to the precise and beauteous guide on the creature whose name shall not be said, thought to be finally done lmao XD to help learning Padawan survivors like you ;) conquer one of the most challenging adversaries they may encounter in their journeys. This guide focuses exclusively on the Oggdo Bodgo boss fight, providing in-depth insights into its weaknesses, strategies, and ultimately, how to defeat it once and for all. Whether you are a fledgling Jedi or a seasoned warrior, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and techniques required to emerge victorious in this daunting battle, and if you accidently smash your computer out of rage, dont worry its exactly what I nearly did lol ;D
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The frantic beginning - Tips to starting the infamous tongue lashing Spawn of Oggdo -
Greetings! Welcome to my detailed and precise guide on how to conquer with gamers rage one of the most feared bosses in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order that returns with a vengeance in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Players can find the Spawn of Oggdo, the dreaded offspring of Oggdo Bogdo. This boss is certainly no joke and will challenge Cal with his new powers and abilities in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and possibly prove that oggdo bogdo may have been a tongue thrashing teacher with his one hit KO attack that will boil you to the brim whilst trying to forcefully extinct the species lmao ;) Please enjoy the revealing! ;)

First magnanimous steps - Jedi Survivor!!!

Spawn of oggdo Tip 1: - Where to find Spawn of oggdo -

If you still have the will to live after or before all of the pitiful bosses compared to this one lol XD, From the planet Koboh, players will want to head to the upper right area of the map where they will find Fort Kah’lin. At this location, players will be faced with a great many raiders and droids, which should serve as a challenge in itself to see if players are even ready for the boss fight that waits ahead.

From the centre of Fort Kah’lin, players will want to find a tower that they can grapple toward. From here, there will be a notable amount of B1 battle droids, with many standing in a circle in the middle of the platform. Be warned, standing on this metallic platform will release the trap door, and have the player face-to-face with the deadly Spawn of Oggdo. Even in New Game Plus, this boss will test the player in every way.

It’s a good idea to clear the platform of any B1 battle droids before dropping down into the dreaded lair of Spawn of Oggdo, for encountering a challenging boss is even harder when blaster bolts are being fired toward the lone Jedi Knight, who already may be slamming his desk in fury and deleting the application as we speak, but not you, we have some training to do so we don't end up like that other guy XD ;D

Spawn of oggdo Tip 2: - Spawn of oggdo's ragingly contagious moveset -

Still have the will to survive, in the game thats all titled ABOUT SURVIVING? Well done, BUT THATS NOT THE END! ;D

Like a father-like child, Spawn of Oggdo has a movie set that features very much like the dear departed dad. Spawn of Oggdo has a dangerous number of attacks, but if the player knows how to handle them, it’ll be far easier to take this oversized alien toad out for good.

The Spawn of Oggdo has an attack that can be parried. This is seen with his bite attack, which he can follow up with a second bite. Both of these can be parried, leaving Spawn of Oggdo open for a hit or two.

Spawn of Oggdo does not need a lightsaber like some bosses. One of the most dangerous attacks is an unblockable lunge. Players won’t have a large window to dodge this move, so it’s best to simply double-jump over it. Players will know they cannot parry this move, as Spawn of Oggdo glows red.

There is another attack where the boss will belly flop. Being under this attack is devastating, but players can also be caught with the rubble, as it will unleash a shockwave that players will want to either dodge or jump over, unless of course you want to die, and then by all means, it will only take a few seconds lmao ;D

Despite Spawn of Oggdo having a bite that can be parried, they also have a bite that is immune to parries and blocks. It’s a quick strike, with players needing to be fast on their feet if they are going to sidestep this attack. Rolling is ineffective and too slow, and jumping will just line up Cal perfectly with Spawn of Oggdo’s sharp teeth.

One of the safest moves of Spawn of Oggdo is the acid attack, in which the boss will spew acid in a straight line. It’s best to just get behind Spawn of Oggdo during this attack, avoiding the acid and landing a few easy hits.

The last attack players need to be aware of is the jump attack. This attack sees Spawn of Oggdo jump upward, landing on its stomach and sending a wave of rubble around the arena. To successfully evade this attack, players need to jump when Spawn of Oggdo lands, and then flip forward to avoid the ring of rubble.

And finally.... The tongue, THE BLASTED LITTLE F... I mean uhhhh.... XD its a one hit KO, so wait until the tongue is about to hit and then hit tab to avoid the fatal lick, and trust me, its a slobbery one ;D

Spawn of oggdo Tip 3: - Best lightsaber stances -

New players may be tempted to explore their options with the new lightsaber stances added to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. However, for the Spawn of Oggdo fight, players should pick either between the Single lightsaber stance, or the Dual wield lightsaber stance, and if you are in mid game where you have unlocked the blaster and crossguard, I agree, crossguard is easily in my opinion the best stance with its incredible power, especially with the fortitude perk, buuuuuuuuut, it comes with a downside, which as you can guess is its slowness, and since oggdo is very fast, you will likely get hit a lot, and that will ultimately lead to your demise, and similar with the blaster even though you can beat oggdo spawn with it, its a lot harder for newer players who are young padawans to the souls like experience, and also again it is not the best with its special moves and the gun wont help a lot lmao, I told you Jaro Tapal WAS RIGHT!! AHA!! ;D

With the single lightsaber stance is great for its default and simple nature. Players will be able to have an effective set of blocks and parries, as well as a decent amount of damage per swing. It’s the most well-balanced lightsaber stance in the game, becoming always reliable among the many threats players will face in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

The Dual wield stance is the most aggressive stance, with an emphasis on speed at the cost of defense. Players may not have the best block meter, but against Spawn of Oggdo, players will die to their attacks before the stamina bar depletes. The strong and fast attacks will benefit those strikes between Spawn of Oggdo’s moves.

Spawn of oggdo Tip 4: - Patience, Padawan, and yes if you are reading this guide, you are a padawan, but learning wisely in the force, and I can sense as a jedi grandmaster completionist XD that the force is strong with this one ;D -

Going on the offensive against Spawn of Oggdo is not a good idea. The boss is aggressive, with a hulking size that dominates the arena. Players need to be patient, watching out for those devastating attacks that could spell the end of Cal Kestis.

There are plenty of windows to strike, players only need to know the move set of Spawn of Oggdo to effectively counter with their lightsaber, dealing a violent amount of lightsaber swings. However, players should never get too greedy. Hit when it is safe to avoid losing health.

If players lack the patience needed to strike when the time is right, then they are risking opening themselves up to further damage. Slow and steady will win the race in this fight, especially when Spawn of Oggdo becomes more aggressive with each phase, which will begin at 75% of their health, then at 30%, causing Spawn of Oggdo to grow in aggression and move set, also if you pull down the two hammer boys up top of the arena, I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!! jk ;D

The infamous finale - The ultimate defeating of the Froggly Oggdo species XD -
Spawn of oggdo Tip 5: - Recommended skills and perks < - For mid/late game -

There is a deeper leveling system in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor which allows players to tune their senses and abilities as they get XP. Players can further invest in the skill trees available through meditating. In doing so, they will unlock abilities that will only make them more powerful.

Spawn of Oggdo may have many moves that can instantly kill the player, but if players invest in the Survival skill tree to make sure they have increased their max health and force meters. Players should also adventure around the planets of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor in search of more health stims for BD-1, a handy tool that will allow Cal to heal.

It may also be wise to invest in skills like the lightsaber throw, which will consume Force meter, but allow players to land a hit on Spawn of Oggdo from afar, slowly chipping away at the boss’ health before succumbing to them. The lightsaber throw is a great tactic for this boss fight, and this effect will be even better if you get the twin vipers skill in the duel wield skill tree allowing you to throw twice because players won’t have any effective reason to use Force Push or Force Pull against Spawn of Oggdo, unless you intentionally want to lose and in that case by all means, Force push and pull to your hearts content lmao XD

Spawn of oggdo Tip 6: - Utilize force slow properly, less you enjoy being eaten by a frog... XD -

Cal Kestis has a super ability that builds during combat situations. This gold meter can be activated by tapping viciously or camly the number 4 key, comes with the personality of the gamer lmao which slows all enemies in the area. Every time players manage to build to their super, they should use it for a multitude of reasons.

During the Force Slow super ability, enemies are slowed, giving Cal not only an opportunity to breathe but giving him a window to land a few attacks with his lightsabers. Be warned, once an enemy is hit, they are returned to normal, removing the effects of Force Slow.

Another reason that Force Slow is a great tactic against Spawn of Oggdo is the fact that it pauses an attack from the enemy, and grants the player invulnerability from it. If players mistime a block and are facing certain doom, Force Slow will correct their mistake, and if you dont need such and you already defeated it by the time I finished typing this, you no longer need my help, you are a jedi grandmaster like me lmao XD, and trust me jedi grandmaster difficulty, WE DONT TALK ABOUT THATTT.... ;D

Spawn of oggdo Tip 7: - Live to fight another day -

As painful as it might be, sometimes the fight just is not worth it. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a challenging game, no matter the difficulty. Some fights are far harder than others, especially the boss fights. Spawn of Oggdo is a challenge, so if players have tried a few times and still can’t crack this egg, then it’s best to return to Spawn of Oggdo at a later date.

Returning to Oggdo does not mean players are giving up. It means that they are coming back to face their challenge when they are ready. It might benefit the player to explore other planets, learn new powers, and abilities, and hone their abilities with a lightsaber and the many stances.

Through coming back to Spawn of Oggdo later, players might have the clarity they need to succeed, as well as the tools to match this combatant, like a bunch of new Healing Stims, skills, and more to finally best the beast that lurks in Fort Kah’lin, waiting for another victim as they drop into the pit, and experience a jumpscare far worse than any fnaf one lmao XD and be temporarily paralysed as they get killed in a matter of seconds, and then come to this guide hopefully! ;D

Spawn of oggdo Conclusion - - THE WARNING!!!!

The final warning is dont go into the shop or YOU WILL SEE IT, AND YOU WANT TO SENSE IT, BUT IF YOU DO, I fear you may lose the will to live and play altogether, once you see inside the force tear XD 2 OGGDOS?!?!?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ;)

And of course here is a poem to encourage the padawans to defeat the oggdo lol -

In a realm of darkness, where shadows dance,
I stood as a warrior, ready to advance.
A spawn of Oggdo, fierce and untamed,
Loomed before me, its presence untamed.

With lightsaber in hand, its blade glowing bright,
I prepared for battle, ready to fight.
The creature snarled, its fangs on display,
But I held my ground, unyielding to its sway.

The air crackled with tension, a fierce energy,
As I took a step forward, with resolve and synergy.
The spawn lunged at me, a beastly attack,
But I parried swiftly, never looking back.

With each clash of blades, our battle ensued,
The creature's strength tested, its ferocity imbued.
But I was relentless, my Jedi spirit aflame,
For in this duel, victory would be my aim.

I saw an opening, a glimmer of fate,
And with a swift strike, I sealed its grim state.
My lightsaber, a beam of radiant light,
Struck the roof of its mouth, a blinding sight.

The creature roared, pain echoing wide,
As my saber slid down its stomach, a fearless stride.
Its defenses shattered, its essence weakened,
I stood victorious, the battle finally reckoned.

With a final blow, the spawn of Oggdo fell,
Its reign of terror ceased, a triumph to tell.
I breathed a sigh of relief, my heart full of pride,
For I had conquered the darkness, with the Force as my guide.

So let this tale be a testament of might,
Of a warrior's spirit, shining in the night.
With lightsaber in hand, and courage in our core,
We vanquish our foes and prevail evermore.

And thats it lol, hope you enjoyed the guide and remember, DONT TOUCH THE FROG IN DOMAS SHOP, OR you may live to regret it when you see the two oggdos staring you down lmao XD ;D

13 Komentar
TheHollowGuy  [pembuat] 17 Jan @ 2:51pm 
I AM THE ELDEN RINGER, NOT THE ELDEN LORD, IM JUST THE ELDEN RINGER, THE LORD OF ALL THE ELDEN LORDS, AND WE PROBABLY SHOULDNT TALK ON THE GUIDE ANYMORE, for the people that just come hoping to find a proper way to defeat MR OGGIDO BODDIGO, and then they just see 50,000 comments below OF A DOOMFUL BANTER BETWEEN WHETHER BG3 IS BETTER THAN ELDEN RING, NOOOOOOOOOOOO lmao XD ;D :hollowknight::hollowknight::hollowknight:
The Nothing Man 16 Jan @ 1:50pm 
I want elden ring also, but between BG3 and that I HAD to pick Bg3
yeah the devs I hate the most
are the ones that FORCE MP cheevs when the mp is dead, and you can never get those again
Red Faction G MP cheevs can NEVER BE OBTAINED now, due to the ReMARStered Edition which has mp and is also not working so thats 2 games filled with forced MP cheevs that dont work!

BG3 forces you to play at least 9 times through to get all cheevs.. odd but true
or keep save files of x y z and pray
gl elden ringer
TheHollowGuy  [pembuat] 16 Jan @ 1:40pm 
Lol, atm im onto elden ring, not like its any easier lol, but a truly amazing game, I understand why it got GOTY, honestly its beauteous, I completed THE JEDI FAWWWWWWWWK ng+ XD, THE DEVS HAVE NO MERCY FOR US PC PLAYERS HMMM DO THEY lol, as for 100% since im essentially the budget version of the completionist lol, elden ring is estimated for me since ive gotten 7 achivements over 50 hours and there is 42 achivements, around 300 hours on average to get all the achivements, IM DOOMED, EEEEEP INDEED, THERE IS NO MERCY FOR ME, SINCE THE ONLY MESSAGE I KEEP SEEING IS, YOU DIED YOU DIED YOU DIED, STOP TELLING MEEEEEEEEEE lmao XD :hollowknight::hollowknight::hollowknight:
The Nothing Man 15 Jan @ 4:13pm 
Hehe I saw that on your profile
good thing you didnt wait
as the cheevs are borked now, luckily I helped solve it for most people
whatcha onto now mate?
and yes im soo done with jedi fawwk ng+ those devs hate pc consumers!
I have BG3 here, which to 100% would take idk 1000+ hrs I have heard
TheHollowGuy  [pembuat] 15 Jan @ 4:07pm 
By the time you posted this comment im already off jedi survivor, I already 100%'d it 6 months or so ago, lol I AM THE KING OF THE COMPLETIONISTS, and yes WE FORCE THEM, APART FROM ME lmao XD :hollowknight::hollowknight::hollowknight:
The Nothing Man 15 Jan @ 4:05pm 
yeah I agree,
I miss cutting their tongues wonder what up with them removing that
also though, try those two raiders up top
get em to the level and then let them fall
all of them then fight the beast!
The tears require slo mo dark force or, insane play
I am decent at the game, but no way is that happening without slomo
hugs for the guide, and test out pulling those raiders
I did it on accident! was fuunnny
then I could mind control them to fight with me
TheHollowGuy  [pembuat] 15 Jan @ 3:44pm 
I know that method, but its kinda like me with elden ring, you can cheese a boss, but then you just feel like crap, almost like you haventt accomplished anything at all, thats the whole point of this guide, for people who want to beat it legitimately, but AS FOR THE TEARS, yea that was stupid, I just waited until I was higher level and I popped them both in one go, as FOR ME THEY DIDNT LET ME CUT ITS TONGUE, SO I DEMAND A FULL REFUND, A FULL REFUND lmao XD :hollowknight::hollowknight::hollowknight:
The Nothing Man 14 Jan @ 3:04pm 
there is a far easier method that well frankly nerfs the whole game

until you get dark force slowmo
and thats it..
fun fact you can also pull to raiders down, and have them attack it
fun stuff
trust me when I say, one of the tears is to defeat TWO of these at once.
so, best method truly is to WAIT

I dont know why we cant cut it tongue out like last game, remember pulll then slice?
nope never again i guess
TheHollowGuy  [pembuat] 8 Agu 2023 @ 10:02pm 
Yeah its a fairly rng boss, and I was one of the players that wanted to fricking do it the moment I found it, now finding out that that wasnt the best decision lmao XD :hollowknight::hollowknight::hollowknight:
LS95 8 Agu 2023 @ 6:45pm 
Honestly, blaster felt like cheating. Charged shots always interrupted Spawn for me no matter what. Find a good window to flurry(or just use your ult) then just unload all your charged shots into him at a reasonable distance, and repeat about 3 times.