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Campaign Gun-Only Challenge Run Guide
De către Rat With A Gat
A simple guide detailing how to get the Machine Gun Maniac medal.
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So you want that shiny medal and cool F-104 skin huh? Not to worry, a campaign gun-only run is a lot easier than it seems.

First of all, it is recommended that you have most of the aircraft tree fleshed out for parts, as well as some experience with the campaign already. The challenge can be completed on any difficulty and control scheme, so it all depends on how much of a challenge you want.

Some general information about the run:
- A mission completed with guns only can be confirmed by a guns-only MRP bonus in the debrief screen, giving 30,000 extra MRP. If you don't see that on your debrief screen, you can restart the mission and try it again with no consequence.
- This challenge can NOT be completed by doing each mission separately in free mission. A new proper campaign run must be started from the beginning.
- Accidentally firing special weapons will have no consequence AS LONG AS they do not hit any targets.
Recommended Parts
- High-Power Enhanced Shells Lv. 1 (increases MG damage)
- Long-Range Enhanced Shells Lv. 1 (increases MG range, and range at which aiming reticle appears)
- Long Barrel Enhanced Shells Lv. 1 (increases MG accuracy)

- Auto-Strafing Machine Gun Device (fires the MG automatically when locked targets are in range)
- Machine Gun Radar Lock System (gives MG limited lock-on capabilities. NOTE: ONLY RECOMMENDED FOR GROUND ATTACK MISSIONS. the lock on is slow and does not compensate the reticle, making it difficult to hit agile targets with this part equipped.)
Recommended Planes
All planes in the game have main guns, so it is a manner of personal preference. However there are several planes that may yield better performance.

The Mig-21 has one major advantage over other planes in the form of its Machine Gun Pods special weapon, the use of which DOES NOT count against a gun-only run. MG enhancement parts apply to it as well, making it a devastating option at close to medium range against all targets. Keep in mind that the Mig-21 is still a bottom tier plane, so equipping durability parts is recommended. Using the pictured setup and a little bit of skill will easily take you through the entire campaign.

The SU-34 Fullback is unique from other planes in that it has a higher caliber 30mm cannon as its main gun, giving it higher damage per hit. It has lower range and faster drop than other MGs, so it benefits more from the radar guided MG upgrade part. This setup excels in ground attack, but the SU-34's maneuverability means it can be used in dogfights as well.

The ADF-11 is equipped with deadly pulse lasers as it's main gun, giving it pinpoint precision and exceptional damage. This combined with its maneuverability will give you guaranteed superiority in dogfights. The only time this plane will suffer is in levels with high cloud cover, as laser-based weapons cannot penetrate through clouds.

Being the most broken plane in the game, completing this challenge run with the Darkstar should be little to no issue. Boasting twin pulse lasers as its main gun, it's only weakness is hitting enemies through cloud cover, and nothing else.
Notable Missions
Mission 04: Rescue
Firing a missile to trigger the end-mission cutscene is not required. Simply gun down the drones chasing Mother Goose One and it should end normally.

Mission 13: Bunker Buster
The use of the special targeting pods does not count against a gun-only completion. The mission can be completed as normal with the exception of the use of standard missiles.

Missions 16 and 17
The auto-strafe part will not activate when locked on uknnown targets, it will only activate on hostile-ID'ed targets.
2 comentarii
DensePoptart 9 mart. la 10:39 
Jakobeezy 8 mart. la 0:30 
thanks :steamthumbsup: