Town of Salem 2

Town of Salem 2

87 beoordelingen
100% Achievement Guide
Door Sammer
A list of every achievement and how to get them, including hidden achievements!
Also includes setups for Achievement Hunting!
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I will no longer update this guide. It is up to date with patch R.1.2.66.

Roles are in alphabetical order.
At the end of the list, you will find custom game setups for achievement hunting.

Every role has exactly four achievements, the fourth one always being a hidden achievement.

Credit (and thanks) to SlabFoot20 for some of the notes found throughout the guide
Total wins: 1; 5; 10; 25; 50; 100; 250

Adept of the Town
Win with all of the Town roles
Savant of Magic
Win with all of the Coven roles
Savant of Neutrality
Win with all of the Neutral roles
Town of Salem Expert
Win with every role

Consolation Prize
Be killed on the first night

Close Call
Be acquitted by a tie vote

Be the last player alive

Win by Day 2
Be alive in a game that lasts 10 days

Note: the achievement is given at the start of Day 10 to all players who are still alive.

The Perfect Town
Win with all Town members still alive
The Perfect Coven
Win with all Coven members still alive
Will You Be Mine?
Propose To Someone

Falling In Love
Have Your Proposal Accepted

Have your Proposal Declined

Die From Heartbreak

For Heartbroken, I do not know if you need to be the one making the proposal, let alone if you need to be an Admirer. Please let me know if you have this information.
Either way, you specifically need to have your lover die. This will make you die of a broken heart immediately (if the lover died at night) or at the end of the following night (if they died during the day).

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Forgetful Healer
Remember You Were A Cleric

Distracted Constable
Remember You Were A Sheriff

Absent-Minded Politician
Remember You Were A Mayor

Asleep On The Job
Remember You Were A Jailor

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Disco Inferno
Ignite 5 or more people in one night

Note: if you ignite yourself in the process, your own death does not count for this.

Blazing Penetentiary
Ignite someone who is in Jail

Douse 3 visitors in one night

This Complicates Things
Douse yourself

Note: the only way to get this one is to have a Witch control you into yourself. Visiting another Arsonist at night will not grant you the achievement!

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Feast or Famine
Become Famine, Horseman of the Apocalypse

Swift Famine
Become Famine by night 4

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
War Emerges
Become War, Horseman of the Apocalypse

Racing To War
Become War by night 4

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
I'll Save You!
Successfully protect someone from being attacked

Have your bulletproof vest save you from death

Tango Down
Kill the Coven Leader while protecting someone

Sacrificial Lamb
Protect someone from War

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Blessed Recovery
Protect someone from being attacked

Divine Shield
Protect yourself from being attacked

Prayer of Mending
Protect 3 people in one game

Note: protecting yourself does not count!

Cure someone of Poison

Note: if you heal someone the night that they get poisoned, you will not get the achievement.
Also, this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Rival Gunslinger
Kill a Deputy during the day

Unwise Reveal
Kill a Mayor during the day

Dealt With
Kill a Bodyguard during the day

Two For One Special
Kill two Town Lovers during the day

Note: you will get the achievement immediately, even though the other lover only dies at the end of the following night.

Wins: 1; 5 10; 25
Autopsy a body

DNA Evidence
Find the killer of your Autopsy

Master of Dissection
Find 3 killers in a game

Note: it doesn't have to be three different killers. You can just select the same killer on three different nights and you will get this achievement. Also, if you die the night you see the third killer, you will still get the achievement.

Plagued Corpse
Find Pestilence

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Coven Leader
A Fresh Start
Retrain a Coven member into a new role

Hopeless Teacher
Have a Coven member reject your request to retrain them

Third Time's a Charm
Retrain the same player twice

Master of Many
Retrain a Hex Master, Voodoo Master or Potion Master into each other

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Holy Vengeance
Attack someone who visited your target

Blessing of Protection
Protect 3 people

Holy Boon
Visit the same target as Jinx and kill them

Trivial Crusade
Visit the same target as War and attack them

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Total Obliteration
Kill at least 6 players with Armageddon

Armageddon refers to the ultimate attack dealt at the end of the day. On the day you become Death, as long as the day ends with at least 7 people alive (including yourself), you will get the achievement.

Survive a Deputy shooting you

(Soul Collector and Death share the same win counter.)
Shoot someone during the day

Apocalyptic Defense
Shoot someone who doesn't die

Taken Care Of
Shoot a Jester

Shoot a Conjurer

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
The Town's Cataclysm
Doom 3 Town members

Calamity of the Coven
Doom 3 Coven members

Neutral Catastrophe
Doom 3 Neutral players

Accelerated Annihilation
Doom 3 players by night 3

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Unsound Mind
Give a player Insomnia

Triple Insanity
Have 3 players be Insomniac at the same time

Deep Slumber
Dreamweave a Silenced player

Give an unrevealed Mayor Insomnia

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Master of Deceit
Enchant 5 players in a game

Note: it does not have to be five different players. You can enchant the same player five times and you will still get the achievement. Also, if you forge someone, it will still count as if you enchanted someone that night.

Altered Testament
Alterate a Last Will

Marshal's Will
Forge a Sheriff Last Will

Note: this is not about forging a Sheriff's Last Will. You need to forge the Last Will of anyone - doesn't have to be a Sheriff - to make it seem like they were a Sheriff.

Overwhelming Deception
Forge a Coven Last Will

Select a player, and use your ability to forge them as any Coven role. Even if that player does not die, you will get the achievement at the end of the night.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Quick Execution
Get target hanged by day 2

Execute the Leader
Hang a Coven Leader as your target

Double Jeopardy
Hang a Jester as your target

Difficult Task
Hang a revealed Mayor as your target

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Bars Cannot Stop Famine
Survive a Jailor's Execution

Famine Ravages The Town
Kill 5 players in one night from Famine

(Baker and Famine share the same win counter.)
Hex Master
The First of Many
Hex a player

Don't Fear The Reaper
Place a Hex on the Soul Collector

Win by Hexing every town member

Note: if a Necromancer reanimates you and triggers a Hex Bomb with your dead body, you will get this achievement. Keep in mind that even roles with invincible defense will die to the Hex Bomb.

See You Soon
Hex a player with a Crusader guarding them

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Protect the Book Wielder
Illusion a Coven member who has Necronomicon

Cast an Illusion 5 times in a game

Assist The Leader
Cast an Illusion on the Coven Leader

Covert Poisoning
Illusion the Poisoner while they Poison someone

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
No Evidence
Find someone to be innocent

Finger Prints
Find someone to be guilty

Wasted Night
Investigate someone in Jail

See 3 roles with Percept in a game

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Successfully execute someone

Flawless Executioner
Execute 3 Non-Town members in a game

Making The Right Choice
Execute a Serial Killer

Failed Execution
Execute an Apocalypse God

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Not Taking Sides
Haunt a Coven Leader

Prosecution Backfired
Haunt a Prosecutor

Haunt a revealed Mayor

Haunt a Lover

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
No More Protection
Jinx a Cleric

The Jinx's ability is that it attacks one person who visits their target. So to get these achievements, you and the role in question need to visit the same person during the night.
Note: the Cleric must die in order to get this achievement.

Double Ambush
Jinx a Crusader

Note: the Crusader has to die. You do not have to die.

Why Are You Here?
Jinx a Vigilante

Note: the Vigilante has to die. The Vigilante's target does not have to die.

Fullmoon Rampage
Jinx a Werewolf

Note: you must die in order to get the achievement. The Werewolf does not have to die. Also, this achievement is only given at the end of the game.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
I See You
Watch someone visit your target

It's A Party
Have 5 or more people visit your target

Prison Watchguard
Attempt to watch someone in Jail

Paranormal Town
Watch someone with no visitors die

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Start a Tribunal

Commission for Death
Execute Death during a Tribunal

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Execute 2 Coven members during a Tribunal

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Execute a Knighted evil player during a Tribunal

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Bureaucratic Leadership
Reveal yourself as the Mayor

Scales of Justice
Vote guilty on a Coven member while revealed

Due Process
Vote innocent on a Town member while revealed

Rigged Jury
Reveal after being Knighted

Note: the order is important. The Monarch must knight you before you reveal.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Risky Play
Stone a Veteran

Hide The Evidence
Stone a Sheriff

Could've Been Anything
Stone an Amnesiac

You will not get this achievement if the Amnesiac already remembered a role.

That Was Challenging
Stone a Serial Killer

One way to do this is to have a Coven Leader empower their offense and attack a Serial Killer as you stone them.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Champion of the Town
Knight a player

Stacked Jury
Knight a revealed Mayor

As the description suggests, the Mayor needs to have already revealed.

Risky Strategy
Knight your own Lover

Knight yourself

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Rampage Once More
Reanimate a Werewolf on a Fullmoon

Shadow Mending
Reanimate a Cleric to protect a Coven member

Note: you can target yourself for this. Also, the person you protect doesn't need to be attacked: you just need to use a Cleric on a Coven member, and you will get the achievement.

Reanimated Hexplosion
Reanimate a Hex Master and Hex the final player

Note: if the final player was already hexed and you hex them a second time, you will still get the hex bomb and the achievement. It even works if the player you Hex has invincible defense.

Wage War Once Again
Reanimate War

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Succumbed To Pestilence
Kill 3 players in one night from pestilence

Plundering Plague
Lose a Duel with a Pirate and survive

(Plaguebearer and Pestilence share the same win counter.)
On a Roll
Win two duels in a row

Avoided Retaliation
Win duel against a Serial Killer

Lose 6 duels in a game

Dueling the Apocalypse
Win a duel against a Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
A God Among Us
Become Pestilence, Horseman of the Apocalypse

Abrupt Pandemic
Become Pestilence by Day 3

Note: you actually have to become Pestilence exactly on Day 3, otherwise you won't get the achievement.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Ineffective Brew
Die to a Serial Killer you roleblocked

Out of Cures
Kill a Cleric with Poison

Paranoia Can't Save you
Have a Veteran on Alert die to Poison

A Venomous Trick
Have a player in Jail die to Poison

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Potion Master
Bottle Juggler
Use all 3 Potions

Critical Information
Reveal a Horseman of the Apocalypse

Note: you don't need to die in the process (a Cleric can protect you for example).

Heal a Coven member

Note: the Coven member doesn't need to be attacked that night. You just need to use your Heal potion on a fellow Coven, and you will get the achievement.

Reveal a Vigilante the night they shoot you

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Prosecute someone

Triumphant Prosecution
Prosecute a Non-Town member

Taking One For The Team
Prosecute a Jester

Apocalypse Averted
Prosecute a Horseman of the Apocalypse

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Supernatural Vision
Have a psychic vision

Not Looking Good
Have a vision with no good players left

Note: you can also get this achievement if the only people alive are you and another player. Remember, you can only get this achievement on an odd-numbered night.

The Gift of Sight
Have 6 visions in a game

The Future Can Wait
Have no vision due to Insomnia

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Once More Sherlock
Resurrect an Investigator and find a killer

Vigilante's Redemption
Resurrect a Vigilante and kill a Non-Town

Unholy Crusade
Resurrect a Crusader and protect someone from an attack

Self Promotion
Resurrect a Monarch and Knight yourself

Note: unlike most achievements related to Knighting, this achievement is given immediately at the end of the night.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
No Guessing Required
Perform a Blood Ritual on a revealed Mayor

Guaranteed Success
Perform a Blood Ritual on a revealed Prosecutor

Unlimited Power
Perform a Blood Ritual on two Town Lovers

Note: you only need to correctly guess one Town Lover. The other lover will then die of a broken heart, which will give you the achievement.

Sorcery Vs Doom
Perform a Blood Ritual on a Doomsayer

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Birds of a Feather
Find two people to be the same faction

Opposites Attract
Find two people to be in different factions

Broken Crystal Ball
Have one of your targets be in Jail

Find two Neutral Killing roles as enemies

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Serial Killer
Dexter Morgan
Kill the Jailor who jailed you

Kill two people in one night

Note: even though this achievement is called "Bloodlust", you don't actually need to use your Bloodlust ability to get the achievement. You just need to have two people die because of you in the same night. For example, you could kill someone the same night that a Tavern Keeper visits you.

Bay Harbor Butcher
Kill 5 people in one game

Rock, Paper, Knife
Kill the Pirate who dueled you

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Find someone to be suspicious

Not Suspicious
Find someone to not be suspicious

Assisted Interrogation
Be controlled into a suspicious player

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Circus Trick
Find a Jester to be suspicious

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Stalker's Victim
Shroud your target and kill a player

Note: the killed player must die as a result of the Shroud's ability in order to get the achievement.

Make a Town member die to a Bodyguard

Make a Town member die to a Trap

Do You Seer What I Seer?
Attack 2 players in one night

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Add a player to your Guest List

Special Guest
Add a revealed player to your Guest List

Add 3 players to your Guest List in the same night

Throw a Party with another Socialite

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Soul Collector
Death Itself
Become Death, Horseman of the Apocalypse

Expeditious Death
Collect 6 souls by Day 4

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Sleep It Off
See someone get roleblocked

Note: if the person you bugged is immune to roleblocks, you will not get the achievement.

Operation: Dominion
See someone get controlled

Voodoo Spy
See someone get silenced

Operative of Dreams
See someone get their dreams invaded

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Tavern Keeper
Let's Party
Successfully roleblock someone

Drinking With A Psychopath
Be killed by the Serial Killer you roleblocked

Party of One
Roleblock yourself

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Your Turn
Be Jailed by the Jailor you previously roleblocked

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
How Is That Possible?
See your target visit two players

This Is Awkward
See your target visit you

What Are You Up To?
See your target visit a dead player

Note: this can be done by tracking a Retributionist or a Necromancer. Alternatively, you can also track a Coroner who autopsied someone the day prior.

Silly Witch
Track yourself

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Place a trap

Kill a Non-Town player with your trap

Busy Night
See 5 or more roles trigger your trap

War Approaches
See War trigger your trap

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Risky Maneuvers
Absorb a Serial Killer's Attack

Proton Pack
Absorb a Shroud's Attack

Taunt the Necronomicon
Trick a Coven Leader and kill them

Full Moon Trickery
Unleash a Werewolf rampage

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Attack 5 or more people in one night

Weathered Soldier
Kill three Non-Town members

Proficient Paranoia
Use all Alerts without killing a Town member

- This is a day achievement (like the Monarch achievements, if the game ends on the same day the last alert is used, the achievement is not granted)
- Using all 3 alerts without killing anyone does not work (it used to)
- This achievement can be obtained by having exactly 1 evil die per alert, but this may not be a requirement

Going Down Fighting
Attack War

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Shoot someone

Perfect Shot
Shoot three Non-Town

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.

Controlled Weapon
Shoot someone on night one

Shoot yourself at night

Note: you get this achievement by having the Witch control you into yourself, even if you don't die from it.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Voodoo Master
Sewn Shut
Silence someone

Peace and Quiet
Silence 5 people in a game

Note: it doesn't have to be five different people. It's also okay if the person you silenced dies.

Sworn to Secrecy
Silence a Sheriff

Note: this achievement is given at the end of the game.
nicholashewitt86 says: you will get the achievement even if you get roleblocked.

Silent Ballot
Silence a revealed Mayor

Note: you will get the achievement even if the Mayor dies that night.

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
The Art of War
Kill 5 players in one night

Unstoppable Force
Kill a player protected by a Cleric

(Berserker and War share the same win counter.)
Kill the Jailor who jailed you

Attack 5 or more players while staying home

Slicing Up The Coven
Kill the Coven Leader

Heartbreak On A Fullmoon
Kill a Lover

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Red Alert
See someone visit a Coven member

Nature's Observer
See 5 players visit your target in one night

Sixth Sense
See your target visit a dead player

Magic Mirror
See a Trickster absorb an attack

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Two Birds, One Stone
Control a Vigilante to shoot another Town member

Note: the other Town member must die in the process.

Double-Edged Sword
Control a Town member into an Alerting Veteran

Note: the Town member does not need to die in the process.

Controlled Elevation
Control a Monarch to Knight a Coven member

Note: that Coven member can be yourself.

Resistance Is Futile
Control War, Horseman of the Apocalypse

Wins: 1; 5; 10; 25
Setups for Achievement Hunting
Quick Arsonist Achievements
This works with any number of players (6 minimum). The games last two nights.
You put in one Jailor and as many Arsonists as you can.

On the first day, all Arsonists claim out loud. The first one to have claimed will be called the leader. That night, all Arsonists should visit the leader. The Jailor stays home.
At the end of the night, Arsonists will all get the "douse 3 visitors in one night" and the "douse yourself" achievements.

On the second day, the Jailor should jail an Arsonist (ideally one that already has the achievements they need).
That night, all Arsonists should ignite.
All 5+ Arsonists will die from ignition, granting them the "ignite 5 or more people in one night" and "ignite someone who is in jail" achievements.
(It doesn't matter whether or not the Jailor executes.)

Conjurer (and Deputy) achievements
Role list for 5 players:
Deputy; Bodyguard; Mayor; Admirer; Conjurer
With 6 players, add a Jester.

On the second day, have the Deputy shoot the Jester for an achievement.
That night, have the Admirer propose to the Mayor and have the Mayor accept.
The following day, have the Conjurer bomb the Mayor, granting both "kill a mayor during the day" and "kill town lovers during the day".
(As a bonus, wait an extra night to have the Admirer die of a broken heart, granting them the Heartbroken achievement.)
If the Conjurer already has those two achievements, then have them kill the Bodyguard or the Deputy during the day to get the other two achievements.
If they already have all four achievements, then have the Deputy shoot the Conjurer for an achievement.

Jinx achievements
Role list for 6 players:
Mayor; Cleric; Crusader; Vigilante; Jinx; Werewolf

On night one (Jinx the Cleric):
Jinx visit the Vigilante
Cleric visit the Vigilante
(The Cleric must die in order to get the achievement!)

On the second day, the Mayor can reveal and inno a townie if they don't have the achievement.

On night two (Jinx the Crusader):
Jinx visit the Vigilante
Crusader visit the Vigilante
Cleric protect the Jinx
Werewolf stay home
(The Crusader must die!)

On night three (Jinx the Vigilante):
Jinx visit the Werewolf
Vigilante shoot the Werewolf
Cleric stay home
(The Vigilante must die!)

On night four (Jinx the Werewolf):
Jinx visit the Cleric
Werewolf attack the Cleric
Cleric can do whatever they want

Setups for Achievement Hunting
Potion Master achievements
This role list works best with 5 or 6 players.
You will get
- All four Potion Master achievements
- Cleric's "cure poison" and "protect 3 people"

Cleric; Trickster; Potion Master; Poisoner; Plaguebearer
For 6 players, add a Deputy

Night one:
Potion Master heal the Poisoner
Poisoner poison the Trickster
PB infect someone
Note that you may want to strategically infect people so that you become Pestilence by day 3 for an achievement.

Night two:
Potion Master attack the Trickster
Cleric heal the Trickster
PB infect someone

Day three: hang the Poisoner

Night three:
Potion Master attack the Trickster
Cleric heal the Trickster
PB infect someone (you should become Pestilence at this point)

Night four:
Potion Master reveal Pestilence
Cleric heal the Potion Master

Day five: hang Pestilence

Night five:
Trickster trick the Potion Master

Shroud achievements
This will get you all four Shroud achievements. Each game lasts three nights.

Role list for 5 players:
Bodyguard, Seer, Trapper, Shroud, Shroud

Everyone stay home on the first night.

On night two:
First Shroud shroud the Seer
Seer visit the other Shroud and the Trapper
Bodyguard protect the Trapper
Trapper trap the other Shroud
(Note: do not trap the Bodyguard! We need the BG to die.)

If executed correctly, the Seer will die from Trap + BG and the Bodyguard will die protecting their target.
On night three:
First Shroud should the other Shroud
Other Shroud attack the Trapper

This will grant the Shroud their fourth achievement and end the game.

Quick Veteran achievements
This one works with any number of people (at least 6).
You put in 3 Serial Killers, 2 Trackers and the rest are Veterans.

On the first day, all the Veterans claim out loud. The first one to claim will be the one to get the achievements. That night, have everyone visit the Veteran.
That Veteran should then get the "shoot 5 people in one night" and "shoot 3 non-town" achievements.

War-related achievements (part 1)
This first setup can give you the following:
- War's three kills by night 4
- War's "kill someone who's protected by a Cleric"
- Bodyguard's "fight War"
- Crusader's "fight War"
- Veteran's "attack War"
- Witch's "control War"
- Many of the other Cleric/Crus/BG achievements

Role list for 5 players:
Cleric/Crus/BG; Veteran; Witch; Berserker
For 6 or 7 players, have more Cleric/Crus/BG or add a Vigilante for Cleric/Crus/BG's successful protection achievements

Ideally, with 7 players:
Vigilante; Cleric; Crus; BG; Veteran; Witch; Berserker

Each night, have the Berserker kill someone (ideally someone who already has the achievement they need).
At the same time, you can have the Vigilante shoot people and make the Cleric/Crus/BG protect them for successful protection achievement. You can also make the Witch control the Vigilante on the first night for several achievements.

Then, on the 5th night:
War does nothing
Witch controls War into the Vet
Cleric/Crus/BG protects the Vet (only one at a time)
Veteran alert

War-related achievements (part 2)
This role list can get you:
- War's three kills by night 4
- Prosecutor's "prosecute a Horseman"
- Necromancer's "reanimate War"
- Necromancer's "reanimate a Werewolf"
- Potion Master's "heal a Coven member"
- And more!

Role list for 6 players:
Jailor; Prosecutor; Necromancer; Potion Master; Werewolf; Berserker

Depending on what achievements you're going for, the Berserker kills three people to become War, then the last remaining player does their thing.
Here's a good setup for the Prosecutor and the Necromancer.

On the 2nd night...
Berserker kill the Jailor

Bonus: if you want to get the Werewolf's "kill the Jailor who jailed you" achievement...
Jailor jail the Werewolf but don't execute them
Potion Master heal the Berserker (otherwise they will die from rampage)

On the 3rd night...
Berserker kill the Werewolf

On the 4th night...
Berserker kill the Potion Master
Necromancer reanimate the Werewolf and use it on yourself
Potion Master heal the Necromancer

On the 5th day, the Prosecutor prosecutes War for an achievement.
That night, the Necromancer reanimates War for the final achievement.

If people already have the achievement they need, you can also do the Jailor's "failed execution", the Potion Master's "use all 3 potions" and the Potion Master's "reveal a Horseman".

Setup for War and Werewolf's "kill 5 people in one night"
This role list gets you:
- War's three kills by night 4
- War's "kill 5 people in one night"
- Werewolf's "attack 5 or more players while staying home"
- Arsonist's "douse 3 visitors in one night"
- One of the four Amnesiac achievements
- and more!

For this one, you need a minimum of 9 players!

Role list for 9 players:
Amnesiac, Cleric, Sheriff, Jailor, Mayor, Arsonist, Arsonist, Werewolf, Berserker

Night one:
Jailor don't jail.
Everyone else, including Arsonists, visit an Arsonist. (for "douse 3 visitors in one night" achi)

Night two:
Berserker kill a townie (for Amne achievements)
Everyone else stay home.

Night three:
Berserker kill the Mayor
Everyone else stay home.

Night four:
Berserker kill the Jailor (they become War)
Everyone else stay home.

Night five:
Everyone visit the Werewolf.
Werewolf stay home.

Alternatively, if War and Werewolf already have their achievement, have the Arsonists ignite on night 2 for the "ignite 5 or more people in one night" and "ignite someone who is in jail" achievements.
You can also at any point have the Mayor reveal and vote innocent on a townie, but you should never hang anyone as you would no longer have enough alive players by night 5.
Warning: do not attempt to get Jailor's "failed execution" achievement at the end. As it turns out, War does not rampage at the jailor's home when jailed!

Witch achievements
This setup gives three of the Witch achis and two of the Vigilante achis.
With 6 players, it can also give one Spy achi, one Monarch achi or one Mayor achi.
If a player is the Witch and already has the achis, have them control a Vigilante into themselves for the Vigilante's "Shoot yourself" achi.

Role list:
Monarch; Veteran; Vigilante; Vigilante; Witch
(If there is a 6th player, add Spy or Mayor)

On the first day, have everyone claim and do the following:
Witch, control a Vigilante into the Veteran
Veteran, alert
Vigilantes and Monarch stay home

On the second day:
Witch, control the Monarch into the Witch
Everyone else do nothing

On the third day:
Witch, control the Vigilante into the Veteran
Veteran, do not alert.

24 opmerkingen
Sammer  [auteur] 16 apr om 15:50 
Hahahaha nice find! It's fixed now. I'm actually very happy that you pointed it out
Lottililex 15 apr om 16:48 
I'm a bit of a PoS for saying this but Assassination is spelt wrongly in the section on the Deputy, missing 4th 's'
Sammer  [auteur] 30 mrt om 23:47 
Socialite is on the list. If that's not what you meant, then I don't understand your question, sorry
KARL! 30 mrt om 19:26 
Is there a list for Socialite even?
x1i5ixix 20 jan om 17:12 
Sammer  [auteur] 25 nov 2023 om 17:29 
Alright, I found people to test the achievement. We tried all the different cases and we can confirm that the vigilante does indeed need to be insane in order to obtain the achievement "That Backfired".
Sammer  [auteur] 25 nov 2023 om 15:36 
I've heard from two different sources that the heartbroken achievement is still obtainable.

As for the DW achievement, I still can't find five people to test it in a custom lobby...
Chaizara 7 nov 2023 om 14:32 
I just did a game where no one voted for me when I was up to be hanged, so I got full abstain and all I received achievement-wise was a tie vote... I feel like I should have got a special achievement
Zeltrion 24 okt 2023 om 15:50 
I believe Heartbroken is broken atm. Is there anybody else who knows if this is true? I cannot get it and have died both ways as admirer.
Sammer  [auteur] 20 okt 2023 om 9:46 
That's very valuable info! Tests will be done to see if this is indeed true, and then I'll add it to this guide. Thank you!!