Just Cause 3
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How to Perform Medici's Most Wanted
От Stubborn_Leopard
This Guide is About to How you can Get Long Scores in Medici's Most Wanted Feat. So If you wanna Get High scores among your Friends and in-game Leaderboard Then You've come to right place.
We have a lot of points to cover Let's Begin
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This is the Feat Where you must have Better Fight Ability, For a Better Fight good Battleground is necessary and a Backup for any unwanted Circumstances.
To perform This Feat As long as possible, You must have These Qualities -:

(1) Basic Knowledge of Weapons

(2) Strategy and Fight tactics for Your Chosen Area

(3) Better Equipment and a safe Exit plan

(4) Mastery In Wingsuiting Parachuting and Driving Skills

(5) A backup Plan If you are about to die

All mentioned things are Compulsory for Long lasting War.
Holding on the ground or Running like a dog
Don't you want to be Most Wanted ? Even in Highest heat level ?

Then You should Take Decision on it, Whether You Hold the your Area or Wanna Running
After Taking The Decision There will Generally 3 outcomes -:

(1) If you stay on the ground, You must Use your all fighting skill and be prepared for any Casualties.

(2) If you Chose Second Option Then You need Vehicle on your Every Step

(3) If your commitment is to do Both Then Congrats You Are One of the Genius Gamer and This Will help you to survive Wave after Wave of DRM

Thus I recommend Third Option is a bit more Secure than any other idea.
Option A - Hold The Area
Let's talk about if don't fight like a running Thief, So Here all you need to do Just Don't Liberate any Three of States in Medici's Largest island. Question rises Which Three places not to be unlocked,
Well It's up to you If you enjoy Fighting in jungle, Roads, Grasslands, Village, City, Mountain peaks, Snowy areas or in a Army bases or anywhere else.

In my opinion Just Don't Liberate 3 provinces as shown in screenshot

Because These States have numerous Fighting spots as per to your Battle Comfort, Also You will get appropriate advantages if you got those skill That I've Mentioned Earlier.

For Example,

There's an airport in North West part of maestrale, South East from Tridente base and a small Rebel Base in Northern Border of Rocca blau.

Go to airport and Beat some officers, Attract Them to Rebel post in rocca blau But Don't Enter in that Base You will see There's little hills near the road You can use them as a Tactical Advantage, Also
Your SAM will enough for If they Bring Helicopters and If you are about to die just Fly to that base And Return your holding area. Just Repeat this Step

Another example.

There is a Lake Between Litore torto and Umbra, This lake has Some Demolished Castle like structures. If you Didn't Liberate Litore torto then You can get enemies easily and after reaching on a certain heat level you can fight on Ruins of this lake But you should keep an eye out for helicopter Especially equipped with missiles and large Gunships. If you have unlocked all mods for Grappling hook device then blowing out a helicopter will easier for you and you can use your Planted bomb to destroy Enemy gunships. Most Important thing is that You don't have to fall in water, If you fall on it You can Hardly go top of those ruins in such higher heat level.

Important note

"If you don't know How to sustain the heat Just Read further in this guide"
Option B - Run Run Run !!!
If you are not pro in Holding the Ground then You must Find some Polices and Kill them, Steal their
Car And Make Them Run behind you. this trick won't apply when you have lower heat level they will Call their search off. So Try it when you have enough heat level.

I told you about equipment before Here it is,
If you Bought Mech DLC Then This Will perfect for Chasing or Defend your ground You don't need to find specific area to survive in Extreme heat, they Are Tremendously helpful in this case

But What If you Don't have Such collection :

Don't be disappointed This Guide Made for Every Interested Person, So All you need to do Go to the Libeccio and Make sure this province shouldn't be unlocked, head to this area in this Screenshot.

Take a HUMVEE, blow a Horn to collect your men and Choose a Far Waypoint like this

Find out some Enemies, Drive your Vehicle Safely and your Men will shoot them Until they die, So You should Mark in Between two Rebel posts So you can Rest in this heavy fight.

You can do this in Any locked Regions Just Take Care yourself.
Sustain the Heat
Here's the Probably most important thing, many of us Do a common mistake while fighting in this game Which is :

If any Policeman Sees us and attacks, We kill him, pretty simple ! Now Their Commander says on radio "Target lost", "calling off search....Target is no longer in area" or ".....Return to their Normal duties"

Such Phrase indicates there is nobody to Report them, maybe You are away from their Sight or you just Completely Wiped them, Therefore Spare At least two Enemies for summoning more Reinforcements.

As They Will keep fighting with you and they will have at least one guy who tells them about you, Thus They will bring more Soldiers and more heat.

You have to just Survive Either of above tricks or Combined method, It's up to you

Good Luck
Комментариев: 5
Stubborn_Leopard  [создатель] 11 июн. 2023 г. в 23:17 
# Dragon what glitch you experienced just describe here may be I also saw it
Type62Dragon 10 июн. 2023 г. в 17:39 
i got a glitch to happen and ended up with a bit more than half an hour on it
dvarumy 3 июн. 2023 г. в 9:47 
i have 11 minutes on this feat
Stubborn_Leopard  [создатель] 31 мая. 2023 г. в 18:19 
#lorde Thanks for your comment
lorde.raveno 31 мая. 2023 г. в 18:01 