Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

62 valoraciones
The Legendary Blacksmith Of All Calradia In Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
Por Richard_VII
A small guide to leveling up your forging skills from 0 to 300 and beyond, with the ability to earn a good income from selling products⚒️
📝The main purpose of this guide is to highlight the option of progress in blacksmithing with further effective profit from it, which can help save quite a lot of time when doing this type of activity in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord🤔

👉Valid for game version 1.1.4+

Preparatory Stage
📝I recommend starting blacksmithing in advance👇
  • After completing the quest to free your family (because at least our brother should help work in the forge).
  • Gathering the maximum number of characters (which should also include our wife/husband + brother's wife).

    (Example number of companions)

  • After participating in several battles, from which we will keep all the trophy weapons (as an initial supply of materials).
  • Having free attribute and focus points, which will be invested specifically in stamina and the smithing skill.
  • With a starting capital of 40k dinars.
📝After completing the above points, move on👇.
  • Decide on the city in which we will work (which may also have a nearby woodworking settlement).
  • Collect wood from other cities/villages (there is no specific number, the more the better).

    (Example of a place to work)

  • Distribute the available points to yourself and your companions. The goal is to have most characters with a focus on weaponry, and a couple of characters with a focus on precious metal production (this will be useful in the later stages of work).

    (Example of a character with a focus on weaponry)

    (+ menu of available raw materials to refine)

    (Example of a character with a focus on metals)

    (+ menu of available raw materials to refine)

    📢From the must-haves for everyone - the perk of stamina in athletics (half the rest after work) + perk of an efficient charcoal maker in the smithing (2 units of wood for 3 units of fuel).

    (Perk stamina)

    (+ perk of an efficient maker)

    📌Don't forget about the possibility of resetting the already selected skills in the arena, both for yourself and for your companions, if necessary.

    (The needed point of dialog with the tournament master)
Main Stage
📝After settling in the chosen city👇
  • We begin our work by producing the maximum available amount of charcoal by all characters.
  • Next, we smelting down all the trophy weapons from previous battles, even the expensive ones, because they give more experience.
  • The main focus is on making two-handed swords. When you smelting down your own two-handed weapons, many elements from other categories will be opened at the same time.

    (Two-handed sword category)

  • Now, ideally, you should have unlocked the "tournament flat blade" on the first level. If not, try crafting and melting two-handed weapons until you unlock it, by turning all the elements size sliders to the maximum.
  • At level one, this is the best to produce, as it costs the most and requires the fewest resources.
  • I should note now that at higher levels, you should be quite careful with blades that require steel, fine steel, or tamaskene steel to make them, so that the raw materials do not run out as quickly as possible. A good option for a two-handed sword made of such materials will be discussed in the final part.

    (Tournament flat blade)

  • The blade and the grip are the most important elements of a weapon. The former affects the swing blunt damage, the latter affects the one-handed and two-handed mark. A weapon with this mark + high swing blunt damage will sell much more profitably.
  • At the same time, we try to spend as few resources as possible in total, trying different open items of the first level.

    (7 units of wrought iron - unprofitable)🤔

  • Please note the difficulty of making two-handed weapons. Every part, especially at higher levels, adds to it, and the more harder weapons to craft will level up your smithing skill faster.
  • The current goal, by alternating between forging and remelting two-handed swords, is to unlock the "iron flyssa blade" at second level.
  • At this level, it is the best to produce, as it is the most expensive and requires the fewest resources.

    (Iron flyssa blade)

  • At this time, if we run out of money, we can already sell our products.
  • If you start running out of materials for production, we try to buy any metal knives, especially those that will bring the most raw materials when refined, or repeat the point about looting weapons from battles.

    (Example of throwing knives)

    (+ example of the amount of raw materials to refine)

    📌On the weapon manufacturing screen, in addition to the crafting history, the work keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, if you need to return to a specific template.
    📌But after such manipulations, check whether the sliders of each element are at maximum.

    (Crafting history)

    📌You can also look at the available orders from game characters, but this is at your discretion + if possible fulfill them.

    (Orders menu)

  • The further goal, guided by the above methods, is to discover the "star falchion blade head" at the third level, and the "pointed falchion blade" at the fourth.
  • At these levels, each of them is the best for production, because... You get the idea🙂

    (Star falchion blade head)

    (+ pointed falchion blade)

  • From now on, you can sell products much more freely. Especially if it costs around 10k dinars.
  • Around this stage, characters with a focus on precious metal production may be actively needed.
  • All further upgrading of the blacksmithing craft is reduced to raising the level of skill, and with it the price for the work performed.
  • To unlock items from other categories, you can sell the crafted weapons, buy their varieties, and smelt down them.

Final Stage
📝After doing all of the above👇
  • With the discovery of the "mountain blade" at the fifth level, you should be able to craft the following weapons.

    (Mountain blade)

  • Which will actually return the used raw materials during remelting.

    (Almost perfect cycling)

  • It will cost a lot of money.

    (Small capital)

  • With the ability to use it for its intended purpose, because its characteristics are pretty cool.
  • And yes, this one is exclusively two-handed.

    (Comparison with battanian mountain blade)
📝In summary👇
  • By the time your forge skill level reaches 300, there will be not much left⚒️
  • This also will help you to get the achievement🏆

  • And the cherry on top will be the honorary title of legendary blacksmith🍒

📝If you plan to use different modifications and at the same time want to be able to get achievements + in case you notice that some achievement is still not unlocked, you will need this one👇
📌I will also leave its alternative on Nexus.

📚Achievement Un(bloc)ker -

About The Workshops
📌You may be interested in my other guide to opening your own shop, so I'll leave a link here💰
📝If you think it would be interesting for the whole community, please👇

📝Also, if you have any questions about the smithing skill improvement method I've described, please write in the comments below.

I will review everything👀.

Until then, thank you for your attention and strike while the iron is hot⚒️

2 comentarios
Richard_VII  [autor] 31 JUL 2023 a las 0:50 
You're welcome🤝
Takeara 30 JUL 2023 a las 16:22 
Thank you mate!