Motorsport Manager

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F1 - F2 - F3 Season 2023 - RealMM
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2023년 5월 25일 오전 4시 55분
2023년 12월 2일 오전 8시 50분
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F1 - F2 - F3 Season 2023 - RealMM

These are default Dbs to play Season 2023 from RealMM 2023 - MMShuffleDb V2.1
Activating this Mod you can play Season 2023 with Real Drivers, Engineers, Mechanics, Team principal, Sponsors (using RealMM mechanics), Journalists, Wing Car models, etc...
23 GP in F1, consistent number in F2 and F3, also in Indycar, Indy Lights and Endurance.
Not only...
Subscribe RealMM 2023 - MMshuffleDb v2.1 and you can play again (activating RealMM 2023 mod and deactivating this) a new 2023 season but with different Drivers, Mechanics and Engineers stats, different default car parts (initial strenght of teams cars!) every time you start a new game (using Shuffler you find in the Mod folder).
Here the Shuffler:

In version 2.0 you can initialize a new game with real life Drivers, Engineers, Mechanics, Team Principals, Car Models, Sponsors, etcc, etcc... for season 2022 and ALSO 2023!
In version 2.0 you can shuffle also Default Parts DB to have, every new game, different gap between teams!
I leave original game dlls, so starting year will be always 2016, but all birthdate was consistent with starting years.
Now in version 2.1 you can set Stat's increase rate for Drivers, Engineers and Mechanics (Normal, High, Very High) and set starting year if you have a modded Dll with different starting year than Vanilla (2016).
In V2.1 you can also choose to deactivate promotion/demotion for all series.

For the best in-race experience, newman55's Extended Camera and Enhanced Graphics should be used. They are available for free on the Nexus website. Below are links to them:

SPARTANWILLY's guide for installation Enhanced Graphics (same process for Extended Camera):



A thanks to eddiemarkwick for drivers and personal Dbs and his 3D models from which I extract ones included in this mod.
댓글 124
Hikyu  [작성자] 2024년 6월 16일 오후 10시 55분 
Hi Dazzy_D,
In Real Life F2 and F3 Championships, there are identical Teams with same names, for these reason you find same teams.
Dazzy_D 2024년 6월 15일 오후 3시 15분 
Why are the teams in F2 and F3 divisions almost identical? 8 teams appear in both divisions, which is absolute garbage for promotion and relegation.
mxth 2024년 5월 29일 오후 5시 51분 
no problem dude, just happy that you're trying, good luck!
Hikyu  [작성자] 2024년 5월 29일 오전 2시 16분 
Hi mxth,
I'm working on it, but it's harder than expected... I hope I'll find a solution in next weeks, sorry guys
mxth 2024년 5월 8일 오전 10시 56분 
Hello, are we gonna have the 2024 mod?
Hikyu  [작성자] 2024년 3월 19일 오전 10시 32분 
Hi hodsonc,
promotion/relegation are active in this mod, but you can use the shffler:

to start a new season with same DBs of this mod, deactivating it.
hodsonc 2024년 3월 19일 오전 9시 54분 
hello, do promotions/relegation work on this one?
Hikyu  [작성자] 2024년 3월 11일 오전 7시 10분 
Hi IIUnknowII,
What's the matter? If you start a new game selecting the Mod, you receive the message about loading resources? Your system is a windows one? Please explain me the issue and I'll try to find a solution
IIUnknowll 2024년 3월 10일 오전 6시 40분 
Hi, mod is not working for me, i dl it but nothing happens once i start a new game
Any ideas how to make it works ?
gervereauz 2024년 2월 29일 오후 1시 59분 
nice but the portraits are as important as the liveries...