Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

57 ratings
Universal Contract Assistance & Foment Revolt
File Size
384.800 KB
May 23, 2023 @ 9:33pm
Mar 4 @ 4:31pm
14 Change Notes ( view )
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Universal Contract Assistance & Foment Revolt

General Description
The mod allows the player (and AI) to Request Contact Assistance (when at war), propose Contract Assistance (if you want to help someone else in their war), and allows you to foment a revolt. It simply takes some of the mechanics of the Iberian struggle and opens them up to the entire map. This mod should be compatible with almost any mod (checked many, including total conversion mods) as it touches few vanilla files/objects. Namely, it overrides Request Contract Assistance, Contract Assistance, and Foment Revolt functionality. This is my first mod so let me know your thoughts! I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have, and I hope you enjoy the mod!

  • Update as of 23 January 2024: Bugfix for when characters are in debt.
  • Update as of 18 January 2024: Poor gold and war contribution scaling has been reworked. Small tweaks to lessen AI impact on computer resources. A great thank you to @Splendid for the ideas I took inspiration from!
  • Update as of 01 July 2023: 22 June update code bug fixed.
  • Update as of 22 June 2023: Ai should no longer 'spam' player to aid in the player's war if ai's army is less than or equal to 600. Additionally, the ai will not send contract assistance requests to anyone if their army is less than a third of the would-be-recipient. (Unsubscribing and subscribing again will force the updated version to download)

Authorized Uses:
  • Anyone may use the mod for whatever purposes they wish. Credit is not necessary but is appreciated.
Popular Discussions View All (3)
Jan 21 @ 7:47pm
Answers / Clarifications (too long to fit in comments)
Jan 1 @ 10:29pm
Desired Features / Different Mods
Jan 1 @ 10:19pm
Bug Reports
idev.adm  [author] Aug 1 @ 6:38am 
@ CreutzFeldJakOb

I appreciate your comment! Could you resubscribe to the mod and make sure it is on the latest patch? As of January 2024 there should be a more fixed / stepped system whereas rank and title matter more in war contribution and gold rather than the Iberian struggle considerations (to scale better outside of Iberia). Your concern was one made often before the latest update. Let me know if it is still giving you trouble!
idev.adm  [author] Aug 1 @ 6:33am 
@ JCourtney

It is true. The AI considers this when offering -- there is a negative consideration on their end. The zero gold was to ensure no wonky-ness with negatives / debt in coding. I intend at some point to change this to put your ruler even further into debt, but I just haven't had the time to work on CK3 content. Nevertheless, it probably means the AI asking to assist you either dislikes your enemy (rival / nemesis) or has some other reasoning behind it (I forget all the criteria myself at the moment).
CreutzFeldJak0b Jun 14 @ 5:04am 
i like this feature of assisting other rulers by leasing your army very much. great mod.
i have found, however, that once my army has a certain size, the expected war contribution is so big that even if i have 100% war contribution iam not even close to what is demanded and therefore i dont get paid.
is that intentional? strikes me as odd
JCourtney May 3 @ 6:11pm 
I was in debt and was still getting offers for others to join my defensive war. It was saying I'd pay 0 gold.
JCourtney Apr 26 @ 8:59am 
idev.adm  [author] Feb 27 @ 3:00am 
@what is reddin

Hello there, are you certain it is this mod causing the issue? I haven't come across such an oddity, nor is there any code that would make you a vassal or change your affiliation. My best guess would be another mod that is marking you a vassal after the war -- maybe a particular cb, not accounting for this mod allowing you to join wars you may not otherwise be able to.
what is reddin Feb 26 @ 3:42pm 
I somehow end up automatically becoming a vassal if I join a war on either side for an empire title...
idev.adm  [author] Jan 1 @ 8:48pm 
Hello all, I apologize for the delayed response as I have been otherwise occupied with other duties. I am planning to update the mod and I have a few questions and clarifications. Please look in the Answers / Clarification discussion section as I am limited on words here. I appreciate the feedback!

Michy Dec 17, 2023 @ 3:44am 
I think I found a workaround if you have issue where you are bugged out of contract assistance interaction - simply open mod folder go to common > character_interactions and open the .txt file. Search for:

Can only contract one war at a time
custom_tooltip = {
text = contract_assistance_war_already_contracted_tt
scope:actor = { NOT = { has_variable = owed_contract_assistance_war } }

and add "#" behind every line so it should look like this:

# Can only contract one war at a time
#custom_tooltip = {
# text = contract_assistance_war_already_contracted_tt
# scope:actor = { NOT = { has_variable = owed_contract_assistance_war } }

Not sure if it'll break something in your savefile but it seems to remove the condition that checks if your character has owed_contract_assistance_war so you can possibly join multiple contracts now
Vargas Nov 24, 2023 @ 5:27am 
Would be nice if the payment was a percentage of war contribution up to a cap. 6000+ war contribtuion for 800+ gold when you are a small dukedom is impossible. Makes it kind of useless except for in huge wars.