Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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★ M9 Bayonet Case Hardened Pattern Rank Guide
By nosound
This guide was created with the sole intention of informing the community about the top 15 tier 1 m9 case hardened blue gem patterns, and a vague pricing scale.

The ranking is based mostly on the amount of sky blue on each knife and the general desirability of each pattern, contextualized by sales histories I have watched over the years.

Due to the nature of the market, as is with any ranking and "price guide," everything heavily depends on market conditions, bluegem knives even more so, so go into it with some knowledge of recent sales. Broskins sometimes has sales history for some CH

Assumptions made

A few assumptions were made here based on the current market, a mw 2nd best pattern #417 would maybe sell for ~$17-19k. no gems sell for consistent percentages of a 601, as it is far and away the most desirable m9, and due to its high desirability it's price is considerably higher than other patterns. Finally, a lot of the lower tier gems (10 and below) are based on the desirability of the #634 nbk as it is the most well-known lower t1 pattern.

FN bluegems always have a weird place, I have mentioned which of these have a fn gem (or two), but its really tough to give a rule-of-thumb pricing on those as fn gems are ridiculous.

The best way to quantify a potential price for gems, at least as far as desirable ones go is based on a percentage of the 2nd best pattern in the same wear or based on the price of a #634 nbk, as stated above.

There are likely some tier 1.5 patterns I have missed below the #10 pattern, this is because no one really knows about many below those. M9 Bluegems are completely beholden to the desirability of each pattern, and if a pattern has no desirability even if it is a decent one, it would not be listed nor would it fetch any true bluegem interest.

I, nosound, am the sole creator and collaborator on this guide. I have been trading bluegems for over 6 years, and I have experience owning, trading, and price checking just about every single one of these patterns. Hell, I know the patterns by heart at this point (good god).
Follow me on twitter! (wish it was bluesky I could say instead LOL)
this is my first steam guide be nice
#1 Pattern - 601
  • This one is pretty obvious, the m9 601. It's generally worth a considerable amount more than top tier doppler gems
  • For example, the m9 is $40k ft in 2023 for, whereas for context a bfk emerald is about~$15k for, or in 2020 for example ~$10k m9 vs ~$8k bfk sapph.*
  • Not kara 387 level so not quite as expensive but by far the most desirable m9 bluegem.
  • *2020 market is pre-boom, so take that with a pinch of salt
#2 Best Pattern - 417
  • 417, best double sided m9 with crazy amounts of blue. I can see how some would find this more desirable as it is doublesided.
  • Generally worth just a little less than a top tier doppler gem (bfk emerald, sapp).
#3 Best Pattern - 150
    Many people like to argue that because its a 1/1 it isn't p3 as it is largely unattainable, however, this is untrue as the item does in fact exist, and those who argue it is not p3 are usually doing so for their own gain (most common example is people calling #58 p3 to try and upsell their own item)
  • #150 is p3, not up for discusison.
  • It's a 1/1 as of current, however it is still the 3rd most blue m9 pattern and as such it counts as p3.
  • If a second one ever gets unboxed *open revolver cases*, it should be priced probably up to 70% of a comparable wear p2
#4 Best Pattern - 503
  • 503 is the 2nd best m9 with a scar on it, behind 601 of course.
  • Generally worth max 30-35% p2 in comparable wear? Tough to put an actual accurate price to, there's not that many of them so they don’t sell super frequently.
A Quick Note Regarding P5 and Below
P5 and on is where it gets arguable about which goes where, my conditions are solely based upon how sky blue it is compared to actual blue coverage (no blaze), but as always there is bias with everything. Pricings are based on recent sales (as of feb 2023), and demand for types of m9.
Many people will argue that 58 is p3 but that is honestly beyond silly and outright manipulative, 150 exists although it never changes hands, and 503 is considerably better (plus it sells consistently, rather than constantly being overpriced by like 30%).
#5 Best Pattern - 523
  • 523, very good blue coverage overall, best moses pattern for m9, has cool tip coverage (lol), but we are in the arguable stage. 523 should be around 25%-30% of p2 in comparable ware, heavily depends on market conditions of course
  • Moses type bluegem patterns are somewhat common, most knives have 1 or 2 versions of the pattern one being better than the other.
#6 Best Pattern - 58
  • 58s dont really sell frequently anymore, and when they did they sold for the same price as all other good tier 1 m9s.
  • A lot of the time 58 will be heavily overpriced, back in the day (pre 2020, reddit days) it generally was regarded as about the same if not worse than a #634 nbk.
  • As much as it pains me to put 406 lower (lol), 58 i can see as being a better pattern, some may say better than 523 even but thats where it becomes subjective
#7 Best Pattern - 406
  • 406, last of the good tier 1s lmao, very clean blue-gold split and all sky blue covering 65-70% of the blade.
  • On m9s this is quite rare as not until p2 do we see similar amounts of thicc sky blue, and most m9 patterns dont even exceed 75% blue.
  • This is the first knife on this list that a FN one exists of, (i think, and i believe its the lowest float fn m9 gem?)
  • ~15-20% p2 price in comparable wear (excl fn)
#8 Best Pattern - 349
  • 349 is the 2nd best moses pattern.
  • Quite cool and can be desirable, better than the worse patterns in this list lmao.
  • Probably worth 15% of p2 prices in comparable wear
#9 Best Pattern - 634
  • 634 the nbk pattern, dunno who cares about that anymore though but nbk owned one at one point and the reddit wojacks went crazy for that.
  • Worth maybe like 10% of p2 price in comparable wear
  • well known pattern, highly regarded as the middle of the pack within m9 t1 rankings, usually a couple for sale

#10 Best Pattern - 585
  • 585, very similar to 634/nbk, but kinda neato cos its generally relatively unknown, and its super similar to the nbk
  • Sucks that the tip isnt blue :/
  • 2 fn exist
  • Probably worth 10% p2 price in considerable wear (not fn)
#11 Best Pattern - 897
  • 897, basically a bayo or ak 760, big purple dot in middle, and no blue on tip or base
  • should be around the same as 634 if not cheaper. this one I honestly don’t know price for very well
#12 Best Pattern - 403
  • Honestly not sure what to rank this one. Very few people ever buy one or even know it exists. One of the better cheaper gems for that exact reason.
  • Tough to call it a tier1 as its such a weird pattern, but I can see the desirability as it usually should be listed cheaper
  • Maybe 5% p2 price? Honestly, even that’s a stretch I've never personally seen it change hands. Maybe roughly the same price as a 634.
#13 Best Pattern - 675
  • Tough to price but I think its quite a decent doublesided one.
  • Not any demand at all for it really, and they do not sell frequently.
  • Id say maybe .85x nbk price. Most lower tiers are based off nbk price as it is the most middleground pattern.
#14 Best Pattern - 281
  • Big purple dot in the middle, very weird nosound no like, but it can usually be picked up cheap relative to what a decently blue m9 is (see above patterns)
  • Tough to call a bluegem but I see its value, especially when its consistently <$1k for even ft-mw (as of feb 2023)
#15 Best Pattern - 239
  • Looks a bit like a 503 but its not.
  • Probably up to .75x the price of a real nbk at most.
ҚրiɠիT⚜sᴜᴘᴇʀɢʀoʙ Sep 13, 2023 @ 1:06pm 
Every single one of the sucks, (Sadly)

I mean look a them... soooo far away of perfectionism, but thats the only thing that counts ... To own perfect looking things with value
🕊𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓴𝔂🕊999 Jul 13, 2023 @ 5:47pm 
decent guide but i wished it included bluegems without the "ocean blue" cuz some of these are pretty mid
ⁿ_ⁿ May 17, 2023 @ 3:04am 
Interesting there's no full blue gems like in TF2.
cape May 16, 2023 @ 9:55pm 
nice guide, but i do not need it because im too poor to buy any :steamfacepalm:
hulk May 16, 2023 @ 2:17pm 
omg thats memetilium!!!!!
lillia meme May 16, 2023 @ 1:47pm 
406 >>>> 601 > everything else ngl
nosound  [author] May 16, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
so real maybe next guide it will!
hulk May 15, 2023 @ 8:51pm 
Awesome job Mr. Nosound, but this guide could be improved if 406 was moved ahead of 601!