Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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城市天际线 最新公园资产合集 by 大海
Items (75)
JPN Wall 02 - IN
Created by Mas71
### No Added Icon Issue ### I confirmed an issue that does not add right Icon in a menu sometime. When you have this problem, Load other MAP once and confirm that icon added right return to main map please. I don't know yet a cause, I'll repair asset when ...
Lift&Stairs 06B for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 06m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator and stairs for 06m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to elevated pavement path. * L=Left, R=Right,...
Lift&Stairs 06L for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 06m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator and stairs for 06m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to elevated pavement path. * L=Left, R=Right,...
Lift&Stairs 06R for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 06m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator and stairs for 06m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to elevated pavement path. * L=Left, R=Right,...
Lift&Stairs 09B for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 09m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== This is different shapes of following assets. The function of this is the same as the following. Lift 09mR for Pedestrian Ov...
Lift&Stairs 09L for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 09m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== This is different shapes of following assets. The function of this is the same as the following. Lift 09mR for Pedestrian Ov...
Lift&Stairs 09R for PedOP
Created by stmSantana
Lift&Stairs 09m for Pedestrian Overpass                           ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== This is different shapes of following assets. The function of this is the same as the following. Lift 09mR for Pedestrian Ov...
chill-plaza 4 x 4
Created by core79
chill-plaza 4 x 4 by core79...
Sunken Plaza
Created by ryanjamesoflondon
A modern, sunken, city plaza for your citizens to enjoy. Size:4x4 Cost: 1000 Maintenance cost: 100 Tourist draw: 50 Ent Accum: 100 Ent Radius: 400 Please help me in making more assets I love creating new buildings for CS but it does take up a large portion...
Sunken Plaza
Created by KingLeno
Sunken City Hall Plaza by KingLeno...
Sunken Plaza (Park)
Created by psixovaniy
Sunken Plaza. Type: Park Lot size: 4 x 4 Construction Cost: 4000 Maintenance Cost: 40 Main model: 1122 tris with 512 x 1024 textures. LOD model: 114 tris with 128 x 128 textures....
Created by Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-2学习强国 格子:2×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:字体发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Created by Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-3学习爱国宣传栏 格子:2×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:五角星/海报发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Created by Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-4学习强国 格子:1×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:字体发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
Created by Mr. Dragons
中式小区文化雕塑-5学习强国 格子:2×1(Width×Length) 夜晚效果:字体发光 资产位置:地形调整-岩石 中式小区文化雕塑、宣传、户外、广告牌,学习强国。 配套资产 文化雕塑-1党旗 文化雕塑-1国徽 文化雕塑-1国旗 文化雕塑-1国歌 文化雕塑-2学习强国 文化雕塑-3宣传栏 文化雕塑-4学习强国 文化雕塑-5学习强国 文化雕塑-6学习强国...
乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha
Created by MC100
Lift 06m for Pedestrian overpass - 4lane Tram 0m
Created by stmSantana
Lift 06m for Pedestrian overpass - 4lane Tram 0m by stmSantana ================================================== Elevator for 06m Pedestrian overpass to 0m 4lane road tram stop. !!!! Slope too steep !!!! Highly recommend MOD (Anarchy mode) Sharp Junction ...
Lift 09mB for Pedestrian overpass
Created by stmSantana
Lift 09m for Pedestrian Overpass         ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 09m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to 09m elevated Pavement path. !!!! Slope too steep !!!! Highly recommend MOD (An...
Lift 09mR for Pedestrian Overpass
Created by stmSantana
Lift 09m for Pedestrian Overpass         ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 09m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to 09m elevated Pavement path. !!!! Slope too steep !!!! Highly recommend MOD (An...
Lift 09mL for Pedestrian Overpass
Created by stmSantana
Lift 09m for Pedestrian Overpass         ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 09m Pedestrian overpass (deck). Pedestrians can access to 09m elevated Pavement path. !!!! Slope too steep !!!! Highly recommend MOD (An...
Angled parkings 6x1
Created by vilgard92
Angled Parking 6x1 by vilgard92 3 functionnal diagonal parkings lots (you must subscribe one by one !) for right side to mix with each other and fit perfectly. No special mod or special road required. Low tris. Stats :Construction cost : 150 Maintenance co...
Angled parkings 2x1
Created by vilgard92
Angled Parking 2x1 by vilgard92 3 functionnal diagonal parkings lots (you must subscribe one by one !) for right side to mix with each other and fit perfectly. No special mod or special road required. Low tris. Stats :Construction cost : 150 Maintenance co...
Created by 65812636
停车场A by 65812636,可根据环境自己种树的停车场...
Created by 红米先生
Parkplatz 2x1
Created by Schnute
Parkplatz 2x1 by Schnute...
Flowery passage 01
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 01 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with his central fountain and benches to rest... Stats :Construction cost : 500 Maintenance cost : 100 Lo...
Flowery passage 02
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 02 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with benches to rest... Stats :Construction cost : 500 Maintenance cost : 100 Low wealth tourists : 50 Me...
Flowery passage 04
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 04 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with its two paths and benches to rest. Stats :Construction cost : 600 Maintenance cost : 80 Low wealth t...
Flowery passage 05
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 05 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with its modern sculpture in the center and benches to rest and admire it. Stats :Construction cost : 700...
Flowery passage 06
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 06 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional narrow path illuminated at night for your residents with benches to rest... Stats :Construction cost : 400 Maintenance cost : 70 Low wealth tourists : 80 Medium ...
Flowery passage 07
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 07 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night with a lovely pond visited by two swans. Benches are at arrangement to rest and take advantage of the peace of places. Stats...
Flowery passage 08
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 08 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery bridge illuminated at night crossing a little pond . Stats :Construction cost : 600 Maintenance cost : 80 Low wealth tourists : 90 Medium wealth tourists...
Flowery passage 09
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 09 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night. Benches are at arrangement to rest and take advantage of the peace of places. Stats :Construction cost : 825 Maintenance co...
Flowery passage 10
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 10 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night. Benches, paved path are at arrangement to rest and take advantage of the peace of places. This one is the smallest : 2x4 St...
Flowery passage3
Created by vilgard92
Flowery passage 03 by vilgard92 Tired of monotonous pedestrian paths ? Opt for this functional flowery passage illuminated at night for your residents with her small river and a bridge which crosses her. Stats :Construction cost : 1500 Maintenance cost : 1...
City Park - 6x6 (rest benches)
Created by Vander
The City Park - 6x6 (rest benches) : Here you can settle down. Rest benches for nice quiet moments. Triangels : 1.593 - 130 "AFTER DARK - optimized" 6x6 Cost: 4500 Maintenance: 43,20 per week ------------------------------------------------- Tourists High:...
Created by 红米先生
城市雕塑1 by 红米...
Created by 尹水涯
关键词:中国 古建筑 历史 传统建筑 塔 白塔 大旺寺 眉山 四川 东坡 古风 造景 该资产原型位于四川省眉山市东坡区金花乡白塔村大旺寺。 该塔现已经修复涂白,我参考的是修复前照片制作。 类型: 塔身形制:密檐式穹隆顶 塔身材质:空心砖塔 高度层数:45.1米13层 塔身切面:呈正四边形,底边宽6.1米 建设年代:清穆宗同治4年(1865年) 保护级别:四川省文物保护单位(2007年) 清咸丰初年,州官犹自东,根据原塔址规模,集绅士,筹集资金,刚建成三级,因去职而停止。12年后,州人刘崇德等乃募集资金续修,...
大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda
Created by hikke
大家好 这次制作的是西安的大雁塔 希望大家喜欢,并点赞支持我~~ 资产背景介绍: 大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔,最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。 Background introduction: Great Wild Goose Pagoda or Big Wild Goose Pago...
Created by 魔芋爽
小型中式学校操场-重置版 by 无番和 中式小型学校操场贴图重置版,更新了更加真实的贴图。 过去的版本在原版滤镜下饱和度过高了,显得和城市格格不入。这是重置贴图后的版本,欢迎大家订阅使用! 长9格,宽7格。包含主席台、观礼台、200m田径跑道、小足球场。通常我们将这个放置在小学校园中。 订阅后你可以在“公园”目录下找到它。 注意,你需要同时订阅我之前发布的资产“照明灯具组合套装1”才能正常使用其照明用品。 —————— Chinese school playground(small) reset versi...
Sunken Plaza with shops (Park)
Created by psixovaniy
Sunken Plaza with shops. Type: Park Lot size: 4 x 4 Construction Cost: 6000 Maintenance Cost: 80 Main model: 698 tris with 512 x 1024 textures. LOD model: 92 tris with 128 x 128 textures....
Parking Lot with Hedge
Created by agusingnavy
Parking Lot with Hedge by agusingnavy Vanilla park: 3x8 *UI Priority: -110000012 - agusingnavy -...
Created by ELeven夜
广告牌-东山寺&东山航空 一块双面的单立柱广告牌 一面是东山寺,一面是东山航空 模型 三角面:592 顶点:516 贴图:1024*1024 LOD 三角面:68 顶点:72 贴图:256*256 立柱+广告版的总高度为32米,横幅的长宽为7米*21米,此类广告牌一般放置在高速公路边上,所以设置的比现实中高了5-7米的样子 希望大家喜欢呀...
Created by ELeven夜
广告牌-Glven健身俱乐部 Glven小姐姐的专属定制版广告牌 本人设计能力有限,所以字体什么的都是弱的一批 健身运动了解一下!...
Spherepark 8 x 10
Created by core79
Spherepark 8 x 10 by core79 Costs/Kosten : 500 Maintenance/ Unterhalt : 16 Hier könnt ihr euch meine kollektion ansehen , dort sind alle Probs und Bäume aufgelistet die ich für alle meine Park...
Track and field
Created by Tomas13TO
Athletics events for your Cims. INFO maps - d,n,s,i (2048x1024) triangles - 5644 LOD triangles - 96 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks 12x8 ...
Angled parkings electric & handi
Created by vilgard92
Angled Parking handicap & electric by vilgard92 3 functionnal diagonal parkings lots (you must subscribe one by one !) for right side to mix with each other and fit perfectly. No special mod or special road required. Low tris. Stats :Construction cost : 15...
Lift Portal 12m L
Created by stmSantana
Portal Lift for Elevated road 12m L       ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== This portal works in the same way as the existing asset "Lift for Elevated road 12m L". Test for small elevator. Elevator for 12m elevated Road, (si...
Quay Revival Stone FP - 8m
Created by Pixel_monster
Quay Revival Stone Quay with Footpath - 8m Version by Pixel_monster A modern riverside quay ideal for low embankments. Because of the popularity of the previous quays I did , I decided to completely redo the textures and model and make a completely new var...
Created by 红米先生
社会主义核心价值观 by 红米...
Community Park小区公园
Created by 红米先生
Community Park小区公园 by 红米...
Fantastic Fountain 5x5
Created by AmiPolizeiFunk
This is an up-scaled version of Colossal Order's "Fantastic Fountain" with less props and a smaller, circular footprint....
Basketball Court
Created by Galaxy5000
Basketball Court by Galaxy5000...
Created by 红米先生
篮球场 by 红米...
Green pedestrian street
Created by Giraf
Green pedestrian street by Giraf...
Tennis club
Created by Tomas13TO
Tennis club for your city. INFO maps - d,n,s,a,i (1024x1024) triangles - 1738 LOD triangles - 87 It's located in decoration/plazas and parks ...
Tennis Courts
Created by Smilies
park with 2 tennis courts 11x4 park 1536x512 diffuse, normal, spec, color, illumination, alpha main mesh 1406 tris, LOD 40 tris 128x128 Models and textures done by Smilies; cannot be re-uploaded without permission authorized by Smilies.
Corner children's playgrounds (L&R)
Created by vilgard92
Corner children's playgrounds (L&R) by vilgard92 Two corner children's playgrounds (Left & Right) to allow your children to play in a little secure place. The access is made by a passage allowing pedestrians to pass. Stats :Construction cost : 500 Maintena...
Football field / Soccer field
Created by Gruny
Even small teams are allowed to have their own field. Here is another football field equipped with a locker room, guardrails around the field and protective netting behind the goals. The colormap is defined for the lawn of the field, you can freely adapt i...
Created by ELeven夜
路牌-森林防火 一块常见于山林之间的警示牌 三角形:44 顶点:32 贴图:512*256 LOD 三角形:18 顶点:20 贴图:Auto...
Pegasus Plaza
Created by niis-ku
Pegasus Plaza is a level 2 unique building using the template milestones of "Fountain of life and death" (unlocks when one full lifetime has been spent in your city). The marble statue depicts the winged horse Pegasus (Pegasos), a divine creature of Greek ...
Hong Kong Basketball Courts Pack
Created by Dennie Mok Hey! Are you still finding a nice looking basketball court for your city? No more hassles! This package is the best answer! It's actually a collection of 7 FIBA...
HK pedestrian overcrossing3
Created by XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing3 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第3条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the third one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“Pa...
HK pedestrian overcrossing4
Created by XDBX
HPO4 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第4条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the fourth one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“PageUp” HK pedestrian ov...
HK pedestrian overcrossing5
Created by XDBX
HK pedestrian overcrossing5 by XDBX 这里有五条人行天桥,这是其中的第5条,你可以在游戏在带的人行道一栏找到它们 There are five pedestrian bridges here, this is the fifth one, you can find them in the sidewalk of the game. 全部道路在和集中 All roads in and concentrated 港式人行天桥只包含高架和桥,地面上仍是水泥路,使用的时候请按“Pa...
Lift for Elevated road 09m L
Created by stmSantana
Lift for Elevated road 09m L       ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 09m elevated Road. No MOD is required. Pedestrians can access to 9m elevated roads. (Do you have a request other height?) Highly recommend Ele...
Lift for Elevated road 15m L
Created by stmSantana
Lift for Elevated road 15m L         ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 15m elevated Road. No MOD is required. Pedestrians can access to 15m elevated roads. Highly recommend Elevated Stops Enabler http://steamcom...
Lift for Elevated road 24m L
Created by stmSantana
Lift for Elevated road 24m L         ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 24m elevated Road. No MOD is required. Pedestrians can access to 24m elevated roads. Highly recommend Elevated Stops Enabler http://steamcom...
Lift for Elevated road 09m R
Created by stmSantana
Lift for Elevated road 09m R       ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 09m elevated Road. No MOD is required. Pedestrians can access to 9m elevated roads. (Do you have a request other height?) Highly recommend Ele...
Lift for Elevated road 12m R
Created by stmSantana
Lift for Elevated road 12m R       ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 12m elevated Road. No MOD is required. Pedestrians can access to 12m elevated roads. (Do you have a request other height?) Highly recommend El...
Lift for Elevated road 12m L
Created by stmSantana
Lift for Elevated road 12m L       ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 12m elevated Road. No MOD is required. Pedestrians can access to 12m elevated roads. (Do you have a request other height?) Highly recommend El...
Lift for Elevated road 15m R
Created by stmSantana
Lift for Elevated road 15m R         ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 15m elevated Road. No MOD is required. Pedestrians can access to 15m elevated roads. Highly recommend Elevated Stops Enabler http://steamcom...
Lift for Elevated road 24m R
Created by stmSantana
Lift for Elevated road 24m R         ※日本語解説は下にスクロール ================================================== Elevator for 24m elevated Road. No MOD is required. Pedestrians can access to 15m elevated roads. Highly recommend Elevated Stops Enabler http://steamcom...