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Trench Warfare: Art of Survival & Conquest
By Chr00mz
Alright ye' maggots! We're shipping you off to the western front. You are all the most sorry bunch I have seen and we must get you into fighting shape! With a quick mind and reasonable logic, this will teach you how to survive the war in the trenches and just maybe you will come home one day without being executed by firing squad for deserting your post in cowardice.
The Art of War (Frontline Game Mode)
First off, the goal for your side is to follow the two forms of engagement. There are two formations of engagement: defence and attack. It is crucial to push the enemy back at all times but that is not always possible. At the start of each battle, your team may either be put on the defensive or ordered to charge forward over to their trench. The goal is simply for you to stay in No man's land for as little time as possible and spend most of the time in your frontline trench or in the enemy's trench.

Defence: To keep the filth out of our hard-earned territory.
There will most definetly come a time where you are forced to defend our frontline trench. This is the most comfortable seat you will ever be put in as the trenches are full of sandbags, cover, overhead-protection and plenty of spots to peek your weapon over to get a good shot while still covering most of yourself.

A defence is called upon when you have succesfully captured a trench and the enemy is launching a counter-attack or when you've been attacking and you are unable to get a foothold and the brass ultimately calls the advance off to get you back into a more defensive position as the enemy has already fortified themselves too well.

When defending, it is important to spread out, the whole trench needs to be filled as the abscence of one soldier in one potential entry choke-point can make a difference. Form a line along the trench, this will make sure the entirety of No man's land is covered and the barrage of riflemen firing will keep the enemies heads down. Do not fire from outside the trench, not behind and not in front of it. Your presence will not count and it decreases the foothold of soldiers which in turn puts your side at risk of losing the defence-round. Being outside the trench is just the same as losing the trench no matter what line of fire-advantage you think you're gaining from it.

Should the enemy enter your frontline trench during your defence: hold fast, get down from the battlements and take cover by whatever cover exist within, the enemy will try to clear it out from either side and you need to have the faster trigger finger than them. Preferably a spot with overhead-protection and possible routes to fall-back on. Why are these two contradictory things important when the enemy is in your trench with you? Because they will bring their NCO's and Grenadiers to throw every mortar bombardment and grenades at you, so a place to run away from the shrapnel and a sense of roof over your head is comforting. Also make sure to have your rifle properly reloaded, riflemen armed with bayonets will be rushing towards you and if you lack one, you will want to shoot them before they reach you. If the bayonet-armed enemies are overwhelming you and you need to reload, fall back to a safer spot until your reload is complete and continue firing to push them back. Aslong as you remember the rule of thumb in the defence: "Never leave the frontline trench." you will hopefully be fine.

"What if the Enemy gains a foothold and we are pushed out of the frontline trench?"

Rush back into it as quickly as you can before they get a chance to fortify, call down mortar strikes and sprint inside, lingering in the fox-holes gives them time to get comfortable. It does not matter how many kills you get from the fox-hole, they will still take over the trench if you are not within it. If their NCO's still live and breathe, the men will rally on them in an instant. (Respawn at the NCO's.)

Killing them from outside the trench is not neccesarily a bad thing, but it is not the main thing to prioritize as it will mean nothing if they control the frontline. If you can squeeze one off quickly, do it, otherwise: make plans on getting back in.
Attacking: Part 1: Navigating No man's land to the enemy trench.
So the brass orders you to advance into No man's land? Tough luck. Only a sharp mind and quick reflexes will help you survive. The circumstances when the order is issued may be different:

If you made a succesful defence and they are now retreating back to their own trench, waste no time. Get out there, run and mow them down as they're running away so that you reach the trench before the retreating once do and their reinforcements do aswell.

However, should they have pushed you back and now you are ordered to counter-attack, you may find yourself given the order while being in No man's land itself. Which of course could mean an advantage. Run quickly into the trench, shoot the bad guys, it all explains itself.

The most important thing to remember when attacking is inconsistency and being swift. Run in different directions, do not wait too long in cover until you reach the frontline-trench and try not too be pinned down, forcing you to fire back from a petty foxhole. The NCO's will rain down fire upon you if their riflemen don't finish you off, their recon squads will order planes to scout you out overhead so there is no use hiding; so try always to be on the move and pick the route which is the most unpredictable and contains the most cover.

If a gunner/rifleman pins you down, do not worry. If the rest of your team are following the infallable philosophy of inconsistency and swiftness, chances are they are a much more interesting and a pressing target if they are approaching the trench and aren't pinned down like you. If you stay in the foxhole and fire back as little as possible, they will eventually lose interest as the others are pushing forward because they aren't recieving the treatment you are. Once you feel the heat is gone, move up.
Attacking: Part 2: Clearing out the trench
Huzzah my fine gentlemen! You have succesfully made it into the enemy trench. Time to kill some bastards for lord and country. How is the proper way to do so?

If you are the only one that reaches the trench, do not push forward, find a defendable spot in the trench and wait for the rest of your forces to catch up. This is especially important if you are a NCO as the men will rally on you faster. (respawn)

Once you have a force of 2-5 men inside, move carefully, try not to sprint or walk unless you have a bayonet as your steps can be heard when your boots thump against the wooden planks. Those who aren't meant for melee, crouch and move slowly. Keep your eyes at the corners, at possible entry-points for enemy reinforcements and the battlements. The trick is to be calm and collected as you move through, and to make them panic or finish them off while maintining the element of suprise. Be mindful of the opposite side of which you came in, reinforcements are sure to hop back in and one might turn up right behind you.
Currently in development, stand at the ready for updates!
Fynneberg Jul 21, 2015 @ 11:59am 
Very good work.This could help some people.
twitsoo2 Jul 16, 2015 @ 7:45pm 
Wow, I get it now. :)
MindfulMistake Aug 20, 2014 @ 1:39pm 
I love the style :)
Chr00mz  [author] Aug 4, 2014 @ 7:22pm 
Thank you mate! :)
blute Aug 3, 2014 @ 3:02pm 
Nice guide :P