Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic

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Beginners guide to deep rock galactic
By The Mediumest Viking and 2 collaborators
This guide will help those who need a little extra guidance after the tutorial is over on how to succeed and work with your team in nearly any mission!
Getting started in Deep Rock Galactic
Deep Rock Galactic is a 4-player cooperative horde shooter set in an alien world full of danger, darkness, and dwarves. The Dwarves being the player characters and the danger being vicious aliens that want to eat you. The dwarves are tasked with doing what dwarves do best, mine for minerals. All the while nasty bugs try to stop you, it is their planet after all. Once you boot up the game for the first time you’ll be put into a tutorial (which I suggest you complete) as the gunner class.

Does this lead back to the space rig?
Once that is finished, you’ll be in the space rig. The space rig is the pre-game lobby, its where dwarves choose missions, upgrade and customize equipment, as well as groom their glorious (or hideous) beards. there are many fun things to discover here and i wont take that joy from you so have a look around!

Well served, well deserved.
Now the first place any self-respecting dwarf visits after they wake from their pods is the on station bar for a quick drink before a mission. This wonderful area is called the Abyss bar.

The Abyss bar contains 3 kinds of beers. Standard drinks, what I like to call party drinks, and specialty beers. The specialty beers give dwarves various buffs such as increase base health or faster digging for a single mission, the others just get you drunk or do silly things, I suggest you take full advantage of this area as it’s fun to drink and shoot bugs at the same time because, well you are dwarves after all.

Come on guys, we're leaving!
Near the center of the space rig is a holographic map which is the mission selection terminal, and a large computer called the assignment terminal. I highly recommend you head to the assignment terminal first and accept your first assignment, likely the only assignment you will have is the “conquer Hoxxes IV”. Completing this will give you access to all standard mission types.

Come here, you flying tin can!
Should you choose to do your first real mission solo you’ll be accompanied by a flying robot named bosco, who is customizable (and quite adorable).

During missions he will follow you around and respond to commands given via the pointer tool. For example, should you point and ping some Nitra that’s out of your stubby reach (or if you just like to simulate what it would be like if a robot did your job) he will mine it for you and all you’ll have to do is clean up after him, much like a flying puppy.

Fun fact, if salute Bosco be salutes back!

Regardless of weather or not your first mission is solo or not you will be tasked with a primary objective and a secondary objective, only the primary is required to complete the mission, however the secondary gives you a nice bonus. Its recommended that you keep a keen eye out for any minerals up on the walls and near the ceilings, if you’re the scout make use of your flare launcher to increase visibility, if you’re the engineer be sure to shoot platforms at minerals high up for your scout to grab, if you’re the driller look out for paths you can make with your drills, and lastly the gunner should be watching out for any bugs that may show up to surprise the team. In higher levels of play these lines can blur as dwarves have learned how to master their respective traversal tools. There are much better guides out there that focus on the specifics of each tool and that wont be covered in this guide
Can we order a supply drop, like really soon?
In general, you’ll want to look out for Nitra first and foremost, every time, every mission, no exceptions. That is because (as the game mentions in the tutorial) Nitra is used to call for a resupply pod, which you may or may not have noticed only refills your total ammunition by a flat 50% per ammo rack.

To get a rough estimate of how much total ammo you have, simply pull out your pointer and look under your picture on the bottom left of the screen, you’ll see 4 pips. All four filled in is full or close to it, a flashing pip is nearing the 1\4 mark of ammunition loss. You can also see the total ammo of your team as well, making this the first thing you’ll want to pay attention to when considering calling for a resupply.

While the act of calling for a resupply is easy, knowing when to is surprisingly difficult for new folks to get the hang of quickly, so I recommend when in doubt ask your team. Remember you are not the only one down there in the darkness who might need the extra bullets!

And a quick reminder to stay back from the beacon, it will harm you!

Get your tin ass over here and hurry please!
Assuming you’ve survived long enough to complete the primary objective you will get a confirmation from mission control (that sure has a cozy job doesn’t he?) you will notice the mule has a new button on its backside, this button calls for the extraction pod, DO NOT PRESS IT YET!

The reason for this is because your team might not be ready to go just yet, there is more to the caves then just what management wants. Crafting resources are scattered throughout every cave system, perhaps one of your mates is still hunting for the secondary objective, maybe someone is in need of red sugar, any number of things could be going on and hitting that or any button without communicating with your team can spell disaster, and in the worst case cause a mission failure.

The best practice is to open the type chat in game and simply say “R”. that will signal that you are ready, usually a simple majority of three dwarven “R”s will be enough to have the go ahead to press but other lobbies will prefer all members to communicate in some form that they are ready to go my personal go-to is to simply ping the mule.

Once the majority of your crew has stated they are ready go ahead and press the button if you are the closest to molly. Once pressed a new pod will drop down in a random location in the cave system. From there it’s a mad dash to the pod! Molly will leave behind a trail of markers for you to follow. The nature of the mule means molly can walk and get to places much easier than you can so working with your team and making good use of your traversal tool is crucial to making it alive in this stage. Remember only one dwarf needs to be inside the pod to claim victory, HOWEVER it is considered to be a very leaf lover move to leave any dwarf behind who could have been saved, there is no I in dwarves after all.
Bonus tip!
Final bonus tip! Please make sure you mine the WHOLE vain! Dont leave vains like this...Karl would NOT approve of this..

in the example it is gold yes, (i see you greybeards) but the sentiment still stands, if you mine it, mine it all. Its not always about what we get at the end for our efforts, but about sending a message to the bugs. THIS IS OUR PLANET NOW!

If you rock and stone, you're never alone
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this short, but hopefully helpful guide
Rock and stone
Shuku Aki Nov 16, 2023 @ 4:24am 
Rock and Stone!
MeefyCheese Nov 15, 2023 @ 9:22pm 
Been playing the game for a while and was just curious what guides there were, this is a pretty good list of things to watch out for and was well put together. Thank you, for taking the time to make a guide for newer players. :redbeard::pickax: I just wanted to add a bonus tip for when you call down the drop-pod.

If you open the terrain tool (Tab or M on keyboard, Select on controller) right after you press the button on the mule, you can see where the drop-pod is going to land fairly easily. You can use this information by running towards the drop-pod a bit and calling the mule to you before the drop-pod lands so that Molly will have a little head start. Not game changing but a little time save that can be nice.
Indigo Nov 12, 2023 @ 7:27am 
Rock and stone!
SirClutch Nov 11, 2023 @ 9:59am 
:) thanks dood
Oogoochagoogoonūm Mar 11, 2023 @ 1:30am 
Just wanted to leave a comment here so you didn't write this for nothing. Love ya work mate!:lunar2019piginablanket: