Left 4 Dead 2
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「 粉色系列 」number.29-兔兔锤 - [ 板球棒 ] | 夜光版 /「 Pink series 」Cricket bat | Luminous
Автор Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.29 - 板球棒 | Cricket bat 自制模组NO.4 - 粉色兔兔锤 / Rabbit hammer 这应该是目前做的模型里面咱最喜欢的一个,希望你会喜欢 好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱 φ(≧ω≦*)♪ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352671239790/C42DA9B39D68D5D54C64B52B405BC182CCBF0BDF/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima...
【原神】COD MW:2022 M4 珐露珊 替换 M16
Автор FenLan.
替换 M16 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD MW:2022 M4 动作来自 BaiF*ckmouse 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895415532 ——那一百年间,我不断重复着解谜,不知不觉变得麻木,连时间的流动都感受不到…现在好了,面对谜题,我不必再独自彷徨了。也许可以和你一起拓抄碑文、破译字符、解构机关…好好地品味每分每秒的钻研时光。 效果图: https://...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 M680 比安卡 替换 木喷
Автор FenLan.
替换 木喷(Wooden Shotgun) 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 mav 制作的 COD:MW2019 M680 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636142604 ——驱魔者的提灯在胸膛前常亮,淬银的利剑倒映清丽的脸庞。碧色的眼睛追逐着旧日之影,在幽邃之境的终点,她终将得知何为真相。...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 SPR 露娜 替换 Scout(鸟狙)
Автор FenLan.
替换 Scout(鸟狙) 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 mav 制作的 COD:MW2019 SPR 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636151412 ——没有人知道露娜怀着怎样的心情为自己制作了这身涂装,萤色的荆棘如同永不消失的枷锁般缠绕,低语。“愿磷火从荆棘里出来,愿叛道之人受火焚烧。”...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2022 .50GS 露西亚 替换 沙鹰(Desert Eagle)
Автор FenLan.
替换 沙鹰(Desert Eagle) 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 修复的 MW22 .50GS(Desert Eagle) 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2928324219 最初原版来自 ₦streyℨ 制作 COD MWII Deagle 最初原版地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=29200815...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2022 P890 SD 露西亚/露娜 替换 小手枪
Автор FenLan.
替换 小手枪 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 BaiF*ckmouse 制作的 COD:MW2022 P890 Akimbo 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2918905505 ——新年新气象,春节的第一天,露娜和露西亚给大家拜年啦,祝指挥官们新春快乐! 感谢过去一年的陪伴,希望在崭新的一年里,能继续陪伴大家走过更长的旅途,开启更多精彩的篇章! 效果图: https://steamuserimages-...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2022 Victus XMR 罗塞塔 替换 AWP
Автор FenLan.
替换 AWP 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 COD:MW2022 Victus XMR 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2891435761 M82A1闇冥 / BaiF*ckmouse:Compile / Audio / Texture editing / Animation editing / Fixing FenLan:GRAY RAVEN / Appearance / S...
【战双帕弥什】RE2 Remake M79 薇拉 替换 榴弹炮(Grenade Launcher)
Автор FenLan.
替换 榴弹炮(Grenade Launcher) 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 8sianDude 制作的 RE2 Remake M79 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2728593248 ——将装甲减少到了最低限度,以确保她能够在音乐的盛会里追逐浪花。但本人似乎更倾向于背靠遮阳伞的阴影,尽情欣赏你在人潮中束手无策的样子。并在合适的时机发出呼唤:“指挥官,帮我把那个拿过来。”作为奖励,她会允许你共享遮...
【武器皮肤】-甘城 雅典娜狙击步枪
Автор Man!
这里是面包 我想回归 这是我的第一个mod吧(雾 甘城可爱捏! 原mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2852878463 定制QQ:239149925 群:611931156 ...
【赛马娘】玉藻十字 S890 二代连喷 [Uma musume Tamamo Cross S890 replace SPAS]
Автор Nagasaki Soyorin
我tama来了! 大家好啊,我是炎乐,今天来点大家想看的枪皮 替换 二代连喷 replace SPAS 动作: Beau 转换: 地狱酱 请bt佬来修复了路径问题,这样就不会出现两个S890公用一个贴图的冲突问题了 原作者: HK G41 Original model 原模型: S890 (m1014 replacer) 效果: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2026094195641954234/1919F8D486A68987848ABD9DE54...
Автор ccc 汉堡 Sickgirl
replacement golf club 替换了高尔夫球棒 第一次做,做的不好ww...
【Azur lane】HMS Javelin PDSW528
Автор Sa-Daniels
Replace the UZI, remove the handguard because such ugly about it Original mod author: M82A1闇冥 Original mod link:i dont give that sh1t https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2055366392483489186/DEA727BBF08D7C8F47DD56F27A82463921B49661/?imw=5000&imh=5000...
【Azur lane】IJN Noshiro Kastov545
Автор Sa-Daniels
Rplace the ak47 有人有一键贴皮软件还不放出来,我不说是谁.jpg Original mod author: M82A1闇冥 Original mod link:i dont give that sh1t https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2055368227672940414/06C073925EBB216A3917FFEE1D22B282027CC7CB/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letter...
【R18】售货机 Vending machine
Автор sanfermin
Dynamic picture of 12 pornographic pictures Light in the dark Switch pictures every 12 seconds There are 12 pictures in total replace all Vending machine...
Автор TPP
Creator ひゅうがなつ-版权 ひゅうがなつ-模型 TPP-编译 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 八人包 蓝奏云:https://wwhr.lanzoul.com/iAjOv0oh606j 密码:TPP ...
Автор 千寻
原版插件:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2828268572&searchtext=BEAU 一次修改版插件(有快速结算):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2834326495&searchtext=beau ======================================================================= ...
〖 使命召唤16 / COD2019 〗镰刀 (Crowbar)
〖 使命召唤16 / COD2019 〗镰刀替换撬棍。 当初玩16的时候就挺喜欢这把武器的建模,但是那个组合包一直没钱买...... 只替换了模型,动作和音效等依然使用官方文件。 包含第一人称和第三人称,以及HUD等。 如有侵权请联系我删除。 在使用过程中出现问题可以在下面留言,我看到后会尽力解决。 ...
主播女孩重度依赖 超天酱安全屋图标和动态箭头/NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE Angelkawaii safe house arrow(动态)
Автор Nagasaki Soyorin
这是一股照亮混沌的令和时代互联网的一道光 (指会自发光) 给在电子的海洋里冲浪的阿宅们带来笑容 (思迈路思迈路) 未来的和平我向你保证 (我又鸽啦) 躁动不安但放心交给我 (背后黑枪) 互联网天使 降临于此(god 1) ✟ 升天 ✟ (3.21 打算加 Internet yamero的立绘 箭头想办法重置下 可能会很慢 还是等哪位好心人能发素材再做罢,自己实在抠不动了) 我又回来做超天酱啦,勉强搞懂了动图的制作原理,说不定以后会做个动态枪 (做好力) 原本是想弄两个立绘的,但MV里有全身的也只有跳舞的时候...
Автор 花の韵❄
共142帧 ...
博衣小夜璃铁喷 Hakui Koyori Chrome shotgun
Автор 星跃迁
第一次做皮肤,感觉自己做的不好,估计有点小瑕疵,看自己需求订阅吧。 图片来源pixiv:https://www.pixiv.net/artwork/ https://www.pixiv.net/artwork/96005372 https://www.pixiv.net/artwork/101878454 封面:https://www.pixiv.net/artwork/98883564 拥有全身夜光(不刺眼) 增加了法线贴图...
小恶魔 - 廓尔喀反曲刀替换开山刀 Koakuma Kukri Replace Machete
Автор 这把一定过
使用了rurudo的两张小恶魔插画作为皮肤,并替换了反曲刀的模型 Replace the Machete with Kukri and reskin the melee with koakuma. Pivix ID =25760573 喜欢的话,不妨点赞,订阅加收藏? ______________________________________ Use the Illustrator of the little devil by rurudo and change the modle with kukri ...
柚子社点唱机/Yuzusoft jukebox
本mod使用柚子社近几年作品中的op、ed以及一些角色歌替换了游戏中的酒吧点唱机的音乐。 This mod replaces concert music, rocketride music and Parade float music by the BGM and character music of Yuzusoft galgame BGMs 歌曲列表如下(Music list): all_i_want_for_xmas-------------------Famishin,KOTOKO --------...
死亡音乐替换Death Music Modified
Автор Orideus
二代死亡音乐为许嵩的《玫瑰花的葬礼》 L4D2 Death Music into (use Google Translate) 一代死亡音乐为出自电影《桥》的音乐《啊朋友再见》 L4D1 Death Music into (use Google Translate)...
泳装雨空小手办 替换土制炸弹 土质
嘿嘿嘿嘿,制作了一个小手办拿来玩吧,看样子丧尸好像挺喜欢这种可爱的东西,一扔出去就围过来了。 之前不小心删除了,现在重新补上 ...
派对臀部替换医疗动作 // Party Hips
Автор ༾༒空༒༿
Party Hips 需要订阅xdReanimsBase,否则没有效果。 同时安装Francis和Louis Reanims兼容的变体或搜索Reanims兼容的替代模型。 Hope you enjoy. If You like it, Click on the collection. don't forget rate up :) 感谢你的订阅和赞 Thank you for your subscription and praise Enjoy and rate 5 :D...
流歌ruka 可爆装备R18版本 替换boomer
咱又来整活了,感谢各位在甘城猫猫mod上给予我的支持与鼓励 这次的mod是boomer的mod,正常情况下是穿好衣服的流歌 击杀后变成 全裸 ,同时有几率爆装备(我自己测试大概4到5只左右会爆一次装备)(掉落物为 衣服 裙子 胸罩 高跟鞋) 不多说了,还不赶紧订阅开冲? 瑟瑟流妈的日子来辣!!! 希望不要有人偷传我的mod去别的地方哦! 我会伤心的。QAQ mod内容包括 人物表情(虽然我知道特感几乎没人留意表情,但还是做了) 基础飘动 击杀后变成全裸 有几率爆装备(爆装备本质上是游戏内boomer的碎块,...
Автор Beau
只修改了贴图,官方模型 本来只想做个平底锅,但是平底锅和斧头共用一个贴图,顺便把斧头也做了 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2022720583215089644/597F601FD4F4F1190CECA3C6D5324B708B3C84CD/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false ...
Автор 演员
碧蓝档案天童爱丽丝主题的点唱机 侧边第一条金属框的前端部分,存在建模不规整问题,对涂装有影响 点唱机在高低画质下几乎是两个东西,调整了部分涂装颜色,以免在低画质下整体颜色过重。 调整了不刺眼夜光效果 注意:未修改默认音乐,因此它可以与其他音乐MOD同时使用...
Автор 演员
碧蓝档案霞泽美游主题的饮料柜 侧边立绘8张,每25秒切换一次 修改了一些材质与涂装,整体变得清晰干净 感谢:NPCsnake ...
神楽七奈Ammo Cans
Автор mmi开心
神楽七奈Explosive Ammo
Автор mmi开心
神楽七奈Incendiary Ammo
Автор mmi开心
苏菲娜 猫猫女仆装(replace Rochelle or all survivors)
Автор Fruit milk
其他人物的替换在这里Replacements for other characters are here. 苏菲娜其他7人包sophina Other 7 pack 用sophina替换Rochelle 其他7人包现已可用 头发和尾巴的颜色会随时间变色,大概在4分钟左右变一次 原始模型作者:Luku booth 我对这个模型没有任何版权,我只是把它移植过来。 sophina replace Rochelle The color of the hair and tail will change over ti...
足控喷漆 Anime feet Spray paint [R18]
Автор Sakurako
足控向喷漆 共7张 3张R18 ...
魔法未来麦克风magic mircophone 替换 吉他[guitar]
magic miku 2016 microphone replaces guitar 魔法未来2016麦克风 替换 吉他 此mod包含: ·吉他原动作和音效 ·专属粒子特效 MOD include : ·Original Anmation ·Exclusive particle effects https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1764818006310221048/437768B1D0CB0260D3FFDDE23B73333B9D39D1B1/ htt...
麻薯替换TANK(带表情)/Mashu Replace Tank(With expression)
此MOD视为创意工坊“群限” 故使用时请不用与下面链接提到的作者的mod一起使用,以免变成直立牲口 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199123455699/myworkshopfiles/ Mod已经更新(2023.5.3) Mod Update(2023.5.3) 添加了一代坦克和牺牲中的坦克皮肤/New cloth added for tank in L4D1 and C7 优化了布娃娃物理/optimize ragdoll physic Credit...
Автор 意羽
未经允许严禁转载/Prohibit reprinting and publishing without any authorization 本mod包含: 第一人称手臂/First person arm 人物基础表情/Facial expression 头发以及一系列飘动/Spontaneous flapping 减少蹲下裙子穿模问题的vrd参数(仅减少一些穿模的可能性,特定情况或视角依旧可能有穿模问题)/Crouching reduces the possibility of skirt wear mol...
(Vtuber) S890 M1014 Black Hirro Waka & Arisu Mana
Автор Crystalforged.
replace autoshotgun xm1014 Original mod author: HK G41 Type cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 81 console enjoy! Made in By mmi?? this is no you! bro S-Daniels No Upload From (Vtuber) S890 M1014 minato aqua Im Sorry bro i going black out shotgun i do not Post permiss...
190 Sexy & Cute Anime Paintings
Автор Ellie
Okkay, so I KNOW that this is Anime, I KNOW that most of you will immediately say things such as "GTFO weebo". But please, I like doing mods for L4D2 (at least until now) and yes, there are people who like to fill L4D2 with Anime. I am mostly not part of t...
82年的初音未来燃烧瓶|Miku Molotov
Автор Nekomiya6
——订阅必须物品会改变燃烧瓶的第一人称动作,如果不选择订阅则默认官方的动作。 ——Subscription of mandatory items will change the first person action of the burner. If subscription is not selected, the official animation will be defaulted.(Machine Translation) 替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 拥有质感 Have te...
Apex Legends - Alternator SMG
Автор Twilight Sparkle
And finishing with the SMGs i bring you the Alternator SMG, it will replace the ("MP5") as it comes with its original animations and sounds, so yeah i think replacing the MP5 with this was a good idea why? because the MP5 ha 3 recoil animations which is en...
Arnoa boomerbile - BlueArchive碧蓝档案 [彩奈小编] の 胆汁
誒?這不是阿羅娜嗎?為什麼名字是彩奈小編呢? 沒辦法,臺灣小姐姐的配音實在是太可愛了 請原諒我,我真的沒有惡意,真的沒有! 噗…哈哈,哈哈哈哈哈! ------------------------------------------- 胆汁含有倒计时+夜光+特效 ...
Better Screens | Modding Resource
Автор мяFunreal
This pack is a resource, containing better screens for reskins. All screens are a separate, widescreen, texture. Contains materials, models, a readme and the UVmap as 2048x1024 images. It should go without saying that this in NOT a mod. Downloading this wi...
Brighter Alarm Cars
Автор Jarey_
"Don't shoot that car!" Created for a partially colorblind friend who had trouble seeing the alarm cars at night, worse still trying to see them in the daylight. If you still have trouble seeing cars in the daylight. Aside from firing your gun you can also...
Bus Hentai
Автор N O V A
Retexturized buses with various details and hentai images, V1 and V2 both different buses...
Christmas Miku Hatsune Replace Witch Audio-Version
Автор ༾༒空༒༿
Christmas Miku Hatsune Replace Witch Audio-Version Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. ^^ Hope you enjoy Enjoy and rate 5 :D ...
Fancy Glass Table
Автор Lt. Rocky
HOLY CRAP DUDE, ITS A FUCKING TABLE!! Somtimes, oh just sometimes, how I wish I was you guys, and not a workshop author; how I wake up every morning wishing that I wasn't me, and not just for the usual socioeconomic factors, but instead so that I may go on...
Ferrari 599xx Evolution
Автор мяFunreal
Got bored. so I swapped Jimmy's car for Forza's Ferrari 599xx Evolution. Unfortunately the model did not have the original carbon brakepads, so i had to subtiture them for basic brakes. Ironically enough, some textures are modified versions of the 599xx fr...
FN-SCAR -17 替换 scar 碧蓝档案妃咲(矢量格子风格)
Автор 超级小咪
replaces SCAR 替换 SCAR 开火特效直接去掉了 图片来自p 搜一下妃咲就看得见 并非专门做mod制作者,只是做自己喜欢的武器 目前该武器有 -声音 -模型 -最低亮度的夜光 -法线 Currently the weapon has sound, model, minimum brightness luminous light and normal 如果喜欢就请点击订阅吧! If you like it, please click to subscribe! ...
Glass Lift HD
Автор Ellie
This addon changes the doors of all lifts / elevators to HD Glass transparent ones. - Works on all maps (Dead Center / No Mercy / Most Custom Campaigns) - HD 2048x2048 door texture - Transparent, reflective and slightly wrinkled glass If you know what "Don...
HD Boxes (+RNG)
Автор Ellie
Hello everyone, I am once again providing you a new "HD+RNG" mod ;), this time it's for the Cardboard boxes that you can see thorough the game. Enjoy looking at now HD boxes with a little taste of RNG ;). https://i.imgur.com/KB1etMg.png • New HD (From 1024...
HD Ladders (+Rainbow)
Автор Ellie
Note : The Thumbnail is a montage to show some of the different colors, the ladder will always have a united color This mod is a variant of the HD Ladders mod , created by me. It replaces the originally yellow ladders by "random color ones" and features : ...
HD Subway Car
Автор Tя!cky ツ
Reskin of the Subway Car in HD http://imgur.com/uV7WZ5S.jpg Texture was 1024x1024 now Double at 2048x2048 Redone Red Brake Light Lens New Signage and Rubber Floor Runner Added Custom Bump Map for more realism http://imgur.com/ZU2mKN7.jpg http://i.imgur.com...
HD Trash Can (+RNG)
Автор Ellie
Hello everyone. Once again, a "quick mod" I put up this afternoon. Since Tricky and K1CHWA did a RNG Trash Mod, I decided to jump on the weekly "Trash Brandwagon" and release this little mod that will RNG the Trash Cans content. This is not included in Tri...
HD-Azur lane's Doujinshi Books&Magazines Cover(R-18)
Автор Cheshire.Cat
关键字:碧蓝航线、Azur lane、Hentai、R-18、HD、RNG、自发光、 Warning! this is the temptation of the Hentai. I believe you can control yourself. ╮(╯-╰)╭ 这是一个没啥卵用的MOD。 不过真香。。。 3/23 重新更改了亮度... 3/24 书架、杂志每约10s更换一次封面.... PS:Although this is a fu*king garbage mod,hahaha~ But I‘d ...
Hemp Money Pile
Автор Tя!cky ツ
Replaces the money piles with 420 Cannabis Currency. http://imgur.com/ZU2mKN7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg ...
Hentai Cute Car Military
Автор N O V A
This mod replaces the texture of the typical military car with one with hentai images in various parts of the car...
Hentai Outhouse
Автор N O V A
change the old ugly toilet for a retexturized one with hentai images everywhere, inside the props_urban folder there are 2 other models in case you want to change them...
Main Menu Video Background
Автор 花の韵❄
The Journey of Elaina 主菜单视频背景:1920 5种不同视频/5 different videos 由我的垃圾轻薄本进行转换 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading GCFS拆包 都这么久了相信大伙们都会 vpk内含说明/vpk Include description ...
Malaysia Airlines MH370
Автор Ellie
This mod is a replacement for the plane crash in the new The Last Stand campaign. Instead of the regular turboprop plane, you will now see the world's hide and seek champion: the famous Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) that is missing since 2014. It se...
Meow meow | Gasoline - 喵喵の汽油 o(*°▽°*)o | Luminous
Автор Egret♥白鹭鹭
Meow meow(Cat claw) replace the Gasoline | Luminous 喵喵の爪 替换 手提汽油桶 | 含: 普通汽油、任务汽油、背后汽油 (暴风骤雨) 、路障汽油组 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852682864760626400/6B94935725327C83296457B6918966F3C02A7258/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&i...
Military Crate 4K
Автор gray
- Replaces 3 old footlockers with a modern military crate. - 4K textures Credits Model - gray Textures - gray ...
Molotov - Insurgency Animations
Автор Lt. Rocky
This is the regular ol' Molotov on my normalized Insurgency molotov animations. This is compatible with retextures. Do enjoy folks. Note that if used with my regular Insurgency Molotov or the Pipebomb version the client will claim there is a conflict. This...
Nero 替换Jockey(带表情)/Nero Repalce jockey(With expression)
Credits: 编译人物模型/Complie Infected Model:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 特色 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 表情/Expression 可能是工坊第一个有表情的jockey MOD/May be the first jockey MOD that upload to workshop get expression 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll <-需要在首次订阅后重启游戏生效/Should be funct...
Nero jockey表情基础/Nero jockey expression base
仅适配Nero 替换jockey(带表情)/Just for Nero Repalce jockey(With Expression) 占用栏位33 Occupies SLOT 33 ...
Nicer Racecar Podium
Автор мяFunreal
I was bored and decided to make an entirely new podium. It has more detail in it with golden poles that use red felt ropes. I know i'm gonna get questions about what car mod i'm using, so here it is. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except...
Pelican Case Laser Box
Автор мяFunreal
This Pelican Case Stack, filled with DBAL lasers, replaces the laser box. Credits: Tigg: original Pelican Case TenoYL: DBAL Lasers MrFunreal: modeling the finished product + reskin This is a reupload from gamemaps. I had to upload it here because people ke...
Pink Alice Angel Headshot Feedback (With Soft Pink Blood & Hearts)
Автор pinksie dollie ♥
An replacement for the headshot feedback from a skull, to an anime character version of Alice Angel from Bendy and the Ink Machine, to a cute soft pink, added with blood too! When using a weapon that deals much more damages to Special Infected & Commons, m...
Pink Broken Cardboard Boxes
Автор pinksie dollie ♥
This changes the color of the broken cardboard boxes to Pink! ...
Pink Infected Out-of-Bounds Mapping (With Decorations)
Автор pinksie dollie ♥
This replaces the wrongways when you are a Special Infected to a cute Pink strawberry with decorations on it! ...
Pink Steam FX
Автор pinksie dollie ♥
This changes the steam clouds FX from the pipes in-game to Pink! (Not your actual steam clouds lol) Let me know if there any issues!!...
Nanoka Loading Background
Автор 花の韵❄
+Nanoka+ 过关加载背景: 17张插图:2560 部分调整 透明计分板 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading 透明计分板流程: 1.工坊搜:20hud 随便进个 看描述的cfg写入教程 完成之后 vpk从workshop移到addons 重启 取消订阅 防止再次下载 ★ 2.游戏内切换比例(订阅试用); 16:9➜16:10➜16:9(反之10➜9) 偏移需来回切换一次 每次重启游戏都需要切换 确定久用推荐第一种方法 部分HUD冲突(修改相同文件)无紫黑格可无视 字体消失等问题请自行调整...
Pink Water Trails & Puddles FX
Автор pinksie dollie ♥
This changes the water color of splashes or droplets when a model (Character) is moving, idling, and more to Pink. This includes for example: - Splashes - Droplets - Directional of the water trail - Fallbacks I've tried getting some screenshots of what it ...
Pixelated Kawaii Girl Tankwall (With Hints & Decorations)
Автор pinksie dollie ♥
This gives you a pixelated girl telling you that you are beautiful no matter what, as well walls hinting you that can be destroyed for Infecteds or Tanks. Request by: 瞹芯 ...
RE8 Village Umbrella Medical Injector (Adrenaline)
Автор 8sianDude
A standard issue first aid device provided to Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) soldiers by Blue Umbrella in Resident Evil 8 Village is a sci-fi style medical injector, known simply as "Med Injector" in-game. The rogue Hound Wolf Squad also ...
Remove Main Menu Music
Автор Botan
Does what it's says What's the purpose of this mod? 1. Bypass L4D2's main menu music restrictions. Allows any length of a song via modifying bik video file - Check the my video for an example. Normal main menu soundmods don't allow songs to play over a min...
Rushia Trail for Hunter
Автор Nia
Decided to "complete" the Rushia mod trio by adding a trail that fits her design. This changes the color and adds some butterflies. Version without butterflies: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2811197999 Bless Rushia...
Shiratama Bus Stop
Автор 花の韵❄
しらたま❄ 公交站/巴士站/汽车站 10张图片每30秒替换一次 10 images replaces every 30s 所权属于画师(标题链接) 侵言删 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading...
Shiratama Concert Posters
Автор 花の韵❄
しらたま❄ Dark Carnival Billboards and Posters 黑色狂欢节广告牌及海报 5个隧道画板背景 5张舞台背景每不知道几秒替换(懒得数了) 所权属于画师(标题链接) 侵言删 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading 不喜欢重复所以图少 挺对不住自己 但是费劲是真的 系列结束 ...
Shiratama Posters Collection
Автор 花の韵❄
しらたま❄ C1 C4 C5广告牌;C1广告牌 杂货店和购物中心海报;C6酒吧海报 Replaces C1,C4,C5,C6 Billboards,Grocery,Mall and Posters 10张大海报 每46秒换一次 10 Images of Large Poster Replaces every 46s 所权属于画师(标题链接) 侵言删 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading...
Simple Dynamic Scope (Wide Fix)
Автор Thleia
This version fix the wide problem when people resolutions not at 1366 x 768. If you resolutions at 1366 x 768, you should use this version. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=861523560 The line will change when you are moving. It have tw...
Survivor Legs script(Modified version)
Автор candy bar
Slightly modified lower body movements. original author:Shadowysn source:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2865107042 ...
TDA Fairy Miku Spitter R-18
Автор Vaz0w
This addon replaces Spitter, and it's not for all ages. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IT. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: TDA & fennuw -----------------------------------------------------...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Автор Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
TUMTaRA v6.9 Light 1/2 [Archived]
Автор мяFunreal
This is an outdated Legacy version ot TUMTaRA. I'll keep it here for a while until most people got the new version. The new version allows you to download only those maps you really want. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=469986973 ___...
TUMTaRA v6.9 Light 2/2 [Archived]
Автор мяFunreal
This is an outdated Legacy version ot TUMTaRA. I'll keep it here for a while until most people got the new version. The new version allows you to download only those maps you really want. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=469986973 ___...
Unicorn Medical Package
Автор 十年公交男
Unicorn Medical Package https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627046518189/7D026D04741A6509978C7B846407A0EB11856724/ Included:       V mode, W mode, Glow. Description:        Brother, does the unicorn help? Statement:       Model from : scream ...
Valentine's Day - Background Trees
Happy Valentine's Day! The tree cards are now pink. Rejoice. Need more pink plants? Pink trees and foliage: 1 | 2 | 3 (Pick one!) Pink leaf sprite replacements: HERE Pink falling sakura petals: HERE...
Valentine's Day - Environmental Textures
Happy Valentine's Day! Textures are now red, white, and pink. Mostly pink. This condenses a lot of materials into singular textures and doesn't really make use of high quality ones. It's a bargain! If you want quality, look elsewhere. If you want pinkish s...
Valentine's Day Foliage
Happy Valentine's Day! Pink, red, white, and purple flowers sprinkled on everything. This WILL conflict with most mods that turn the foliage pink. ...
Valentine's Day Gun Store Signs
Happy Valentine's Day! Just uploading a really, really old mod that I never published. There are likely better mods for this now, but I'm getting it out of my WIPs. ...
Valentine's Day Leaf Sprites
Happy Valentine's Day! This just replaces the falling leaves in forests with cherry blossom petals. This does NOT conflict with Franky's Sakura mods. :) ...
Valentine's Day Tables
Happy Valentine's Day! Let's celebrate the day of love with ! ...
Valentine's Day Traffic Signs
One of my old Valentine's Day mods. Just moving these to the workshop....
White-Gray Spitter Particles
Автор Scizzie
Requested by a friend. Come on its not what its look like okay? Spitter just had a rough day of bukka.... NO....
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Автор xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
Автор YJM
Yazawa Nico Love Live Ambulance
Автор Hawkiepaisen
nico nico nii~ since there r bus n van but no ambulance i decided to create one this time with nurse niko to fit the theme. Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Zero Two Dance PC
Автор мяFunreal
This mod swaps out all Computer screens with Zero Two's dance meme. Credits: GhostShadow - Original video MrFunreal - Video conversion, model edits Music in video provided by Moistcr1tikal. Twitch - Youtube Note: All these mods conflict with eachother, as ...
Zero Two Dance Security Desk - V2
Автор мяFunreal
This mod swaps out the Security Desk screens with Zero two's dance meme. This version has all screens turning into one large screen. sort of. Credits: GhostShadow - Original video MrFunreal - Video conversion, model edits Music in video provided by Moistcr...
Zero Two Dance TV's
Автор мяFunreal
This mod swaps out all television screens with Zero Two's dance meme. Credits: GhostShadow - Original video MrFunreal - Video conversion, model edits Music in video provided by Moistcr1tikal. Twitch - Youtube Note: All these mods conflict with eachother, a...
[Blue Archive]碧蓝档案 Loading background(官方地图战役加载背景)
Автор ColdTea
发现好像没有碧蓝档案的这种载入图,自己做. 替换一代二代战役加载图 图片来源:https://m.nexon.com/forum/thread/96786 https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2022/0 ...
Автор 高海千帕
千歌です 曜です ルビィです 三人合わせて、We are CYaRon! I love CYaRon! よろしくね! 拿起这把电锯,元气全开地割草吧! Love live/Lovelive Sunshine/Aqours ...
[Deresute ] 美に入り彩を穿つ - umbrella [baseball]
Автор Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif The 3D model of this umbrella is from the MV of this song. Although it is not aggressive, it looks beautiful. I made it a replacement baseball bat. Have fun RNG includes ike it ,do "like" (*・ω< )  thank you All Content by CY...
[Honkai impact 3]Durandal Charger VOICE
Автор Hesh233
幽兰黛尔中文(Mandarin)语音,替换牛(Charger)。 配合牛的模型: model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2253593003&searchtext=durandal 仅供娱乐使用,绝无冒犯之意。 声音:米哈游 ...
Автор 我不识字
This is a sound replace mod, replace the packing effects of GA on the woman's] will: actually in) to after. 6 seconds before, Technology Co., light spray....
[Azur Lane]Urara Style Event Icon
Автор QiuDxf
Replace the Event Icon with Azur Lane Kan-sen image. For Example: Reviving, Friendly fire etc....
[TOUHOU]Reimu Karambit replace CS:S knife
Автор 姬野永远
新人第二次做MOD 幼灵梦主题的爪子刀,模型和动作取自CS:GO 如果喜欢请点个赞或收藏,非常感谢 CSGO 僵尸乐园MOD发布贴:https://bbs.zombieden.cn/thread-92787-1-1.html 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15M411c7HQ ...
[Tsushima Yoshiko]津島 善子 矛盾之翼冲锋枪(MP5)
Автор 高海千帕
注意/Warning! 该MOD仅包含贴图文件,必须订阅合集中的原模型MOD才能使用。 This MOD only contains texture files and must be subscribed to the original model MOD in the collection to use it. 一些贴图的来源:https://idol.st/ https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/ 特别感谢Twilight Sparkle所制作的原模型. Love live/Loveli...
COD MW2019 Baton.替换警棍 动态呼吸
Автор 超级小咪
replaces tonfa 替换 警棍 主要是这个用起来很顺手 做了个带呼吸效果的,流光的感觉太差 因为确实没有位置给它搞涂装 直接蓝粉色完事儿 目前该武器有声音,模型,最低亮度的夜光和法线 Currently the weapon has sound, model, minimum brightness luminous light and normal 如果喜欢就请点击订阅吧! If you like it, please click to subscribe!...
LED Flashlight (infected & survivor)
Автор 徒手开根号
Infection with Led light, Let the infected vision become clear.soft and not dazzling, replace the main line of sight of infected and survivor https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
Saenai Heroine No Sodate-kata Loading Interface
Автор 夹心酱
路人女主图包替换官图载入界面。 选的都是高清图但是用vtf转后总是觉得很模糊。。 Replace the interface with wallpapers of Saenai Heroine No Sodate-kata when loading official maps. 如果想要其他主题的可以留言什么的,我看图库有的话就去做一做或者大佬发图给我也行⊙ω⊙...
Автор Ohana
舞夜Maya 替换 艾利斯ellis 制作者 Credits ● 模型来源 Model:@キュビ ● 移植 Compile:我me 基础内容 Include ● 表情 Flex animation ● 裙子VRD ● 飘动骨骼 Jiggle bones ● 佐伊动作 Zoey anims 额外添加 Feature ● 三套服装随机 Three outfits switch randomly ● 指甲贴图随机Nail texture switch randomly ● 支持 kokkorylien制作的表情组...
榛名 (アズールレーン) 烟花盒 - Haruna (Azur lane) Fireworks box
Автор 这把一定过
使用了ATDAN-的榛名的几张插画作为烟花盒的皮肤 分别替换了正面,背面和两侧的插图。具体效果可以参考预览图 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? ATDAN-的插画我能舔到换屏 画师Pivix ID = 6662895...