

236 ratings
Caravan Formation Improvements
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
1.428 MB
Feb 2, 2023 @ 8:33am
May 5 @ 4:06pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Caravan Formation Improvements

A few features that should help forming/managing a caravan.

  • Change the caravan formation spot: Essential if your caravan needs to load stuff from stockpiles that are not close to each other. Let them load stuff at a spot, then switch the spot.
    This can be done either while being in the "form caravan" dialog (new button "set a spot" at the bottom, next to "send") or per gizmo.

  • Select a exit spot: Sometimes you may want your caravan to exit at a specific spot
    This can be done either while being in the "form caravan" dialog (new button "set a spot" at the bottom, next to "send") or per gizmo.

  • Select a arrival spot: Select a spot for your caravan where it should enter the map.
    This can be done when you are on the world map and tell your caravan to enter a settlement/temporary map (the map needs to be created already). The dropdown menu will have a new option called "enter at specific spot".

  • Pause the caravan formation: Helpful when the caravan can not safely exit the map or when your pawns need to get their mood improved before leaving.
    This can be done per gizmo.

  • Leave immediately: Mostly everything is loaded, but one unnecessary item on the other side of the map is missing. Your pawns are close to a mental break. Just tell them to leave now.
    This can be done per gizmo.

  • Next caravan member: Clicking on that gizmo will jump to the next caravan member and select it. Hovering is pointing to every caravan member.
    This can be done per gizmo.

  • Rope on arrival: If set to true, animals will be roped on arrival if they would not otherwise. So if there is no available pen, instead of running free, the mod tries to bring the animals to a hitching spot. If that fails, it will rope the animals to the ground. Mod default is true.
    Mod setting.

  • Rope when caravan gets paused: If set to true, animals roped by a pawn are roped to the ground instead of running free when the caravan formation gets paused. Mod default is true.
    Mod setting.

  • Distance to next ropeable animal: When roping a animal, pawns check if in the radius of 10 cells there is another animal to rope. Mods default is 20 cells.
    Mod setting.

  • Maximal animals to rope at once: When gathering the caravan animals, pawns can collect 10 animals at once. You may want to increase that number. Mods default is vanilla.
    Mod setting.

  • Cancel caravan confirmation: If set to true, there will be a confirmation window if you click the vanilla gizmo "cancel forming caravan". Mod default is true.
    Mod setting.

  • Dont add newborns to caravan: If set to true, animals that are born during caravan formation are not automatically added to the caravan which leads to all animals getting unroped.
    Mod setting.

  • Mod defines exit tile: If set to true, the mod defines on which side of the map the caravan will be spawned on the world map.
    If you are heading to the north, but set the exit spot for this caravan to be south, the caravan should be spawned south of your map on the world map.
    Mod setting.

  • Pawns respect their assigned zone when formation is paused: Mod setting. Disabled by default.

  • Downed pawns and ropeable animals are brought simultaneously to the exit spot: Mod setting. Disabled by default.

  • Gizmos can be disabled: There is a section in the mod settings to disable the ones you do not need.

Performance should be absolutely no problem, since mostly all of the code runs only once when you use one of the gizmos or when a caravan leaves/arrives at a map.
I checked the impact using "Dubs Performance Analyzer", but please tell me if you experience otherwise!

When the caravan includes downed pawns and you change the exit spot when they are already brought to the map edge, the downed pawns will be automatically removed from the caravan.
Furthermore there seems to be a vanilla bug where it might happen that downed pawns are left behind at the map edge when the caravan leaves the map.

Roping on arrival: Animals are getting roped to the spot where they entered the map if there is no pen/hitching spot, but pawns assigned to handling will try to unrope them. So make a hitching spot or a pen before they do so, so the animals are brought there.

Not every gizmo can be used at all times. If you can not use them at the moment, they are disabled (greyed out).

  • Probably not compatible with mods that do the same/something similar.
    I am only aware of "Caravan Journey Spot" by leeh and "Caravan Entry Spot" by Cocock which are doing something similar and are probably incompatible.

  • There is a patch for Boundary Training by Owlchemist integrated so that animals that have learned 'boundaries' will not be roped to the ground.

  • Tell me if you find something else.

Bug reporting:
Please dont tell me "it does not work".
Tell me which feature did not work in which circumstances, post a hugslib log and, if possible, tell me how to recreate the problem/error.

Adding/removing from save:
Should be absolutely no problem. You may get a red error after removing which is harmless.

Source of the mod is included.

Credits and Thanks to:
Ratzinger for beta testing and giving feedback.
Brrainz for Harmony.
Dubs for Dubs Performance Analyzer.
Marnador for the RimWorld font, used in the preview pictures and for the gizmos.
Tynan and Ludeon for RimWorld. Some of the textures/parts of the previews are modified versions of vanilla textures.

License [creativecommons.org]
Eugene_of_Theodoro May 29 @ 4:39pm 
Thank you, this is so fucking useful
Jack of All Worlds May 18 @ 12:23pm 
No, I mean if I have another caravan on another map that enters combat on that map, the caravan forming on my home map won't form. I don't know if it is a mod conflict or not. RimWorld 1.5.4085 rev545. I think I've narrowed it down to a mod conflict with either Common Sense or Run and Gun but am working on trying to find the precise issue via log.
Kopp  [author] May 18 @ 11:21am 
@Jack of All Worlds
Without a log I dont even know which RW version you are on.
I used 1.5.4069 for my tests.

First problem:
Not sure what you mean with "combat starts", I guess you mean your caravan forming colonist gets attacked/shot at.
Works fine on my end:
Colonist is bringing roped animals to the map edge. Enemies start shooting, roped animals get unroped and flee. After the shooting is over and animals calmed down, they walk to the map edge by themselves.

Second problem:
Colonist assigned to work type "handle" can unrope animals, they will even do it automatically. Just tested it when arriving on the home map.
If "rope on arrival" is deactivated (and you restarted the game after changing mod settings) animals do not get roped on arrival in my test.

=> I cant reproduce the issues, it seems to work fine on my end.
If the issues persist with just this mod loaded, I need the exact steps to reproduce the issues.
If its a mod conflict, please tell me the conflicting mod.
Jack of All Worlds May 18 @ 10:51am 
I have found two issues: when I'm forming a caravan on my home map and any type of combat starts - even combat on another map, the pawns stop roping animals but proceed to the exit spot, so the animals are left loaded and roaming and "busy" so you can't make the caravan leave unless you remove all the animals. Second problem is that when you enter a map, you cannot unrope the animals from the spot they get automatically roped. I have turned off all "auto-rope" settings, same problem. I removed the mod, no more problems. Couldn't see anything obviously wrong in the log.
biggyzs May 16 @ 3:06pm 
ohh its in caravan creation not in archytect. My bad!
biggyzs May 16 @ 3:03pm 
Hmm it seems it does not work with caravan adventures. I dont have these options for spots in architect. But it calls no errors and it "seems" to work correctly. Weird. Are the spot options hidden somewhere?
Schloopy McPaddywagon May 15 @ 7:33am 
Yeah confirmed it doesn't work for Vanilla Vehicles expanded.

Oh well thanks for answering.
Kopp  [author] May 15 @ 3:01am 
@Schloopy McPaddywagon
I dont think so.
Afaik vehicle caravans are using their own caravan system.
I have no intention to patch their mod.
So it works for the normal caravans, but not for the vehicle ones.
Schloopy McPaddywagon May 14 @ 11:15am 
Does this work with Vehicle Caravans from vanilla vehicles?
Kopp  [author] May 5 @ 4:08pm 
Issue should be fixed now.