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Dark Land Orcs
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17 stycznia 2023 o 9:10
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Dark Land Orcs

Updated for 5.0
This is a standalone mod and works without any other requirements! But you need MIXER if you want to play as the custom Dark Land Orcs faction yourself!


The Greenskins are one of the most authentic Warhammer races and my personal favourite. Since my Dark Land Warboss (already included in this mod) was well appreciated, I decided to give them some new tools.

  • custom Dark Land Orcs faction and legendary lord
  • legendary hero
  • generic lord type
  • generic hero type
  • 5 units, 3 RoRs, 12 scrap upgrades
  • a new building chain for all Greenskins

Gormok the Dark Armourer

Gormok is the legendary lord and faction leader of the Dark Land Orcs. Even when everything shatters, he will stand as an impenetrable bulwark on the battlefield.

Gurthok the Harbinger

Gurthok is a legendary hero and will become available after finishing a quest against the Dawi-Zharr.

Dark Land Warboss

The Dark Land Warboss is a generic lord in form of a strong duellist and is exceptionally tanky but limited regarding his movement. In the campaign he features army-wide buffs.

Dark Land Drake and Dark Land Drake Rider

Featuring a high mass, a big charge bonus and a huge HP pool, these beasts sole purpose is to break through enemy battle lines and disturb their formations. But due to their low weapon damage they are rather very weak duellists.

The Dark Land Drake Rider has an overall strong stat line but also comes at a very high cost. He shares the recruitment capacity with the Black Orc Big Boss.

Terror of Gorgoth

The Terror of Gorgoth is a world beater that can be recruited from the RoR panel once a lord reaches rank 30.

Dark Land Bulwarkz

Dark Land Bulwarkz are strong and durable fighters that feature an area attack. But due to their low numbers they can get overwhelmed by other elite-infantry.

The ‘Breakerz of Zharr’ are a RoR and available once a lord reaches rank 25.

Scrap Shootaz

The Scrap Shootaz are a very slow yet tanky mid-ranged artillery unit. Their barrage in form of multiple missiles is inaccurate but devastating.

‘Da Bronzen Bastardz’ are a RoR and available once a lord reaches rank 25.

Dark Land Orc Boyz and Dark Land Orc Big ‘Uns

The Dark Land Orc Boyz are a basic armour-piercing infantry unit.

The Dark Land Orc Big ‘Uns are a high-tier shielded and durable infantry unit but are a bit lacking in regards of damage output.

Dark Land Orcs Faction
The custom Dark Land Orcs faction has unique faction effects, can build the building chain for the Dark Land unit recruitment everywhere and features unique garrison buildings.

MIXER is needed if you want to play as them yourself! With Mixer enabled, the AI will also perform like a major faction.

The Dark Land Warboss is recruitable for all Greenskin factions. All other units can be recruited with a unique building chain that is only available for certain settlements in and around the Dark Lands, similar to the vanilla savage orc building chain.

The settlements (14 in total) are marked with a little icon. All Greenskins can build this building chain, except minor savage orc factions. Skarsnik has only access to the unique building chain while in control of Karak Eight Peaks.

There should be no compatibility issues.
My mod is compatible with the Variant Selector.

SFO submod
Damned Nations submod

Table Top Caps

Chinese translation
Polish translation
French translation

  • Ubermorgen and Rhox for the scripting.
  • r1kko for some of the UI elements!
  • Diores for helping with the Fröbelcanum entries.
  • Fin for the stunning screenshots!
  • the Skeleton Crew, especially Stratovarius for helping with some DB issues and greenphoenix23 for teaching me how to edit rider positions.
  • h3ro for his Asset Editor tool.

You like my work? Feel free to check out my other mods.

If you should enjoy one of my mods so much that you want to give something back, I am always happy about a donation!
Komentarzy: 630
Ceks11 6 czerwca o 2:20 
We already tryed this. Mabe ist just an odd 1 in a million thing xD. Anyway this is a great mod.
Fröb  [autor] 6 czerwca o 1:38 
@Ceks11: That sounds very unusual and I never heard about this issue before. Can both of you try to un- and resubscribe to the mod? Maybe this will help.
Ceks11 6 czerwca o 1:34 
Maybe i am blind but i just need to ask. My frend ;) (for democracy) and I tryed it in multiplayer. Everything runs fine but as soon as i want to put the starting hero in my army my frends game crashes. It was the only mod enabled and only happens with the first starting hero.
Fröb  [autor] 5 czerwca o 12:39 
@Frozn: Once the update to 'The Old World Campaign' by ChaosRobie will be published and the Dark Lands will be available, I will try to make my mod compatible with it (if possible).
Frozn 5 czerwca o 12:35 
Hey, I'm trying to figure out how to make this compatible with ChaosRobie's Old World Beta. Is that something you already have planned at the moment? Otherwise I can try to do it myself, but I guess I'm not sure if that will be a super long process.
Fröb  [autor] 4 czerwca o 7:28 
@BliVru: The Dark Land Drake behaves more like a chariot on the battlefield with a devastating charge but a rather medium/bad performance when staying in combat for too long. But it should beat a unit of skeleton spearmen without issues. Most probably something else was also attacking it during the fight.
BliVru 3 czerwca o 15:12 
hey so loving the mod and all, but I think the Dark Land Drake is kinda awful?
Can't even beat skeleton spearmen. Maybe it needs regen or an anti something ability?
Fröb  [autor] 2 czerwca o 13:16 
@XHAlpha: Thanks for the report. I will try to take a look into it and update this bug in the near future.
XHAlpha 2 czerwca o 12:40 
Found a bug. Confederated Gormok, now I have 3 Skull Masks, 2 of which are just useless
Fröb  [autor] 30 maja o 10:02 
Updated! - Some minor changes this time.

Da Bronzen Bastardz
- Range: from 250 to 200
- Missile Damage: from 60 (40 AP) to 40 (25 AP)
- Ammunition: from 15 to 12
- Leadership: from 80 to 75
Scrap Shootaz
- Ammunition: from 12 to 10
- Leadership: from 70 to 65
Gurthok the Harbinger
- ‘Skull Mask’ ability: leadership debuff from -20 to -16
- The Dark Land Orcs will not start with a Dark Land Drake Rider hero anymore in IE campaign if they are themselves controlled by AI and the ‘Legion of Azgorh’ is played by a human player
- The Dark Land Orcs will not start with a Dark Land Drake Rider hero anymore in RoC campaign