Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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【原神】护摩之杖 替换 草叉 ( [Genshin] "Staff of Homa" Replace Pitchfork)
说明 · 【原神】护摩之杖 替换 草叉 ( "Staff of Homa" Replace Pitchfork) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · MOD可能会显示为冲突,但不影响使用 (Mod may appear as a conflict, but does not affect use) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) :原神mihoyo ( Gen...
【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) Ver1.0
说明 · 【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : 原神mihoyo ( Genshin mihoyo ) 其他 · Ver 2.0 新版 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
【原神】AK-47 —芭芭拉(替换ak47)\ 【Genshin Impact】 AK47—BARBARLA (replace the ak47)
Criado por 洛兮
—替换ak47,replace the ak47— 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 鸽了这么久也是做了一款新的,但是因为生病等其他原因导致质量下滑,以后会做的更好! L4D2MOD制作群:923879694 L4D2开黑群:721355486 和之前的雷姆AK一样,附带检视,物品的拾取动作和救人伸手动作。 https://steamcommunity.com/id/luoxi_hentai/screenshots/?appid=550 我的B站主页:https...
【原神】COD:MW2022 Chimera 申鹤 替换 MP5
Criado por FenLan.
替换 MP5 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 M82A1闇冥 制作的 Chimera 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2908110509&searchtext= ——我闭关修炼的时长有所削减,修为却不知不觉的增进。我将湖面冻成冰镜,让浮云和星斗浮现在眼前。 ...
【原神】UZI—申鹤(uzi冲锋枪) / 【Genshin Impact】UZI—ShenHe(UZI)
Criado por 洛兮
替换冲锋枪UZI ,replace uzi 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap);高光贴图 原版链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636152321 origin model:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636152321 渲染...
【战双帕弥什】COD:MW2019 Holger-26 邦比娜塔 替换 M60
Criado por FenLan.
替换 M60 包括:基础外观贴图,夜光贴图(不刺眼) 来自 mav 制作的 COD:MW2019 Holger-26 原武器地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2635874609 ——唔....可爱吗?是主人为邦比娜塔选择的。需要更换为指挥官您的偏好吗?...
【明日方舟】斯卡蒂 加载图标 “Skadi” Loading Icon
说明 · 加载图标 (Loading Icon) · GIF来自BliBili TakDes · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome.) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 其他 · 共计70帧 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
【狐式坦克】Vtuber 白上吹雪/Shirakami Fubuki/白上 フブキ for Tank
Criado por Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 整活向MOD Features: -jiggle bones 飘动骨骼 -first person arms 第一人称手模 -world model 第三人称模型 -tank rock 狐笋替换坦克的石头 Thank you for you like.觉得不错请务必点赞,谢谢...
【Molotov】碧蓝航线大鳳红酒 动态
Criado por sanfermin
Replace molotov Dynamic:Change expression every four seconds words:Azur Lane- molotov- dynamic Notice that the flames and movements in the picture come from Another version Another version:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2258105785 此...
【voice pack】Vtuber 白上吹雪/Shirakami Fubuki/白上 フブキ Tank sound
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/999179297230853541/92D2BC514FDC7522FCA6FDB1889632A3586BFE2F/ l4d2 Tank sound 整活mod 推荐搭配特感模型一起使用:https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2405399828 观众姥爷们,喜欢的请务必点个赞哦, 厚颜无耻的求赞(`・ω・´) -欢迎各位DD或者单推人进群闲聊啊!~69...
动态 東雪蓮 罐装饮料 胆汁(Boomer Bile)
Criado por Kamome
cnVTuber 東雪蓮 drinks replacer Boomer Bile 东雪莲 罐装饮料 替换胆汁 基础贴图,高光贴图,法线贴图,夜光贴图 装有 罕见型vtb 東雪蓮 神秘液体的饮料 投掷后,一次性吸引大量的真爱粉前来争抢 ps:不建议自己开罐饮用(雾) 比较简单的贴图mod 还有个花嫁神里绫华的同款动态罐装胆汁 我怕被骂就没发了,这个发出来应该没什么事 喜欢的可以帮忙点一下赞涅 原mod Original mod link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfil...
可莉榴弹发射器音效 Klee's grenade launcher Sound Effect
介绍/Introduction: 这个是原神相关的MOD,用于求生之路2的UI整合,素材来源于米哈游出品的原神IP系列作品 This is the MOD of Genshin Impact, materials used here are from the IP of Genshin Impact produced by MIHOYO 在榴弹发射音效中加入了可莉的声音 Mix Klee's voice into grenade launcher Sound Effect b站视频链接:https://ww...
可莉榴弹发射器 Klee's grenade launcher "Pro Pipe" (Halo M319)
可莉 Halo M319 "Pro Pipe" 替换游戏内榴弹发射器 Replaces the grenade launcher with Klee's "Pro Pipe" from Halo 5: Guardians b站视频链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kq4y1s7P3/ Model: MonkeyRebel117 Textures: The Stoned Meerkat I Have Seen the Footage New skin: moeforce...
Criado por FeiFeiyu
替换ellis 最后一版了: 添加嘴,眉毛,眨眼表情 颈部锁添加飘荡骨骼 第一人称手臂没有问题 第三人称手指有点别扭 内有会晃动的pp 感觉不适请不要订阅,点赞才有动力。 ---------------------------------------------- rework sirius(ellis):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2893961529 ...
小天使 流星雨主题开山刀 - Machete ( Meteor shower theme )
Criado por 这把一定过
使用流星雨作为主题,重新涂装了刀身(砍刀/开山刀)的皮肤,并使用了rurudo的小天使插画 进行装饰 Pivix ID= 70434240 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? __________________________________ Use a illustration of the Meteor shower as the machete's skin and decorate the blade with an angel by rurudo. Details please check the ...
少女前线 404小队棒球棒 / Girls' Frontline 404 Baseball Bat
Criado por PIO
替换了游戏中的棒球棒 顶端是404小队队徽,增加了不刺眼的夜光 不要在意Nepgear穿模的手...
Criado por FeiFeiyu
替换佐伊 感觉不适请不要订阅,点赞才有动力。...
康娜,不得了,替换拾取东西声音 kawayi KannaKamui replace Pick things up
Criado por 真·勇者
康娜,不得了,替换拾取东西声音 kawayi KannaKamui replace Pick things up 已修复语音念不全的问题 试听地址 http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=234255 Audition address http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=234255...
碧蓝档案 体操服美游 替换Nick Blue Archive
碧蓝档案 美游(体操服)。替换nick mod内容: 第一人称和第三人称模型 人物表情 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 带有夜光效果 模型来自恋活提取,恋活人物卡作者为:tokiboy 祝使用愉快 喜欢的话球球点个赞呗QAQ 我的b站被处男审核和有人恶意举报已经被关小黑屋7天,而且有4个演示视频也被下架,我真的是。。。不知道哥们能不能扛过这一回了。心烦。。。。 ...
碧蓝档案 春原心奈 替换路易斯【Blue Archive】
我的评价是:一百昏!!!!! 恋活人物卡模型提取制作 人物卡模型来自:Fworks_sky 我负责模型提取和mod制作 mod包括:飘动 人物表情 vrd骨骼 喜欢的话就給咱留个赞吧,mod要是能过五星的话咱会再做一个二代生还者。 二代Ellis版本在群里:655077118...
碧蓝档案 泳装白洲梓 替换 黑妹 Rochelle Blue Archive
快来这理发店! 本次mod我又是修了好久,我现在就要开始发癫了。 包含 飘动骨骼 人物表情 手臂vrd 模型来源:恋活提取 如果觉得作品侵犯了原作权益,请联系我,我会及时删除。 本mod为了能够把模型塞进求生,进行了大幅度调整,视觉上会有一些瑕疵,还请谅解。 祝使用愉快,本人b站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/39492638?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 给孩子留个赞吧QAQ 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eW...
碧蓝档案-泳装日富美 替换比尔 元旦快乐 【Blue Archive】
米娜桑,2023年快乐啊!!! 新的一年也要继续加足干劲好好ghs哦!!! 最近咕咕咕的原因嘛。。。最近新买了水着琉璃子,导致我沉迷ghs,以至于没太多想法来肝mod了,不过正好是新年来了,元旦的小福利还是要给上的吧!希望你能喜欢这个mod! mod内容包括 人物表情 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 最后的最后,送上我的新年祝福给大家! 希望大家每天都能开开心心的ghs,如果我的mod能给你的游戏路程带来一份快乐的话,我会很开心的! 尸体mod重新上传,需要的自行下载,但愿不要再遇上恶心的人 ...
美游替换弗朗西斯/Miyu Replace Francis
模型作者已授权上传到创意工坊 The original model author has authorized to upload to the workshop 原模型作者:MoMo_Rui Origin Model Author:MoMo_Rui 作者B站有号 Mod作者:我 Mod Author:Me 好久没发mod了,发一个证明自己还活着 预览视频 Preview video b23点tv点EvTX3Rk 点自己加(举报的人没妈^^) 美游替换弗朗西斯 Miyu Replace Fransic 包括...
欧根亲王鸡尾酒Prinz Eugen(Azur Lane) skin for Molotov
Prinz Eugen(Azur Lane) skin for Molotov 舰b欧根亲王燃烧瓶 仅替换了贴图 Texture - Replaced 贴图制作借鉴了rio鸡尾酒的包装 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1183831903500647408/909FD8869545C7B972325639F37ECCDA75AA8807/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/118383190350064...
泳装雨空小手办 替换土制炸弹 土质
嘿嘿嘿嘿,制作了一个小手办拿来玩吧,看样子丧尸好像挺喜欢这种可爱的东西,一扔出去就围过来了。 之前不小心删除了,现在重新补上 ...
自制模型,穿着白丝情趣内衣的女儿,替换coach 教练 黑胖
嗯,感觉摸到点路子的制作了一个模型,模型问题依旧一箩筐,基本是无法解决大部分问题了,所以凑合用吧,拿来当摆件也行啊!明明是这么可爱的女孩子! 咳咳,总之本次的模型是我从恋活里面捏出来的,尽可能把我的xp都塞进去了,包括:猫耳,白丝,吊带袜,猫咪内衣,白毛。 这孩子名字我想好了,叫:洛阳铲!(泓欣源) 再次重申:模型存在部分瑕疵,请用轻松的心态来游玩。 ps:本人无法在steam留言,但是都会看的。 ...
Criado por FeiFeiyu
替换francis 感觉不适请不要订阅,点赞才有动力...
Criado por Kamome
雪ミク 雪MIKU SKIN for MW3 Striker12(SPAS-12) 雪未来替换SPAS-12二代连喷 有消音无消焰 第一次做枪械mod手电筒和子弹不知道怎么改,贴图已经做了,不会部署vmt 原作者:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1652884589 抄袭这位大佬的创意:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2158448782 雪初音2018...
露背旗袍 猫娘 雨空 替换路易斯 replace louis
模型来源:我自己在恋活内捏人出来的,衣服是读取服装卡的 如果服装作者觉得有什么不妥请联系我进行处理。 本来是我自己用的,纪念我b站过500粉,转成公开版本 包括飘动骨骼 删除胖次 各项基本的mod都有 穿着这么漂亮又色气的旗袍猫娘 我已经好了 八人自选包加群获取,之前的群号搞错了,这次好了 655077118 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Pe4y1Y7da?vd_source=03c973b51fb9c267f6adcb6181af2ccf ...
黑色第二代泳装-雨空 替换佐伊
雨空小可爱,阿~~~不行她好可爱阿!(* ̄з ̄) 小小的身体,还强行穿这种带着色气的泳装,水滴顺着她光滑的身体缓缓流下。可爱的外表下夹带着一丝色气~啊~我受不了了!!! 求你了!快点用裸足狠狠地踩我吧!(´,,•ω•,,) MOD内容 飘动骨骼 人物表情 vrd骨骼 我又回来发癫了! ...
<Fate&FGO> Music Pack
Criado por 时柒雾
https://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif <Fate&FGO> Music Pack Fate音乐包 替换了如下: -安全室Loading -演唱会 -TANK出现 -惊♂扰WITCH -救援到来 -结束统计 -呼叫救援时的BGM My mod is almost the same as this mod.Don't understand, you can see this: Complete Vocaloid Music Pack 本次使用的BGM来自Fate系列 Fate/stay...
<Ryuoh no Oshigoto!>龙王的工作Music Pack
Criado por 时柒雾
https://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif <Ryuoh no Oshigoto!>Music Pack 龙王的工作音乐包 替换了如下: -安全室Loading -演唱会 -TANK出现 -惊♂扰WITCH -救援到来 -结束统计 -呼叫救援时的BGM My mod is almost the same as this mod.Don't understand, you can see this: Complete Vocaloid Music Pack You can use this...
Arknights - Bibeak FN SCAR-17 skin (scar) glow 明日方舟 - 柏喙 FN SCAR-17 替换scar 夜光 珠光
Criado por SHArknight
像引线穿针一样......出剑! 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1976793753 Original Mod - ludexus.mdl 侵删 If the infringement occurs, I will delete this addon 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 截图里的手臂长度是56 Original Credits: https://i.im...
Arknights - Firewatch MK20 skin (Military Sniper/G3) glow 明日方舟 - 守林人·枯柏 MK20皮肤 替换30连狙 夜光
Criado por SHArknight
没必要害怕那些阴影中的敌人,这些罪人无论用什么方法躲藏,都欺骗不了我的眼睛。 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=765625946 Original Mod - Lt. Rocky 原图 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 小鹿之前那个30连狙太久远了越看越不好看,怎么也得重制一下就是说 渲染图里少了点部件,以游戏截图为准 截图里的手臂长度是56 接定制枪皮,只限舟_...
Arknights - Irene Ebony and Ivory Skin(Pistols) Glow 明日方舟 - 艾丽妮 鬼泣4但丁双枪 替换小手枪 夜光
Criado por SHArknight
审判官作出判决,依据的不该仅是律法,更应是我的本心。 -------------------------------------- 原模传送门:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=678780411 Original Model:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=678780411 侵权删除 If the infringement occurs, I will...
Arknights - Nightingale Beretta 92FS skin (degale/magnum) glow 明日方舟 - 夜莺 Beretta 92FS 替换沙鹰马格南 夜光
Criado por SHArknight
飞吧。 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2532124673 Original Mod - 8sianDude 原图 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 截图里的手臂长度是58 好久没摸莺宝枪皮了来一发(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 感觉效果有点乱,嘛就这样吧 Original credits: - Samurai Edge AW Model-01 model: Capcom - ...
Arknights - Nightingale RMB-93 skin (pump shotgun) glow 明日方舟 - 夜莺·挽歌 RMB-93皮肤 替换木喷 夜光
Criado por SHArknight
是谁在歌唱? 这种语言从何而来? 我看到的是谁的梦,又是谁的死? 莺宝的第三个枪皮,一开始做mod的时候就说要搞这个,结果几个月了才轮到挽歌(笑哭 尝试和以往完全不同的风格 原图是我的约稿 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1312426756 Original Mod - Tööttieläin 侵删 原图 替换模型,动作 replace model,animation https://steamuserimages-...
Arknights - Texas Skeletonized AR-15 skin (M16) glow 明日方舟 - 德克萨斯·意志 AR-15 竞赛型 替换M16 夜光
Criado por SHArknight
拔刀。 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2423330092 Original Mod - ☆麻辣香锅☆ 原图 原图 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 截图里的手臂长度是58 定制MOD,征得金主同意后发布 非常感谢金主爸爸!!! 出异格了也别忘了原来的小德哦~ Credits: AR-15 model&texture&sounds - Dr.Freeman At...
Arknights - Whisperain SL8 skin (Hunting Rifle) glow 明日方舟 - 絮雨 SL8-1皮肤 替换15连狙 夜光
Criado por SHArknight
这就是他们故事的结局,一个又一个悲剧...... 原模传送门 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1749955878 Original Mod - Lt. Rocky 原图 图片演示里的絮雨角色MOD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2505322191 侵删 替换模型,动作,音效 replace model,animation,sounds 全部枪都做完...
Asuna (Spray Pack N°2)
Criado por Papas
¡WARNING! R18 / NSFW ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Source: Blue Archive Character: Ichinose Asuna To use any spray from this pack in versus/scavenge mode: 1- Join a versus/scavenge mode 2- Use the graffiti key ...
Azur lane可畏牛奶动态 替换 止痛药 [Pills]
Criado por 玩apex像吸毒
碧蓝航线可畏牛奶动态 替换 止痛药 修改了夜光 并且是动态 牛奶虽好 切勿贪杯 正常展示 https://i.loli.net/2021/02/01/cbyNsrOaLHeM1Wv.gif 夜光展示 https://i.loli.net/2021/02/01/dXPjNFEYD6GhQ7q.gif...
Azur Lane 新泽西AWP (动态)
Criado por 玩apex像吸毒
碧蓝航线新泽西AWP(动态) 替换了游戏里面的AWP 并且是动态和夜光 重铸二刺螈荣光 吾辈义不容辞! 绝对不是我懒狗 是因为我在找灵感! 但可畏止疼药竟然五星了 我没想到... https://i.loli.net/2021/06/11/17EMC4XlQgsnkPB.jpg https://i.loli.net/2021/06/11/M8b9NACvUB1ruop.jpg 夜光效果 https://i.loli.net/2021/06/11/T71ZNmFKUErnhDs.jpg https://i.l...
Azur Lane 碧蓝航线 安全屋过关加载图 saferoom loading
Criado por zmy0214
替换了安全屋结算时过关的加载图 由于全屏显示 依旧不是R18 记得不错17张图随机播放 好像有点多 也不知道你们每次能播出几张 封面的粉色计分板不在mod内 那是我从别人那里抠出来的 不能由我传播 Replaced the loading diagram of the safe house settlement Because the full screen display is still not R18 I remember that the 17 pictures are played randoml...
Azur lane 碧蓝航线 R18 喷漆 Spray paint
Criado por zmy0214
做一个碧蓝航线的喷漆 都是很认真找的精品图。 一共15张 一开始打算做全年龄的 后来还是R18和正常图一起吧 这样比较适合各个人群 点赞支持支持吧 Doing a spray paint for the Azur Lane is all carefully looking for boutique pictures. There are 15 photos in total. At first, I planned to make them for all ages. Later, I will use R...
Azur Lane 碧蓝航线 R18 肾上腺素 adrenaline
Criado por zmy0214
光辉独角兽本子替换肾上腺素 The glorious unicorn book replaces adrenaline ...
Crescent Rose Scythe (Fire Axe)
Criado por Winter
Includes: * Blood added when killing Model designed in the 3D Custom Girl program by an "Unknown User"...
Hatsune Miku [M60]
Criado por 千の夜
This gun is my present for memorializing cosmo,mod changed the picture of m60 to the song Lyrics(Hatsune Miku no shoushitsu). ...
Honkai Impact 3 死士小僵尸
Criado por 槐音Grsomiprs
Video presentation\视频演示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av56461876 PS:Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.Revision of the release is subject to my approval. 未经许可严禁转载,修改发布需经过我的同意 thank:竹音 thank:大鸟 重要:本mod目前没有语音诚邀有志之士制作语音包,我会特别加上其合作者 If bl...
Criado por FeiFeiyu
替换louis 点赞才有动力 -------------------------- 已更新 添加表情 添加飘动骨骼 手模偷懒,没换...
Improved Blood Textures
Criado por BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fil...
KantaiCollection AkatsukiClass Voice
Criado por 东云悠悠
KantaiCollection AkatsukiClass Models: Combat Versoin : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=532226551 No Combat Versoin : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=486696953 Voice Pack is not complete, because the voice files ...
Bronya Bunny Girl【布洛妮娅 兔女郎 脱衣】R-18 DMG
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Bronya Bunny Girl DMG R-18 Replace Coach More rabbits in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit! My life year. Label: Bronya, grey hair, grey pupils, bunny girl, one-piece suit, tights, black stockings, high-heeled shoes, round head heels. Adapted: This is HP-DMG,...
California Girls Healing Sound
Criado por Ame
California Girls as Healing SFX For the mod, look to your right screen in this mod page This is just a simple add-on I made, as I just started If anything go wrong, just tell me in the comment :D...
cons-Girls' Frontline HK416 R18 pillow replace medic
R18 pillow replace medic Change the graph every 5S. There are four graphs with R18. Two of them are R18, and the other two are normal. This pillow has a luminous effect. ...
Fate Extella Nero's Sword - Katana
Criado por FieryVector
This mod replace the Katana with Neros Sword The Model is extracted from Fate Extella This is my first mod with 3D Models and I am unexperienced with Blender, so this mod won't be perfect. Extraced by me The model and texture made by Marvelous...
Kuroikami Fubuki (Hunter)
Criado por NanaNana
14th Hunter Replacement Feature Polished Materials Jigglebones First Person Arms, sleeve jigglebones Boomer Bile Texture A few model edit 4k texture Ability icon Credits Original character design: Nagishiro Mito Original author of this model: Schwarz Porti...
Kuroikami Fubuki Sound (Hunter)
Criado por NanaNana
Use for this mod...
Lux's Survivor Legs script
Criado por Shadowysn
NOTICE: This addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. This is a port-to-VScript of Lux's Survivor Legs ...
M60 变态版本
Criado por Yuki_Cat .da!
M60 伤害50→55 0.01射速(相当于每分钟6000发) 主弹夹一亿发(游戏内最高显示255,第一次捡起武器显示0,但是没有任何影响,如果想把主弹夹打完可能需要11天12小时 Ps:中间是可以换弹的) 后背弹药无限(可以换弹) M60 Damage 50 → 55 0.01 firing rate (equivalent to 6000 rounds per minute) 100 million rounds of main magazine (the highest display in the ...
NieR:Virtuous Contract(Crowbar)
Criado por 徒手开根号
replace the Crowbar .form NieR:Automata(ニーア オートマタ) 2B. <Virtuous Contract> It is luminous, and the iris diaphragm is dynamic.The animation is all done by myself YoRHa No. 2 Type B Katana : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083048677 ht...
Seele Vollerei witch sound
Seele Vollerei witch sound...
Skadi skin for Chrome shotgun(patch)浊心斯卡蒂 动态皮肤主题 补丁
Criado por 猫十一
为斯卡蒂献上心脏! Give Skadi my heart! 补充替换(Supplement replace) 浊心斯卡蒂 动态皮肤主题 替换 使用木喷皮肤的铁喷、木喷。如果你想让铁喷只用铁喷纹理,或许扩展内容能帮到你。 Skadi the Corrupting Heart skin for the Chrome Shotgun which used the Pump Shotgun's textures and the Pump Shotgun.If you want to let Chrome Shot...
Stronger Flashlight (LOCAL SERVERS ONLY)
Criado por H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// This ONLY works on "Local Servers" YOU MUST BE THE HOST!!! A combination of 2 "CVARS" "CVAR1" "cl_max_shadow_renderable_dist" 0 "CVAR2" "r_flashlightfov" 120 Credits: Help with the script: Nines And You! Thank ...
The Footsteps of high heels[V2.1]
Criado por Ribonsan
Make a small update Deleted the footsteps of the infected =The footsteps of high-heeled shoes replaced the footsteps of survivors= -Secretly updated version 2.0- *Correct the sound effect of missing tile floor walking quietly and squatting down. *Slightly ...
Criado por Ll
📆UPDATE DATE: 2024.08.27 📚CONTENT: Fixed an issue that you could not duck in the first person view after rotating the character 💡The original preview keys are no longer used, you need to subscribe to Vocalizer For TLTPV to customize the keys. 👍Recommend us...
Vtuber 女仆装甘城猫猫?nachoneko 替换黑妹(无胖次) 2022 7 31 更新
嘿嘿嘿,我又来了 女仆装的甘城猫猫,虽然不是百分百还原,但也是尽力了 本模型来自恋活提取,我修改了衣服为女仆装,耳朵更改 希望你能喜欢 本mod包括 1 乳摇 2 无胖次 3 飘动骨骼 4 VGUI 5 一只可爱的猫娘 6 vrd骨骼 7 人物表情 演示视频:BV1VU4y1q7jw(求求给个三连吧�? ˘•ω•�?) 更新日志 2022 7 26 手模重做,最初手模属实看不下去了,这次优化了会好很多 2022 7 27 表情制作,现在人物不是面瘫了 2022年了,vtb 甘城猫猫和猫羽雫还是得分得清啊。甘...
No Echo Remastered V1.01
Criado por ty
This map is a remake version of "No Echo" which was removed. It's version 1.01. A lot of bugs were fixed. We have been on the highway for 30 miles and the signs indicate that we are about to arrive at Crescent City ahead. Unluckily, the road into the city ...
Seele Vollerei replace witch.
Seele Vollerei replace witch. Only the model was replaced, no sound....
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Criado por xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[Azur Lane] AWP | HMS Formidable Theme
Criado por 深月
Replace AWP. Just reskinned by myself. Original Model/Animation/Sound - Twilight Sparkle Fixed by ✩麻辣香锅✩ Textures - me Artwork Source - Original thumbnail - Pixiv ID: 77394375 Pixiv ID: 84400766 Pixiv ID: 77131112 It will glow in the dark. There is no flas...
[Hanazono Serena] theme Umbrella Medical Injector replace Adrenaline
Criado por 假的蛋糕蛋糕
theme Umbrella Medical Injector replace Adrenaline I decided to make a Hanazono Serena Adrenaline Used RE8 Village Umbrella Medical Injector (Adrenaline) made by 8sianDude The texture is made by myself SOOOO~ If you like it please leave a good comment whic...
[xdR] California Girls
Criado por xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Also install Francis and Louis Reanims Compatible variants or search Reanims Compatible replacement models of them. Replaces healing animation with *California Girls (aka The Chad Dance)* emote ...
【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ 语音 替换 爆炸音频 “Fervent Tempo Δ”Voice Replaces Pipebomb Explosion sound
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ 语音 替换 爆炸音频 “Fervent Tempo Δ”Voice Replaces Pipebomb Explosion sound · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 音频(Voice) :miHoyo 其他 · 语音台词为“Lucky attack!变成星星吧!” · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 狂热蓝调Δ相关 狂热蓝调Δ主题 二代连喷 狂热蓝调Δ主题 伤害...
TDA 方舟指令 旗袍弱音 逞妍斗色【RNG】替换coach
模型来自:听说我叫君姐CindyKang 身体素材来自:samsink 视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av52787473 ===================================== 单色(粉色)版地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1823887169 原模型有各自色彩,光一个粉色总感觉不够。 所以做了一个RNG版的mod(也是我第一次做RNG贴图mod。。) 有六种颜色 ...
MW2019: Shared Materials
Criado por mav
Required shared materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Materialization Method and Assistance mav: Animation Porting, Model Porting, Sound Porting, Project Lead Note: You are not allowed to modify, use parts of and create deri...
[LXHDJ] Jian-type_fire 2 (Machete)
Criado por LE37
replace Machete and sounds...
Seele Vollerei witch sound (voice only)
Criado por darkdill
Use Seele's voice from Honkai Impact 3rd for the Witch. Does not replace music. Updated version of this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1958465110 Best used with this mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1...
[Honkai]Raven's Knife
Criado por Kangai
崩坏3渡鸦的匕首替换游戏内小刀,喜欢就订阅吧 Model:神帝宇/miHoYo...
Arknights Specter the Unchained- Bile Bomb(Glow) Remake Version
Criado por 42Hitchhiker_AID
祝你在梦中也能保持清醒。 替换了胆汁 Replace Bile Bomb 替换了材质,增加了特效,感谢原作者:Martel Replaced the material, Added particles, thanks to the original author:Martel 原MOD地址/The original MOD 外观 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2012576066228296516/2B5D98702480848690953BC0D5C...
Genshin Impact(原神) Nahida(纳西妲)dynamic(动态) Boomer Bile(罐装饮料 胆汁)
Criado por fine
I hope everyone likes me(希望大家可以喜欢),Both luminous and normal(夜光和法线都有的),Dynamic weapons(动态武器) painter(画师):I don't know(我不知道),I'm sorry(抱歉) Live wallpaper(动态壁纸):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878305581 If you know the painter(如果你知道画师)...
Haku Maid 弱音女仆R-18 V2.1
Criado por 仓鼠箘
What's new: Added R-18 element; Enhanced skin material; Changed pants into transparent; The VMT parameters gloves and pantyhose were also changed to matte color.(in fact this function isn't work in elarlier version) I upgraded the skin texture from 【512×51...
懒懒的白兔-恶毒 替换 佐伊(Lazy White Rabbit-Le Malin replace Zoey)
Criado por 失业的传火主
学校实习的时候随便摸了一个出来 太涩啦 模型:studio chakapo 抱歉 刚刚上传的时候没放贴图 这次应该好了...
流歌ruka 可爆装备R18版本 替换boomer
咱又来整活了,感谢各位在甘城猫猫mod上给予我的支持与鼓励 这次的mod是boomer的mod,正常情况下是穿好衣服的流歌 击杀后变成 全裸 ,同时有几率爆装备(我自己测试大概4到5只左右会爆一次装备)(掉落物为 衣服 裙子 胸罩 高跟鞋) 不多说了,还不赶紧订阅开冲? 瑟瑟流妈的日子来辣!!! 希望不要有人偷传我的mod去别的地方哦! 我会伤心的。QAQ mod内容包括 人物表情(虽然我知道特感几乎没人留意表情,但还是做了) 基础飘动 击杀后变成全裸 有几率爆装备(爆装备本质上是游戏内boomer的碎块,...
Sexy lingerie Haku【弱音情趣内衣】R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Sexy lingerie Haku R-18, replace Nick! Who doesn't love Kidney deficiency Haku sister? Tags: Long hair, lace, lingerie, bikini, patent leather high heels, Kidney deficiency, etc. Characteristic: Face Expression, etc. Adaptation: Lace: white solid - Black t...
TDA Succubus Haku Witch R-18
Criado por Vaz0w
This addon replaces Witch, and it's not for all ages. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IT. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Bylaya -------------------------------------------------------------...
Criado por Tyrant
Long lost fifth =w= Hope you enjoy it!...
r18Dynamic graffiti(动态喷漆包2)
Criado por 博丽灵梦
Dynamic graffiti integration all for 5 pictures can not use in versus without mod sorry my english is not good ...
【R18】涩涩动态喷漆 | Spray | Graffiti
Criado por 秋心
13张动态喷漆 画师 artist:ザンクロー / zankuro 订阅后,选项 — 多人联机 — 喷漆图案 中选择使用 好孩子不要订阅哦 ...
China Dress YanHe(言和旗袍)RNG R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
A China Dress YanHe replace for coach. Dont look her below,She didnt wearing pantz! WARNING: DO NOT POINT YOUR FLASH LIGHT ON HER! Dress: White --> DR (Dark Red) &W RNG; High-Heels: White --> DR&W RNG; Sleeve Removed; Added B&W RNG Lace Gloves And Pantyhos...
[CORE MOD] Realistic Damage
Criado por Ellie
NOTE THAT THIS MOD DOES NOTHING ALONE. YOU NEED COMPATIBLE SURVIVOR MODS https://i.imgur.com/1MsDApO.png https://i.imgur.com/NP3Y6ff.png https://i.imgur.com/Tme7xvg.png This mod is the CORE Mod that is required for the Realistic Damage effects. It contains...
[DMG]Crystal China Dress Miku【水晶旗袍初音】R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Crystal China Dress Miku【水晶旗袍初音】R-18 Replances Coach, this is a R-18 mod, she dressed translucent China dress that you can see her private parts. And add normal map, makes it looks like real clothing ! This is a mod, the stain is grow more with health gett...
Criado por tomaz
PAYDAY: The Heist Style HUD Not exactly a 1:1 recreation of the HUD, but similar, with my own little twist. Features: Similar PD:TH look Teammate health counter Local player and teammate panels aligned to the left. Lowered weapon panel Incapacitated icons ...
Vtuber 兎田 ぺこら/兔田佩克拉/Usada Pekora replace spitter
Criado por Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Peko Peko Peko Peko Peko Peko~!🥕 哈↗️哈↗️哈↗️哈↗️哈↗️哈↗️🥕 推荐搭配语音包一起使用:peko语音包 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/bv1o54y1D7GM Model:td67414 制作不易,喜欢就点个赞吧~...
VTuber Usada Pekora【兎田ぺこら spitter sound】兔田佩克拉spitter语音包
兔田佩克拉 ( 兎田ぺこら / Usada Pekora) 是一名在YouTube活动的VTuber,所属业界团体hololive的成员。 容易感到寂寞的兔耳女孩子。非常喜爱胡萝卜,为了随时可以吃到而随身携带着。 声音高亢的兔耳娘,身穿厚厚毛绒服,在三股辫子插着喜爱的胡萝卜,认为是会流行起来的时尚。 喜欢偶像鉴赏、也非常喜欢观看电影、但不擅长恐怖类型的。 对于成为偶像有着很强的执着。 黑帮极道的腔调弹舌「oraaaaaaaa」 笑声极其魔性「哈↗哈↗哈↗哈↗哈↗哈↗……」 喜欢说「peko~peko~pek...
Scout Gura 发光 Replace scout sniper (glow)
Criado por 薄雪中意晚莲
这次是gura的scout,替换贴图,采用修改动作的v模,喜欢请点赞 手电筒是一个意外,它并不在贴图里面,我也不知道如何删除掉它 模型动作来自:Classic Scout: Tweaked Valve Animations 渲染图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1850429788459377253/EEBAE22784D7BA080536F81DD47A22F7EE10FFEF/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impoli...
CSO mg3 chirisma version
Criado por 多乐美
replacing the M60 ...
Rivers of Blood w/ COD MW19 Anim [Tonfa]
A recompile of 洛兮's addon. This come with Tonfa replacement and a couple of fixed for the model's normal, bump map and additional shader/custom effects. Features: - Glow in the dark and flowing energy map - COD:MW19 anim (w/ added view pos and some reanim)...
CS:GO | Knife = Butterfly Knife (w/ "Knife" Deploy Sound) - axe_break 发光蝴蝶刀=小刀-小刀拿出声
Criado por wx
Butterfly Knife replaces "Knife" (Glow in Dark) > Knife Deploy sound - axe_break w/ Animation (shove/push) w/ Sound w/ Butterfly Knife Deploy Sound w/ Glowing Knife part w/ Light Reflective Handle part >>> All Other Options Machete = BK w/ Butterfly Deploy...
Criado por Dark Star
Siete is a new boss character, so I've ported her over. Includes: Jiggle Physics Hair Physics Zoey Anim https://i.imgur.com/g2C6jUN.png Credits ========================== Main character model and textures: Nexon / DevCat Model Port / Rigging / Face Anim / ...
Siete (Ellis)
Criado por Dark Star
Siete is a new boss character, so I've ported her over. Includes: Jiggle Physics Hair Physics Zoey Anim https://i.imgur.com/g2C6jUN.png Credits ========================== Main character model and textures: Nexon / DevCat Model Port / Rigging / Face Anim / ...
Illustrious Black Chinadress【光辉黑纱旗袍】R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Congratulations on breaking through 4000 followers to myself ! publish a super-porn MOD for welfare! Here comes big sister Illustrious again!, replace Eills. Illustrious is as big as ever + long legs; Tags: Illustrious, White Hair, Blue eye, Chinadress, Hi...
Arisha: Vampire
Criado por Dark Star
Arisha in MixmMatch set. Mainly Silverfox, Apocryphal leather pants, Gothic black hand hat. Voice: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1339890296 Replaces Ellis Credits: Skeletal Rig: InnerQuiet https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/765611...
Sailor Haku【水手服 弱音】3RNG R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
As I said before, I launched the R-18 version this time! Replace Rochelle And this time I designed three skins, which are: 1. Black lace; 2. White original; 3. Red and blue nake legs. Tags: Haku, white hair, red pupil, long hair, lace, sexy JK, pantyhose, ...
刻晴G41 [Hunting Rifle]
Criado por Beau
替换了猎枪 第一次尝试做皮肤 技术有限,暂时没做发光版 原MOD地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611147972&searchtext=g41 ...
Coconut: New Year 2018 (Coach)
Criado por Laffyn
https://i.imgur.com/PJjOvDY.png This is Coconut from Nekopara wearing her Maid Outfit on a New Year design as Coach. She is coming with everything that Raitoningu imported such as; Zoey's Animation, Custom Proportions, and Jigglebones. I added Boomer Bile....
原神联动必胜客 优菈 替换 西装 Replaces Nick
Criado por 阿梓
原神联动必胜客-优菈 替换 西装 replaces Nick 简介/introduction 创作者 / Creator Models/模型出处: miHoYo/绿 Compile/移植: Hehuan(me) 包含内容/Includs W/V models | 第三/第一人称模型 jiggle bones | 飘动骨骼 VRD | VRD骨骼 HUD | HUD flex animation | 表情 Zoey animation | 佐伊动画 允许转载但必须要附上链接和出处,禁止盗用 预览图晚点时候上传...
Criado por Dark Star
Well a new female character was released in "Vindictus" just a week ago. https://i.imgur.com/IaCnAMd.png This new chartacter, "Miul" is a bit special as a source engine character because she uses guns. A Vindictus female that works great in Left 4 Dead! He...
Marie Rose from Dead or Alive 5: Ultimate (Zoey)
Criado por Lois Griffin
BIG FIXES update: - ADDED HAIR RNG (meaning her hair accesories will be random per map (hair accs are her default ones from DOA)) + SHOULDER COAT ACCESORY - eyes are now FIXED - no crashes, now supports multicore rendering - no #instadead character - no ma...
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚M1911替换手枪(replace pistol)[animated skin]
Criado por M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚M1911替换手枪 Credits: Infinity Ward - Models,Texture,sound PYgame.D.Cthulhu -Animations M82A1闇冥 - Materials,compile 2.0 修复枪声 fix gunfire ...
Arknights - Fiammetta Titanfall2 R-6P skin (grenade launcher) glow
Criado por SHArknight
我不喜欢破坏——除非有必要。 给榴弹发射器摸了舟里我最喜欢的炮手肥鸭小姐,ttf原枪太棒了,献上感谢! 原模传送门 Twilight Sparkle Original Mod - Twilight Sparkle 侵删 替换模型,音效,动作 replace model,sound,animation original credits: mav - Assets Extract and Help ShadowRUN 幸運な - Texture Work/Shaders Twilight Sparkle - P...
The Ultimate Murasama Mod (with particles)
Criado por Kur0して
A combination of mods for the most epic Murasama mod! This mod NEEDS 20Cat's Particle Manifest and +Ultra Particle: Texture files in order to work. You can install +Ultra Particle: Weapon effects if you want but it isn't required and it won't break anythin...
Genshin Impact Kamisato Ayaka Springbloom Missive [Rochelle]
Finally got some time. So, whatever, just Happy Chinese new year!!! Replaces Rochelle. 替换二代人物 Rochelle. Models and textures: miHoYo Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish: Me First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Icons |倒地大厅图标 Jiggle Bone |头发动态骨骼 Glow Effect |自发光特效...
Azur Lane 大凤动态医疗包
Criado por 玩apex像吸毒
一鸽就是一年半 不愧是我 碧蓝航线大凤婚纱真的太棒辣 我TM社保!!! 附带夜光 由于是动态 画质不是高清 但一定是流畅的 (其实早就做好了 一直懒得上传...) 普通展示 https://files.catbox.moe/8xpa4t.gif 夜光展示 https://files.catbox.moe/pzol44.gif ...
【明日方舟】RNG 浊心斯卡蒂主题 医疗包 (Medkit)
说明 · 【明日方舟】RNG 浊心斯卡蒂主题 医疗包 (Medkit) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) BiliBili 视频预览 借物表 · Original Model:scream · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/170403704653578...
Criado por 秋善冬華
阳了休息一星期 给大伙摸个mod 改了下飘带的飘动幅度 测试了几个带握把的,已经没之前那种食指 小拇指太小的问题了 这个模型后续不会再更新了,过年再见咯 There will be no subsequent updates. ...
Calabi-Yau: Michelle Lee [Zoey] [DL for ALL Survivors]
Criado por Kokkorylien
Basic Content ● Character models (including light models of Zoey and Francis, model of Bill in c6m3) ● Arm model ● VGUI Model Details ● Anime outline effect ● Anime rendering effect ● False eye tracking ● Jigglebone (with angle restrictions to prevent obvi...
Eira: Blade (Zoey)
Criado por Dark Star
Eira in Blade outfit, nothing else to say Voice: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1735051256 Customize Folder: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2301756490 Includes: ------------------ Hair Physics Clothing Physic...
Eira: Symbiosis
Criado por Dark Star
Eira "Symbiosis" is an outfit style based on, Ghost In The Shell. Includes: ------------------- Hair Physics Clothing Physics Jiggle Physics ------------------- Replaces Rochelle Customize: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2254899768 ...
Eira: Xmas
Criado por Dark Star
Eira in a Christmas/Snow Queen outfit. Voice: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1735051256 Includes: =========== Hair Physics Clothing Physics Jiggle Physics =========== Replaces Rochelle Credits: ======================================...
[战双]粉樱 version 2 replace katana
Criado por Hesh233
relplace katana 替换太刀 Add: voice , animation 替换了声音,更换为源氏拔刀动作 副武器是曲的长柄大刀 替换砍刀版本: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2232856060 replace machete: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2232856060 主武器贴图优化:pioneerZ1Zp 动作提供:梦宫....
崩坏3音乐包 v1.2
Criado por 王嘉然
替换了 tank的音乐 惊扰♂witch的音乐 死亡音乐 安全室的音乐 呼叫救援音乐 救援到达音乐 生还者逃脱音乐 黑色狂欢节演唱会的音乐 v1.1更新内容: 修复了救援到达和生还者逃脱音乐不生效的问题 v1.2更新内容: 1.提升了音质 2.调整了部分音量 3.增加了黑色狂欢节演唱会的音乐...
【印花集】印花集 UZI Printstream
Criado por Nagasaki Soyorin
有生之年懒狗又做枪皮了 大家好啊,我是炎乐,今天来点大家想看的枪皮 帅啊,很帅啊(赞赏) 印花集的珠光效果已经添加了,效果图我就不重新截了,毕竟我是个大懒狗,大家懂的都懂 替换原版的UZI(只替换贴图,动作只是为了演示效果) 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U34y1f79c/ 效果: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2026091658534118598/1085FD1007330576AD1C61428A...
Criado por 只是在画画
替换了下面这些音乐: Tank: Lighting----- 救援: 千年之羽----- 逐暗星辉----- 等待救援: A Sprinkling of Warmth----- 结束: 和你约定 (Instrumental)----- 未来再见 (Instrumental)----- 作者:HOYO-MiX ----------------------------------------------------------- 舰长舰长,甲板打扫了吗 没事的话,再去扫一遍吧...
印花集 双持武士刀
Criado por 偷跑仙人
替换武士刀 希望大家喜欢 视频链接https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1e24y1Y7DV/...
Criado por mmi开心
Smoker = SlenderMan V3 (L4D1/L4D2)
Criado por wx
As you requested, Slender Man from that version, but no custom music. For those who just want its original Raw like the Slenderman V2, and with SlenderMan's Sound Effects just like the game, this is made just for you! >SlenderMan / Slender-Man / Slender Ma...
Shovel decapitation script [Last Stand update!]
Criado por FallFox
Only working on single player or local servers (servers you host) Zombie heads can now be removed with the new Last Stand update melee weapon the shovel! By default the scripts decapitation option is turned off (Idk why?) this enables "decapitates" "1" the...
Marcado como incompatível ]  [R18+] Coomba's Booty Hunter xdR
Another Hunter segg xdReanim mod made by Coomba This also uses the Slot 40 like the rapping one, so they will conflict, but the game will pick a random one everytime you exit/start the game ...
AK47 Reanimation
Criado por Animal33
replace AK47。 Animation and Posting :Animal33/Denny凯妈/zmg Replace the model :Animal33 Models and Materials :Valve animation: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1754735193892624711/B47384252D962AE6167F580A107A310F19D7DFE1/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&...
COD MWRE AK47-Printstream(replace AK47)
咕噜咕噜 【声明】 感谢MHOUND 兔兔滴授权和模型 兔兔主页:https://steamcommunity.com/id/a1015200961 原模型链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2898687197 【作者悄悄话】 视频演示/video preview:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18T411y7Uo 作者B站主页/My BiliBili:https://space.bilib...
[Dynamic] MP5-SD Replace The MP5(CSS)
Criado por 夜空☆Twinkle
我不想做封面啊啊啊啊啊( 简介 【动态】MP5-sd霓虹心跳 替换 MP5(CSS) MP5-sd Replace The MP5(CSS) 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials (虽然和伽拉忒亚一点关系都没有但是我还是贴了伽拉忒亚) (别问,问就是随便贴的) 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LM41117Kz/ ...
[Dynamic] AK47 Replace The AK47
Criado por 夜空☆Twinkle
我不想做封面啊啊啊啊啊( 简介 【动态】AK47霓虹心跳 替换 AK47 AK47 Replace The AK47 有夜光和动态效果 With dynamic and glow materials (虽然和闪刀姬一点关系都没有但是我还是贴了闪刀姬) (别问,问就是随便贴的) 预览 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LM41117Kz/ ...
Magnum reanimation Ver.2
Criado por 苦黄瓜
2021/4/4 update 修复了联网游戏时的动作冲突 Fix the animation bug when playing online /////////////////////////////// 替换马格南手枪 Replace for pistol magnum 因为我感觉去年我制作的那套马格南动作用起来并不太舒服,所以我又大改了一下 Because I stell think the magnum animation I made last year was not so good,so I ...
麻薯替换TANK(带表情)/Mashu Replace Tank(With expression)
此MOD视为创意工坊“群限” 故使用时请不用与下面链接提到的作者的mod一起使用,以免变成直立牲口 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199123455699/myworkshopfiles/ Mod已经更新(2023.5.3) Mod Update(2023.5.3) 添加了一代坦克和牺牲中的坦克皮肤/New cloth added for tank in L4D1 and C7 优化了布娃娃物理/optimize ragdoll physic Credit...
Criado por Yumehi
更换物品拾取音poi?poi? Replaces the item pickup sound with the lines"poi?" ...
玛雅猫猫 替换louis
Criado por 半喇柯基
关于mod冲突: 如果你订阅该mod之后发现与其它mod冲突,请放心使用 个人已经进行了多次筛选,除了红名没有任何其它问题 把头图更一下,省的别人误会 没错,就是你们熟悉的那个美少女! 这次我送来了她的原生版本 包含表情,vrd,飘动,乳摇,屁股摇 和以“proportions”制作的“耳朵”和“尾巴”的100帧间歇性动画、 使她看起来活灵活现的样子 建议配合“裙子修复xdr”来达到裙子不穿模的表现 其余的废话就没有了,希望我的质量能得到你们的认可。 我先发布先行版蹲波反馈,能尽力改就更新版本,改不了我会说...
illustious replace ellis
Criado por 胡德太太
replace ellis with illustrious with spring festival skin using rochelle'skeleton have facial expression, first person arms....
Honkai Impact 3rd twins Replace load Icon
It was done a long time ago. I used it by myself for a long time. Now I want to share it ...
派对臀部替换医疗动作 // Party Hips
Criado por ꧁༒空༒꧂
Party Hips 需要订阅xdReanimsBase,否则没有效果。 同时安装Francis和Louis Reanims兼容的变体或搜索Reanims兼容的替代模型。 Hope you enjoy. If You like it, Click on the collection. don't forget rate up :) 感谢你的订阅和赞 Thank you for your subscription and praise Enjoy and rate 5 :D...
Miku GIF Replace Saferoom Loading Screen
Criado por 聖園未花
A dynamic graph replace saferoom loading background. BGM on video: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2098953191 Low resolution, sorry for the lack of ability....
【明日方舟】覆潮之下 主题 安全屋加载背景 Chapter Loading Background
说明 · 共计8张图片(There are 8 pictures in total) · 图像分辨率为 1920*1080 ,但原图质量不错,所以无伤大雅 · 图片来自明日方舟官方和BliBili UP主“REDのORGE” · 祝使用愉快 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
Onikata Kayoko - Blue Archive
Criado por Cuba
The "Section chief" of Problem Solver 68 Kayoko is a 3rd year student at Gehenna Academy. Unlike the other fixers, Kayoko is not one with ill intentions. However, she is often misunderstood as a delinquent simply due to natural scary facial expressions and...
RE8 Village Umbrella Medical Injector (Adrenaline)
Criado por 8sianDude
A standard issue first aid device provided to Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) soldiers by Blue Umbrella in Resident Evil 8 Village is a sci-fi style medical injector, known simply as "Med Injector" in-game. The rogue Hound Wolf Squad also ...
DesertEagle-Bornbeast from CrossFire
Criado por ClearSkyC
This is Super VIP weapon from CrossFire. About some features: animated texture 3D jigglebone flame eyes Credits: CrossFire - Model/texture ClearSkyC - Animations, texture modifications, original compile. ENJOY~...
NieR:Automata 2B [V2.2] {Rochelle}
You guys should really try this Halloween theme 2B made by Fαтєѕ! ╰→性感火爆小姐姐在綫試玩,比真人荷官在綫發牌還要刺激,點我立馬挺直鶏兒! Have Fun! Replaces Rochelle. 替换二代人物 Rochelle Models and textures:Mikey,TFA Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Icons ...
Snorlax (Boomer)
Criado por Majro
Play the PokéFlute they said, it'll be fine they said... What's large, round, hungry, and about to cover you with its extremely acidic digestive juices? Why, it's a Snorlax, the Sleeping Pokémon! Its thick fat helps it withstand heat, cold and poisoning. W...
【tank】紫薯替换TANK(带表情)/Zishu Replace Tank(With expression)
Criado por TPP
创作者 はむけつ-版权 はむけつ-模型 TPP-编译 小孩子跟风做着玩 2023.2.7 独自抽泣 2023.2.7 更新tank第一人称手模...
【Blue Archive】Sorai Saki's Equipment Bag as Defibrillator
Criado por Kozeki
This is Sorai Saki's equipment bag, it contains some items needed for the survival of Rabbit Platoon. Features: -This mod only contains the world model, you will still use the default chest paddles. You have been warned, Sensei. Credits: NatGames/Nexon - A...
苏菲娜 猫猫女仆装(replace Rochelle or all survivors)
Criado por Fruit milk
其他人物的替换在这里Replacements for other characters are here. 苏菲娜其他7人包sophina Other 7 pack 用sophina替换Rochelle 其他7人包现已可用 头发和尾巴的颜色会随时间变色,大概在4分钟左右变一次 原始模型作者:Luku booth 我对这个模型没有任何版权,我只是把它移植过来。 sophina replace Rochelle The color of the hair and tail will change over ti...
这个mod是以下两个mod整合的。 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 救援播音机,集装箱,涂鸦:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2937181197 海报:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895586092 本mod:替换海报涂鸦安全屋和外面墙上全部替换,还有救援播音机,集装箱,集装箱还有部分没做完,后面会补上。 后面还会进行优化。( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ 涩图都...
Miku Hatsune Replace Witch! [FIXED]
This is the final mod with the same sounds and music but the color now are the originals :D Enjoy and rate 5 :D...
Sakura Miku Replace Witch
Criado por Ronata
Sakura Miku in Witch Mode :D It change the Model,Sound, and Music of the Witch Model Credit to : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126001534 Image Credit to : http://ichigimy.deviantart.com/art/Seasons-451972420...
(R18)ursica喷漆第1期(ursica sprays1)
Criado por 米卡
足控警告,共8张喷漆,画师:ursica 懒得打码了,从八张里找个不漏的当封面好了 ps:其实有几十张差分,不过我捡变化大的做成喷漆了 该画师图片较多,要分几期,每一期干脆只做一个角色好了...
Claire: Black Kat
Criado por Dark Star
Preset Folder: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2278838745 Claire, a boss fight I have dressed in a Black Cat suit Includes: =========== Hair Physics Clothing Physics Jiggle Physics =========== Replaces Ellis https://i.imgur.com/wyPWX...
mur cat [jockey]
Criado por kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's mua cat replace jockey in game. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这是模型作者的配布地址 https://3d.nicovideo.jp/works/td62710 这次是mua猫装替换了jockey 希望大家喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces jockey...
六小龄童jockey 语音包
Criado por 蒜蓉炒面
改编不是乱编,戏说不是胡说,今年上半年,炒面制作的求生之路正式开机,我将继续扮演美猴王jockey弘扬求生文化,文体两开花,希望大家多多支持 本人b站:UID44627725 希望大家点个关注哟! 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av42829378 替换了jockey的语音和骑人bgm, 刷出jockey:一堆六学语录 骑头上:美女调戏八戒bgm,重复:师傅!走!(多种六学词汇) 受到攻击:晶晶 死亡:我正版西游记 推荐订阅突变模式:300jockey,,,,然后你...
Nero jockey表情基础/Nero jockey expression base
仅适配Nero 替换jockey(带表情)/Just for Nero Repalce jockey(With Expression) 占用栏位33 Occupies SLOT 33 ...
Nero 替换Jockey(带表情)/Nero Repalce jockey(With expression)
Credits: 编译人物模型/Complie Infected Model:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 特色 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones 表情/Expression 可能是工坊第一个有表情的jockey MOD/May be the first jockey MOD that upload to workshop get expression 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll <-需要在首次订阅后重启游戏生效/Should be funct...
【原神/Genshin】宵宫 Yoimiya Replaces Coach
Criado por ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 观海子(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Glowing God Eye(夜光神之眼) · Jiggle Bone...
Honkai Impact Raiden mei The Herrscher Of Thunder Incomplete Replaces Nick 崩坏3芽衣雷之律者 未变身状态替换尼克
Criado por ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Raiden Mei The Herrscher Of Thunder Incomplete.it replaces Nick in game. 崩坏3芽衣雷之律者未变身状态替换游戏内尼克 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Nick 替换 Nick -------------------------...
Russian streetfighting horde
Criado por Eric the Pig
Change the sound when a lot of zombies is coming ...
Arknights Frostnova CS:GO Tactical Awareness Grenade(Pipe-Bomb)(Glow)
Criado por 42Hitchhiker_AID
Это было, когда улыбался 长眠者遍野 Только мертвый, спокойствию рад. 他们行将解脱,他们终会欢欣 а то, что случилось, 替亡者 Пусть черные сукна покроют, 盖上黑色呢绒 И пусть унесут фонари. . . 吹熄火把夜灯 Ночь. 只留下无尽,在长夜-- Уже безумие крылом 癫狂煽动它的翅膀 Души накрыло половину, 笼罩我逾半的灵魂 И поит...
空崎日奈 | M60 泳装hina | Luminous
Criado por 呐呐呐~~~
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转�? This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 泳装hina替换M60 夜光 手臂长度建议80 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Eg4y1x72o/ 模型:Blue A...
蔚蓝档案 砂狼白子(Blue Archive Shiroko)
Criado por 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换francis,变成了砂狼白子)This character is a replacement francis and becomes Shiroko 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ...
雷诺 Replace 佐伊
Criado por 诗绮美 / Shikimi
————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Zoey. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ➧ Credits: 梦依羽 For the original upload (I asked his permission before compile her to Zoey). ——————————————————————————————————————...
蔚蓝档案 小鸟游星野(Blue Archive Hoshino)
Criado por 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换zoey,变成了小鸟游星野)This character is a replacement zoey and becomes Hoshino 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the chara...
Blue archives Seal Painting
Blue archives Seal Painting This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1836930328230758418/A073C5ADF21ED6F7C44396019EBF2F29308B470A/?imw=5000&imh=5000...
【Blue Archive】Sunaookami Shiroko SG553 Replaces SG552
Criado por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
Blue archives Head Shot Special effects
Blue archives Head Shot Special effects【爆头特效】 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places Cure the Pedophilia. One Bullet At A Time The icon of the head popping special effect has a luminous eff...
Honkai Impact 3 Bronya - Breaking and entering the lurid rabbit Replace the silenced submachine gun
Honkai Impact 3 Bronya - Breaking and entering the lurid rabbit Replace the silenced submachine gun It was a failed test MOD, I was gonna try multiple muzzle fires, but I don't know why it didn't work. And then you take the leftovers and you make them like...
Cat Girl Haku【弱音 猫耳】HP-DMG R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Cat Girl Haku, HP-DMG, replace Zoey. Tags: Haku, Cat Girl, White hair, Red eyes, Ponytail, Dress, Black Silky Pantyhose,Black Lace long silky gloves Black Leather Red sole Heels, Clothes take off, HP-DMG, R-18. This is HP-DMG, no need to subscribe any othe...
【碧蓝档案】戒野美咲替换比尔/[Blue archive]Misaki Replace Bill
Credits: 人物模型作者/Original model author:ちくわエグゼ様 编译人物模型/Complie Survivor Model:Me 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll:Me 特涩 /Features 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones (她的前发不会穿过额头/Her front hair will not swing through her head) 表情/Expression 自定义布娃娃/Custom Ragdoll <-需要在首次订阅后重启游戏生效/Should b...
Criado por 梦依羽
和手模奋斗了好久,还是做不好 我太菜了 七月七号更新 重新制作了一下添加了自发光 尝试着做了表情 优化了一点点手模 裙子的vrd依旧没生效,弄不明白 ...
【原神冲击】乔吉|胡涛 Replace 弗朗西斯
Criado por 诗绮美 / Shikimi
————————————————————————————————————————————————— This addon replaces Francis. ————————————————————————————————————————————————— ➧ Credits: 오연서 For the original upload (I asked his permission before compile her to Francis). ————————————————————————————————...
ganyu replace zoey r18
Criado por 黑桃
ganyu replace zoey r18 there are something NSFW --------------------------------------------- model origin:guanhai,MDJSN --------------------------------------------- i don`t write too much because of my poor English. --------------------------------------...
初始服 神楽七奈 替换 coach
泳装!不是h的衣服!!!是这才不是胖次呢!!! 常服的狗妈,替换coach,狗妈真的太可爱了,狠狠地亲亲!!! mod包含该有都有的基础配置,人物表情,vrd骨骼。 很久没更新了,想了想还是打算把这个mod发出来,但是我希望能说几句话。 mod的制作是费时费力的,创意工坊的mod都是作者用爱发电的,希望某些人不要把这些当作理所当然的。作者不欠你什么。 mod有免费的也有收费的,你希望有你想要的mod就自己找模型,带着大米找作者定制,不要伸手就说我要。 还有之前的风波,有人觉得定制的收费太贵了,但是一个mod...
Criado por 秋善冬華
每次添加链接就被隐藏,抱歉啊大伙这是补最后一次了 ...
かぐらなな KaguraNana [coach]
Criado por kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's vtuber KaguraNana replace coach in game. 喜欢我的mod就加群鸭 945760874 这次是老婆妈妈的新衣服替换了coach! 圣诞到了给妈妈送件新衣服不是很正常嘛 而且我心情好做了表情 有老板出资让我发那个八重樱老婆的新衣服 那就过几天 给大家爽⑧ 喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动...
2022 9 24更新 完全重做版本 vtb 神楽七奈 狗妈 猫耳新衣服 替换 eills DD斩首!!
有人反馈说想要个eills版本的神乐七奈,尾巴飘动骨骼数值修改过,除此之外和nick版本没有区别 具体描述可以看nick版本的,不再叙述。祝食用愉快 演示bv号:BV1ue4y1d7s5 更新日志2022 7 27 修正眼睛周围发白效果,减小mod体积 更新日志 2022 9 24 完全重做mod,拥有正常的表情和更好的飘动 ...
神楽七奈 新衣服 带外套版本 替换佐伊 zoey 再次重做版
w我的预想已经实现的差不多了,这也是为了回应一位我很喜欢的up的委托,制作了这个版本。 后续我会补上没有外套版本和这个版本的八人包 作为我b站1000粉丝的福利 希望获取的话加我的QQ群吧,我会在制作完成后公布群号。 mod包括 第一人称,第三人称模型 飘动骨骼 人物表情 祝使用愉快 八人包已经制作完成,加群自取:655077118 当倒勾把你头盖骨敲碎 加群没有密码限制,重新申请即可。...
【Left 4 Dead 2】[WACTOR]星奈铃/HoshinaSuzu replace Nick
Criado por ERROR
XUG_xiaoxuegao制作,替换二代生还者尼克 本模型为同人二创作品,是虚拟主播【星奈铃-官方WACTOR】的形象 主播主页 https://space.bilibili.com/1089059487 直播间 https://live.bilibili.com/23089686 配布视频 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LA4y1979y =================== ◇使用模型请在简介中或片尾署名作者: 模型:Francesca 表情/绑定:客官IIII...
小鳥遊 ホシノ(水) | Autoshotgun - 小鳥遊星野(水) の 一代连喷 | Luminous
Criado por Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places 小鳥遊 ホシノ(水) | replace the Auto Shotgun | Luminous 小鳥遊星野(水) | 替换 一代连喷 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/u...
聖園 ミカ | Uzi - 圣园未花 の Uzi冲锋枪 | Luminous
Criado por Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places Mika / 聖園 ミカ | replace the UZI | Luminous Mika / 圣园未花 | 替换 UZI冲锋枪 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc...
Jeanne Alter Berserker (Nick)
Criado por AvengedDeathAlert
Wear less clothing to hit harder. Features - VGUI HUD textures. - FPS arms. - Boomer vomit texture. - Custom proportion. - TLS Third person bones. - Eye tracking. - 20,000+ Vertices. Credits あかね: Fate Grand Order MMD model Pacagma: Gmod Port ...
Blue Archive - Miyu
Criado por Polandick
Blue Archive Miyu replace Zoey 碧蓝档案 美游 代替 Zoey 蔚藍檔案 碧蓝档案 Blue Archive 블루 아카이브 ブルーアーカイブ Model by MOMO_RUI twitter - https://twitter.com/hswangrui2008 bilibili - 莫莫睿 Model sketchfab - https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/108d81dfd5a44dab92e4dccf0cc51a02 Features ...
【崩坏三/Honkai Impact 3】爱莉希雅-无暇之人 Elysia Replaces Rochelle
Criado por 莉丝妲黛
Your comments and feedback are welcome 说明 / Explain 【崩坏3】爱莉希雅(Elysia)-无暇之人 此作品献给所有热爱爱莉希雅的游戏玩家。 (This mod is dedicated to all gamers who love Elysia ) 她们的故事已然落幕,我们的故事仍在继续,不是吗! 【崩坏3】动画短片「因你而在的故事」 替换生还者(HReplace the survivors) 落雪儿(Rochelle) version 1.1 祝使用愉快~...
DOA6 Marie Rose玛丽罗斯 (Costume 13) Rochelle
Criado por AbyssFaZe
bilibili 青凰儿丷 平时发单通 喜欢mod的话也可以b站点个赞支持一下 原本doa6的面部骨骼太多了 而且点数也超多 一减点模型又会坏 所以拼的xvv里玛丽的头 添加hud可能不兼容,请使用官方hud避免小影响 Use the official hud or a compatible hud. 请不要要求我做一些指定的皮肤,我根据自己喜好做,然后分享给大家 Please don't ask me to do some specified skin, I will do it according to...
Jeanne Alter 3rd Ascension (Francis)
Criado por AvengedDeathAlert
Fluffy Jeanne is fluffy. Features - VGUI HUD textures. - FPS arms. - Boomer vomit texture. - Custom proportion. - TLS Third person bones. - Eye tracking. - 30,000+ Vertices. Credits GDL, Delightworks, Sega AM2: Fate Grand Order Arcade model Cyanbloom: Gmod...
碧蓝档案 体操服玛丽 替换弗朗西斯 Blue Archive
碧蓝档案的 玛丽(体操服),登场。替换francis mod内容: 第一人称和第三人称模型 人物表情 飘动骨骼 vrd骨骼 模型来自恋活提取,恋活人物卡作者为:tokiboy 喜欢的话球球点个赞呗QAQ 对玛祷至昏!!! ...
蔚蓝档案 MOD(Blue Archive MOD)
Criado por 月悠红茶
————下载在B站视频简介里———— 碧蓝档案MOD 第一版(Blue Archive MOD V1) MOD download : https://www.gamemaps.com/details/21517 B站视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ze4y1h72g youtube video: https://youtu.be/twah--rxg5U 碧蓝档案MOD 第二版(Blue Archive MOD V2) MOD download : https://w...
【Blender】LX武士刀 替换武士刀 (katana)
Criado por 洛兮
上一个相同的mod中说有非法链接,导致我无法修改和删除,同学们请订阅这个,谢谢! 替换武士刀,replace katana 包含:颜色贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normal map) 模型(model):洛兮—blender自制 贴图(texture):洛兮—substance painter自制 动作(animation):https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2817203330 如果你喜欢这个作品,请点赞,收藏,关...
DOAXVV Nyotengu - Bouquet Camellia [DL] Zoey
Criado por 丁真
请多多支持我们帅气的作者abyss,就是我头像下边的这位大佬,多多给他点赞订阅送送小礼物 阿里嘎多哦~ 我所上传的人物MOD均为我老公ABYSS所做,宝贝们注明原作者时请指定他哦 注意 如果你是国人玩家,最好从MOD下方的合集里在检查一下是否有被隐藏的MOD 因为工坊锁国区的缘故,有些Mod一但贴上成人标签就会被隐藏,国人是看不到的,合集不受影响 你必须打开成人偏好,才会显示一部分。而且即使打开偏好,有些MOD也会搜不到 If you like this mod, please like support T...
aug but is girls' frontline and low cost ( nick)
Criado por mahou shoujo XzDash
mommy gaming and no no horny mode very sad or not 一樣沒人看得懂也沒人會看的描述格式 媽咪遊戲 矮人家族 捏完模型第一件事不是轉過來 是玩腿 yes yes yes 同樣配方同樣味道 關於顏色 別想了 那部份都是照我個人喜好在作的 不是黑的就是白的 這次白的原因很簡單 因為對我來說這是可愛優雅媽咪色情兼具的方案 我覺得很適合 然後這個不可以色色 因為堆料堆得太嚴重發現會爆 然後因為拖更拖太爽 週期一長就會有各部位品質不一的現象這是很正常的 因為堆料嚴重導致不...
Rapi from Nikke (Replaces Nick)
Criado por AngelLeyend
Comision de un amigo, esperen mas Skins de Nikke Pronto Incluye: •Modelo 3ra persona •Brazos 1ra persona •Iconos de HUD •Fisicas Creditos: • SHIFT UP Corporation y Level Infinite por el modelo 3D • Señor Funeral por su prefab para los iconos del HUD...
Marian from NIKKE (Replaces Ellis)
Criado por AngelLeyend
Comision de un amigo, Ya esta el Full Team ahora Incluye: •Modelo 3ra persona •Brazos 1ra persona •Iconos de HUD Creditos: • SHIFT UP Corporation y Level Infinite por el modelo 3D • Señor Funeral por su prefab para los iconos del HUD ...
【Flower Dance】 Deadmanstale
Criado por IRyr1ou
【Flower Dance】replace Spas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the second mod made by newcomers, I hope you like it Thanks to Yoie, 超级小咪 for their guidance, and thanks to 奶白的雪子 夜幕降临 for modifying...
Bunny Girls All Stars【兔女郎 群星】
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Bunny Girls Overhauls for 8 survivors 其中 Bill" "as Yae Sakura" Zoey" "as Haku Ringlet" Francis" "as Haku" Louis" "as Toki" Nick" "as Haku Ponytail" Rochelle" "as Yae Sakura" Ellis" "as Lumine" Coach" "as Bronya" Features: Modified the default human-machine...
TDA Sailor Swimsuit Haku Replaces Bill Tda 泳装水手服 弱音 替换 比尔
Criado por ☆麻辣香锅☆
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ ----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Haku.It replaces Bill in game. 泳装水手服弱音 替换游戏内比尔 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是...
【少女前线2:追放】托洛洛【AK-Alfa】 替换 Zoey
Criado por 凯茜帕鲁格
【注】:未经本人允许禁止修改并二次发布该MOD,如有需要还请告知我并在简历里附上该MOD的出处,否则一律视为盗取 更新:2023/8/2 【修复了左肩扭曲的bug,增加了法线贴图和高光贴图使模型拥有更多细节】 更新:2023/7/24 【将两瓶伏特加绑在了挎包上】 更新:2023/7/23【将模型放大了10%】 使用【少女前线2:追放】的角色【托洛洛 AK-Alfa】替换了一代人物佐伊 头发和衣服可以飘动,没有表情 模型来源:【少女前线2:追放】 MOD制作者:鸠白千夏 MOD发布者:鸠白千夏 什么叫中国速...
大鳳 / Taihou "Enraptured Companion"/ "Race Queen" [Replace Zoey]
Criado por Noel
//// THE UNOFFICIAL RELEASE //// big booba boat girl Fixed the Realistic DMG that makes her go naked when down'd *The REUPLOAD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2927633368 Includes: =========== Hair Physics Clothing Physics Jiggle Phys...
飛鳥馬トキ / Asuma Toki (Bunny Suit) [Replace Rochelle]
Criado por Noel
//// THE UNOFFICIAL RELEASE ///// UOOOOOHHH TOKI MY QUEEN ToT ToT ToT ToT I remember when Toki's bunny suit came out and my Twitter feed just got bombarded with Toki Fanart AND SO TOKI BROS WE ARE EATING GOOD TODAY. *Not my work but this cool guy does http...
飛鳥馬トキ / Asuma Toki (Bunny Suit) [Replace Zoey]
Criado por Noel
//// THE UNOFFICIAL RELEASE //// THE COOL CALM BEAUTY TOKI I remember when Toki's bunny suit came out and my Twitter feed just got bombarded with Toki Fanart AND SO TOKI BROS WE ARE EATING GOOD TODAY. *Not my work but this cool guy does https://steamcommun...
大鳳 / Taihou "Enraptured Companion"/ "Race Queen" [Replace Rochelle]
Criado por Noel
//// THE UNOFFICIAL RELEASE //// big booba boat girl Fixed the Realistic DMG that makes her go naked when down'd *The REUPLOAD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2927633368 Includes: =========== Hair Physics Clothing Physics Jiggle Phys...
【碧蓝档案】飛鳥馬トキ替换Ellis(replace ellis)
Criado por 青山因雪白头
佐伊动作 头发,兔耳飘动 表情:眨眼,张嘴 扩大盆骨,加了光环,而外加了点表情 ...
(Japanese) Aponia voice for Tank
Criado por Übel
Finally Aponia voice replace Tank voice all of them. + i replace almost everything or maybe all of them from the game Honkai impact 3rd yes iplayed the HI3 and recorded the voice when atk/ultimate/get hit/ and die. pretty much only in battle voice i have r...
Criado por 艾INFINITY艾
https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198806171279/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550&browsesort=myfavorites&browsefilter=myfavorites&p=1 ????? Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as...
Aponia-Twisted Chain Tank Theme
Criado por Übel
Aponia Theme for Tank music Sorry is not the concert version. i will uplode it fast as possible....
REUPLOADED Steam Workshop::Honkai Impact 3rd Aponia replaces tank
Criado por 艾INFINITY艾
?????? Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwis...
[Apex]Showstoppers(Seer Heirloom)
Criado por shu
Replace frying pan . It has 3 additional deploy animations, which are not available in multiplayer.Only the deploy animation in Figure 2 will appear when connect to someone else's server. Facing an item or downed teammate triggers the inspect animation. It...
Titanfall 2 - C.A.R SMG
Criado por Twilight Sparkle
Starting with the SMGs i bring you now the C.A.R., so the C.A.R. (Combat Advanced Round) will replace the ("Silenced SMG") as it comes with its usual stuff such as its original animations and sounds, so yeah not much to say other than i hope you guys like ...
Titanfall2 CAR Animated Skin
Criado por HK560
说明 Readme 明日方舟浊心斯卡蒂动态皮肤 Titanfall2 CAR Skadi Animated Skin 本动态皮肤为 "Titanfall2 - C.A.R SMG" 的reskin ,一同订阅了该作品才能使皮肤生效。 Replace Silenced SMG 给泰坦陨落2的CAR做的一个动态皮肤,本来是用在泰坦陨落2上面的,然后试着移植到l4d2这边来,不过得阉割不少东西缩减分辨率,效果还行吧。 Bili预览视频 这是我第一个L4D2的MOD 也是第一个创意工坊作品,希望大家喜欢。 有任何问...
[碧蓝档案] [Blue Archive] 霞沢美游垃圾桶替换tank巨石 花冈柚子箱替换树桩
垃圾兔真可爱 2023.12.20更新 1.垃姬桶替换tank投掷的巨石(桶里有美游) 垃姬桶,美游,武器,小树叶替换巨石落地后的产生的碎石 现在不会有任何未替换的碎石(至少在测试图没有,空爆就不知道了) 2.女仆柚子纸箱替换tank投掷的树桩 纸箱,柚子,武器,鸡毛掸子替换树桩碎块 有两个碎块未替换 想不出用啥 均有夜光和lightwarp效果 垃姬桶部分的预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19c41127f9 柚子箱部分的预览视频:https://www.bil...
Bronya Zaychik Uniform【布洛妮娅 OL制服】RNG R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
There's 8 kinds of RNG skins, which are: 1 All clothes, 2 No Suit, 3 No Skirt, 4 No Inner, 5 No Suit and Skirt, 6 No Inner and Bra, 7 No Suit and Inner, 8 Blank. In addition, Pantyhose has been designed flashlight translucent, so it won't join the RNG seri...
B4B HUD 自用版2.0
Criado por Tsukasa Sato
YuuSorata的Back 4 Dead Reduced HUD修改版,用了Beau的素材,如侵权请联系我删除。 YuuSorata's Back 4 Dead Reduced HUD modified version, does not conflict with any mod, uses Beau rhyme material, such as infringement please contact me to delete. ...
伊落マリー | 沙鹰 玛丽(体操服)
Criado por 呐呐呐~~~
这简介我懒得再写了,复制都懒得再复制了,反正懂的都懂,不懂的去翻之前的作品的简介看。还是那句话,认准B站作者:CY火余 (*^▽^*) 模型:碧蓝档案,Blue Archive 体操服玛丽替换沙鹰马格南,演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aw41187PX ...
和泉元艾米 | SPAS-12 艾米 | Luminous
Criado por 呐呐呐~~~
此Mod仅在我的steam工坊发布,禁止任何未经允许的二次修改上传及转载 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit secondary modification and upload to other places. 艾米替换二代连喷SPAS-12 夜光 手臂长度建议80 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 80 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Gs4y1m7HJ 模型:Blu...
【R18】各种本子刊 replace doors
Criado por sanfermin
用多达15种的本子刊替换大多数门 replace Most doors...
[印花集] QBZ-191 Tactical × [东方] 魔理沙印花主题之集(SG552)
Criado por ZLMMG德丽傻
QBZ-191 Tactical 替换 SG552 ——改进了模型贴图 ——并且带有夜光效果 ——更新了描边版本:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3165273433 -——Improved model textures ——and has a glow-in-the-dark effect ——There is no model stroke effect for the time being, and may be added...
vrc 青柠 ENIGMA 替换 尼克 Vrc lime ENIGMA mage Replace Nick
又可爱又性感的lime! 忙啊,很忙啊(指太忙一个月没发)绝对不是鸽子! 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 局部夜光 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 —————————————— 请不要二次发布或随意修改 8人包会在确认没有bug后发布...
Lime replace Coach
Criado por 抹茶芝士
请不要二次上传至任何公共社区 Please do not re-upload this mod 描述/Description 替换/Replace:Coach 飘动骨骼/Jiggle bones vrd 表情/Expression 是可爱的双马尾Lime(〃'▽'〃) 想给自己做八个双马尾就不会挡住好看的医疗包mod了。 第一次发布的一个打包动作订阅破万了,感谢大家的喜爱,这次给大家带来一个可爱的人物mod。 Lime的大袖子修了好久才让它不怎么挡视野 如果你喜欢这个mod的话,请给我一个赞吧 Give m...
COD:MW2022 P890 akimbo
Criado por BaiF*ckmouse
P890 akimbo from Modern Warfare 2022. I have got to delete tactical device of left pistol because of the limit of meshes. :( Appreciate for help and technical guide from@dest1yo If there is any BUG,leave a comment and I will try to fix it ASAP. Hope you gu...
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】茶话会 主题三色RNG COD:MW2022 P890 akimbo
Criado por 香風 智乃
【蔚蓝档案/Blue Archive】茶话会 主题三色RNG COD:MW2022 P890 akimbo 替换 小手枪 Replace Pistol https://s2.loli.net/2024/01/21/WYZImVDgl6UeFCH.gif 原mod由工坊作者@BaiF*ckmouse 制作,感谢作者的辛苦付出! 原mod地址:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2918905505 今天给大家带来茶话会主题的小手枪 是自...
Arknights: Endfield Angelina
Criado por Vaz0w
This addon replaces Nick. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: HYPERGRAPH Extract: MonoCereal --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; Zoey Animation; VG...
Aether Gazer: Onirii [Bill & Other Survivors]
Criado por Kokkorylien
Credits: Modeller - Aether Gazer Original Model Distribution - www🐟aplaybox🐟com/details/model/ZMU4WnYqv0wz Copyright -「Aether Gazer」 Compiler - Kokkorylien (bilibili UID: 2100612) Content: character model. arm model. flex animation / facial expression. vgu...
vrc 玛雅猫猫 舞夜黑曜石 替换 比尔 Vrc Maya Obsidian replaces Bill
一只酷maya! 本mod包括以下内容: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 以“proportions”制作的“耳朵”和“尾巴”的间歇性动画、使她看起来活灵活现 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) —————————————— 2023.8.26 修正比尔尸体材质问题,修正静态表情不生效的问题 去除手套以临时解决闪烁问题 —————————————— 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非...
Criado por Azhe
给天才少女智商⑨做的动态喷漆(。^▽^)" 让尾巴摇起来吧!...
【明日方舟】斯卡蒂喷漆 (2) (含r18)
Criado por 帅 大陈子 帅
发布的第二个mod 一共10张图 之前的bug已修复 1到4是表情包 5到10是涩图...
[R18]animated spray
Criado por 欲望Lv10
R18 warning just one try...
dynamic crosshair
Criado por 灵空寂灭
created for my own using...
Tactical DELTAFLAIR Replace Nick
Criado por 抹茶芝士
When battling zombies, make sure to prepare your battle equipment. Replace Nick preview 1/31 Fixed VGUI Decrease model verticies ...
Kokkorylien's Static Expression Platform (K'SEP 1.3)
Criado por Kokkorylien
What is it? This mod (referred to as KSEP) allows the survivor mods that support it to express static expressions. When you don't need its functionality, just disable it because it's not necessary. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/214433587683860...
玛雅猫猫 舞夜 華折 hanaori Maya 替换路易斯 replaces Louis
Maya,Maya,Maya!! 本mod包括以下内容: vrd vgui(使用了其他风格而非原版的倒地图标) 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 以“proportions”制作的“耳朵”和“尾巴”的间歇性动画、使她看起来活灵活现 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・) 如果无聊可以加萌新的小群哦,群号740374751密码:笨蛋...
Vrc s妹 黑曜石 替换 比尔 Vrc selestia Obsidian replaces Bill
酷酷的s妹 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 夜光 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 如果无聊可以加萌新的小群哦,群号740374751 密码:笨蛋 ...
【崩坏:星穹铁道】花火 替换zoey sparkle replace zoey
Criado por .恋恋.
模型来源:模之屋 模型:给你柠檬椰果养乐多你会跟我玩吗/miHoYo 花火替换佐伊 sparkle replace zoey 内容:飘动骨骼,细分夜光,xgui,第一人称 萌新制作,制作不易,不喜勿喷~ 喜欢的话能否给我点个小小的赞�? 崩铁第一个拿捏我xp的角色,太可爱了!已经在攒票的路上力�? 袖子我没什么解决方法,就只能让它这样了QWQ ...
Blue Archive Live2D Main Menu
Criado por act01
This Mod includes (In order): Sunaookami Shiroko (Swimsuit ver.) with OST 120. Dive into Summer by Mitsukiyo Sorai Saki (Swimsuit ver.) with OST 165. Up to 21°C by Nor Tsukiyuki Miyako (Swimsuit ver.) with OST 09. Midsummer Cat by Mitsukiyo Kasumizawa Miyu...
[KSEP] Maya x OATH Jacket [Bill] [All Survivors]
Criado por Entropy ManG0
Merry Christmas~! Preview Video Bilibili - BV1Sp4y1T7r7 Content Character models (including Bill Deathmodel in Campaign "The Passing" ) Arm model Icons Main Characteristics Less Self-luminous (1%) Static expression (requires KSEP) Custom Attachments Positi...
舞夜 · 克洛伊 [Nick] [KSEP]
Criado por Kokkorylien
Good at the end of the year~ Video ● Bilibili → BV12H4y117cj Basic Content ● Character models (including light models of Zoey and Francis, model of Bill in c6m3) ● Arm models ● Icons Main Characteristics ● Self-luminous ● Static expression (requires KSEP) ...
舞夜 - Hyper Tech Evo -ZEricyc- [Coach] [KSEP]
Criado por Kokkorylien
Video ● Bilibili → BV1qe411k71t Basic Content ● Character models (including light models of Zoey and Francis, model of Bill in c6m3) ● Arm models ● Icons (including vmt for dynamic icons) Main Characteristics ● Self-luminous ● Static expression (requires K...
Vrc 舞夜玛雅猫猫 水色哥特裙 Aqua Gothic Skirt Maya 替换弗朗西斯 replaces Francis
Maya,Maya,Maya!! 本mod包括以下内容: vrd(修个穿模修一年系列) vgui(使用了其他风格而非原版的倒地图标) 飘骨 表情(绝对生效还好看) 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 以“proportions”制作的“耳朵”和“尾巴”的间歇性动画、使她看起来活灵活现 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ —————————————— 2023.8.11 修改了一下贴图分...
Arknights: Endfield Chen Qianyu
Criado por Vaz0w
This addon replaces Ellis. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: HYPERGRAPH Extract: MonoCereal --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; Zoey Animation; V...
Arknights: Endfield Perlica
Criado por Vaz0w
This addon replaces Coach. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: HYPERGRAPH Extract: MonoCereal --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; Zoey Animation; V...
[R18+] Hunter Segg Sound
Replaces fleshy sound with segg noises - uses with THE hunter xdR mod Included HD version if you have custom sound cache...
Criado por 春田在手
用大声娇喘替换猎人hunter控制音乐 素材来源: 草野優衣 要是觉得声音太大或太小,可以在设置里调一下音乐音量。 配合此动作Mod一起食用更佳: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2921381358&searchtext=%E8%A2%ABhunter ...
Girls' Frontline WA2000 (Hunting Rifle)
Criado por Kagarino Kirie
Basically an idea from an user on the workshop. Make her useable as a gun. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kagarinokirie - Credits: + Mode...
Bunny Girl Sakura Debaunched【兔女郎八重樱 恶堕】
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Replaces common_male_tanktop_jeans; 替换背心牛仔男僵尸。 八重樱原本是一名活泼可爱的兔女郎,她跟着一队幸存者一路游荡,深受其她少女们的喜爱。然而,一天晚上,她被一个长舌怪蜀黍偷袭绑架并关押在一个阴暗的地下室里。 在那里,八重樱遭受了严重的虐待和折磨,她被迫穿上性感的兔女郎服装,并被迫执行各种羞辱性的任务。这段时间让她心灵受到了极大的创伤,她开始逐渐失去了对人性的信任和希望。 最终,在经历了长时间的折磨和煎熬后,八重樱感到自己已经无法再回到过去那个快乐无忧的自己。她决定接受...
Blonde Maid Debauched【金发女仆 恶堕】R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Replace common_male_tanktop_overalls During escape from the horde, Blonde Maid unfortunately found she being trap by strange horde, while other three girls couldn't save her, left her alone and escape by vehicle, only herself been caressed & fed milk, fina...
Illustrious Lace Pajamas【光辉睡裙】R-18 for Common Infected
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Illustrious Lace Pajamas replace for Careful, Big sister Illustrious dosen't fear your Pipe bomb, and has a little more HP than others. Tags: Illustrious, Lace Pajamas, Lace, Pantyhose, White Hair, Blue eye, Long hair, High heel, R-18 Features: Change from...
Bunny Girl Haku for Riot【兔女郎弱音-城管】R-18
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Bunny Girl Haku replace for Firstly thanks for @MLUI 's video Guide! The reason why I chose to replace for Riot Common infected is because the Riot's weakness is its back, and Bunny Haku's back also dosen't wearing clothes... By the way, Miss Haku trend to...
Christmas Luò Tīanyī【洛天依 圣诞装】
Criado por 仓鼠箘
Luò Tīanyī with Christmas red dress, replace for Louis. Christmas blessings may be late, but never be absent! Tags: Christmas, skirt, leg ring, stocking, red high heels, dual horsetail haircut, Luò Tīanyī, SFW... Features: Facial Expression; Weapon Bone; T...
露露缇雅 幽灵 替换coach
Criado por 秋善冬華
失踪人口复活,过完年了给大伙摸两个mod 改非适配挺花时间的,可以的话给我点个蛋好吗 ( 感谢你的订阅和点赞,下个人物等我有空就摸出来 Thank you for your subscription and praise 2.26更新 修复了给队友打包跟拉人手臂交叉的问题,平时做完还真不怎么检查这几个动作来着 3.12更新 衣服法线贴图补全...
Criado por 秋善冬華
咕咕咕 还有一个替换露娜的近期就上传 Thank you for your subscription and praise 感谢你的点赞与订阅...
M16 sniper edition
Criado por Zaeryn
M16 replaces the Military Sniper/MSG90A1 on ImBrokeRU's ported animations. Credits: Twinke Masta - models, textures Stoke - suppressor/vertgrip models, textures Unknown - model hacking ImBrokeRU - animations arby26 - animation porting/re-rigging Doktor hau...
Vrc 青柠 小猫炸弹 替换 路易斯 Vrc lime KITTY BOMB replaces Louis
可爱的Lime的猫猫! 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 局部夜光 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 —————————————— 请不要二次发布或随意修改 8人包会在确认没有bug后发布 —————————————— 如果无聊可以加萌新...
Vrc 青柠 居家服 替换 弗朗西斯 Vrc lime relaxRoomWear Replace Francis
冬天居家必备的居家服! 报菜名时间: vrd 飘骨 表情 第一人称手模 静态表情(需要使用ksep静态表情平台以激活 )让人物更加呆萌 vgui(使用了非原版风格的倒地图标和人物图标) 局部夜光 测试地图待机动作更换 作为一个萌新,难免有做的不够好的地方,欢迎大家提出意见 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 喜欢的话,希望可以为我点一个免费的赞哦 —————————————— 请不要二次发布或随意修改 8人包会在确认没有bug后发布 —————————————— Ps:感谢ko姐的...
猫爪弹道和弹痕 ballistics and bullet marks
用来搭配之前的猫猫系列盒子 原mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2444559601 有什么问题都可以向我反馈哦 最后祝大家玩得开心,也非常感谢订阅Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ ...
Azur Lane IJN Amagi-chan Replaces Jockey R-18
Criado por Vaz0w
This addon replaces Jockey and it's not for all ages. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IT. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Azur Lane & Mister Pink --------------------------------------------...
Alet: Cybernetic [Zoey]
Criado por Dark Star
Here to deliver a high-end, minimalistic, quality outfit for this character. Out of a request from one of my comments. I thought it was a good idea since I was upgrading my setup. https://i.imgur.com/KYLSBnf.png Includes: Jiggle Physics Face Anim Rochelle ...
【碧蓝档案/Blue Arichive】春原心奈 小人枪 替换SCAR
Criado por 野生带鱼
”不要叫我小心奈!要叫心奈教官!“ 教学视频《小春都看得懂的小人枪Mod制作全流程(零基础)》:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wU421f7Xt 本mod是我耗时2天根据教程纯自学完成的产物,由于毫无基础且带病身体情况不佳,有一些大胆的想法没有实现,制作水平堪忧还请各位见谅 本mod换弹音效来源mod:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1890718968 此外,本mod所有的贴图、音效、模型和...
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