Escape the Backrooms

Escape the Backrooms

129 ratings
Walkthrough For New Update!
By AbsoluteFool
A guide for the major updated version of Escape The Backrooms. The more levels I complete with the update, the more I will update the guide.
Level 0 - Backrooms
Level 0:
You will spawn an empty, yellow building. Spawn is random, but you will always spawn "in the front" of the map. The key for the exit will be on the far right side (before random spawning). If you have random spawning, you can either wander around and find the ladder or find a dimly lit area. If you find the dim area, face away from it and head to the back right side of the map. Collect the ladder pieces to build the ladder and grab the key. Leave through the right hallway facing away from the ladder and stay along the right wall until you see a red door off the wall. You can try to make it across the Pitfalls if you want (I've failed), but falling in will bring you to Part 2 of the Backrooms. The Bacteria can spawn, though after a certain amount of time, which can be signaled by a knock.

Level 0 Part 2:
It is very easy to be found by the Bacteria, though you have infinite stamina when running from a monster, and you will not loose it if you keep running once the monster is gone. Find a door that looks like an empty living room with a kitchen and go upstairs.
Level 1 - Habitable Zone (Skin-Stealers)
Level 1:
You will spawn in an empty garage, it is safe. Go to the far right through a red-ish door with a window. The count the car colors and remember the order (cars are read up-down, left-right. Ex: blue and green left, yellow green right, the code is blue green yellow green.) Go to the elevator next to spawn and enter the code. REMEMBER TO GRAB ALMOND WATER and perhaps a flashlight.

Level 1 Part 2:
You will have entities this time, more entities will spawn with more players. They are on the far left. When exiting the elevator, go straight to the first door. CHECK FOR KEYS!! (There are 4 keys total, all random locations). It's possible there's more than one or even 3 to a room. Go straight after leaving the room, you will (or will not) see a fellow hazmat run towards you. Run. That is a Skin-Stealer. No entities in the games can open doors, so leave all of them open and close them when running into a room. There are six doors (excluding the exit and entrance), but not all of them have keys. Keys do not take up inventory space. Once you collect all keys, go to the room in the middle of the garage and place them all in the key slots. They must be turned at the same time (within 3-5 seconds of the first key being turned) to open the door.

Level 1 Part 3:
IT IS DARK. A flashlight will do VERY little, you cannot see Skin-Stealers. Crouching is slow, but recommended unless near a door. You will spawn on the top floor of a garage, there are three levels. 2 doors can be found on the top floor right and left sides (spawn side). If they are empty, go down a level. Head to the same side as spawn, there are 3 doors. If all are empty, go down a level. There are 3 doors on the final level, if they are empty, go back up. One of the doors will hide an elevator.
Level 2 - The Hub
Level 2:
You will see a giant garage door, you cant open it yet. Go the only other door. You will spawn in a tunnel with more doors, you cant open them except for the one by itself. Match the code displayed with the codes you can pick. On the right side there is a green panel, turn the lights on. The code for the computers is on a notepad in front of the windows near the elevator, type it into a computer and click the file that says "Gate". Click run, and okay, then leave through the hub door you came in from (it will say 1 on the door).
Level 3 - Habitable Zone (Smilers)
Level 3:
Open the garage door by pulling the lever next to it. Walk in but do not go past the ramp's end. When the lights go off, do not move. When the lights turn on, run to the right side into a lit hallway. DO NOT RUN IF THE LIGHTS FLICKER IMMEDIATELY AFTER TURNING ON. On a normal light flicker, you will have 10 seconds to run. YOU HAVE LIMITED STAMINA as there is no active entity chasing you. There are Smilers in this level, they only appear when the lights turn off. Check each door for each hallway. Run to the next during a normal flicker, stay close to the wall to decrease running distance. Find a door with another hallway and pipes, walk in.
Level 4 - Pipe Dreams
Level 4:
You will see a sign that says "Station <--" and "Fun -->". Follow the path to the station (as I wrote that next). If you do not have a flashlight, there will be one on the left corner of the wall before you step into the darkness (not at the entrance). Once you step into the hallway, you will begin to be chased by a Smiler, signaled with a sound. DO NOT TURN AROUND as you cannot run backwards. Continue to run until you see a doorway on the left side and keep running until you go through the door (not the hallway entrance).

Level 5 - Electrical Station
Level 5:
This level is safe. Go to the end of the hallway to trigger the door opening on it's own. Find boxes with red lights above them and fix the boxes so the lights turn green. There are 3-4 boxes. You will hear a gate open on the last one. There is another gate, go through that and then through the door. There may or may not be a box to fix. Go through the door in there but do not run down the hallway. Step lightly until you hear or see the entity (Hound), then immediately run back through the door. Please remember to close it. If you have a flashlight, you can temporarily blind it, but the Hound may be avoided without one (for now). The Hound will despawn once it leaves. Go down the hallway and through the door on the left. Go through the hole in the wall and keep looking for boxes. The last door on the left at the end of the hallway will have the Hound, he will not despawn once he leaves you. Do your best to fix the boxes.

Level 5 Part 2:
Once you find the boxes, return to the gate you walked through, and go to the newly opened gate far from the other 2. GRAB A FLASHLIGHT BEFORE GOING IN. There will ALWAYS be at least one in the level. Turn the corner lightly and shine your light on Hound will "chase" you, so run back through the gate you entered and wait for him to despawn. Return to the room and open the door. There is no helping you here, just skill and pure luck. You will not only have to avoid Hounds, but find 3 more boxes to fix. There are two doors in the first room and second room. In the first room, running straight will bring you to a hallway, going left will bring you to a room. The second room will do the same, the entrance door is on the left front, room door on the left back (entrance door). Remember, boxes spawn randomly. On your last room, Hound will appear at first, just close the door and wait to despawn. Continue through and crouch through the left hole to find the gate you need to open with the boxes. Remember, you can blind Hounds. Once you open the gate, return to the gate from when you first spawned for all of level 5, when the door opened by itself, go through the previously closed gate and move onto level 6.

If you die, your progress will be saved, you do not have to redo the box fixing.
Level 6 - Abandoned Offices
Level 6:
You will spawn in an empty office building, there are (theorized) no entities, however if you search through the doors and find one that leads back to The Hub, you will read a file that says "stay away from unblacked-out windows", as they might be traps. The first puzzle will be to count how many items are in a room and enter it to their respective vending machines. the next puzzle, you will find a button that resets cameras. Avoid being spotted by cameras. If you are spotted, you will have to reset the cameras, you will find out if you were spotted or not in the security room. Once you pass all the cameras, you may enter the next level.
Level 7 - Terror Hotel
Level 7:
The lobby of the hotel, you have a puzzle. You need to click the buttons from youngest to oldest picture to open the door, take the bug spray with you. Search for moth swarms and place the moth jelly into the lift to receive 3 keys (3 moth jellies). There are no entities.

Level 7 Part 2:
There are 2 entities, Hound and Shapeshifter. They roam around the entire map, including the entrance. There are mailboxes in front of spawn, you must go to the rooms that have open boxes and find the letters. Place the letters in the boxes and enter the code for the white door on the right. SANITY DRAINS FAST. Remember to take ALL the almond water you can find. You may also leave all doors open and hide in closets.

You can enter one of these 3 codes, they are randomized each death:



Level 8 - Boiler Room
Level 8:
You spawn with a table in front of you, on it is a thermometer. It is not entirely necessary as you can see the danger. The entities on this level are giant moths, when near them your screen will start to heat up, you may crouch to get around them. There are false exit doors (shown with heat), you must find the real one.

I have a video at the bottom of the guide for the Boiler Room path.
Level 9 - Pipe Dreams 2
Level 9:
You will enter the pipe tunnel again, this time choose "Fun -->". It has the same layout as "Station <--".

Level 10 - Party Room
Level 10:
I have spent 5 hours on this level before the update, and became a master. However, major changes have been made. Liquid Pain, a legendary item, is capable of spawning, you will die if you drink it, so don't. Or do, it's your restart.

When you spawn, go down the hallway and crouch under the first table, run to the second and crouch. turn around walk forward slightly to get the attention of a Party Goer, and go back under the table to "reset them". Then crouch through the room to the other side. Don't get too close.

If you've played before, continue the normal path until you reach the Big Room, with 7 Party Goers.

If you have not, crouch along the entire length of the wall, DO NOT TURN THE FIRST CORNER, the hallway you'll want to enter is on the left side, but do not crouch on the left wall. Do this for 2 rooms until you reach a big room.

Big Room:
Run straight along the left wall and head into the hallway on the left and under the table. When the Party Goers reset, leave the hallway back into the Big Room and continue RUNNING on the left side and into the left hallway, hide under the table to reset. Crouch along the right side of the wall, as before.

You will find a room full of balloons, continue through the doors. You will see a tiled wall.
Level 11 - Pool Rooms
Level 11:
The Pool Rooms is one of the most beautiful places in the game, there are no entities.

I recommend you find the exit on your own, after the mind numbing music from Level 10.

If you wish, head straight from spawn and up the long stairs to find a Hub Door.

The exit is the furthest point from spawn on the right, and is a door surrounded by red lights.

Be sure not to enter Off Limit Zones, seen as black water or tiles.

Level 12 - Run For Your Life
That is the goal.

Keep "right, left" tabs in your head.

Beware of the door that opens on it's own, you cannot go through it. Go around it on the far right.

Level 13 - The End
Level 13:
There is an entity, but it cannot see you. You are capable of being close to it, but if it touches you, you die. Collect 24 tapes AFTER turning on the computer. The lights will go out, and sanity drains at a moderate pace. If needed, there are 2 fire alarms to draw the entities attention (will not work while it actively chases you).
Level 14 - Infinite Stairs
Level 14:
You will spawn in what is basically a tower/lighthouse. You can go up the stairs possibly infinitely, though to move onto the next level you need to drop down the center after what I recommend as landing 94 (must be on this level, minimum) (don't worry, it is not actually that far up).
Level 15 - Hill Houses
Level 15:
You will spawn on the edge of a town that has yellow houses on hills. Your goal is to follow the road (or cut straight through the grass) to a floating castle, underneath it is rope to climb up. Daytime is safe, though quick. You can make it to about 4-5 houses before it turns to night. At night, if you go out you will not be killed right away, but there will be monsters with red eyes chasing you. SANITY DRAINS FASTER THAN TERROR HOTEL. Collect all the almond water you can find, which is rare to spawn inside houses. You will find that some houses have dressers, that is where you can find the almond water, but sometimes it will not spawn. If you die, your progress will be saved at a forked road. Almond water is found commonly around trucks. There are also music speakers which will stop playing as night approaches, but it is distanced, meaning if you're at a house where there's no speaker, you will not hear the music.

HIDE IF YOU HEAR A KNOCK!!! You probably wont have time to, but if you are in a house and hear a knock, the door will burst open and "people" will attack you.
Level 16 - Synth Wave (Clown)
Level 16:
There are small boxes with checkered pattern on top with a symbol. Move (push) those boxes to a circle on the floor that matches the boxes.

Level 16 Part 2:
If you don't have a flashlight, there is one on the table behind the clown, though you must face the clown and walk backwards to get it. Once gotten, turn around and let the clown disappear (though recommended you find a nice corner first). It will go after you with a mallet, though shining a light on him will make him vanish. There are subtle sound signals to let you know when he spawns. Survive until you hear a honking sound, it will come from the roller coaster. Get on and you will leave the level.
Level 16 - Lights Out
Level 16:
You will spawn in what looks like an abandoned building, it will be VERY dark. The first two rooms on either side are full of supplies, use the flashlight and navigate your way to a room with a blinking light (there are no looping rooms, only dead ends). In the blinking room, grab an LiDAR Scanner. Using it will add glowing dots to the wall, they can be different colors, if that matters.

I recommend walking until you see a red dot on the radar, it is an entity, a Wretch, only one. It can hear your scanner, but if you manage to move around it and crouch away, he might move away and you can continue the search for the exit without worrying.

I do not have the map in my head. However, following "big" hallways will usually take you to the right hallway, it can be an easy flow, almost a straight (not literally) walk there. The exit is a hallway with a light at the end and a white door.
Level 17 - Thalassophobia
Level 17:
You spawn on a staircase landing of a house, going up will bring you to a Hub Door. Going down, you will find an infinite ocean and a boat.

Congrats! You've beaten Early Access.


Welcome back!

Continuing with Thalassophobia, go down stairs and collect whatever you can find. Head to the boat.

I did not die in this level, so I do not know what to warn you of. For extra measure: if you hear bubbles or waves that are not from your boat, stop moving. Wait for it to pass and continue.

When you get on the boat, head to the sunken town. You may stop if you want, but don't be an idiot and get your boat stuck or lost. Head to the foggy part of the map towards the lighthouse. It will be signaled with the sound of two horns and flash twice, so remember where it is.

Upon arriving at the lighthouse, leave your boat and go to the dock on the other side of the roof. Grab a diving helmet and go into the cage.

When you reach the bottom of the sea floor, follow the bubbles to the left where you'll see a big rock. on the upper top of the rock is a hole for you to follow the lights. Continue until you reach an air pocket.
Level 18 - Caves
Grab a flashlight and the almond water and continue through the door. I recommend crouching the whole way as there are moths again. It is dark and you can't always see them even with a flashlight.

Walk forward to a big room with mushrooms, turn around and take the path on the right. Keep going through the cave system and doors until you eventually see a wooden bridge. Once you go over, you can't go back. Continue through the door. this time, there are no moths, only shapeshifters. I believe there's two.

From my experience, take the cave on the left and stay along the wall until you see water falling from the ceiling. Go towards it and to the left through the last door.

You will enter another cave with a door across a ravine. On your left is a ladder to escape.
Level 19 - The Darkrooms
You will be back in the Backrooms. Go forward to the red wall and gray living room. Go to the red room and press the button on the wall. Behind you on the ceiling are numbers 1,2, and 3. A shadow will flash across them. I'm unsure if it's different each time but most likely. One of the codes are Square, Circle, Arrow.

Go back to the living room and enter the code on the locker. Inside will be a chainsaw, used to cut wood off doors. Once you pass the wood barrier, you will pass out and wake up in the darkrooms.

Inside the darkrooms, I followed the blinking lights until I saw an arrow. Follow the arrows until you reach a table with a chainsaw. You will need to cut open doors and flip switches to escape the Bacteria that is there with you.

I will update more when I complete the level.
I have made a video of the full game beaten in under 2 hours:

Here, I walk the Boiler Room path:

Unfortunately, the qualities are not great and one screen is not full. I will fix it, this is temporary.
On Level 3 (Smilers - Habitable Zone), going up the ramp will bring you to a second story of the garage where Smilers will stop chasing you after a certain point. There are no lights up there so be sure to bring a flashlight!

I will continue to add more as I discover them.
Tunnel Doors
Level 0:
As of now, I cannot find it. It'll most likely be on the second level (pitfalls) because I haven't explored every inch due to the Bacteria. Or it was not added in.

Level 1:
Plain sight. Can't move on without it.

Level 6 (Door that says 4):
After you leave the stairway, go straight through two doors. Then, go to the far left of the giant hallway and go to the second door on the left.

Level 11 (Door that says 37):
When spawning in the Pool Rooms, walk straight to the back and take a small right.

Level 15 (Door that says 94):
There is none, but once you beat the level, you can open this door in The Hub. You cannot go back to The Hub once entered.

Level 17 (Door that says 7):
When spawning in Thalassophobia, go upstairs.
A2tv Jul 12 @ 6:37am 
good guide
Mr.Absorbancy Jun 18 @ 11:31pm 
There should be an update including custom level editor
Ac-137 Apr 2 @ 1:27pm 
actully in the infintie staries i droped down at like level 40 or somthing and still worked, dont no if its a glich or whatever
♡Sakura♡ Feb 20 @ 10:47pm 
Will there be a new update?
Tookster Jan 28 @ 6:26am 
OK that's fair but if you need someone to get you through all levels and get all info im the guy you need :)
AbsoluteFool  [author] Jan 27 @ 6:31pm 
@Tookster I’m aware lol, but I’ve been busy with a lot of things and haven’t had the time, though I have played the new levels :) I know it doesn’t follow the wiki but my brain is only able to process it this way. Thank you for the offer though!
Tookster Jan 27 @ 6:27pm 
i can help you i have beat every level
Tookster Jan 27 @ 6:26pm 
@AbsoluteFool This REALLY needs an update after all there have been 2 major updates
also just call the repeat levels like this "level 1 part 2" as it it is not follow the backrooms wiki and may confuse people
jmcgreevy90 Oct 21, 2023 @ 6:25am 
i get to play VR Today!
XavierC315 Sep 14, 2023 @ 9:03am 
might i add: the tunnel door for level 0 acutally leads you to what you have called "the darkrooms" but essentialy you just turn left once you enter the level and the hub door will be there.