The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

30 évaluations
DualSense support in wireless mode.
De equal1ze
With these settings you can play on DualSense in wireless mode. There is support for vibration and icons.

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Controller Settings
Steam controller settings

Big picture controller settings

To open the controller settings, click on the gamepad icon:

Controller settings:

Old Big picture controller settings

Controller settings:

Controller configurations:

Controller application settings:
1. Open "Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3\content\content0\scripts\game\"
2.Line 65, replace return IDT_Steam; with return IDT_PS5;
case 'steampad': return IDT_PS5; break;
As it was:

It should be:

Steam launch options
Side note, if you are using lots of script mods in the game, this parameter might break your save.
Add option -forcescriptcompilation in steam launch options for The Witcher 3 game.

Enjoy the game!
23 commentaires
Sunfyre 31 mars à 19h03 
I have changed the script as told in the guide, Yet the controller is not responding at all, do I Enable steam input after I disabled it ?
equal1ze  [créateur] 30 janv. à 7h58 
I've updated this guide:steammocking:
PreshFrince 12 janv. à 6h47 
Had no problem with the old UI shown in the pictures, but i can't for the life of me, find it with the new look :/
PreshFrince 12 janv. à 6h46 
I guess I'm just having a hard time finding the settings shown in the 2nd and 4th picture smh:steamfacepalm:
equal1ze  [créateur] 11 janv. à 2h49 
you can use "Steam controller settings" in the Big picture
PreshFrince 10 janv. à 10h42 
Is there another way to do this with the new Pic Picture UI, as I can't see the settings listed with the new one? :steamfacepalm:
PreshFrince 10 janv. à 10h35 
Anyone know how to do this with the new Big Picture look?
The adaptive triggers only seem to work when wired
Rytis 9 déc. 2023 à 3h26 
So to confirm, do adaptive triggers and haptic feedback work when using the Dual Sense wirelessly?
Arlevate 20 oct. 2023 à 18h42 
Thank you so much! It works :)
johnnypearl 17 avr. 2023 à 13h33