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Verdun: Basic Weapon Guide
Szalom Alejchem 님이 작성
A basic guide to help newcomers understand and properly utilize the different types of weaponry found in the game, "Verdun"

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Welcome to "Verdun: Basic Weapon Guide." In this guide we will review all of the weapons currently available in the game.* This guide will touch on all of the basics of the weapons and will explain which weapon to use in your current situation.

Update 10/28/14: An OFFICIAL weapon guide has recently been released by the Verdun Dev Team and can be viewed here! Since it was made by the devs, I'm going to assume that it is more accurate than this guide, and I recommend you check it out!


Central Powers Weapons
Gewehr 1898
The "Gewehr 98" is the standard issue for the German Landsers. It can hold up to five 7.92x57mm rounds, and can feed stripper clips once the chamber is completely empty. It is most effective at medium to long range, but it's stopping power makes it a good tool for clearing out trenches. However, the iron sights can be obstructive when firing at a distant target.

Karabiner 1898AZ
The "Kar98AZ" is the rifle issued to all German Alpenjägers. A shorter, more compact version of the Gewehr 98, it is quick in shooting and reloading, making it ideal for trench warfare and one of the fastest rifles available. It also uses 7.92x57mm and it holds up to five rounds which can be loaded with stripper clips if the gun is empty.

Maschinengewehr 1908/1915
The "08/15" is the light machine gun exclusively available to the German Landsers' MG-Shütze and the French Poilus' Mitrailleur. The 08/15 has the ammo capacity of 100 rounds per drum magazine. Although the 08/15 has a weaker stopping power compared to the French "Chauchat," it still remains a force to be reckoned with due to it's fast fire rate and long range.

Maschinenpistole 1918
The "MP18" is the only submachine gun avaliable in the game. Being lightweight and fully automatic, this weapon proves to be extremely deadly under all cirumstances, gunning down foes at close range and supressing enemies with burst fire at long range. It is extremely scarce as it can only be equipped by the Stoßtruppen Waffenspezialist.

Luger Parabellum 1908
The "Luger" is the standard issue pistol for the Germans. It can often be seen in action with Unteroffiziers and the MG-Shütze. The Luger is most effective when combat ensues in the trench lines, where it's user can fire off multiple rounds at their target in a short amount of time. The Luger is almost identical to the French "Ruby" pistol.

Feldspaten Modell 1898
The "Feldspaten" is issued to the German Stoßtruppen sqauds in Verdun. The tool was mainly used in WW1 as an entrenchment tool, allowing the user to carry it around freely and dig foxholes if necessary. It is used as a melee weapon as is very effective in close quarter combat of the trenchlines, due to the fact that it usually kills on one hit.

M1915 Stielhandgranate
The "M15" is the grenade used by the German Army. The Landsers' Grenadier is equipped with three of these grenades which allow him to flush the enemy out of the trench lines. The M15's design allows the handle to give the user more leverage and therefore throw it farther. It cannot be thrown as far as the French "F1" grenade, but has a larger area of effect.

7.58 Leichter Minenwerfer n.A.
The "Minenwerfer" is the type of mortar used by the German Landsers. Only a Landser Unteroffizer or a Poilu Caporal has the ability to call in mortars. Approximately 7 seconds after an area is targeted by an NCO, a barrage of three shells will bombard the area, killing any enemy unfortunate enough to be standing there. It is identical in damage to the "Mortier."
Entente Powers Weapons
Fusil Mle. 1886 M93
The "Lebel" is the rifle given to the French Poilus. It boasts an impressive eight round capacity that uses 8mm bullets. It cannot be loaded with stripper clips, having a reload system similar to that of a shotgun. Yet it's one of the most versatile rifles in the game, being able to put down enemy marksmen at long range and eliminate trench intruders with it's large ammo capacity.

Fusil Mle. 1907-1905
The "Berthier" is a rifle seemingly identical to the Lebel. Likewise, the rifle is quite unique in it's own way. The Berthier loads three 7.5x54mm cartridges in an "en bloc" clip, which means that the gun cannot be reloaded until empty. The Berthier is praised for having a greater stopping power than the Lebel and for it's use as an excellent sniper rifle.

Mousqueton Mle. 1892
The "Mousqueton," like the Berthier, uses an en bloc clip that holds three 8x51Rmm bullets and is used by French Chasseurs Alpins. The Mousqueton is much lighter than it's Lebel and Berthier cousins, which gives it it's best combat advantage: speed. The Mousqueton is best utilized in the trenches since it is extremely quick to draw, shoot, and reload.

Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk. II
The "SMLE" is a rifle used only by the British and Canadian forces. Even though the SMLE uses a .303 cartridge, smaller than that of any other rifle in the game, it can hold ten rounds and use stripper clips, making it the most efficient rifle in the game. The SMLE's large magazine size makes it a deadly rifle, having twice the ammo capacity of the German rifles.

Fusil Mitrailleur Modele 1915
The "Chauchat" is a light machine gun used only by Mitrailleurs in the French Poilus divisions. The Chauchat is less cumbersome than the German 08/15 and can be fired while undeployed. However, it has a small ammunition capacity of 20 rounds per magazine and a slow, clunky fire rate, giving a German MG-Shütze an upper hand over French Mitrailleurs at long range.

Lewis Automatic Rifle 1914
The "Lewis" is the light machine gun employed by the Gunner in the British Tommies squadrons. It holds forty-seven rounds in a pan magazine and has a faster rate of fire than the Chauchat. The Lewis suffers at long range due to it's large obstructive iron sights, but it still remains an effective tool for mowing down enemies in the trenches while the user is hip-firing.

Ruby Pistolet Automatique
The "Ruby" is the pistol used by Caporals and Mitrailleurs. It can hold eight rounds and it is often used by NCOs patrolling the trench line and shooting enemies that manage to slip past the main force. It is weaker than the Luger and has the same ammo capacity, but the Ruby appears to have a slightly faster fire rate.

Webley Revolver Mk. V
The "Webley" is a revolver that is given to Canadian shocktroops and the British NCOs. The Webley holds only six rounds, two less than the "Luger" and the "Ruby" pistols, but it deals much more damage. Because it can put down an enemy in two shots, it is suprisingly effective at long range, but falls short in effectiveness at close range, where faster pistols have the advantage.

Grenade Mle. 1916 Billant
The "F1" is the hand grenade used by mainly the French Grenadiers and Caporals, and is perfect for trench warfare. The grenade's design is round, and similar in shape to a pineapple, which would give the user a better grip on the grenade. The F1 grenade can be thrown farther than the German "M15" grenade, but has a smaller area of effect.

Mortier de 58mm Type 2
The "Mortier" is the type of mortar used by the French Poilus. Only a Poilu Caporal or a Landser Unteroffizer has the ability to call in mortars. Approximately 7 seconds after an area is targeted by an NCO, a barrage of three shells will bombard the area, killing any enemy unfortunate enough to be standing there. It is identical in damage to the "Minenwerfer."

I hope that this guide helped you get a better grasp on the weapons of Verdun. If you have any questions let me know in the comments section.
댓글 53
Alpacalypse 2016년 3월 10일 오전 4시 11분 
"0815 has less stopping power than the shitshat" outdated indeed
Nemets 2016년 3월 8일 오전 9시 15분 
Make sure you update it after the 23rd.
King Jareth (Bowie) 2016년 1월 18일 오후 8시 03분 
yo if anyone wants to play this game. add me im a huge fan of ww1
[TPPL] King Leonidas 2015년 10월 29일 오전 11시 42분 
No Offensive but the F1 should have lesser throwing range then the german grenade but be more deadly in long range
Szalom Alejchem  [작성자] 2015년 9월 22일 오후 8시 10분 
@Fur You you can put attachments on rifles in Rifle Deathmatch by selecting a rifle and clicking on the attachment you want to unlock (as long as you have the points), while in the Frontlines mode you need to select a class and spend points to unlock the next tier/level of that specific class to gain certain attachments/weapons for that class. You gain unlock points by gaining a level (I think it's two unlock points per level)
Jizzum 2015년 9월 22일 오후 7시 40분 
how do I add attachmenbts to my wespomns?
m.blanch 2015년 8월 30일 오전 2시 17분 
Thanks Bub.
Szalom Alejchem  [작성자] 2015년 8월 25일 오후 5시 17분 
@m.blanch When you are in a game, go to the Squad Tab and you will be able to select which class you want to spend career points on.
m.blanch 2015년 8월 21일 오후 5시 18분 
Please could you tell me how I spend my career points? Thanks in advance
Cpt. Carrot 2015년 7월 10일 오전 5시 44분 
more useful than the official guide 10/10