Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

257 ratings
Guide to Stat Bars(Modifiers)
By Combine00
What are those bars doing
What They Are
They are very loosely a 0-100% indicator that shows how close to a minimum or maximum roll for that stat you are. The rating of a weapon is a summed value of those stat bars, properties (10/15/20/25 each) and traits (25/35/45/55 each). so higher rating = more points distributed to the bars, but that also means that a low damage roll higher rated weapon could do less damage than a high damage roll, lower rated weapon. They are modifiers ontop of a base stat, some wont have all the variables listed actually be changed, it depends on the weapon but this would be a loose baseline. Stats cant go past 100% if multiple bars affect the same stat (like defence and mobility affecting dodge)

"For the rating it is based on :
o Mostly your character level
o A bit on your trait/perks amount (rarity)
o A bit on your trait/perks rank, so the quality"
Melee Stat Bar
Damage dealt
Multiplicative with other stats, partially multiplicative with crit stats

Damage dealt to armour, affects Flak and Carapace
Multiplicative with other stats, partially multiplicative with crit stats, additive with cleave with armoured

Affects sprint cost per second, push cost(stam loss when pushing), and dodge count/distance/speed/how far you dodge when you have 0 dodge count

HS/crit damage against all targets, affects weapon attack speed
Multiplicative with other stats

Affects sprint max speed/acceleration, dodge distance(how far each dodge is)/count(how many times you can max dodge)/speed(how quick they are)/how far you dodge when you have 0 dodge count, and general move speed

First Target
Increases damage and stagger to the first enemy hit during any given swing
Multiplicative with other stats, partially multiplicative with crit stats

Cleave Targets
Increases the amount of enemies you can hit

Cleave Damage
Increases damage to cleaved enemies as well as the first enemy hit (increases damage from targets 1-7). Affects Unarmoured, Flak and infested
Additive with penetration with armoured, partially multiplicative with crit stats

Warp Resist
Reduces cost of warp-gaining actions

How much damage chain-weapon weapon special deals

Crowd Control
Modifies damage/stagger cleave, modifies stagger amount and attack speed

Critical Bonus
Affects crit damage and crit chance

Power Output
Weapon special damage, suppression and aoe on Power Maul
Ranged Stat Bar
Affects sway and recoil

Affects amount of ammo you have in clip and in reserve

Affects weapons base damage, as well as a multiplier for infested and unarmoured enemies. For Purgatus staff it affect flame ramp up time
Multiplicative with other stats, partially multiplicative with crit stats

Stopping Power
Armour damage and stagger modifier. Affects Flak, Carapace, Unyielding, Maniac
Multiplicative with other stats, partially multiplicative with crit stats

Affects sprint max speed/acceleration, dodge distance(how far each dodge is)/count(how many times you can max dodge)/speed(how quick they are)/how far you dodge when you have 0 dodge count, and general move speed. Affects the minimum and maximum hipfire spread while moving

Affects stagger strength, suppression distance/amount, as well as affecting damage against armour in some cases

How fast reload animation is

Explosion Size
Affects radius of explosion (the higher damage inner, and lower damage outer are changed) and radius of suppression and amount of suppression for some weapons

Explosion Armour Penetration
Explosion damage/stagger to armour

Warp Resist
Reduces cost of warp-gaining actions

Charge Speed
How quickly it charges

Charge Cost
How much it costs to charge, higher bar = lower cost

Vent/Quell Speed
How fast you vent and how quickly you auto vent

Critical Bonus
Affects crit damage and crit chance

Affects how many burn stacks can be max, and how fast they can be applied

Cloud Radius
Affects angle and range of flamer's/purgatus fire spread and suppression

Thermal Resistance
How much shots cost, higher bar = lower cost

Affects the effective range(increases start of damage dropoff, and how long it takes to get to max dropoff range) and damage of shots from a distance vs flak armour (shotgunner, bomber, gunner, rifleman, mauler), unyielding(bosses, reaper, bulwark) and maniac (rager/mutant/flamer)

Increases damage for near and close ranged flak, carapace, void shield and unyielding enemies

when i inevitably missed one tell me which weapon its on and i will find it
Combine00  [author] Jan 31, 2023 @ 5:36am 
@Naremorphic i think its how much damage soul blaze does at max stacks and how much it increments by, but im not entirely sure.
for example, a full right click for me has max dot tick at 102, then after a while it drops to 85, then 69, then 54, then 41, then 29, then 19, then 11, then 5, then 2 but it ticks at 102 multiple times while only ticking at each lower number once as well as decreasing by less each step (which meant it increased by less too).
Rotomorphic Jan 31, 2023 @ 1:27am 
What exactly does flame ramp up time mean for the Purgatus? Does it interact with Soulblaze?
Combine00  [author] Dec 17, 2022 @ 5:37pm 
@jjj0309 you too brother, any other questions can always ask.
jjj0309 Dec 17, 2022 @ 5:11pm 
Thanks for the reply, have a happy Holiday, Combine00!
Combine00  [author] Dec 17, 2022 @ 4:50pm 
@jjj0309 it seems to have been removed since i checked in the preorder beta, but some weapons will have more or less effects. ogryn club only has push and sprint cost for example
jjj0309 Dec 17, 2022 @ 3:05pm 
Is Defense really affects block cost? Cause I don't see it in the new detailed weapon stats. Only push cost, sprint and dodge related things. I hope it does because otherwise it's almost identical stat with Mobility.
Combine00  [author] Dec 7, 2022 @ 6:09am 
@Squatlock yeah essentially. just modifies close and near damage vs void shield, carapace, flak and unyielding
Squatlock Dec 7, 2022 @ 5:48am 
Quality guide, thanks for getting all the info! Just one thing...
The stub revolver seems to have the penetration modifier, I assume it acts like the melee penetration modifier?
𝚆̶𝙾̶𝙺̶𝙴̶GOD Nov 29, 2022 @ 4:40am 
bless your autism
Osiris Nov 28, 2022 @ 9:19pm 
doing the god-emperor's work.