Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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every tf2 reskin explained
由 hubert 制作
this is a guide that will explain all the facts and references a reskin may have, some include promotional material for a game, song references, game references, and unique stats it may have
how it works
i say a weapons name, all its quirks, then move onto the next.
the holy mackeral:

the holy mackeral is one of the most famous tf2 reskins and is also pretty commonly used by scouts who just want to meme around or dont know witch melee to pick. in terms of uniqeness theres really only 1 thing about it that sticks out, witch is the fact that it counts hits in the chat and not just kills. now this dosent seem very special because 2 other weapons can do it too, and youd be right. however when you take into account that the game has over 160 weapons 3 seems like a pretty special number. it also has a quirk where it can sometimes go into a glitched state where it becomes compressed or somthing i dont know, but this is technicaly a glitch so it dosent count. overall i think this weapon is pretty funny

the batsaber:

the batsaber is one of the more rare reskins because for some reason it cost upwards of 60 plus keys. although being more on the expensive side, its considered to be one of the more cooler reskins with many wanting one. its also obviously based around the lightsaber from star wars, and part of the description is a reference too archon fron starcraft aparently. the weapon is extremly cool however its basically just a red version of the bat that has a chance to disintegrate enemies, you can also roleplay a star wars character if you wanted to.

the unarmed combat:

the unarmed combat is obviously supposed to be spys torn off arm. as funny as it is to wack people with your fathers torn off limb, it dosent get much use these days because its outshined by the holy mackeral. there isnt much to cover about it since its basically just the holy mackeral but not as funny, but i can count hits in the kill feed.

the mutated milk:

the mutated milk is a reskin of the mad milk en witch is a larger glass of milk contaning teleported bread. this is 1 of the 4 only weapons to have bread in them making it pretty uniqe in its own. theres not much to cover about this weapon other then the fact that it attaches bread to the victims head until it wears off.

the three rune blade:

the three rune blade is a reskin of the boston basher that is a sword. its aparently a premotional item for the witcher 2. this weapon isnt very uniqe but atleast we can be scout knight now!
the original:

the original is a reskin from stock that some people like to call a direct upgrade because it for some reason shoots rockets in the middle of your screen instead of the left (or right depending on if your using flipped viewmodels) and yes this does actually effect gameplay, however having your rockets spawn a few pixels different then stock dosent make much of a difference, its also a premotional item! its based off the quake rocket launcher and even uses its sound effects, it was made to premote doom and, well, quake! its more of a personal preference then anything
the lollichop:

the lollichop is a pretty cool concept that is meant to be partnered with the rainblower to make for a pyrovision set, unfortunatly there is no pyrovision set even though 2 of his weapons can only be seen in it. it is a reskin of the stock axe so its automatically bad unfortunatly.

the postal pummeler:

its just ugly compared to the axstinguiser. i guess its funny but personally ive litteraly never used it, ive even went out of my way to get an axestinguisher when i already had this.

the maul:

the maul is by far one of the coolest reskins in my opinion and looks like somthing out of a movie compared to the boring sledge hammer we know has the homewrecker. it just looks awsome! its also aparently a premotional item for the game red faction armageddon,witch i dont think anyone knew.

the rainblower:

its basically the exact same as the lollichop but because its a reskin of the stock flamethrower it actually is good, but not many people use it because it can only be seen in pyroland. theres not much to say about it. however it is one of the only reskins that have the ability to taunt kill

the nastral napalmer:

even though i probably just butchered its name so hard this is one of the most used pyro secondaries because it looks extremly good. its also part of a set that gives triple damage to ailien scouts. and its a premotional item for aliens. it also for some reason dosent have any killstreak fabricators and uses the flamethrowers instead. like the original, weird...
the headless horseless horsemans headtaker:

the headless horselsess headless horsemans horselessszexdcfvgbhnjbvcdcfvg... the HHHH is a reskin of the eyelander. witch is obviosly supposed to be the horseless headless horsemans axe he weilds during halloween. its also completly free to craft, but since its not tradable by default, it makes it notouriously expensive to buy it also has the same taunt kill icon as the eyelander. kinda lazy valve... you can also roleplay as the HHH's son!

the nine iron:

the nessies nine iron is yet another eyelander reskin! its a left handed golf club that heavily references scottish history, being the fact that the lock ness monster, nicknamed nessie, is rumored to live in scotland, and the fact that golf was first invented in scotland. not many people use it because its visually inferior to the HHHH or eyelander.

the scottish handshake:

dispite looking like a standard bottle reskin like the original, there is actually a lot behind this bottle. the name refers to and i quote " the stereotype that a person of Scottish heritage greets people with physical assault, due to their stereotypical violent nature." witch kinda sums up demoman as a whole. it was also made in the year 1680, witch refers to the year blackbeard was born, and it says degroots rum on it, witch is a reference to the map, degroot keep, obviously. its also a visual preference more then anything

the bootlegger:

its a reskin of the ali babas wee booties, and is generaly more visually apealing then them (atleast in my opinion), it dosent really have anything notable that gives it uniqeness. its the most boring reskin on this guide :/
the robo sandvich:

its not very special apart from its description, but it is very cool, its also one of the most expensive tf2 reskins coming in at a whopping $370 (on the steam market).

the apoco fist:

the apoco fist are my favorate reskin and my go-to weapon for heavy melees. its a premotional item for saints row (i think) and is also a reference to the 4 horsemann of the apocolypse. its ability to gib kill upon a crit makes it one of the coolest weapons in my opinion.

the iron curtian:

this is one of the most special reskins int he game because its extremly obscure to get, its only obtainable by beating the heavy in "poker night at the inventory" and is also heavys first minigun and love, witch is why he calls it sasha instead of his stock minigun, the name itself is a reference to winston churchill, and looks super cool.

the bread bite:

the bread bite is one of the 4 bread reskins but instead of it being on a weapon its just straight up on heavys arms. theres not really any facts or references about it besides experation date but that ones kinda a given. its one of the cooler melee reskins and its a shame it isnt used more then it is. you can also punch people, with BREAD
the giger counter:

the giger counter is a wrangler reskin that ive personally been hoping that i would get for months but to no avail, being on the more expensive side. its name is based of the actual tool called a giger counter witch detects radioactive particles, it basically tells you how radioactive something is. its also modeled after the motion tracker from aliens.
medic has no reskins :(

the awper hand:

its obviously the AWP from the game cs:go. not much about it its literally just that, an awp. but is one of the only 2 reskins to be from another valve game

the shooting star:

its a reskinned machina that is pretty expensive. there isnt much facts or references about this weapon besides the fact it can turn victims into ash like the phlogistinator, but it is featured in the resupply cabnets in the map "bread space", so free shooting star i guess.

the Self-Aware Beauty Mark:

the Self-Aware Beauty Mark is exactly the same as the mutated milk and is one of the 4 bread weapons. it looks to be in a sealed container this time and appears to be floating in wat looks like acid. its a reskin of jarate and can make bread bite victims if they are splashed with it.

the fortified compound:

a huntsman reskin for sniper that is a premotional item for theif. it looks way better then the original, and is my go-to for bow and arrow. it is also one of the only reskins capable of taunt killing
fun fact: spy has the most class only reskins.

the big kill:

dispite being the goofiest gun to ever exist there is actully a lot behind this cartoon of a firearm. first off, its a reference to steve purcell and the game sam and max, its based off a Smith & Wesson Model 29 and is really big in the comics.

the sharp dresser:

the sharp dresser is a reskin of the stock knife that comes of of the spys sleeve, its a premotional item for assassins creed and is a reference to the song "Sharp Dressed Man".
its also one of the only items to have a chance to play a uniqe inspect animation.

the wanga prick:

the wanga prick is a reskin of the enternal reward and its the worst knife, i guess it looks funny or somthing but it looks like trash.

the ap-sap:

ive been trying to get this for a while and lets be real, this is like the coolest reskin in the game, its a reference to portal 2 and talks to you while you use it, its also pretty funny when you try to sap a building. anyway, its a reference to portal 2 (incase you didnt notice somehow) and has his original voice actor, Stephen Merchant, playing him! it also looks like a goofy wheatly. but other people can hear it while your invisible so its tecnicaly a direct downgrade from stock

the black rose:

the black rose is a stock knife reskin that just looks better. its an achievement only item that cant be traded, making tradeable ones extremly expensive, the name is a reference to a fictional rose type and the spy opens it incorrectly, so he would cut his finger, and its description is associated with giving flowers to loved ones.

the snack attack:

as the last of the 4 bread weapons, its the only one that cant attack players and looks actually pretty cool, its a bread sapper. thats basically it. it does have an unused model that used the ap saps frame instead of the normal black one but it got removed.

the Enthusiast's Timepiece:

the Enthusiast's Timepiece is a stock reskin that is obtained by beating tychno in "poker night at the inventory". its a reference to pack man because of the image of pac man on it, and thats basically it. no fun factor cuz preference, and 2 uniqe points for the reference and uniqe way of getting it.

the quackenbirdt:

the quackinbirdt as i probably butcher the spelling is a stock reskin that is my personal go-to for invis watches. its a reskin of stock and features and image of a duck on it. its a promotional item for hitman as well. 2/10 fun scale because you get to look at a duck while invisible, and 2 uniqe points because its promotional, and has a cute duck.
im going to be going through these quickly because theres a whole lot of em and i list all their quirks anyway.

the continuious objector:
a reskin of stock that can display images, mostly memes or you know what.

frying pan:
stock reskin that is super funny and makes a hilarious sound, premotional item for left for dead 2, also uses its sfx.

its a peice of ham what more do i have to say.

its a pistol reskin that looks like the big kills 6 year old cousin, obtained by beating max in poker, based off a common ww2 german sidearm.

an acronym meaning "Captain's Advanced Pulsetron Particle Electromagnetic Raygun", name means capturing a point or shooting someone.

bat outta hell:
name is commonly used as a simile such as "He got out of there like a bat out of hell".

freedom staff:
originaly a promotional item for total war, the description is a reference to Kofi Annan, a former secratery general of the UN.

memory maker:
given to people who made the finals in the annual saxxy awards.

given to the winners of the annual saxxy awards, based off an academy award statue, and broadcast a chat message to everyone in game if its destroyed.

and lastly...

the prinny machete:
premotional item for Disgaea PC, its the cheapest and one of the only truly all class melee, a lot more funny on engineer for some reason
thanks for reading and ill make more if this does well enough

have good day :]
9 条留言
average tf2 enjoyer 2023 年 12 月 27 日 下午 3:48 
RexySeven 2023 年 12 月 26 日 上午 8:33 
Btw ham shank is a promotional item from Don't Starve and fishcake is a reskin of dalokohs bar

also I'm grinding for that robo-sandwich :broflex::broflex:
no reasons to fight 2023 年 12 月 24 日 上午 11:54 
hubert  [作者] 2023 年 12 月 22 日 上午 8:33 
the southern hospitality isnt a reskin, this is probably satire though
Berserk Beakie 2023 年 12 月 22 日 上午 3:03 
Where is southern hospitality?
Pronominal #FIXTF2 2023 年 12 月 21 日 下午 5:05 
actually, nine iron is probably visually superior to eyelander and the headtaker, as it's a smaller viewmodel. Plus it's a golf club, you're knocking people's heads off with a GOLF CLUB.
Scythé 2023 年 12 月 18 日 上午 10:28 
where is fishcake?:zagsad:
Pvential 2023 年 10 月 7 日 下午 6:52 
strange case to me, if you like the way a weapon works but-
jawdrop 2023 年 9 月 9 日 下午 2:11 
Weapon reskins in TF2 have always seemed like a-