WorldBox - God Simulator

WorldBox - God Simulator

77 ratings
The Great Isle Lore
By Kyberfibre
This is the story of a world called Great Isle , and of the nations in it.
This is a decently complicated story , so here is some points to know:

1 - The map is split into sections like this:
I wont be using these sections much , its just for more effect

2 I exaggerate the figures : If i say '30k soldiers' really i only mean 30 , but since this is the ENTIRE world , around the size of earth , i like to scale things up for realism

3 The Dakrat River is the river almost ripping the continent in half , that you'll know later

If you have any ideas for events , say them in the comments

Anyway your now able to read without much confusion
C.1 - The Founding Civilization
On year 1 , a group of settlers from the south settle along the Dakrat River , founding Luphas, a kingdom in which the years to come would form into a great empire

Everything was going great for the Luphasmians , until word of another civilization spread . Unfortunately , down south west of the river, it was confirmed that there was another civilization starting out
With a new challenge facing the Luphasmians , a new king was elected who was against these newcomers. He promised to do everything in his power to cut off this new civilization , as well as build an army to take it out. He was soon put into power
C.2 - The Choke Point Tensions
Immediately after he was put in power , the Luphasmians began expanding towards the choke point as to cut off this other civilisation from the great riches of the north
As this other civilization was blocked , tensions immediately rose . Troops went to each border of the choke-hold settlement , threatening to invade each other. Tensions worsened after the Luphasman King stated insults towards the other civilization

These statements almost broke out into a war , but luckily most of the populous was against an immediate war , and the two nations were poorly equipped to fight.

After this , The other civilization began constructing a bridge which would allow them to cross into the north , as well as block off sea - river access for the Luphasmians
C.3 - The First Dakrat War
Even though tensions had cooled down , both nations both began building up their forces for a possible war. The Luphasmians had a strategic advantage in minerals, so they outnumbered the other civilizations army 3:1 in weapons

In the year 32 , a small skirmish on the choke-point turned into the first war

The Luphasmian soldiers began planning an offensive into their enemy's territory. Meanwhile , the other civilization began creating a defensive line and perimeter along their borders and the Dakrat River to defend against the more powerful Luphasmians
The first battle ( The Battle of Yanku ) took place next to the Dakrat river, where around 10k Soldiers lost their lives. It turned out as a Luphas victory , where they soon pushed down into the other civilizations territory , breaking through their line of defense
Soon , the village of Garka was captured , which gave the Luphasmians a strategic stronghold into the southern part of the continent. Soon , an offensive of 30k soldiers was sent from the newly captured land and the choke-hold to flank and swarm the last remaining stronghold
Only a few weeks later , the second city of the war fell.

With their more co-operative and tactile strategies , it was clear who was going to win the war . After the second city fell , diplomats from both kingdoms agreed to meet and discuss a peace agreement.

An agreement was made , where the Luphasmians would take what they conquered , and that the other civilization could have what they had left.

Finally , peace was made
C.4 - Post War Drama
After the 4 Year war , the other civilizations economy was in ruins , especially as they had to pay repatriations to the Luphasmians. Secretly, the other civilization began funding rebel groups in areas taken from them , as to cause chaos so they could grow back stronger

Luphas , now with their empire status , began expanding rapidly across the continent , as well as developing boats to explore beyond shores . Unfortunately for the other civilization , they were also expanding towards them , so that they would be locked up in a corner

Tensions began to rise again , so the other civilization began arming it's citizens , as the army legions mostly died during the 4 year war

Soon enough , Luphas began colonizing the area around them , and exploring the area around them. A land-race for the bottom of the continent began , which would spiral into the 2nd War...
C.5 - The 2nd Dakrat War
Soon enough , a second war was waged in the other civilization. A few legions of soldiers from Luphas pushed down into the other civilizations territory , breaking through their line of defense for a 2nd time. The other civilization tried to counter-attack , but they were flanked by the much superior Luphasmian army . The capital was taken within DAYS , where the remains of the government surrendered.

In the peace agreement , the other civilisation would be complety annexed by Luphas , ending the great rivalry

Luphas now controlled everything

C.6 - The Golden Age
After successfully conquering most of the continent , new ideas and innovations began to spread rapidly. New Boats could now be made which could traverse entire oceans . New materials and ways to use those materials were discovered . The Luphan Golden age almost felt like it couldnt be stopped...
C.7 The First Rebellion
At the end of the Luphan Golden Age , a nation that was under other cultural influences broke away from Luphas , starting a civil war

Quickly , Luphasmian Forces started an offensive to the city along the Dakrat River , which was widely successful . The city was almost completely surrounded and starved, which led to the capture of it.

Now , forces rushed the city of Huani , as there was little to no defense left

They quickly surrendered their forces , and as quickly as the rebellion came up it was already out
The Luphas Empire was back , but not for long....
C.8 - The Great Breakup
Only 6 Years after unification , another rebellion took place. This one was much more successful , as they came from the recourse rich parts of the mountains and deserts . Immediately after breaking free , the new ' Itat ' Kingdom swarmed and took a Luphasmian Town and City .Scrambling to get their forces together , a defensive line was made on most of the northern borders , while an offensive was made on the southern exclaves
Chaos in-sued on the northeast border , as city's and towns exchanged kingdoms during attacks and invasions. Meanwhile , the southern exclaves , cut off from supply , made little to no dent what so ever on the Itatian Military.
Soon , things turned out for the Laphasmian Military . A push against one of the city's was successful , as well as a decent landing from the exclaves , which forced most of Itat to form on the defensive
While the Itatian Military was losing morale , a group up north saw the chance to strike admist all the chaos down south...

After freeing themselves , the new 'Great Uk' Immediately attacked the city of Unytugh , where it was hard for the Luphasmians to hold a defensive line , fighting on two fronts.

Soon the once prosperous Luphasmians were split in 3 , when 2 new nations gained independence.
Luphas couldnt handle anymore , so they cut off their wars for 10 years and focused on rebuilding their damaged cities and armies.
Rundown of Current Situation
1 - These are the current ruling factions ruling the continent
2 Luphas , which was once the ruling empire , has now collapsed into multiple pieces

3 One of the kingdoms that broke away went on to found the first off-mainland colony , on Roast Isle , and plans to expand more
4 In Real World terms , the world is in the 1200's AD
The End Of the First Century
After the first 100 Years , this is now the world map , with battles and attack formations included
This is the End of Part 1 , and even though some of this stuff is poorly edited and made , it still took me around 6+ hours to make over 3 days , so Part 2 may be a long time coming

Thanks for Reading
Map Download
This section is to download the map if you want to use it

( and the populated version )

samuel.king1217 Jun 4 @ 6:36pm 
when pt. 2? this is an epic story
samuel.king1217 Jun 4 @ 6:34pm 
dudarenkoos Jun 2 @ 5:25am 
Почему так мало таких работ? Особенно Русских...
Terra456 May 4 @ 7:20pm 
sequel when?
CrazyTren Apr 17 @ 5:44pm 
this story I will read so much :)
Beefcake Apr 14 @ 12:54pm 
dang the lore is crazy
Leofloss Mar 3 @ 11:37am 
good lore:steamhappy:
bobo7727 Jan 27 @ 10:51pm 
This was a great empire :steamthumbsup:
Pirates13 Dec 10, 2023 @ 4:07pm 
I sent the whole world to a war and Luphas took all the land
Henry is a sore loser Oct 5, 2023 @ 3:41pm 
thats the best part of this game. This story didn't contain anything special from the game, anybody with a copy can create a story simply by spawning two civilizations and watching them change throughout the years. I once had a world lasting 18 thousand ingame years.