Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program

102 ratings
How to Bypass the New Launcher
By Stamp20
KSP 1.12.4 introduced a new launcher, which has also been applied to older versions. This guide will show how to bypass the launcher and be able to open KSP directly, like before the update.
Method 1 (Recommended)
The best method uses a mod to skip the launcher without having to set up any shortcuts or commands.
1. Download the mod
The mod can be found here: KSSL (KSP Simple Steam Launcher)[]
2. Copy the files into the PDLauncher folder
Inside the .zip download of the mod, copy every item into the [KSP Directory]\PDLauncher folder.
Overwrite the existing LauncherPatcher.exe with the new one.
3. Install .NET Core 3.1 if needed
When launching KSP, it might prompt you to install .NET Core 3.1. Use the error window to go to the website and download it, then install it. Opening KSP through Steam will now skip the launcher.
Method 2
The second method is to create a desktop shortcut to KSP_x64.exe, the actual KSP program. This method is the easiest, but since you aren't running the game through Steam you won't be able to use Steam to take screenshots or track play time.

1. Go to your KSP folder
Right-click on KSP in your Steam library and select Browse Local Files. This is the same place as where you install mods.

2. Create a desktop shortcut
Scroll down to where KSP_x64.exe is, it has a kerbal as its icon. Right-click it, hover over Send to, and click Desktop (create shortcut). From there, you can use the shortcut to launch KSP, launcher-free.
This method has the bonus of being able to completely delete the launcher. After creating a shortcut, you can delete the PDLauncher folder from your KSP install to save some space.
Method 3
Method 3 involves using Steam launch options to open KSP_x64.exe. It's slightly harder to set up, but you will be able to use Steam features in-game.
1. Open KSP's Steam properties
In the same right-click menu as opening local files in Method 1, click Properties. This will open up a window, and at the bottom is a text box for launch options.
2. Create a shortcut
Having the bypass go directly to the exe causes problems with some mods. To prevent the problems, right-click KSP_x64.exe and create a shortcut.
Rename it to KSP_x64_Steam.
3. Find the path to the shortcut
You'll need to enter KSP's file path for this. By default, it is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program, but if you have it installed on another drive it will be different. You can easily copy the file path by right-clicking the top bar showing the path and selecting Copy as plain text.
4. Enter a command into the launch options
In the Properties window, enter into the launch options "[PATH TO KSP]\KSP_x64_Steam" %command% Make sure there are quotes around the path, and you don't forget %command%. If you have KSP in the default directory in step 2, the command will be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe" %command%
With the command entered, launching KSP through Steam will bypass the launcher while still allowing Steam features like play time tracking and screenshots.
Space Boi Feb 17 @ 11:44am 
There's a button in the settings to disable launcher. Easy.
grantrobius Jan 27 @ 6:20pm 
traingunner Apr 16, 2023 @ 12:46pm 
bro this is fine
Rab Apr 13, 2023 @ 3:31pm 
@the bug
At least the launcher isn't robbing 60 bucks outta me with the janky full-price beta for that premature fetus of a sequel
sludge miser Feb 19, 2023 @ 5:59pm 
@thesepticmech24 found the private division staff member
TheSepticMech24 Feb 13, 2023 @ 5:05pm 
why you gotta neglect the launcher it's fine with me
Goaty1208 Jan 8, 2023 @ 2:43am 
@the unfortunately ckan doesn't allow you to use steam functions, but if you don't mind that then it's really the best launcher out there.
Goaty1208 Jan 8, 2023 @ 2:41am

.Net Core 3.1 if anyone wanted it. If Steam removes this comment I am going to go insane
CaptainJebediah Dec 31, 2022 @ 7:21am 
@X-one, Thank you that's definitely the cleanest solution and worked for me.
AwesomeSause Dec 29, 2022 @ 10:12am 
Does that solution work, BiZZ Keyyear?