

53 ratings
Configurable Techprints
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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379.145 KB
Oct 18, 2022 @ 2:09am
May 22 @ 9:44am
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Configurable Techprints

In 1 collection by MakeItSo
Behold: My stuff! (MakeItSo's Mods)
2 items
A Rimworld mod to give players the ability to generate techprints for any research and modify their values to customise the gameplay experience.

It's a niche market, yeah, but about as lightweight as you can get for some extra customisability for those more RP games, so why not?


A list of possibilities with this mod:
  • Do you want to set a hard barrier between industrial technology and more primitive tech? Make electricity require 5 techprints and cost 5x the research - you can also prevent it from generating in trader's stock to make it quest-only.

  • Spaceship ending too easy? Lock off all spacer tech.

  • Want to make certain guns or armour upgrades a little harder to come by? A techprint limit on those techs but a lower research cost'll do ya.

  • You can also remove native/modded techprints and change the research cost if that's more your style. May be redundant if all you want to do is remove *all* techprints though. This mod just lets you set the values without XML patches on a research-by-research basis.

  • Modders may find it useful to try out techprint viability without XML patches or modifying defs.
Basically it cuts out the need for personal XML patches for most techprint related stuff, but does require a little bit of know-how and a willingness to tweak and test values to find your own balance. More beginner-friendly features are planned to make setting up scenarios with specific techprints easier in the future.


Configurable Techprints leverages the existing integration of techprints in vanilla/royalty, using them as valid gifts or quest rewards and showing up in trader's inventories if they were already set up to sell them.
They can also be used to speed up research if you have extras after unlocking the project, a much more likely event with the number and range of techprints this mod can unlock.

Techprints can be generated for any research project, with price, number and rarity based on the project's research cost, tech level and a number of modifiers that can be changed in the settings.
Players can choose to auto-generate techprints by tech level this way, set custom techprint values for any project they wish, or any combination of the two.

As adding dozens of techprints to the game can somewhat change the parameters of their possible stock, techprint traders are also handled by this mod and are also customizeable to a smaller extent.
The settings page allows players to modify trader stock counts to accommodate the techprints that have been generated, or to add techprints to traders and factions who do not stock them by default (including any mod-added traders).
This can be used just to extend techprint trading to modded factions, or change which faction has access to which techprint on a more finely-tuned basis.

Comes with a heavily documented settings page to give players the information they need to modify the technologies and traders they wish.


See Change notes

Planned Features/Future Plans:

See Future Plans.


  • Should be compatible with everything that doesn't touch the vanilla usage of techprints or research progression

  • Probably not compatible or fully compatible with mods that do do those things - Techshards, Randomized Research, etc. Test and let me know what you find and I'll put it here.
    - WVC-Core (?) Got a report that it doesn't work, but may be able to have techprint code turned off for that mod, please let me know if doing that solves the issue.
    - VFE Tribals - messes with research heavily, looking into compatibility but not yet.

  • Might also have issues with anything that modifies traders's stock generation significantly - most importantly the TechprintUtility C# Class, and the StockGenerator_Techprints class that are used to select techprints by a weight value.

  • Not yet tested with all of the various research screen/layout mods but if they handle techprints dynamically we should be fine.

  • Doesn't allow generation of techprints for research projects whose defName ends in a digit (Rimworld engine limitation). It does handle those projects gracefully though (no errors, just no techprints for those projects either).

Why does it do that?

  • Why does the mod start with everything enabled? I only want to add a couple of techprints. Consider it an initial startup test. If something throws an error the first time you run the mod, better to know on game load than after you've spent time editing techprints and traders how you like them. Turning techprints off, ignoring traders and restarting is a one-time-only process and lets you know if things are working correctly.

  • Why don't you just override those research projects with defNames you say you can't handle? Short answer: compatibility. Long answer: Other mods do this, but I don't want to add a feature that could lead to even greater compatibility issues. If you really want that project to work with techprints, speak to that mod's author (just be aware it might not be possible for various reasons). It may also be possible for you to change the research project's name yourself with an XML patch, but if that mod relies on the name elsewhere you may be out of luck.


This is not the first mod I've made, but it's the first that I could call ready for public consumption. I'd wanted to do my own version of this for a long time but hadn't gotten the inspiriation to make it until I saw a similar mod on the workshop - Lost Technology 1/2/World. It's a great mod but didn't do exactly what I wanted; but all of the source was provided with no licence, and digging through that code gave me the idea for this. The project therefore started as a fork of 'Lost Technology' but has been rewritten so extensively to the point where maybe only a reference in a meta-file exists somewhere. Why didn't I contribute to that mod, you may ask? This started as tinkering late at night with what was available and grew quickly to be a very different mod, both technically and in scope and it just didn't seem like the right move. Never-the-less I would very much like to thank YAYO, telardo and any other contributors to that mod for setting me on the path to making my own. Cheers wonderful people!

Ready for translation, send me a PR and I'll happily add it in. Or just make a translation mod, either way the spice flows lol.


MakeItSo  [author] Jun 7 @ 6:16am 
@The Un-Gamer: I haven't seen problems with either of those mods before - are you still on 1.4?

Yep send a log, can't hurt to check, but if you're on 1.4 it may be a bit harder for me to test for a bit. I have double-checked that removing vanilla techprints is functioning as it should.
The Un-Gamer Jun 6 @ 8:19am 
Do you know if this mod has compatibility issues with ResearchPal - 1.4 Repackage by any chance? Or ResearchPal in general? Or maybe TechBlock perhaps? I ask because I'm still getting techprints for the usual research projects despite having effectively disabled them with this mod, and those are the only two mods I use that effect research. I can send a log next I boot the game if you like.
MakeItSo  [author] May 23 @ 7:21pm 
@Pinkamena: I'm always happy to communicate with users who put effort in to test stuff and give detailed feedback :) I'm not jaded by the whole mod scene just yet :P
Pinkamena May 23 @ 7:09pm 
First run with about 500 mods, looking at the research tree from... uh... Research Tree, everything looks good! One mod seems to be using research that ends in digits, but honestly it's a side mod that isn't relevant to this project. Semi Random Research doesn't seem to have any issues yet either, it only gives me the option to research the one project that is unlocked from that side mod so that turned out to be a blessing it disguise for testing!

I don't even think I need to keep you updated at this point, it looks like you've done an absolute fabulous job! <3
Pinkamena May 23 @ 6:43pm 
Honestly, I wouldn't have expected it if I hadn't been looking for it. I might not have actually helped any, but I hope you're having a great day and thank you for putting up with my shenanigans <3
MakeItSo  [author] May 23 @ 6:40pm 
Bloody VFE Tribals Hahahaha.... Yes that's a known incompatibility atm, they mess with tech heavily. Compatibility for that is on my todo list, I'll actually add it to the description now while I'm thinking about it.
Pinkamena May 23 @ 6:35pm 
A successful load! I can't say it's stable yet, but you can definitely mark VFE Tribals incompat for 1.4 (and probably 1.5) unless/until you make it so.
Pinkamena May 23 @ 6:16pm 
Honestly, if I have to sacrifice VFE tribals to use this mod, it's a small price to pay. <3 Gonna boot my original modlist without it and report back!
Pinkamena May 23 @ 6:14pm 
Aha! I've caught the culprit red handed. VFE tribals. Also sorry for the delay, had work. One sec to trim the list further (I have a lot of optimization mods) and...

Vanilla Framework
VFE Tribals
Configurable Techprints.

There's the error! Turns out my performance optimizers were actually gagging the error, probably attempting to patch the mods to work together.
MakeItSo  [author] May 23 @ 6:02pm 
@Pinkamena: hmm ok that's a different problem then. have a look at your player.log file after an attempt too - errors might not come up but the file may still have some useful info