Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove

Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove

47 ratings
Achieve Hurry Up and True Shovelry
By t
A guide of key things to do in order to achieve Hurry Up and True Shovelry.
Frame of mind
Hurry up requires that you beat the game within an hour and thirty minutes (01:30:00 maybe more like this 01:29:59), and True Shovelry is gained by completing the game without purchasing any of the Relics:

Flare Wand
Dust KNuckles
Alchemy Coin
War Horn
Fishing Rod
Troupple Chalice
Phase Locket
Throwing Anchor
Mobile Gear
Propeller Dagger
Chaos Sphere

This is an image of my final screen to illustrate that it's really not that hard to complete the game within that amount of time.

And here are two images of games I played comparing the time difference between a game where I filled the trouple chalice just a couple times and another game where I didnt collect any relics.

So with that positive mindset added to your repertoire, here are some key items to get and some crucial things to do along the way.

Key items
First of all get as few as possible.

Get the meal tickets.

After the first stage (intro stage with the Black Knigh) you have to go into town. Since you are already here and you have spare cash from the first level; get the goats meal ticket. You only need one or two of them from him. You will end up getting a few more during your completion of all the stages.

After you have completed the first four bosses, go into the second town and purchase the Dynamo Mail.

This is all you need, with this you can slay enemies, bosses, EVERYONE. Totally worth 6g's. And you will definitely have that after completing four bosses in a speed run.
Forget about it

An easy way to dodge the Wandering Travelers, if they are in your path, is to return to the stage you were just at and then return to the map. This will cause them to move and hopefully it will be out of your way.
Cheapskate Phase Locket
You can totally get around any kind of mini-boss by just giving them a hug.

This may seem sketchy, but as long as you are playing the regular version of the game there are a ton of checkpoints so even if you are about to die just push a little further and soon enough there is a checkpoint; and then you can die if you wish, I did sometimes.
Here's a video of my speed run through the first level.

Village and Pridemoor Keep

I pretty much summed up how to get through the stages fast and that's what i wanted to do. The bosses are all pretty easy, just pin the ones you can up again the wall and keep your shovel down (Spectre Knight is harder to pin). And as long as you have your Dynamo Mail after two bounces (1 whole life bar) you get your charged slash which is another life bar of damage, the makings for total domination.
rhysdog Jan 18, 2020 @ 11:21pm 
videos no longer work
Helena de Troia Jan 12, 2016 @ 5:44pm 
Can you post the stages pair times just for comparison?
Rod Aug 18, 2014 @ 7:49pm 
Really? Haha, so it is kinda easy. =P To be sure that I will not need to try Hurry Up again, everytime I defeat a boss I will duplicate my save. So I can assure I will have a good time on each level. Piece of cake! :D
t  [author] Aug 18, 2014 @ 3:39pm 
Yes, thats true its not recorded cuz its not saved. go forth
Rod Aug 18, 2014 @ 2:13pm 
Wait. When you restart a level, the time you spent on the previous run is not recorded?

About Raetikon, I think I just threw any bird in it. Can't remember.
t  [author] Aug 18, 2014 @ 12:39pm 
hey how did you get thorny thistle in secret of raetikon? can you hit any animal with it?
t  [author] Aug 18, 2014 @ 12:38pm 
Don't forget you can always restart a level if you died a lot or took too much time. You just exit the level and lose the progress and you start anew, as if it never happened. gl :kingknight:
Rod Aug 18, 2014 @ 5:49am 
Cool. Maybe it is not so hard as I tought. :) I'll give a try later.
t  [author] Aug 17, 2014 @ 10:43pm 
my total lives lost were 18 :specterknight:
Rod Aug 17, 2014 @ 10:26pm 
Did you die in this run? How many times?