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UnKn0vvN_Us3r's Guide To Self Defense
By Tutavi【Fubuu】
In this guide, you'll learn many different ways and theories to run away, or kill enemies.
#1: What are the weapons?
Melee weapons are the Xeno Zapper, and the Xeno Basher.

Ranged weapons are the Rebar Gun, and the Rifle.

Grenade weapons are the Nobelisks.

Other weapons are the Boombox.
#2: Xeno Zapper and Xeno Basher
The Xeno Zapper, which is the starter weapon, does 1 damage.

The Xeno Basher, which is an upgraded version of the Xeno Zapper later unlocked, does 3 damage.

#3: Rebar Gun and Rifle
The Rebar Gun, which is the first ranged weapon, with it's normal Rebar, does 2 damage. The stun Rebar stuns enemies for 5 seconds, and does 1 damage. The shatter Rebar does 3 damage, and "launches deadly debris with wide spread but limited range." The explosive Rebar does 4 damage, and, just like the name suggests, explodes.

The Rifle, which is a more automatic and efficient approach on a ranged weapon, does 2 damage on a regular magazine. The tracking magazine does 3 damage. The quick fire magazine does 1 damage.

#4: Nobelisks
Normal Nobelisks, which are unlocked kinda early in the game, does 3 damage. Nuclear Nobelisks do 5 damage, the most damage you can do from what I know of Cluster Nobelisks do 4 damage. Pulse Nobelisks does 1 damage, and sends enemies flying. Gas Nobelisks do 1 damage, but spews a poison gas cloud.

#5: Boombox!?
The Boombox stuns enemies, and pop the orange flying thingies. They can also play music.

#6: How To Trap Enemies
To trap enemies, you have to first unlock foundations. When trapping enemies, it's easier when you a bit higher than your target, so they can't get you, and so you can see, place, and live better. Just make a teeny tiny box of foundations around them (cause everyone knows there claustrophobic). Or, you can ram your car into their faces. Either way.

Be careful when trapping spiders (or cats). Some can climb walls, so you might wanna make a roof above the walls.

#7: How To Wimp Out Like a Pro
To do the way of the wimp, it would be ideal to have a jet pack or a functional hover pack, but all you really need is some blade runners. Just simply slide jump to quickly and efficiently run away, like THE WIMP!
#8: Object Scanner
The Object Scanner locates a specific thing around you (when you unlock it). Eventually, you can track enemies, allowing you to stay away from them completely. They can also track berries and nuts for health when your in a pinch.

#9 My Favorite Tactics
My favorite of all the tactics is to use the Rifle with homing magazines, with a jet pack or hover pack.

If I don't have any good weapons, or I just don't feel like getting my face bit off by cute cats, I'll run like there's no shame. But there always is...
I hope you learn a lot of different tactics and what are the best tactics for self defense. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to type them down below. I will make it my priority to answer them as soon as I can! And don't forget to look at my other guides!