Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

How to use the beggar's bazooka CORRECTLY
由 Humble Warrior|Snek's Graduate 制作
This is a guide that will attempt to reduce the amount of people I see using the bazooka wrong. People seem to think beggar's is a joke weapon. It ISN'T. It's just people using it wrong that look like a joke.
So, you've equipped the Beggar's Bazooka.
This is the part where someone would go 'huh, this thing looks nifty. Never used it or really seen it used before. Let's try it out I guess.' They exit spawn, and the first thing they notice is the way you shoot is different. What the hell? Why do I have to hold mouse 1 instead of clicking it? Don't worry. This is one of the things you'll get super used to, so don't let it scare you. Obviously, you can load up to three rockets in the bazooka before it explodes on yourself, causing an overload. I want to make something extremely clear. DON'T OVERLOAD UNLESS YOU'RE TRYING TO DO A CRAZY DISTANCE JUMP. And if you are doing a crazy jump, ONLY BLOW ONE ROCKET ON YOURSELF MAXIMUM. Use the other two rockets to propel yourself to where you need to be, its like having a sync jump for instant use. SO. Don't use the overload much.

Now, next you gotta learn shooting. Look, it runs out of ammo fast if you're not good at using it. It may seem like it's bleeding ammo, but its not. You're just not using the rockets efficiently. Don't shoot at enemies far away unless you're good, save the rockets for mid to close range because of the aim problem. You can actually cheese the 3 degree deviation if you're more experienced like me. SO. Here's the strat. When going around corners or dropping down somewhere, you have to fire rockets differently. Around corners, always prefire 1-2 rockets. On a drop down, fire one down and one behind you in case someone is following you. Why? Because if you're gonna lose the ammo anyways, might as well chance hitting some poor sod for 30-107 damage. And trust me, it hits a LOT. You'd be surprised how many kills prefiring gets with beggar's. If you're going towards a place where many people are and you can hear people, load 3 rockets and spray them angling more at a 30 degree angle (think of a 30 60 90 triangle, fire the angle that the hypotenuse is at.) This will almost always result in a kill, and if not it will cause chaos and panic. People freak out despite their looks when 3 rockets fly at them, and what if one of them crits? Instant mayhem. SO. Prefire prefire prefire.

I also want to address the AMMO ISSUE. People seem to think ammo is hard to get with beggars, but its really not that hard. Think like the doom slayer. People are your ammo boxes. One kill? 10 ammo. It should take less than 10 rockets to kill some random scout or spy, so if you ever need ammo go kill someone unless you know where the ammo boxes are on the map. My main policy is that 10 ammo is the RED ZONE. When I notice I have 10 or less ammo, its time to start retreating. The worst you can do is run out of ammo since technically you can literally spam rocket after rocket since there's no clip size technically.

Killing. Pretty important right. If you're fighting someone, stop loading two rockets!!! It leaves precious time for the enemy to get damage in on you and aim at you! Instead, fire one rocket at a time, aiming carefully. Beggar's needs a LOT more prediction than other launchers, so try to get better at predicting movement to get the maximum damage output. SO, shoot individual rockets when you're in close proximity or medium proximity to someone. Save 2 rockets ONLY in the situation that the player retreats to get health. If they run away, they're probably coming back. Wait a little second, go behind a wall, the prefire 2-3 rockets. loading more than 1 is ONLY for prefire and cart/point bombing purposes, it will mostly get you killed in 1v1 situations.

Health management. Please, don't be that guy. Don't be that monkey using the beggars without the gunboats. It's like a flightless eagle. The bazooka is FANTASTIC for rocket jumping, you don't even have to do the fancy stuff, just jump like you would with a normal rocket launcher, but just with a slight delay with your rockets. You can do the hightower stair and hill slide, all sorts of rollouts, and all that all with the beggars despite what you may think. Try it out!!! It works!!! Now health. Health becomes a huge issue if you're not using gunboats. It's also super dumb and boring to just walk around the map with the beggars. SO MUCH WASTED POTENTIAL!!!! Just take the time, learn the jumps. Fail a lot!! I know I failed a ton before I finally got it!! Anyone can learn, but only those that try and fail actually learn. Health won't be a problem with beggar's unless you're in close proximity, like hugging distance. In this regard its like any old rocket launcher. Don't blow yourself up. Duh. But also, don't be AFRAID to blow yourself up with beggars. Chances are if you have 13 hp and the scout is in your face and gonna kill you, firing a rocket will take him down with you at least. Trying and failing is better than not trying and always failing.

Yeah, that's about it. treat it like a normal rocket launcher. She's just a launcher that doesn't aim like the other girls. Get used to the way it shoots, learn the jumps, prefire, and use people as your ammo, Thanks.

Oh, and for the aim cheese? flicking. Flicking fast enough overcomes the 3 degrees. So, if you know some random scout is to the left of you and shooting you, load up a rocket, then flick directly at him, passing him by a little bit, like you're slapping him across the face with your bazooka. This 'slapping' technique works like a charm. Sometimes it even feels like the rocket lock on when you flick. It's crazy, leave some of your aim up to chaos. It usually plays out well, the universe favors entropy after all.
5 条留言
Humble Warrior|Snek's Graduate  [作者] 2023 年 11 月 17 日 下午 12:03 
you' ,re welcome!!!! i hope u had fun scrolling its pretty fun ngl
Responsible young man 2023 年 11 月 17 日 上午 6:25 
Didn't read, but thanks.
well hello 2022 年 10 月 6 日 下午 2:40 
k cool
Humble Warrior|Snek's Graduate  [作者] 2022 年 10 月 4 日 下午 9:24 
read the last 2 paragraphs, its the summary lol
well hello 2022 年 10 月 4 日 下午 7:57 
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu its to long to read