Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

44 평점
More Repair Kits + reduced repair time
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7.757 KB
2022년 9월 1일 오전 10시 59분
2023년 11월 21일 오전 8시 57분
변경 사항 7개 ( 보기 )

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More Repair Kits + reduced repair time


Im doing this mod due to known issue of the game (video), where crew waste repair kits on invisible damage to components that doesnt matter at all for gameplay, for already working vehicles. With help of anyone I will try to make repair kits unlimited usage, not one-time usage as morphine or pancerfaust... Toolkits wont gets destroyed once used, workshops would bancrupt, so why player need to also?

- Cannons, machineguns gets 70 repair kits
- Motorcycle get 15 repair kits
- Trucks get 20 repair kits
- everything else get 150 repair kits

I'm more than sure that your crew will waste them all too soon ;)

This mod is also compatible with Conquest Enhanced V2. Version for Valour released as separate mod

Remember to activate this mod as last one! If you plan to use cheat mod, activate your desired mods, APPLY, THIS MOD, APPLY, Cheat, APPLY.

Mod reduce repair time to 25% of default value.

As mod manage in game is broken, you have to make sure of proper mod order before each game launch. Check out Mr Cookie's Mod Manager on workshop.

Easiest way to ensure everything is loaded fine, without mod manager, is loading mods one by one in game, NOT CLOSING GAME, going to my documents, my games, gates of hell, profiles, (your profile number), and open options.set via notepad. Copy part from very bottom :
and paste it into new created text file, called whatever you want. Then create shortcut for your options file and to your new text file. Before every launch open both files and check if mod order is the same or simply copy everything from your text file to proper place in options.set. Sadly devs didint mentioned they acknowledged the issue, so it have to be made every game launch.
인기 토론 모두 보기(1)
2023년 12월 4일 오전 7시 53분
댓글 11
vlad_8011  [작성자] 22시간 전 
Unfortunately there is nothing i can do. You can try to activate my mod before mace in order, but some of its main features will not be working.
vlad_8011  [작성자] 22시간 전 
Jep, i tried play with just mace, resources x4 and more repair kits :
vlad_8011  [작성자] 22시간 전 
Right now im checking every mod individually to seacrh for possible file conflicts, MACE seems to be most propably as it replaces same 2 files as my mod
AhmadWalker 22시간 전 
based on the screenshot, it looks like the crash occurred because the T42 tank was not compatible with the More Repair Kit mod. what do you think?
AhmadWalker 22시간 전 
Yes, I tried all the mods together and without more repair kits, they worked fine. This happened only when I played Conquest Germany vs USSR. when I played Germany vs USA with this mod, the crash didn't happen.
vlad_8011  [작성자] 22시간 전 
OK i activated those all mods no problem. You say crashes start while playing conquest? Did you tried without more repair kits with all the rest of those mods?
AhmadWalker 2024년 6월 15일 오후 6시 26분 
thank you. you're the best!
vlad_8011  [작성자] 2024년 6월 15일 오전 10시 33분 
That's heavy modification list. BW and Mace may be problematic (compatibility with my mod). I'll look at it
AhmadWalker 2024년 6월 15일 오전 9시 41분 
Hi i got this error when i play Germany vs USSR. here is screenshoot error and mod order . can you fix it?
vlad_8011  [작성자] 2023년 11월 29일 오후 12시 55분 
In campaign, you can see some vehicles have 5 repair kits - cant do anything about it, its scenario with individual inventories for some units.