Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

59 평점
Vanilla combat revisited
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태그: mod, Battle
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222.671 KB
2014년 7월 13일 오전 12시 45분
2019년 1월 10일 오전 10시 37분
변경 사항 30개 ( 보기 )

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Vanilla combat revisited

Now compatible with Empire divided campaign and patch.

This is a combat mod intended not to add amazing new mechanics or rework how combat works, this mod is rather intended to fine-tune and change the combat to make it slower and hopefully more tactical.

As such, the changes include the following:

Artillery, specifically those shooting rocks/flaming shots/explosive shots, have had their accuracy heavily nerfed, making them poor troop-killing tools. In fact, you might need a few more if you're to breach city walls with them due to their inacuraccy, 3-4 ballistae/onagers will do the trick. (beware barbarian towers though, I found scorpions with flamming shot better against them.)

Weapon damages nerfed: All weapons have had their damages nerfed substantially, making for longer combat since it'll take longer to hack away at the enemy's health. An elite unit will still butcher a basic levy unit, but when troops are more equally matched, kills will be fairly slow. This will in turn allow for more manouvering on the battlefield and make combat have the potential of taking a good while.

Missile nerf: Missile weapons have had their damages mostly transfered from armour piercing damage to regular damage, making them less deadly. Add in an increased missile block chance for shields and missiles are often more of a harrassment tool than a killing least from the front, if you get even basic javelinmen into the enemy's flank, bodies will start to litter the field in droves.

Less abilities: Units have in general less abilities to use, though there are more avaible formations to them, especially for infantry.

Pikes, a true wall: Pikes have had both a boost and a nerf. Their melee damages has been nerfed, but the bonuses from their formation makes them far more able to resist missiles, and any unit attacking from the front will find themselves almost always unable to truly engaged, the pikes will push them back no matter how elite the troops are, and slowly begin to inflict casualties.

March in one pace: All units, be they light cavalry or heavy infantry, all walk at the same pace. This means that an army marching forward will all keep in formation without a need to constantly order some troops to stop and whatnot. (it also makes troops marching in a column during ambushes STAY in that column, no cavalry in the back overtaking the troops at the front anymore.)

Combat-space: Spacing has been changed for many infantry units. While pikemen are closely pressed together, melee infantry are more spread out, giving each soldiers more room to manouvre and fight in. This makes less of a mess in combat as troops are not always pressing into one another, at least not as much as before. Essentially, it reduces clipping between soldiers by a large margin on the march and a slight margin when in combat.

Hope you enjoy this humble mod, and don't hesitate to give feedback. (like shields needing better missile-block chance or if you think pikes are too powerful..)
Save compatible.
Unit mods work with this mod, as long as they don't add new weapons to the unit, in which case they'll likely become OP.
댓글 124
Kae_Kar 2023년 7월 19일 오후 6시 33분 
shouldnt elite units get past pikes maybe? perhaps you cant imagine it but it happened, otherwise pikes would have been the only weapon at some point
JoeyT 2019년 4월 1일 오전 6시 07분 
great mod. thank you
MrGrumpsman 2019년 1월 7일 오후 8시 22분 
It would seem specifically hoplites have retained their original weapon damage values; this along with other stats make them completely superior to swords and all other units which are not hoplites.
MrGrumpsman 2019년 1월 7일 오후 8시 15분 
I've noticed specific spear units, such as Royal Spartans, are unaffected by the damage nerf compared to other units like swords. Is this a mod conflict or did you forget a few values? I have checked my mods and while I have ones specifically buffing Sparta, they only add some units already in the game and nothing more.
Hawk™☆KevRockZ☆ 2017년 12월 29일 오후 5시 36분 
Ah nevermind i read it. Thx for this great mod. :)
Hawk™☆KevRockZ☆ 2017년 12월 29일 오후 5시 13분 
Hey setrus is it now available for Empire Divided? thx. :)
Nicolas 2017년 12월 3일 오전 10시 13분 
My bad, Setrus. I found out that these abilities come from the enemy general, like you said its right.
Though i've seen that all pikemen of Empire Divided doesnt have the ability to "create" the pikes wall.
setrus86  [작성자] 2017년 12월 3일 오전 9시 11분 
Nothing I've done affect only the AI or only the player. But yes, a lot of units have had a lot of various formations and abilities either removed or added to make it play a little bit different. Hence why you might see celtic infantry assume wedge formations, for instance. But both you and the AI can do that when using them. :-)
Nicolas 2017년 12월 3일 오전 8시 08분 
Hi Setrus, i'm looking for a battle mod: i tried a battle using your mod and i liked it.
I didnt understand one thing: in this battle the AI used abilities it should not have, did you remove abilities both for the player and the AI?
Lord Zilli 2017년 11월 26일 오후 6시 57분 
You nerffed the wep damage, but you nerffed the unit's health also, so they dies at same speed without the mod..