Two Point Hospital

Two Point Hospital

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How to get 3 Stars on Chasm 24
By ElPrezCBF
I wrote this guide for players who wish to unlock the robo janitor kit badly enough to brave the insanity of this hospital all the way to three stars. This hospital will test your patience and endurance as you will often feel like you're on the verge of losing control or have a chain of disasters waiting to happen, but once you hit three stars, the exhilaration is awesome. I welcome any feedback on this guide.
Chasm 24 objectives
1 Star Hospital
-Cure Rate of 70%
-Own 4 Plots
-Complete Personification Research Project
-Cure 10 Patients in Personification

2 Star Hospital
-Cure Rate of 80%
-Own 8 Plots
-Cure 25 Patients in Personification
-Generate 3000 Research Points

3 Star Hospital
-Cure Rate of 90%
-Generate 5000 Research Points
-Cure 50 Patients in Personification
-Own 12 Plots
The main challenges here are the rapidly degrading disaster stabilizers that increase by one each time you unlock a new plot and the large number of patients that if poorly managed, will lead to massive deaths and bring down your cure rate greatly. Allowing a stabilizer to fail will result in a disaster specific to that stabilizer. Multiple stabilizer failures can potentially cause a chain reaction of exploding machines from earthquakes and other disasters that overwhelm all your janitors. So stabilizer repair is the top priority throughout the entire game. Once a stabilizer's health turns yellow, order a robo janitor to repair it immediately. Waiting for it to turn red might be too late because robo janitors are slow and often have to walk greater distances to repair stabilizers on further plots.

Bear in mind that only robo janitors can repair stabilizers, so be sure to keep at least one charger on every plot you expand into and have adequate human janitors to handle other tasks to free up the robo janitors to repair stabilizers efficiently.
Early game (1 Star Hospital)
When you start the hospital, take a loan if needed to train your first GP specialist if he/she is not available for recruitment. You will also want to give stamina training to nurses, assistants and janitors because high staff endurance is increasingly critical as patient numbers increase with reputation. Also unlock the plot on the immediate left because your starting plot will be too small to accommodate a decent number of basic rooms. These include GP offices, diagnosis and cardio rooms, as well as psychiatric, lightheaded, injection, pharmacy and ward rooms, which are common ailments in the early game.

Even if you have lots of money, do not keep building additional rooms and recruit additional staff to treat a different disease just because you have several patients that need different types of treatment rooms. If you do so, your hospital level will increase rapidly, causing patient numbers to escalate so quickly to the point that it will greatly drag down your cure rate. This is a hospital of strict, controlled reputation growth and highly moderated expansion and recruitment in order to maintain a high cure rate or at least achieve it regularly even if you can't maintain it for a prolonged period.

Instead, focus only on upgrading your diagnosis, injection and pharmacy rooms at the start to their max level if possible before putting them into operation. Build temporary duplicate rooms while waiting for the actual room to be upgraded. Do the same for specialized diseases, one disease at a time, which means temporarily turning away other patients with other specialized diseases. After upgrading the basic rooms to their max level, I prefer to focus first on maxing out the DNA room upgrade because such patients have a notoriously high failure rate. This also means getting a DNA specialist asap and training up his treatment level to as high as possible. But you can also focus on upgrading your personification room and doctor treatment skills first since it's one of the objectives. As a guide, the first skill I train is the specialized one to allow the specialist to treat specialized ailments, followed by stamina, then further treatment skill upgrades. The same goes for GPs, psychiatrists etc. except training should seek to max out their respective specialized skills instead. Never, ever train staff with a mixture of diagnosis and treatment skills although you can temporarily hire them to stand in for staff undergoing specialized training.

Do not be afraid to take loans regularly to pay for machine upgrades and duplicate rooms because these will pay off in the long run. Do not expand into a third plot until you need the extra space. The more plots you expand into, the more you'll also need to micromanage stabilizer repairs.

The second plot will contain only GP, diagnosis, cardio and injection rooms. When I got three stars, this plot had a total of 4 GP rooms, 1 fully upgraded diagnosis room, 1 cardio room and 1 injection room. It also had 2 reception desks. But you'll need just two GPs and the rest in the early game. To get one star, three of the plots you initially unlock should be adjacent or directly facing the starting plot, and the fourth can be to the immediate left of the second plot you bought at the start. If you notice, the second plot is your initial center of operations or "GP and diagnosis plot" since it would be adjacent to three other "treatment" plots for efficient patient movement.
Mid game (2 Star Hospital)
By now, your treasury should be approaching $100,000 a month. Resist the urge to go crazy on increasing rooms, plots and staff even though you can afford it. Continue the strategy of upgrading your specialized rooms to the max and training specialized staff one specialized disease at a time before building other types of treatment rooms. All this time, continue to keep a close eye on the stabilizers and repair them regularly. If you find that they start to turn red regularly, you might want to expand to a new plot to unlock a new robo janitor and hire an extra janitor with repair skills to increase repair efficiency. Again, do this in strict moderation to avoid pushing up your hospital level too quickly.

Build your first mega scanner in your starting plot and upgrade its machine before putting it into operation. This will greatly boost diagnoses and consequently cure rates. Get a doctor specializing only in radiology to work in this room full time and upgrade his stamina and speed skills when possible because this room will become very crowded even with your moderate expansion strategy. This also means you need an extra radiologist to cover when the first goes on a break. As a general guide, I have 1 staff more than the number of rooms requiring that staff, although this may vary depending on other factors like hiring temporary extra staff while training the regular staff.

You'll also need to generate 3,000 research points as one of the objectives. If you have not yet researched machine upgrades for common specialized ailments, do so, followed by Personification to improve cure rates for Lack of Humanity, which is another objective. Although less urgent than training staff in specialized treatment skills, you will also want to upgrade research skills to meet this objective faster.

If your cure rate is regularly at 80% and have all the other non-plot objectives met, go ahead to buy the remaining plots to move your hospital to two stars. Do not delay doing this at this stage as the more your hospital level and reputation increase, the more patients you have to handle and 80% might become more difficult to achieve if your room upgrades and staff training cannot keep up.
Late game (3 Star Hospital)
This is when the difficulty escalates due to the 90% cure rate objective. By now, you should be making around $300,000 to $500,000 a month. To achieve the personification objective more quickly, build a second personification room and upgrade its machine before putting it into operation. In my game, I temporarily placed both personification rooms close to each other in the plot to the immediate right of your starting plot. Once you expand into the plot behind it with the water tornado disaster stabilizer, you can shift both rooms to that plot and convert the immediate right plot into your second GP and diagnosis plot.

Also get a second mega scanner and extra radiologists to help alleviate the workload of the first mega scanner. You can also place this on your starting plot.

At this stage, patient numbers might escalate to more than 10 per GP room. When that happens, do not build another GP room until all your GPs have leveled up their skills. Again to avoid pushing your hospital level up too quickly. You might also face a drop in the average cure rate to even as low as 55% but do not be discouraged by it. Keep pushing your strategy of upgrading machines one disease at a time and maxing out specialized skills as well as firing temp staff or staff with diluted diagnosis/treatment skills who have outlived their purpose. This will help moderate your hospital level increase and patient flow. After a certain point when all your machines for different diseases have been fully upgraded and most staff have at least level 3 specialized skills, the cure rate should start to improve and approach 90% although maintaining this over a prolonged period might be difficult.

Once your research and personification objectives have been met and the cure rate is hovering around 80-90%, buy up the remaining plots to meet the plot objective. This will allow you to get three stars as soon as your cure rate hits 90% or more before the cure rate goes down again. Despite the challenge, bear in mind that the cure rate is calculated based on how many patients out of 20 you cure in each batch. So you don't need to cure most/all 20 patients for all batches the entire game, just long enough for a batch with a 90% or higher cure rate to be part of meeting your final objective. Congratulations, you have now completed a three star hospital more insane than the aliens themselves!
ElPrezCBF  [author] Jan 14, 2023 @ 1:49pm 
You're welcome! Unfortunately, the saved file is long deleted but you can refer to the plot info map for more details: :winter2019happydog:
oshizu Jan 14, 2023 @ 7:56am 
Thank you for this guide! Just started Close Encounters a few days ago and I'm looking forward to earning that Robo Kit. A screenshot or two per star level would also be nice for your guide. :D