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Counter-Strike 2

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All about FACEIT[CS:GO]
By udrean
In this little guide, I will tell you about FACEIT.
So what is FACEIT?
FACEIT is a platform for playing CS:GO, Dota 2 and other competitive disciplines and one of the most famous matchmaking analogues in CS. FACEIT is distinguished by having its own dedicated servers, which are made specifically for the convenience of the user.

The platform provides a huge number of tournaments and events that allow gamers to develop their CS:GO game skills. The site even has internal currency, which is given for participation in championships and quests - it can be spent on rare skins, graphics cards, or peripherals for PCs.
Should I trust this platform?
All professional CS:GO players play on FACEIT: it's the platform that opened up a lot of young stars, such as ZywOo. This is all thanks to the FACEIT Pro League, a special ladder where only professionals and players who deserve to be in the top ranks of the entire service get to play. The competition on the platform is enormous - every user wants to be on the professional level, so it is unrealistic for an ordinary player to get into the Pro League.

Valve trusts FACEIT and supports the service in many ways - now the company even holds majors. For many, the platform has completely replaced the competitive mode in CS:GO - no wonder that in Operation Broken Fang the shooter developers even partially copied the FACEIT system for their own premium matchmaking.
Rank system
You should forget about the usual CS:GO rank system, on FACEIT your level of play will be determined by ELO, which will depend on your rank.

There are 10 levels in total and each level corresponds to a different number of ELOs
The obvious answer is to win. The slightly less obvious answer is to improve your skills and play with positive stats. Quality performance in a losing match will offset some of the drop in your ELO rating - don't forget that the system looks at individual stats first. Often, at level 10, if you lose, you will not have more than 2-3 points taken away from you.

Approximate number of victories to raise the FACEIT level
Source: FACEIT player community
1 level–> 2 level= 32 games won in a row;
2 level–> 3 level= 6 games won in a row;
3 level–> 4 level= 6 games won in a row;
4 level–> 5 level= 6 games won in a row;
5 level–> 6 level= 6 games won in a row;
6 level–> 7 level= 6 games won in a row;
7 level–> 8 level= 6 games won in a row;
8 level–> 9 level= 6 games won in a row;
9 level–> 10 level= 6 games won in a row.
Proprietary servers
One of the main advantages of Faceit, which is why people start playing here, is servers that have 128 tickrate. It's simple, more tickrate means a more accurate registration of your shots at your opponents. The official CS:GO servers have a tickrate of 64. That is, FACEIT servers are twice as accurate as VALVE servers.

Players also have the opportunity to choose the server on which they will play, before starting the game. To choose from, there are:
  • Sweden
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • France
  • UK
There are also Moscow servers at tournaments.

Proprietary anti-cheat
Of course, it is not perfect, but compared to the official servers cheaters are almost never met here. Live cheaters also do not live long, according to unofficial data, even if the cheater has not issued a ban platform administrator, his account will be banned automatically 6 days after the activation of the reader.

Responsive administration
FACEIT is a case where reports really work, in my little experience I say with confidence that cheaters, boosters, toxics, etc. will get banned if you send a report with an accurate description of the problem.

That's not all, I've highlighted three main advantages, but everyone will find something different at FACEIT.
Paid subscription

Subscription grants access to CS:GO 5x5 Premium (the same regular free mode, but with even fewer cheaters, more appropriate teammates, as well as giving you the opportunity to vote for the player's kick during the game), premium tournaments and official leagues FACEIT. In normal CS:GO 5x5 you will always be assigned as your team captain.


The same FACEIT CS:GO, but with support for other games and the ability to perform daily missions, for which, you get FACEIT Point - currency that replaces the rubles/dollars/euros to FACEIT. For them you can buy skins, real things, reaching up to sweatshirts, PCs and cars.

For the average player will be enough opportunities usual FACEIT CS:GO subscription.
How to make points?
It's simple, it's enough to take prizes in leagues and tournaments.

What to spend it on?
In the store FACEIT currency are only these points, you can buy everything from a skin in CS:GO to video card or CPU.
How do I start playing?
1. You have to go to link[]
2. Press the "Register for free" button
3. Enter your email address (you will receive a confirmation email later)
4. Fill out the form, which is provided further on the registration (think of a Nick, fill in the first and last name, think of a password and fill in the date of your birth)
5. Connect your steam account (Attention! One Steam account can only be connected to one FACEIT account. If you create an account repeatedly, you have to use a new Steam account and deactivate your previous FACEIT account, so that you don't get blocked for Multi-account reasons).

Good luck
mamba Jul 27, 2022 @ 9:18am 
ENG: Choose something from this list and write in my profile, I will answer you mutually
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу взаимно
+rep nice aim
+rep pro player
+rep funny
+rep insane with awp
+rep insane player
+rep Friendly dude
+rep clutcher
+rep pro player
+rep awp god
+rep new s1mple
+rep good faceit teammate
+rep great player
+rep killing machine
+rep insane flicks
+rep good awper
+rep awesome flicks
+rep great teammate
flame. Jul 27, 2022 @ 5:00am 
IDGAF Jul 26, 2022 @ 4:37am 
RUS : Выберите что-то ОДНО ИЗ ЭТОГО СПИСКА и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
TR :Bunlardan birini seç profilime yapıştır bende senin profiline yapıştırıcagım
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
GER: Such dir eine Sache aus der Liste aus und schreib es unter mein Profil und ich mache es auch bei dir
CHN : 從這個列表中選擇一些東西並寫在我的個人資料中,我會回答同樣的問題!
+Rep Clutch King 👑 i know
+Rep 300 iq 🧠
+Rep ak 47 god 👻
+Rep relax teammate 🤤
+Rep Killing Machine 😈
+Rep AWP GOD 💢
+Rep kind person 💯
+Rep nice flicks 👽
+Rep king deagle 💥
+Rep best
+Rep killer
+Rep Good player 💜
Олежка 2.0 Jul 22, 2022 @ 11:30am 