Ocen: 242
Malang Face
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Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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968.645 KB
18 lipca 2022 o 11:50
2 grudnia 2022 o 3:04
Listy zmian: 9 ( zobacz )

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Malang Face

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez plaxen
[1.4] List of MOD I made
Przedmioty: 9
replace faces.
In this mode, there are 'Average' faces with sparkling eyes and 'Narrow' faces with dark black eyes.

10.29.22) I found that the head type based on average and narrow brings a more abrupt change to the hair in version 1.4 than in version 1.3. The patch added in this update removes the unnecessary narrow type squish in my mod, draws hair of a more suitable size, and corrects the shape and position of the beard that did not fit well before.
11.27.22) Within the scope of not changing the impression of the face, I made the length of the eyebrows longer. Because the short eyebrows that were previously covered with hair.
Since it corresponds to the 1.4 file, if you like the existing face, you can overwrite the female face from the 1.3 file.

Komentarzy: 39
Noviv 16 maja o 22:57 
If the mod faces aren't showing up on some pawns (particularly hostile ones) make sure you put the mod at the top of the load order.
Cadet CStinky 10 maja o 10:33 
Does this work with animated faces by chance?
Dereck Delta 3 maja o 13:35 
I only ask something for this beautiful mod, COMPATIBILITY WITH EYE COLORS!!!
れPURE い.億KiotheCloud四 22 kwietnia o 7:46 
it seems that any biotech race doesnt use this face as default (eg. waster gaunt head, caveman square head) which makes play through a bit inconsistent hopefully u wound update for such
Bestagetix 13 marca o 13:19 
Didn't expect this mod to get updated to 1.5 so quickly. Although I hope this mod creator comes back to do an add-on for the Anomaly DLC since there seems to be some zombie lookin' pawns in some released screenshots that could use a custom face retexture.
The Bard of Hearts 26 stycznia o 20:28 
Unfortunately, these faces don't line up with the various eye color genes or anything that effects the eyes really.
해밀 2 stycznia o 19:55 
진짜 잘 쓰고 있어요 이질감 크지 않게 단순하면서도 개성있는 얼굴 많아서 좋아요 혹시 더 나올 예정이 있나요 얼굴 다양한거 좋아해서리 더 많으면 더 행복할 거 같아서여
Sylphienne 29 listopada 2023 o 4:27 
I love these faces but i can't live without facial animation and eye genes. Will you be making all your face mods compatible with eyegenes and nal's facial animation?
Bungee Gum 5 sierpnia 2023 o 10:25 
Any chances for add-on for VE Androids and Alpha Genes?
Troublesomeknight 9 lipca 2023 o 6:35 
Do you think you could make your face mods compatible with Eyegenes2/Eyegenes2Lite? I really love these faces, but I want to be able to use them together with that mod.