Ready or Not

Ready or Not

157 ratings
Good practices and how not to get shot. (Outdated)
By Ser Bardiche
No respawns, no regenerating health. Only way to survive, is NOT to get shot
Good practices and how not to get shot.
To begin with, I dont know anything, I am not an operator, I will only talk about things that work in the video game.
Dont use it.
Right now everything ram can do, breaching shotgun can do better. If you breach a door with explosives rigged to it, you will kill yourself and your teammates.
Breaching shotgun
Shoot a door in its corners or the handle, not at the center. Breaking the door prevents a door from being opened, closed or kicked.
Breach from a distance, some doors are rigged with explosives.
Ballistic Shield
Dont turtle with the shield. It disadvantages you in a firefight you would initiate, and if you have to reload, it will take much longer. Besides, if your visor cracks early in the mission, you will hate using the shield for the rest of it. (Still doesnt let bullets pass through, but you wont be able to see much)
Crouching and moving forward tilts your shield downwards, and exposes your head.
Keep your shield as a joker card, for situations where you need to advance against a suspect.
Flashbangs & stingers
Unless you know a rooms layout exactly, dont throw flashbangs or stingers into a room. Furniture can block a suspect's line of sight to your grenade.
Instead bounce it on the floor, and have it stop just beyond the door body. That way, anyone who would see your entrance would be dazed.
Less lethal weapons
Always carry at least one penetrating weapon. If you end up in a firefight through doors or windows, you will be totally helpless with a less lethal.
Lean & Peek
Use lean to peek only for a moment. Dont lean more than a second. Only body part that would protect is your opposite foot. However, leaning is faster than strafing, and that is the entire point of it.
You can also use lean (Alt Lean) to look down from ledges or thin walls.
Dont make your fingers play twister on the keyboard while you are trying to shoot.
Also, dont forget you can lean into cover just as you could lean out of.
Corridors & corners
Use zigzag formation while moving down corridors. First guy moves along left wall, second moves along right, third the left again and so on. That gives everyone the widest angle to protect each other.
Approach corners giving your teammate the widest angle to shoot. For corners at the end of corridors, that means taking the longest path around it.
Every door can be opened both ways, turn them so they dont block your view down a corridor.
Doors & Entry
Dont open doors standing in front of them. Dont open doors while you are leaning into them either. Stack up on either side of the door. The guy opposite of the handle, takes a peek, checks for traps, backs off into cover, then opens the door. The guy on the opposite side, slices what he can see through now open doorway, then goes in. First guy follows behind.

If there are teammates behind a door you would like to open, flash your light through the bottom, that might prevent a friendly fire incident. Suspects dont react to lights as of yet.
(They vocally react, but take no action. It just ends up being a suspect detector.)

Dont needlessly kick doors, this alerts all suspects nearby and they could give you a hard time. A suspect directly behind a door will get dazed if you kick a door onto him, but I have seen this glitch and fail, so better avoid it for the most part.
Trigger discipline & Friendly fire
Average human reaction time is about 200-300ms. Depending on your age and if you expect whats coming or not, this can change. This is the reason we use buffer zones in traffic.
Imagine your teammates in a capsule each. The radius of this capsule, is the maximum amount of distance they can run, before you react. You do not shoot into this capsule.
Shooting above crouched teammates shouldnt be done without their knowledge, hell even then, its dangerous.

Similarly, do not tailgate. When you are moving in a column, through a doorway or otherwise, leave gaps between each person. If they ever have to retreat, they should be able to.
If you see a suspect and he doesnt see you, great, you have the upper hand, proceed as usual.
If a suspects sees you first, or worse, starts shooting at you first, dont stand there like a potato, your health wont regenerate and you dont have any respawns.
First thing you should do, is get to cover, NOT to shoot back.
I am sure everyone here have played other types of FPS games before, so this will go against your instinct, but you will have to train yourself on this.
Subdividing Teams & Working Together
  • When you are deploying strategems, do not endanger your teammates by blowing a door behind them, make sure they know what you are about to do and are ready for it. You can show them you are holding a c2 before approaching a door for example.

  • Your operators are considerably slower than the suspects, and this is a deliberate obstacle to overcome. You will have to do everything in turns, like a ping pong match.
    A-Peeks and opens a door
    B-throws a grenade
    A-enters room
    A-peeks and opens a door
    B-enters room

  • 2 man teams work best for two reasons.
    • You wont have to fiddle with shoulder camera view (T), you will only have to watch your teammate's.
    • People get too comfortable in numbers and slack off. You end up with one lucky suspect killing the entire element.

  • For some reason people keep parroting "slow and methodical" while I see people die left and right because they were too slow. Methodical? yes, Slow? F no!
    Stop mirroring under every single door. Breaching a door should not take long enough for a suspect to run behind you and shoot you.
    You cant afford to be slow, especially on bomb or hostage missions.

  • Clear room by room. I mean it. Dont go chasing after a suspect, dont go through open doors etc. Close doors leading to unclear rooms, clear the whole room, under the beds and inside closets, secure evidence, cuff incapacitated suspects and then you can proceed.
    Wait until the room is safe to deal with civilians and evidence.

  • Check behind the doors! The amount of times I saw people get knifed because they skipped this...

  • Cuff Incapacitated suspects. They dont die that easily.

  • Do not enter rooms where you are at an extreme disadvantage. (Dancing floor in the club) Instead spiral in. Clear all the surrounding adjacent rooms and try to take the upper hand.

  • Try not to end up on opposite sides with your teammates. You will encounter jumpy people who will shoot anything that moves.
Gnoll Apr 5 @ 9:30pm 
WRONG. When you stop a bleed you regenerate 50% HP.
Flip-O-Rama Nov 14, 2023 @ 11:38am 
Because whatever you do, don't die. If you die outside your own game, you don't regenerate. Ever. Game over.
DimSpanky Nov 7, 2023 @ 11:46pm 
the lean in to cover, out of cover quote is prob one of the smartest things I have heard and never realized I do without thinking.
NvMe 令 Sep 24, 2023 @ 5:43am 
whats with all the hate given to the guy lol, its a good guide
Ser Bardiche  [author] Apr 14, 2023 @ 2:51pm 
@Duke Dwarf
Optiwand is training wheels. Its fine when you are learning, but you shouldnt rely on it if you like a thrilling experience.

Take a look at this:

"Methodical? yes, Slow? F no!"
Duke Dwarf Apr 14, 2023 @ 10:00am 
God this guide is wayyyyyyy off! I appreciate the time you've taken to do this but it is definitely misleading I'm afraid.

Firstly in relation to the breaching shotgun, it doesn't have an edge on the breaching ram at all. This is because the breaching shotgun is very loud and has limited uses due to using ammo. The ram is unlimited and there is no issue created by explosives on doors as you should always use the mirror gun to check for these before breaching anyway, that's basic AF.

And as for arguing for not being slow and methodical because a suspect can "get behind you" that's rubbish as well. If you have an effective squad member covering the rear, that should never be an issue. Methodical should always be the way to move, period.

overall you do make some valid points so don't take this as a put down, but some of what you said is wildly inaccurate.
honda Aug 8, 2022 @ 1:04pm 
This guide is terrible and inaccurate.I feel like the autor is typring complete bull shit and cant make his mind up about stuff and says stuff thats completely opposite of what he said or says earlier or later in the guide.Throughout the whole guide i only agreed about 3 points he made [Do not enter rooms where you are at an extreme disadvantage. (Dancing floor in the club) Instead spiral in. Clear all the surrounding adjacent rooms and try to take the upper hand.] Ballistic Shield and Corridors & corners other than 3, well 2 and a half point the other stuff is terrible DON'T FOLLOW THIS GUIDE
FRSH#1867 Aug 3, 2022 @ 7:12am 
Don't trust this guide. I saw the author get bullied by the AI too many times to believe anything he says.
Revolver Mothelot Jul 30, 2022 @ 11:30am 
i got blasted through a door because i went to open it and my teammate was on the other side. he had a shotgun.:torielsad:
Myth Jul 30, 2022 @ 7:37am 
I agree with what you say, there's faster ways to check rooms but the mirrorgun should definitely be considered as an option if you have it and are not under a lot of pressure or a time limit. It's really effective if you just want to make sure before you go ahead.