Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Maple Story Pack - Heroes of Maple
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2022 年 6 月 14 日 下午 9:57
2022 年 6 月 17 日 上午 12:00
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Maple Story Pack - Heroes of Maple

Maple Story Pack - Heroes of Maple

Aran - Rien ( Aggressive , Imperialistic )

Trait - Polearm's Warrior : increased by 15% Combat Strength for infantry (except guns) and cavalry melee units.

Unique Building - Rien Library : Replace the library. The library increases science 1 per 2 citizens of the city equally, but adds 1 slot for scientists and experts. You get a bonus of food 2 and productivity 1 for snow fields and tundra tiles.

Unique Building - Penguin Port : Replace the port. It works just like a port, but you get 2 for food and 1 for gold for a fish tile.

Evan - Onyx ( Fivancial , Protective )

Trait - Dragon Master : Golden Ages last 30% longer.During the Golden Age, military units Gain 50% bonus XP increase.

Unique Unit - Onyx Dragon : Replaces the Knight. It can attack from a distance, has a strong ranged attack, or has a range of 3, is an air unit, and can move freely in mountains or seas.

Unique Building - Onyx Ranch : Replaces the granary. Adds 2 Food, 1 Production and 1 Gold to Ranch and Camp facilities.

Mercedes - Elluel ( Charismatic , Protective )

Trait - Ruler of the Elves : Archery units +1 Movement, 10% Combat Strength, Gain 15% bonus XP increase.

Unique Unit - Elluel Archer : Replace crossbow. Increase the +1 Range and Unit will Heal Every Turn. Ignores terrain cost.

Unique National Wonders - Hall of Knowledge : It replaces the National College. Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Writing and a 15% Great Person generation rate in this city.

Phantom - Lumiere ( Diplomatic , Mercantile )

Trait - Phantom Thief : Spies steal technologies at twice the normal rate. Chance of rigging election in City-States doubled.

Unique Building - Hold : Replace the bank. Gold gets 5 and 35 percent, and gold gets an additional 3 from the gold, silver, and jewelry tiles developed in this city.

Unique National Wonders - Intelligence Deck : Replaces the National Intelligence Agency. Similar to the National Intelligence Agency, the level of existing spies rises, but there are two more spies, and the efficiency of enemy spies decreases by 30%.

Luminous - Lania's Home ( Inventive , Philosophical )

Trait - Adversary of Fate : You don't get settlers, but you can annex cities. 25% Combat bonus against units that require a more advanced Technology.

Unique Unit - Wizard of Light and Darkness : Replace crossbow. Combat is stronger than crossbowmen, and HP gets a 25% return on fighting enemies except barbarians, and a 15% increase in combat bonus when fighting outside friendly areas. If you study pedagogy, you can produce it.

Unique National Wonders - Harmony : It replaces the national university. It offers science 5. In forests and jungles, output increases productivity 2 and science 2.

Shade - Vulpes ( Financial , Mercantile )

Trait - Forgotten Hero : 50% increase in the rate of diminishing influence on city-states. +4 Happiness, +2 Faith from each Luxury Resource.

Unique Unit - Devotee of Fox God : Replaces the Great Prophet. Like a Great Writer, you can get culture, but you don't get it little by little.

Unique National Wonder - Fox Tree : Replaces the Grand Temple. They receive faith 8 just like the Grand Temple, but happiness 5 and the speed of religious propagation in the built city quadruples.

Original : Maple Story
Source : Nexon (Maple Story) , Namu Wiki , Google , Fandom , MapleStory.Wiki , inven , pngegg
Help : Mathetes tou Megalou Alexandrou , Hierarchy Artanis

Thank you for helping me with my work.
2 則留言
Lightning Bolt 2022 年 10 月 20 日 下午 2:50 
메이플 스토리 문명 더만들어주세요 :)
Lightning Bolt 2022 年 10 月 17 日 上午 4:02 