Vampire Survivors

Vampire Survivors

35 ratings
Unlock Toastie with your controller (0.7.2 and +)
By Marfig
Toastie requires quick reflexes to unlock. It is however much easier if you do it with your controller. Here's how...
Bonus tip: You'll also learn how to configure your controller for each game in your Steam collection.
Steps to unlock Toastie
You probably already know this part, but it doesn't hurt to repeat.

To unlock Toastie you need to follow these steps:

Exdash (another secret character) needs to be unlocked first. If you haven't already, go to the main menu screen and type x-x1viiq on your keyboard to unlock. Don't type too slow or it won't work. Every time you pick up a Clover you also have a chance of unlocking him. But don't count on that happening anytime soon, since the odds are about 1 in 65000.

After doing this, don't forget to unlock the Exdash silhouette on the character screen before trying to get Toastie.

Now you need to defeat either the Stalker or the Drowner. The best place is in the Dairy Plant area. The Stalker will have a 1% chance to spawn at minute 0, and 30% at minutes 8 and 12. The best strategy is to lure him to a cart and trigger it to kill him in one hit. But it also works if you have the Pentagram or find a Rosary.

0.7.2 UPDATE! Starting with this version it is much easier to go instead to the new area, Cappella Magna. Camp around one of the three rosaries that spawn south of your starting location and wait for the Drowner to spawn before picking it up.

When the Stalker (or Drowner) dies you have 1 second to hit the DOWN ARROW and ENTER keys on your keyboard. You will then hear a jingle and Toastie will now be unlocked.

Note: If for some reason you prefer to go to the Dairy Plant, you can read my other guide on How to Quickly Restart your Runs, so you can minimize the time you spend trying to spawn the Stalker. You can immediately restart the run if the Stalker doesn't spawn with the initial monsters and you don't want to wait for the 8th-minute mark.

Configure your controller
Steam for Windows/Linux includes the option to configure your controller, allowing you to remap its buttons to whatever you like. And the beauty of it is that you can do this on a per-game basis.

To do this you go to the Vampire Survivor Steam game settings, and make sure you enable Steam Input.


You should now have a new Controler Layout entry on your game library page. If not, make sure your controller is turned on. You can also try to start the game and then exit it


Click it and configure your controller how you like it. Below, I configured my Xbox controller to map the A Button to the Keypad Enter key on my keyboard. And D-Pad Down key to Arrow Down.

Note: You won't be able to map the left and right sticks correctly. Don't use those.
And you are done!
Now it will be much easier to trigger that Toastie unlock. Even better than with the keyboard.

Have fun!
SIR VANCEALOT Oct 30, 2022 @ 9:46am 
This is insane ! :D gg
Rich Jul 21, 2022 @ 10:22am 
Thank you very much for this guide, :steamhappy:
just to confirm it also works when toggling multi button and selecting down arrow key and keypad enter.
I mapped down and enter to X and mashed it after defeating the 8 minute stalker in the dairy plant and unlocked Toastie.
addynister Jun 15, 2022 @ 9:50am 
Thank you :ms_Rachel_em:
ADOG Jun 14, 2022 @ 3:10pm 
thanks you my frined
Marfig  [author] Jun 13, 2022 @ 12:37am 
@Loglis, it may work. I haven't tested that possibility.
Loglis Jun 12, 2022 @ 5:09pm 
Is it working if we combine "Down arrow" + "Keypad enter" on a single button like "X" ?
Sneph Jun 12, 2022 @ 5:55am 
theyre both death sprites with a different colour, i think stalker is green and drowner is blue
Imp Jun 11, 2022 @ 10:19pm 
what do the stalker and the drowner look like