

107 beoordelingen
Chester Opens Safe
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Mod Features: Gameplay Tweaks
Mod Side: Both
tModLoader Version: 1.4.3, 1.4.4
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39.786 KB
5 jun 2022 om 14:06
11 jul 2023 om 23:04
6 wijzigingsnotities (weergeven)

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Chester Opens Safe

Chester nows acesses you safe instead of your piggy bank!
That's it!

Origineel geplaatst door tModLoader:
Developed By SheepishShepherd
30 opmerkingen
A Sheepish Shepherd  [auteur] 12 mrt om 4:58 
I will check this out. Thanks for the report.
Greysion 12 mrt om 3:28 
I appear to have issues with no longer being able to open chester anymore. It appears that in multiplayer only one person can reliably have chester open and close, while any additional pets of chester will immediately close when you try and open them.
404_coffee.exe 12 jul 2023 om 4:09 
A Sheepish Shepherd  [auteur] 11 jul 2023 om 23:05 
[v1.1] Chester now correctly quick-stacks to the safe inventory when clicking in the 'Quick-stack to nearby chests' button.
404_coffee.exe 5 jul 2023 om 5:19 
heck yeah little sheep!
A Sheepish Shepherd  [auteur] 3 jul 2023 om 16:15 
Mod has been ported to 1.4.4, with improvements!
404_coffee.exe 25 dec 2022 om 15:17 
Darn well don't give up little sheep!
A Sheepish Shepherd  [auteur] 25 dec 2022 om 14:47 
Unfortunately I used janky code to make this work. Someone could probably do this mod justice and make an IL Edit to make it truly functional. But yeah, since Chester is still considered a piggy bank in the base game, the logic to quick-stack from inventory is still bound to the piggy bank (if it followed quick-stacking inventory logic to begin with).
goldenboy99 23 dec 2022 om 12:27 
This is a really great mod, money trough for piggy bank; chester for safe, void bag for void bag, it all makes sense!

One thing, has anyone noticed that they are unable to 'Quick Stack to Nearby Chests' to Chester? It's as if the game doesn't recognize Chester as the Safe and won't Quick Stack to it. I tested quick stacking with a Void Bag and a Flying Piggy and it worked to both of them.

Is this only me experiencing this?
404_coffee.exe 16 okt 2022 om 20:25 
wait I forgot to give an award give me second... take this warm blanket award!