Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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15 useful tips to help you play CS:GO more professionally
By Kiet_Tezend
I. Basic tips for new players
1. Flashing Tips
Flashing is the term used to describe the act of using Flash Grenades to effectively "blind opponents". When the opponent is hit by Flash, they will lose vision and can be killed.

Flashing Tips :

Take advantage of the "Q" (Quick Weapon Change) button after Flash, let the opponent pay attention to the direction of Flash throwing and get trapped, after Flash press "Q" and shoot in the specified direction , according to inertia the enemy will return to Check and trap!
Use Flash to detect enemy positions , when you are sure that the enemy is hiding in a hidden position, you want them to show their face. Throw Flash to peek out of hiding before Flash explodes , the enemy will take care of Flash and no longer have time to hide from you.
This is an upgrade tip of the above option , when fighting an experienced opponent we can apply it in real combat, after throwing Flash, instead of peeking right away, use Shouder peek (technique to move away from the wall). show only arms, then hide immediately) to trick the opponent, wait for Flash to explode, gently peek out and finish the opponent.
2. Pistol Tips
In the CS GO match , in the first rounds, players will use basic pistols to save money for later rounds, so the question is when we fight, how will we win?

Pistol Tips

Tips :

When fighting , the player will try to headshot to deal more damage from the pistol, but at close range, there is no place to hide and you need to change ammo. The advice is to jump continuously and turn to the opponent , keep your head down to the ground so that the opponent can spam all their last bullets and change ammunition, this is a golden time because you have had enough time to finish reloading and react. fast work.
When fighting in the first six rounds, surely the enemy has bought their own body armor and they also use the above skill. The best advice for you is to aim for their legs , as it will deal more damage in the unarmored parts!

3. Change hiding distance (Repeeking)
Repeeking is a term in CS:GO that refers to the sudden appearance but constantly changing angles to make it difficult for the opponent.

Change hiding distance (Repeeking)Tip:

In combat , when the enemy is standing lower or higher than your position, it is recommended to use the wall to Peeking continuously but change the position (Near or far from the wall), the goal is to cause difficulty. It's easy for the enemy to see when they want to attack you and you can create an element of surprise when Repeeking.
Switching between Peek it and a calculated dive is also part of Repeeking.

4. "Camp" target

Are you a person with bad reflexes? Don't worry too much, I will guide you with a tip so that you can Camping your upcoming goal.



When you hear footsteps near the wall , place your range at a distance from the wall to compensate for your ability to "wave your mind", when you stand for too long but the enemy does not appear, move your mind back to the edge of the wall. to prevent the enemy from walking out!
This is a pretty effective way to "counter" enemies who have the ability to peek quickly from the wall and take them down.

5. Equip yourself with appropriate accessories.
If you see gun battles on CS: GO as going to battle, then the keyboard and gaming mouse are the weapons to help you win the battle. The more powerful the weapon, the higher the win rate, which means that if you equip a good Gear set that suits you, it will definitely be easier for you to play the game.

However, a suitable Gear set and appropriate customizations can be used to reach your full potential. You can refer to "How to customize the mouse and configuration in the game CS: GO" here.

6. Master the Spray pattern of basic guns
The Spray pattern is the shape of the bullets when you empty the magazine of a gun and if you do not adjust the mouse and let the gun discharge freely, this Spray pattern will remain unchanged. Each gun has a unique spray pattern, so to master them, your first job is to memorize the shapes below. And when you master them you will be able to control the projectile when Spray.

7. Practice shooting at the wall.
Shooting against the wall may sound silly, but in fact it is the most basic exercise to help master the Spray pattern of guns in CS: GO. Even pro players practice this exercise very often. Take a few minutes each day before going into battle to practice, control the spray pattern in the best way so that the bullet holes are concentrated as close to each other as possible.

8. Practice more with aim training maps and deathmatch servers
- Practice with map aim: These are maps optimized for practice. You can find a lot of different aim training maps at the steam workshop and create bots to practice shooting as well as practice spraying on the heart or practice reflexes, etc. Some maps also have very complete statistics ( your accuracy, spray pattern,...) so you can easily track your progress..

- Practice via deathmatch servers: After practicing alone, this is where you can try your hand at real opponents. The fact that enemies can appear everywhere will help improve reflexes as well as handle situations as well as help you test your practice with map aim.

9. Practice how to set the mind (Crosshair)
A fairly common problem of many CS: GO players, especially newcomers, is that they tend to leave their crosshairs very indiscriminate, sometimes pointing to the sky, sometimes to the ground, sometimes the enemy reappears. you have to pull the crosshair towards it, so it's easy to get a "gift" to watch your teammates play for free. So learn how to focus to be able to put the crosshair on the opponent before you.
II. Advanced tips to become a master
1. Stay focused on the game
The most important thing to win is to stay focused in every situation. Take a look at professional gamers when competing, they are extremely focused to complete their tasks in the game and almost do not notice any problems around. And that is one of the keys to making them win and become professional gamers. Please limit surfing Facebook or chat Messenger, instead, focus on making your processing phases more accurate.

2. Stay calm in all situations
The game is just a game, not a reality, so why do you have to beat the table and smash the mouse because of your or your teammates' error handling? Please calm down and correct the mistakes in the following rounds. Don't lose your temper, get angry with your teammates or opponents, and play alone. You should remember CS:GO is a team game and you need to show that you have team spirit, not Rambo.

3. Choose the right type of bomb you need
Not every round you have enough money to build both guns, armor and full 4 bombs for yourself. So when equipping bombs, you should consider putting smoke bombs (Smoke Grenade) on the top because this is the most effective bomb in CS: GO used to block the opponent's rush, cover the opponent's vision to control that area or to recapture the lost bombsite area,... The smoke bombs thrown in the right place will be a huge advantage for the team in whatever action follows. Therefore, you should buy it first if you can only afford one type of bomb.

4. "Known" the maps you will play
If you are playing on a map that you have never played, then you will certainly have a feeling of fear, not knowing where the enemy will appear as well as not understanding why you will be "hooked". Therefore, "memorizing" the maps competing in CS: GO is an advantage to help you be more confident and also "Knowing people, knowing me, hundreds of battles".

5. Communicate with teammates
CS: GO is a team game. So the most important part is communication, the fact that you interact well with your teammates will make a huge difference in the round. If you are on the same team with foreign gamers, don't hesitate to communicate, you don't have to say much, just report the location of the enemy, the location where you died or the number of enemies you see in the area. Then you will create the key to help you and your teammates win the game.