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Custom player icon
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Mod, 1.3, 1.4
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12.179 MB
8 avr. 2022 à 2h42
11 oct. 2022 à 9h36
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Custom player icon

Dans 4 collections faites par Ogam
Ogam`s universe 1.4
314 objets
Ogam`s medieval times 1.4
240 objets
Ogam`s Combat Extended 1.4
293 objets
Ogam`s Universe 2.0 (1.4)
280 objets

Allows you to set custom player icon.
This mod use icons from Ideology DLC and any other mod to add more icons.

You can add your own icons 64x65 and bigger just by putting them here >steamapps\workshop\content\294100\2791050256\Textures\CustomPlayerIcons

Commissioned by Ogam
Code: Taranchuk
Art: Ogam

78 commentaires
Goodman 1950 17 mai à 12h39 
Please update for 1.5 this is such a QOL mod :steamsad:
Krieger Clown 2 mai à 8h00 
not exactly
Three 28 avr. à 15h55 
Is it safe to use this in version 1.5? :guard:
Animal Mind 12 avr. à 8h47 
Please, update to 1.5
cowboi 30 mars à 21h00 
It is sadly not working on 1.5
hello_moto2901 1 juil. 2023 à 18h04 
Otherwise thanks for your work!
hello_moto2901 1 juil. 2023 à 18h04 
I cant change the icon back to the original. also cant change the icon to the one on the front page anywhere?
Panthercat64 28 mars 2023 à 18h10 
I've noticed an issue relating to this mod working with Faction Customizer, where if I change my icon using this mod I can't change the color or really anything in the "Edit player faction" screen on Faction Customizer. It works fine as long as I don't change my icon, but once I do, that "Edit Player faction" button might as well not be there.
I don't get an error, or one I can see relating to either of these mods, it just won't let me change anything. And I'm not even sure if its on this mods end or not, if there's just a secret saboteur mod causing this, or if they're just straight up incompatible with each other.

I'd like to know if its a bug, again an incompatiblity, or even I'm just really really dumb and missing the obvious. Thank you for reading this.
Roque the Rogue 11 janv. 2023 à 7h38 
I know about faction customizer it's pretty much essential in my game, I didn't know it had the function to change icons like this mod