Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

42 ratings
FS Italian Wing Signals
Tags: Italian, FS, Signals, rfi
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10.178 MB
Mar 16, 2022 @ 9:33am
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FS Italian Wing Signals

In 1 collection by RaptorArk
Ferrovie dello Stato, italian contents
151 items
ATTENTION: It is strictly forbidden to upload my mods anywhere without my frigging authorization


Mod segnali ad ala semaforica tipo Italiano. Sono disponibili in 3 macro categorie:
- A singolo palo
- A terrazzino su doppio palo
- A terrazzino per segnalamento su due binari

I possibili aspetti sono:
- Prima categoria (ala rossa): funziona come un segnale di partenza/protezione, quindi rosso oppure verde
- Seconda categoria (ala rossa con un piccolo "2"): funziona come il segnale di prima categoria ma può essere oltrepassato dal macchinista fino ad arrestare la coda del treno dopo al segnale. Il principio logico è quello di risparmiare un segnale di avviso
- Avviso (ala gialla): avvisa un segnale di prima categoria. Può essere giallo oppure verde

Il segnale multiplo a terrazzo (identificato con la lettera "M") si posiziona come un normale segnale, alla sinistra del binario. Successivamente, può essere aggiunto un secondo segnale (riferito al binario di destra) identificato con la lettera "D".

I segnali ad ala semaforica sono disponibili dal 1850 al 1970.


Italian type traffic light-wing signal mod. They are available in 3 macro categories:
- Single pole
- Terrace on double pole
- Terrace for signaling on two tracks

The possible aspects are:
- First category (red wing): it works as a start / protection signal, therefore red or green
- Second category (red wing with a small "2"): works like the first category signal but can be passed by the driver until the train stops after the signal. The logical meaning of this one is to avoid placing a warning signal
- Warning (yellow wing): warns a first category signal. It can be yellow or green

The multiple terrace signal (identified with the letter "M") is positioned as a normal signal, to the left of the track. Subsequently, a second signal (referring to the right track) identified with the letter "D" can be added.

Traffic light-wing signals are available from 1850 to 1970.

Mod Info:

- Available from 1850 to 1980

Per contenuti addizionali:



If you like my work - se ti piace ciò che faccio:

Comunità Italiana Discord:
LVCHO Sep 18, 2023 @ 12:07pm 
Thank you very much, you are very kind, my friend!
RaptorArk  [author] Sep 18, 2023 @ 12:04pm 

open the .mdl files with any text editor (even block notes is enough) and change the value yearTo

yearTo = 0,

will make them infinite
LVCHO Sep 18, 2023 @ 11:18am 
Beautiful mod Raptor! What file do I have to edit so that the mod is infinite and still available after 1970?
RaptorArk  [author] Mar 17, 2022 @ 9:26am 
Hello, thanks. I think you can find someone in uk community to make that, which is like 10 times bigger than italian one. You have a load of modders while I am still alone. Can't take that into account, sorry!
Jimbo_1977 Mar 17, 2022 @ 8:20am 
Fantastic mod, only wish someone could make a UK version the warning (distant) has a sideways V rather than a bar (arm goes up rather than down for most not all UK semaphores)
kido Mar 17, 2022 @ 3:17am 
What a reason to get fired for...
RaptorArk  [author] Mar 17, 2022 @ 1:40am 
oh yeah, it's just a different way to call them.
I work on italian infrastructure railways... you know what? If you call them "semaphores" you really risk to be fired instantly XD
The correct name here is just "signals"
kido Mar 17, 2022 @ 12:42am 
As far as I'm aware they are called just Semaphores in the UK.
RaptorArk  [author] Mar 16, 2022 @ 12:30pm 
it's called "ala semaforica" in italy, literally wing semaphore. They're more known simply as "wing" here
kido Mar 16, 2022 @ 12:22pm 
By light wing I believe you mean "Semaphore"

And very nice ways of actually making semaphores work on several tracks without them looking weird :steamthumbsup: