34 个评价
Possible Rewards--Dark Prince's Realm
由 kw142 (Lie in Mid-July) 制作
Ready to succumb to your desires? Want to get one of the most powerful weapons in the game? This guide will show you all possible rewards from the Realm of the Dark Prince (Slaanesh Chaos Realm). (Last Updated at Patch 1.1, Reviewed at Patch 5.04 All Rewards Seem the Same.)
When going through each portal in the Dark Prince's Realm to go to the next level, Slaanesh will try to tempt you by offering a great reward to ask you to leave. This guide lists all possible reward combinations at each circle. Pick one and succumb to your desire if you so wish!
You can also get one of the best weapons in game, Slaanesh's Blade, at the final circle! Unlike Khorne weapons, you can keep it forever!
1st Circle -- Avidity
Only one reward combination at this circle:
  • +15,000 treasury
  • 4 common items (gray)
  • 1 uncommon item (green)
2nd Circle -- Gluttony
Two possible reward combinations here:
  1. Combination One:
    • +20,000 treasury
    • 15-turn buff--The Circle of Gluttony:
      • Casualty replenishment rate: +200% in friendly, neutral and enemy territory (all armies)
      • Growth: +200 (all provinces)
  2. Combination Two:
    • +40,000 treasury
    • 15-turn buff--The Circle of Gluttony:
      • Casualty replenishment rate: +100% in friendly, neutral and enemy territory (all armies)
      • Growth: +100 (all provinces)
3rd Circle -- Carnality
Three possible reward combinations here:
  1. Combination One:
    • +25,000 treasury
    • 20-turn buff--The Circle of Carnality:
      • Diplomatic relations: +20 with all factions
      • Control: +200 (all provinces)
  2. Combination Two:
    • +25,000 treasury
    • 20-turn buff--The Circle of Carnality:
      • Control: +200 (all provinces)
  3. Combination Three:
    • +50,000 treasury
    • 20-turn buff--The Circle of Carnality:
      • Diplomatic relations: +20 with all factions

4th Circle -- Paramountcy
Four possible reward combinations here:
  1. Combination One
    • +60,000 treasury
    • 4 unit ranks for all units in this army
    • 5-turn buff--The Circle of Paramountcy:
      • Recruitment cost: -80%
  2. Combination Two
    • +60,000 treasury
    • 9 unit ranks for all units in this army
    • Permanent buff--The Circle of Paramountcy:
      • Global recruitment duration: -1 turn for all units

    Thanks to Ostwind for pointing out the above buff is actually permanent, not 5-turn like the other options.

  3. Combination Three
    • +30,000 treasury
    • 4 unit ranks for all units in this army
    • 5-turn buff--The Circle of Paramountcy:
      • Recruit rank: +4 (all armies)
  4. Combination Four
    • +30,000 treasury
    • 9 unit ranks for all units in this army
    • 5-turn buff--The Circle of Paramountcy:
      • Recruitment cost: -80%
      • Global recruitment duration: -1 turn for all units

5th Circle -- Vainglory
Five possible reward combinations here:
  1. Combination One:
    • +90,000 treasury
    • an ancillary The Dark Prince's Paramour:
      • Growth: +250 (local province)
      • Control: +25 (all provinces)
      • Control: -50 (local enemy province)

    (I missed this originally, thanks to Preturabo for mentioning it in the comment section)

  2. Combination Two:
    • +45,000 treasury
    • all lords, heroes increase rank by 5
    • an ancillary The Dark Prince's Paramour:
      • Growth: +250 (local province)
      • Control: +25 (all provinces)
      • Control: -50 (local enemy province)

  3. Combination Three:
    • +45,000 treasury
    • all lords, heroes increase rank by 5
    • 10-turn buff--The Circle of Vainglory:
      • Hero and lord recruit rank: +20 (all provinces)

  4. Combination Four
    • +45,000 treasury
    • all lords, heroes increase rank by 10
    • 10-turn buff--The Circle of Vainglory:
      • Hero and lord recruit rank: +10 (all provinces)

  5. Combination Five:
    • +45,000 treasury
    • all lords, heroes increase rank by 15
    • 10-turn buff--The Circle of Vainglory:
      • Hero and lord recruit rank: +5 (all provinces)
6th(Final) Circle -- Indolency
Six possible reward combinations here:
  1. Combination One:
    • +50,000 treasury
  2. Combination Two:
    • +75,000 treasury
    • two uncommon items (green)
    • four rare items (blue)
  3. Combination Three:
    • +100,000 treasury
    • three uncommon items (green)
    • three rare items (blue)
  4. Combination Four:
    • +75,000 treasury
    • four uncommon items (green)
    • two rare items (blue)
    • unique purple ancillary--Personal Sycophant:
      • Unit expereince gain per turn: +100 (Lord's army)
      • Experience gain: +200%
      • Campaign movement range: +20%
      • Campaign line of sight: +25%
  5. Combination Five:
    • +75,000 treasury
    • unique purple item--Slaanesh's Blade:
      • Melee Attack: +30
      • Enables magical attacks
      • Armour-piercing weapon damage: +500
      • Ward save: 20%
      • Attribute: Unbreakable
  6. Combination Six:
    • +50,000 treasury
    • unique purple item--Slaanesh's Blade:
      • Melee Attack: +30
      • Enables magical attacks
      • Armour-piercing weapon damage: +500
      • Ward save: 20%
      • Attribute: Unbreakable
    • unique purple ancillary--Personal Sycophant:
      • Unit expereince gain per turn: +100 (Lord's army)
      • Experience gain: +200%
      • Campaign movement range: +20%
      • Campaign line of sight: +25%
Other Information
  • It does not matter which portal you use at the same level. The reward combination is randomly selected.
  • The items awarded, except for purple unique items, are random.
  • Save scumming on the same turn will not change the reward. To reroll the rewards you need to reload a save at the previous turn; only after a turn end will the rewards change. Or you can reload a current-turn save and end turn without going through the portal; going through the portal next turn will reroll the rewards.
    • Game update 1.1
      changed how rewards are decided in Slannesh realm.
      You can no longer refresh for a new reward using save scum or passing turns.
      The reward is set the first time you enter the chaos realm, and will not change unless you take the reward for the specific circle and come back during another wave of rifts.Verified this is still true at Patch 5.04.
      • You can still reroll the rewards by save scumming a save and pass a turn before you enter the realm of dark prince. This will reroll the rewards for all circles. However, if you are looking to reroll for an inner circle like the sixth one, you would have to go back about 7-8 turns every time. Verified this is still true at Patch 5.04.
  • There are two different lore texts for each circle's choice; they are randomly selected.
  • There are multiple versions of turn-based buffs for some circles, even though the buffs may have the exact same names. For example, The Circle of Gluttony buff have two versions; one with 200% replenishment rate and one with 100% replenishment rate.
  • !!!ATTENTION!!!
    There is a game breaking bug that if you take a Slaneesh reward by entering the Slaneesh Realm after you claimed 4 souls and before you defeat Belakor, you will lose the option to teleport to the Forge of Souls from any rifts, thus losing the campaign(letting Belakor become god after 40 turns)
    . No longer true in 5.04. You can just teleport trough another portal or wait till the same portal respawns again.
35 条留言
Sima Marlin 8 月 6 日 下午 11:03 
Dark princes Paramour is insane, just getting it is worth skipping one soul, you will never have to worry about unrest not to mention that insane growth or unrest bomb it can do.
Karl Franz 6 月 13 日 上午 7:50 
tnx, reward from me :skull_happy:
MeowKitty 2023 年 1 月 10 日 上午 10:58 
I'll never play this dumpster fire of a campaign ever again.
kw142 (Lie in Mid-July)  [作者] 2022 年 5 月 22 日 下午 5:57 
I understand now! I totally agree with you. Since 1.1, the race is much less stressful than before because of the reset mechanic, thus taking the Slaneesh rewards is not punishing anymore.
Kerrberos 2022 年 5 月 22 日 下午 5:14 
Xhal is right, I meant that since 1.1 the rewards are way better, as you aren't risking failure of your campaign by taking them and setting yourself back in the race anymore.
Xhal 2022 年 5 月 19 日 下午 7:05 
1.2 didn't change anything to the realm of chaos, they fixed some bugs with it, all the 1.2 changes are to the factions themselves.

As far as we know from legendoftotalwar's 1.2 video, he spoke to CA and there are apparently no plans to do anything else with the realm of chaos campaign, they didn't say it outright but it does seem they are writing this campaign off as a failure and not spending any more time on it.

All their efforts are now focused on the immortal empires campaign to make it the best possible and to release it on time.

As for the realms of slaanesh rewards there is now a mod for it :
kw142 (Lie in Mid-July)  [作者] 2022 年 5 月 19 日 下午 5:52 
I know about interception at the Forge of Souls from 1.1, but I don't see the connection between that and Slaneesh realm rewards though. Kerrberos was saying that "the Slaneesh rewards [are] too good, almost mandatory to take [because of] the fact that you can now reset enemy progress on the race." So I thought maybe he was talking about something else new in 1.2
Xhal 2022 年 5 月 19 日 下午 5:33 
That was from 1.1, now when you intercept someone at the forge of souls they lose all their souls.
kw142 (Lie in Mid-July)  [作者] 2022 年 5 月 19 日 下午 1:44 
@Kerrberos I haven't played patch 1.2. Is there something new about resetting AI race progress? I probably missed it since I didn't see anything about it in the patch note.
Kerrberos 2022 年 5 月 16 日 上午 11:03 
The fact that you can now reset enemy progress on the race made the slaneesh rewards too good, almost mandatory to take. Making it so you can't save scum them was a good compromise IMO.