TF2 - mre_highschool_a2 - 2021 Halloween Map Walkthrough
"A Team Fortress 2 map based on my old highschool. Made for Halloween 2021 to play on with my old highschool friends, for fun.

The detailing is not super accurate, and somewhat intentionally so. I had had it more accurate earlier but it was very uncanny-valley, so I filled a lot of the rooms with Halloween decorations and candles, and that seemed to help.

Total time to make was 18 days. I only worked on weekends since mid-September.

I will probably make a version2 sometime, either in December 2021 or maybe Halloween 2022. I don't mind this being a yearly sort of improvement project.

I'll upload a walkthrough with some friends later probably. Also there is a bug in this video at the end where apparently I finished the final objective just as the monster-timer started so it actually spawned a monster after the finale sequence occurred... will fix someday....

Also the MRE is Mister E (Teacher name, also Egan) / Mystery.

Thanks for watching. Happy Halloween!"